RangeAddress.javaAPI DocApache Poi 3.0.19341Mon Jan 01 12:39:36 GMT 2007org.apache.poi.hssf.util

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package org.apache.poi.hssf.util;

 * Title:        Range Address <P>
 * Description:  provides connectivity utilities for ranges<P>
 * @author IgOr KaTz && EuGeNe BuMaGiN (Tal Moshaiov) (VistaPortal LDT.)
@version 1.0

public class RangeAddress {
  final static int WRONG_POS  = -1;
  final static int MAX_HEIGHT = 66666;
  final static char SO_FORMNAME_ENCLOSURE =  '\'';
  String m_sheetName;
  String m_cellFrom;
  String m_cellTo;

   * Accepts an external reference from excel.
   * <p>
   * i.e. Sheet1!$A$4:$B$9
   * @param _url
  public RangeAddress (String _url) {
    init (_url);
  public RangeAddress (int _startCol, int _startRow, int _endCol, int _endRow) {
    init (numTo26Sys (_startCol) + _startRow + ":"
    + numTo26Sys (_endCol) + _endRow);
   * @return String <b>note: </b> All absolute references are removed
  public String getAddress (){
    String result = "";
    if(m_sheetName != null)
      result += m_sheetName+"!";
    if(m_cellFrom != null){
      result += m_cellFrom;
      if(m_cellTo != null)
        result += ":" + m_cellTo;
    return result;
  public String getSheetName (){
    return m_sheetName;
  public String getRange (){
    String result = "";
    if(m_cellFrom != null){
      result += m_cellFrom;
      if(m_cellTo != null)
        result += ":" + m_cellTo;
    return result;
  public  boolean isCellOk (String _cell){
    if (_cell != null){
      if ( (getYPosition (_cell) != WRONG_POS) &&
      (getXPosition (_cell) != WRONG_POS) )
        return true;
        return false;
    } else
      return false;
  public  boolean isSheetNameOk (){
    return isSheetNameOk (m_sheetName);
  private  static boolean intern_isSheetNameOk (String _sheetName, boolean _canBeWaitSpace){
    for (int i = 0  ; i < _sheetName.length (); i++){
      char ch = _sheetName.charAt (i);
      if (! (Character.isLetterOrDigit (ch) || (ch == '_')||
      _canBeWaitSpace&&(ch == ' '))){
        return false;
    return true;
  public  static boolean isSheetNameOk (String _sheetName){
    boolean res = false;
    if ( ( _sheetName != null) && !_sheetName.equals ("")){
      res = intern_isSheetNameOk (_sheetName,true);
      res = true;
    return res;
  public String getFromCell (){
    return m_cellFrom;
  public String getToCell (){
    return m_cellTo;
  public int getWidth (){
    if(m_cellFrom != null && m_cellTo != null){
      int toX    =  getXPosition (m_cellTo);
      int fromX  =  getXPosition (m_cellFrom);
      if ((toX == WRONG_POS) || (fromX == WRONG_POS)){
        return 0;
        return toX - fromX + 1;
    return 0;
  public int getHeight (){
    if(m_cellFrom != null && m_cellTo != null){
      int toY    =  getYPosition (m_cellTo);
      int fromY  =  getYPosition (m_cellFrom);
      if ((toY == WRONG_POS) || (fromY == WRONG_POS)){
        return 0;
        return toY - fromY + 1;
    return 0;
  public void setSize (int _width, int _height){
    if(m_cellFrom == null)
      m_cellFrom = "a1";
    int tlX, tlY, rbX, rbY;
    tlX = getXPosition (m_cellFrom);
    tlY = getYPosition (m_cellFrom);
    m_cellTo = numTo26Sys (tlX + _width - 1);
    m_cellTo += String.valueOf (tlY + _height - 1);
  public boolean hasSheetName (){
    if(m_sheetName == null)
      return false;
    return true;
  public boolean hasRange (){
      return (m_cellFrom != null && m_cellTo != null && !m_cellFrom.equals(m_cellTo));
  public boolean hasCell (){
    if(m_cellFrom == null)
      return false;
    return true;
  private void init (String _url){

