ViewGroupCompat.javaAPI DocAndroid 5.1 API9348Thu Mar 12 22:22:56 GMT

 * Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.


import android.os.Build;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.ViewGroup;
import android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityEvent;

 * Helper for accessing features in {@link ViewGroup}
 * introduced after API level 4 in a backwards compatible fashion.
public class ViewGroupCompat {

     * This constant is a {@link #setLayoutMode(ViewGroup, int) layoutMode}.
     * Clip bounds are the raw values of {@link android.view.View#getLeft() left},
     * {@link android.view.View#getTop() top},
     * {@link android.view.View#getRight() right} and {@link android.view.View#getBottom() bottom}.
    public static final int LAYOUT_MODE_CLIP_BOUNDS = 0;

     * This constant is a {@link #setLayoutMode(ViewGroup, int) layoutMode}.
     * Optical bounds describe where a widget appears to be. They sit inside the clip
     * bounds which need to cover a larger area to allow other effects,
     * such as shadows and glows, to be drawn.
    public static final int LAYOUT_MODE_OPTICAL_BOUNDS = 1;

    interface ViewGroupCompatImpl {
        public boolean onRequestSendAccessibilityEvent(ViewGroup group, View child,
                AccessibilityEvent event);

        public void setMotionEventSplittingEnabled(ViewGroup group, boolean split);
        public int getLayoutMode(ViewGroup group);
        public void setLayoutMode(ViewGroup group, int mode);
        public void setTransitionGroup(ViewGroup group, boolean isTransitionGroup);
        public boolean isTransitionGroup(ViewGroup group);

    static class ViewGroupCompatStubImpl implements ViewGroupCompatImpl {
        public boolean onRequestSendAccessibilityEvent(
                ViewGroup group, View child, AccessibilityEvent event) {
            return true;

        public void setMotionEventSplittingEnabled(ViewGroup group, boolean split) {
            // no-op, didn't exist.

        public int getLayoutMode(ViewGroup group) {
            return LAYOUT_MODE_CLIP_BOUNDS;

        public void setLayoutMode(ViewGroup group, int mode) {
            // no-op, didn't exist. Views only support clip bounds.

        public void setTransitionGroup(ViewGroup group, boolean isTransitionGroup) {

        public boolean isTransitionGroup(ViewGroup group) {
            return false;

    static class ViewGroupCompatHCImpl extends ViewGroupCompatStubImpl {
        public void setMotionEventSplittingEnabled(ViewGroup group, boolean split) {
            ViewGroupCompatHC.setMotionEventSplittingEnabled(group, split);

    static class ViewGroupCompatIcsImpl extends ViewGroupCompatHCImpl {
        public boolean onRequestSendAccessibilityEvent(
                ViewGroup group, View child, AccessibilityEvent event) {
            return ViewGroupCompatIcs.onRequestSendAccessibilityEvent(group, child, event);

    static class ViewGroupCompatJellybeanMR2Impl extends ViewGroupCompatIcsImpl {
        public int getLayoutMode(ViewGroup group) {
            return ViewGroupCompatJellybeanMR2.getLayoutMode(group);

        public void setLayoutMode(ViewGroup group, int mode) {
            ViewGroupCompatJellybeanMR2.setLayoutMode(group, mode);

    static class ViewGroupCompatApi21Impl extends ViewGroupCompatJellybeanMR2Impl {
        public void setTransitionGroup(ViewGroup group, boolean isTransitionGroup) {
            ViewGroupCompatApi21.setTransitionGroup(group, isTransitionGroup);

        public boolean isTransitionGroup(ViewGroup group) {
            return ViewGroupCompatApi21.isTransitionGroup(group);

    static final ViewGroupCompatImpl IMPL;
    static {
        final int version = Build.VERSION.SDK_INT;
        if (version >= 21) {
            IMPL = new ViewGroupCompatApi21Impl();
        } else if (version >= 18) {
            IMPL = new ViewGroupCompatJellybeanMR2Impl();
        } else if (version >= 14) {
            IMPL = new ViewGroupCompatIcsImpl();
        } else if (version >= 11) {
            IMPL = new ViewGroupCompatHCImpl();
        } else {
            IMPL = new ViewGroupCompatStubImpl();

