TestMultiAnalyzer.javaAPI DocApache Lucene 2.1.09289Wed Feb 14 10:46:34 GMT 2007org.apache.lucene.queryParser

package org.apache.lucene.queryParser;

 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
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 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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import junit.framework.TestCase;

import org.apache.lucene.analysis.Analyzer;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.LowerCaseFilter;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.Token;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.TokenFilter;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.TokenStream;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.StandardTokenizer;

 * Test QueryParser's ability to deal with Analyzers that return more
 * than one token per position or that return tokens with a position
 * increment > 1.
 * @author Daniel Naber
public class TestMultiAnalyzer extends TestCase {

  private static int multiToken = 0;

  public void testMultiAnalyzer() throws ParseException {
    QueryParser qp = new QueryParser("", new MultiAnalyzer());

    // trivial, no multiple tokens:
    assertEquals("foo", qp.parse("foo").toString());
    assertEquals("foo", qp.parse("\"foo\"").toString());
    assertEquals("foo foobar", qp.parse("foo foobar").toString());
    assertEquals("\"foo foobar\"", qp.parse("\"foo foobar\"").toString());
    assertEquals("\"foo foobar blah\"", qp.parse("\"foo foobar blah\"").toString());

    // two tokens at the same position:
    assertEquals("(multi multi2) foo", qp.parse("multi foo").toString());
    assertEquals("foo (multi multi2)", qp.parse("foo multi").toString());
    assertEquals("(multi multi2) (multi multi2)", qp.parse("multi multi").toString());
    assertEquals("+(foo (multi multi2)) +(bar (multi multi2))",
        qp.parse("+(foo multi) +(bar multi)").toString());
    assertEquals("+(foo (multi multi2)) field:\"bar (multi multi2)\"",
        qp.parse("+(foo multi) field:\"bar multi\"").toString());

    // phrases:
    assertEquals("\"(multi multi2) foo\"", qp.parse("\"multi foo\"").toString());
    assertEquals("\"foo (multi multi2)\"", qp.parse("\"foo multi\"").toString());
    assertEquals("\"foo (multi multi2) foobar (multi multi2)\"",
        qp.parse("\"foo multi foobar multi\"").toString());

    // fields:
    assertEquals("(field:multi field:multi2) field:foo", qp.parse("field:multi field:foo").toString());
    assertEquals("field:\"(multi multi2) foo\"", qp.parse("field:\"multi foo\"").toString());

    // three tokens at one position:
    assertEquals("triplemulti multi3 multi2", qp.parse("triplemulti").toString());
    assertEquals("foo (triplemulti multi3 multi2) foobar",
        qp.parse("foo triplemulti foobar").toString());

    // phrase with non-default slop:
    assertEquals("\"(multi multi2) foo\"~10", qp.parse("\"multi foo\"~10").toString());

    // phrase with non-default boost:
    assertEquals("\"(multi multi2) foo\"^2.0", qp.parse("\"multi foo\"^2").toString());

    // phrase after changing default slop
    assertEquals("\"(multi multi2) foo\"~99 bar",
                 qp.parse("\"multi foo\" bar").toString());
    assertEquals("\"(multi multi2) foo\"~99 \"foo bar\"~2",
                 qp.parse("\"multi foo\" \"foo bar\"~2").toString());

    // non-default operator:
    assertEquals("+(multi multi2) +foo", qp.parse("multi foo").toString());

  public void testMultiAnalyzerWithSubclassOfQueryParser() throws ParseException {

    DumbQueryParser qp = new DumbQueryParser("", new MultiAnalyzer());
    qp.setPhraseSlop(99); // modified default slop

    // direct call to (super's) getFieldQuery to demonstrate differnce
    // between phrase and multiphrase with modified default slop
    assertEquals("\"foo bar\"~99",
                 qp.getSuperFieldQuery("","foo bar").toString());
    assertEquals("\"(multi multi2) bar\"~99",
                 qp.getSuperFieldQuery("","multi bar").toString());