    _url = removeString(_url, "$");
    _url = removeString(_url, "'");
    String[] urls = parseURL (_url);
    m_sheetName = urls[0];
    m_cellFrom = urls[1];
    m_cellTo = urls[2];

    //What if range is one celled ?
    if (m_cellTo == null){
      m_cellTo = m_cellFrom;
    //Removing noneeds characters
    m_cellTo    = removeString(m_cellTo,".");
  private String[] parseURL (String _url){
    String[] result = new String[3];
    int index = _url.indexOf(':');
    if (index >= 0) {
      String fromStr = _url.substring(0, index);
      String toStr = _url.substring(index+1);
      index = fromStr.indexOf('!');
      if (index >= 0) {
        result[0] = fromStr.substring(0, index);
        result[1] = fromStr.substring(index+1);
      } else {
        result[1] = fromStr;
      index = toStr.indexOf('!');
      if (index >= 0) {
        result[2] = toStr.substring(index+1); 
      } else {
        result[2] = toStr; 
    } else {
      index = _url.indexOf('!');
      if (index >= 0) {
        result[0] = _url.substring(0, index);
        result[1] = _url.substring(index+1);
      } else {
        result[1] = _url;
    return result;
  public int getYPosition (String _subrange){
    int result = WRONG_POS;
    _subrange = _subrange.trim ();
    if (_subrange.length () != 0){
      String digitstr = getDigitPart (_subrange);
      try {
        result = Integer.parseInt (digitstr);
        if (result  > MAX_HEIGHT){
          result = WRONG_POS;
      catch (Exception ex) {
        result = WRONG_POS;
    return result;
  private static boolean isLetter (String _str){
    boolean res = true;
    if ( !_str.equals ("") ){
      for (int i = 0  ; i < _str.length (); i++){
        char ch = _str.charAt (i);
        if (! Character.isLetter (ch)){
          res = false;
      res = false;
    return res;
  public int getXPosition (String _subrange){
    int result = WRONG_POS;
    String tmp = filter$ (_subrange);
    tmp = this.getCharPart (_subrange);
    // we will process only 2 letters ranges
    if (isLetter (tmp) && ((tmp.length () == 2)|| (tmp.length () == 1) )){
      result =  get26Sys (tmp);
    return result;
  public String getDigitPart (String _value){
    String result = "";
    int digitpos = getFirstDigitPosition (_value);
    if(digitpos >= 0){
      result = _value.substring (digitpos);
    return result;
  public String getCharPart (String _value){
    String result = "";
    int digitpos = getFirstDigitPosition (_value);
    if(digitpos >= 0){
      result = _value.substring (0, digitpos);
    return result;
  private String filter$ (String _range){
    String res = "";
    for (int i = 0 ; i < _range.length () ; i++){
      char ch = _range.charAt (i);
      if  ( ch != '$' ){
        res = res + ch;
    return res;
  private int getFirstDigitPosition (String _value){
    int result = WRONG_POS;
    if(_value != null && _value.trim ().length () == 0){
      return result;
    _value = _value.trim ();
    int length = _value.length ();
    for(int i = 0; i < length; i++){
      if(Character.isDigit (_value.charAt (i))){
        result = i;
    return result;
  public int get26Sys (String _s){
    int sum = 0;
    int multiplier = 1;
    if (_s != "") {
      for (int i = _s.length ()-1 ; i >= 0 ; i--){
        char ch = _s.charAt (i);
        int val =  Character.getNumericValue (ch) - Character.getNumericValue ('A')+1;
        sum = sum + val * multiplier;
        multiplier = multiplier * 26;
      return sum;
    return WRONG_POS;
  public String numTo26Sys (int _num){
    int sum = 0;
    int reminder;
    String s ="";
      _num --;
      reminder = _num % 26;
      int val =  65 + reminder;
      _num = _num / 26;
      s = (char)val + s; // reverce
    }while(_num > 0);
    return s;
    public String replaceString(String _source , String _oldPattern,
    String _newPattern){
        StringBuffer res = new StringBuffer(_source);
        int pos = -1;
        while ((pos = res.toString().indexOf(_oldPattern, pos)) > -1){
            res.replace(pos, pos + _oldPattern.length(), _newPattern);
        return res.toString();
    public String removeString(String _source, String _match){
        return replaceString(_source, _match, "");