     * Hide the constructor.
    private ViewGroupCompat() {


     * Called when a child has requested sending an {@link AccessibilityEvent} and
     * gives an opportunity to its parent to augment the event.
     * <p>
     * If an {@link AccessibilityDelegateCompat} has been specified via calling
     * {@link ViewCompat#setAccessibilityDelegate(View, AccessibilityDelegateCompat)} its
     * {@link AccessibilityDelegateCompat#onRequestSendAccessibilityEvent(ViewGroup, View,
     * AccessibilityEvent)} is responsible for handling this call.
     * </p>
     * @param group The group whose method to invoke.
     * @param child The child which requests sending the event.
     * @param event The event to be sent.
     * @return True if the event should be sent.
    public static boolean onRequestSendAccessibilityEvent(ViewGroup group, View child,
            AccessibilityEvent event) {
        return IMPL.onRequestSendAccessibilityEvent(group, child, event);

     * Enable or disable the splitting of MotionEvents to multiple children during touch event
     * dispatch. This behavior is enabled by default for applications that target an
     * SDK version of 11 (Honeycomb) or newer. On earlier platform versions this feature
     * was not supported and this method is a no-op.
     * <p>When this option is enabled MotionEvents may be split and dispatched to different child
     * views depending on where each pointer initially went down. This allows for user interactions
     * such as scrolling two panes of content independently, chording of buttons, and performing
     * independent gestures on different pieces of content.
     * @param group ViewGroup to modify
     * @param split <code>true</code> to allow MotionEvents to be split and dispatched to multiple
     *              child views. <code>false</code> to only allow one child view to be the target of
     *              any MotionEvent received by this ViewGroup.
    public static void setMotionEventSplittingEnabled(ViewGroup group, boolean split) {
        IMPL.setMotionEventSplittingEnabled(group, split);

     * Returns the basis of alignment during layout operations on this ViewGroup:
     * either {@link #LAYOUT_MODE_CLIP_BOUNDS} or {@link #LAYOUT_MODE_OPTICAL_BOUNDS}.
     * <p>
     * If no layoutMode was explicitly set, either programmatically or in an XML resource,
     * the method returns the layoutMode of the view's parent ViewGroup if such a parent exists,
     * otherwise the method returns a default value of {@link #LAYOUT_MODE_CLIP_BOUNDS}.
     * @return the layout mode to use during layout operations
     * @see #setLayoutMode(ViewGroup, int)
    public static int getLayoutMode(ViewGroup group) {
        return IMPL.getLayoutMode(group);

     * Sets the basis of alignment during the layout of this ViewGroup.
     * Valid values are either {@link #LAYOUT_MODE_CLIP_BOUNDS} or
     * @param mode the layout mode to use during layout operations
     * @see #getLayoutMode(ViewGroup)
    public static void setLayoutMode(ViewGroup group, int mode) {
        IMPL.setLayoutMode(group, mode);

     * Changes whether or not this ViewGroup should be treated as a single entity during
     * Activity Transitions.
     * @param isTransitionGroup Whether or not the ViewGroup should be treated as a unit
     *                          in Activity transitions. If false, the ViewGroup won't transition,
     *                          only its children. If true, the entire ViewGroup will transition
     *                          together.
    public static void setTransitionGroup(ViewGroup group, boolean isTransitionGroup) {
        IMPL.setTransitionGroup(group, isTransitionGroup);

     * Returns true if this ViewGroup should be considered as a single entity for removal
     * when executing an Activity transition. If this is false, child elements will move
     * individually during the transition.
    public static boolean isTransitionGroup(ViewGroup group) {
        return IMPL.isTransitionGroup(group);