    // ask sublcass to parse phrase with modified default slop
    assertEquals("\"(multi multi2) foo\"~99 bar",
                 qp.parse("\"multi foo\" bar").toString());
  public void testPosIncrementAnalyzer() throws ParseException {
    QueryParser qp = new QueryParser("", new PosIncrementAnalyzer());
    assertEquals("quick brown", qp.parse("the quick brown").toString());
    assertEquals("\"quick brown\"", qp.parse("\"the quick brown\"").toString());
    assertEquals("quick brown fox", qp.parse("the quick brown fox").toString());
    assertEquals("\"quick brown fox\"", qp.parse("\"the quick brown fox\"").toString());
   * Expands "multi" to "multi" and "multi2", both at the same position,
   * and expands "triplemulti" to "triplemulti", "multi3", and "multi2".  
  private class MultiAnalyzer extends Analyzer {

    public MultiAnalyzer() {

    public TokenStream tokenStream(String fieldName, Reader reader) {
      TokenStream result = new StandardTokenizer(reader);
      result = new TestFilter(result);
      result = new LowerCaseFilter(result);
      return result;

  private final class TestFilter extends TokenFilter {
    private org.apache.lucene.analysis.Token prevToken;
    public TestFilter(TokenStream in) {

    public final org.apache.lucene.analysis.Token next() throws {
      if (multiToken > 0) {
        org.apache.lucene.analysis.Token token = 
          new org.apache.lucene.analysis.Token("multi"+(multiToken+1), prevToken.startOffset(),
          prevToken.endOffset(), prevToken.type());
        return token;
      } else {
        org.apache.lucene.analysis.Token t =;
        prevToken = t;
        if (t == null)
          return null;
        String text = t.termText();
        if (text.equals("triplemulti")) {
          multiToken = 2;
          return t;
        } else if (text.equals("multi")) {
          multiToken = 1;
          return t;
        } else {
          return t;

   * Analyzes "the quick brown" as: quick(incr=2) brown(incr=1).
   * Does not work correctly for input other than "the quick brown ...".
  private class PosIncrementAnalyzer extends Analyzer {

    public PosIncrementAnalyzer() {

    public TokenStream tokenStream(String fieldName, Reader reader) {
      TokenStream result = new StandardTokenizer(reader);
      result = new TestPosIncrementFilter(result);
      result = new LowerCaseFilter(result);
      return result;

  private final class TestPosIncrementFilter extends TokenFilter {
    public TestPosIncrementFilter(TokenStream in) {

    public final org.apache.lucene.analysis.Token next() throws {
      for (Token t =; t != null; t = {
        if (t.termText().equals("the")) {
          // stopword, do nothing
        } else if (t.termText().equals("quick")) {
          org.apache.lucene.analysis.Token token = 
            new org.apache.lucene.analysis.Token(t.termText(), t.startOffset(),
                t.endOffset(), t.type());
          return token;
        } else {
          org.apache.lucene.analysis.Token token = 
            new org.apache.lucene.analysis.Token(t.termText(), t.startOffset(),
                t.endOffset(), t.type());
          return token;
      return null;

    /** a very simple subclass of QueryParser */
    private final static class DumbQueryParser extends QueryParser {
        public DumbQueryParser(String f, Analyzer a) {
            super(f, a);

        /** expose super's version */
        public Query getSuperFieldQuery(String f, String t) 
            throws ParseException {
            return super.getFieldQuery(f,t);
        /** wrap super's version */
        protected Query getFieldQuery(String f, String t)
            throws ParseException {
            return new DumbQueryWrapper(getSuperFieldQuery(f,t));
     * A very simple wrapper to prevent instanceof checks but uses
     * the toString of the query it wraps.
    private final static class DumbQueryWrapper extends Query {

        private Query q;
        public DumbQueryWrapper(Query q) {
            this.q = q;
        public String toString(String f) {
            return q.toString(f);