SunDeploymentManager.javaAPI DocGlassfish v2 API92139Wed May 23 16:19:26 BST 2007com.sun.enterprise.deployapi

 * Copyright 1997-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of either the GNU
 * General Public License Version 2 only ("GPL") or the Common Development
 * and Distribution License("CDDL") (collectively, the "License").  You
 * may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain
 * a copy of the License at
 * or glassfish/bootstrap/legal/LICENSE.txt.  See the License for the specific
 * language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
 * When distributing the software, include this License Header Notice in each
 * file and include the License file at glassfish/bootstrap/legal/LICENSE.txt.
 * Sun designates this particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception
 * as provided by Sun in the GPL Version 2 section of the License file that
 * accompanied this code.  If applicable, add the following below the License
 * Header, with the fields enclosed by brackets [] replaced by your own
 * identifying information: "Portions Copyrighted [year]
 * [name of copyright owner]"
 * Contributor(s):
 * If you wish your version of this file to be governed by only the CDDL or
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 * holder.

package com.sun.enterprise.deployapi;

import com.sun.enterprise.admin.jmx.remote.DefaultConfiguration;
import com.sun.enterprise.admin.util.HostAndPort;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployapi.config.SunDeploymentConfiguration;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployapi.ProgressObjectImpl;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployapi.ProgressObjectSink;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.client.DeploymentClientUtils;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.client.DeploymentFacility;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.client.DeploymentFacilityFactory;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.client.ServerConnectionEnvironment;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.client.ServerConnectionIdentifier;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.client.TargetType;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.deploy.shared.AbstractArchive;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.deploy.shared.AbstractArchiveFactory;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.deploy.shared.Archive;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.deploy.shared.ArchiveFactory;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.deploy.shared.InputJarArchive;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.deploy.shared.JarArchiveFactory;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.deploy.shared.MemoryMappedArchive;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.deploy.shared.WritableArchive;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.deploy.spi.DeploymentManager;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.util.DeploymentProperties;
import com.sun.enterprise.util.LocalStringManagerImpl;
import com.sun.enterprise.util.Print;



import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.Vector;

import javax.enterprise.deploy.model.DeployableObject;
import javax.enterprise.deploy.shared.CommandType;
import javax.enterprise.deploy.shared.DConfigBeanVersionType;
import javax.enterprise.deploy.shared.ModuleType;
import javax.enterprise.deploy.shared.StateType;
import javax.enterprise.deploy.spi.DeploymentConfiguration;
import javax.enterprise.deploy.spi.exceptions.ConfigurationException;
import javax.enterprise.deploy.spi.exceptions.DConfigBeanVersionUnsupportedException;
import javax.enterprise.deploy.spi.exceptions.InvalidModuleException;
import javax.enterprise.deploy.spi.exceptions.TargetException;
import javax.enterprise.deploy.spi.status.ProgressObject;
import javax.enterprise.deploy.spi.status.ProgressEvent;
import javax.enterprise.deploy.spi.status.DeploymentStatus;
import javax.enterprise.deploy.spi.Target;
import javax.enterprise.deploy.spi.TargetModuleID;



 * @author Jerome Dochez
 * @author Tim Quinn
public class SunDeploymentManager implements DeploymentManager {
    // my domain admin server
    private SunTarget target=null;

    // save reference to ConnectionSource & domain-root proxy here
    private ConnectionSource dasConnection = null;
    private DomainRoot rootProxy = null;
    // other cached references
    private DomainConfig domainConfigProxy = null;
    private ProxyFactory proxyFactory = null;
    // store ID to server connection
    private ServerConnectionIdentifier serverId = null;
    /** cached reference to a connected DeploymentFacility */
    private DeploymentFacility deploymentFacility = null;
    private static final String applicationsMBeanName = 
            "com.sun.appserv:type=applications,category=config"; // NOI18N

    private static LocalStringManagerImpl localStrings =
	    new LocalStringManagerImpl(SunDeploymentManager.class);
    private static Locale defaultLocale = Locale.US;
    private Locale currentLocale = defaultLocale;
    private static Locale[] supportedLocales = { Locale.US };
    private String disconnectedMessage = localStrings.getLocalString(
			"enterprise.deployapi.spi.disconnectedDM", // NOI18N
			"Illegal operation for a disconnected DeploymentManager");// NOI18N

    private static final String ENABLED_ATTRIBUTE_NAME = "Enabled"; // NOI18N

    /** Creates a new instance of DeploymentManager */
    public SunDeploymentManager() {
    /** Creates a new instance of DeploymentManager */
    public SunDeploymentManager(ServerConnectionIdentifier sci) { = new SunTarget(sci);
        serverId = sci;

     * Set additional env vars for the jmx https connector, provided
     * by the client. This method is expected to be called right after
     * the client retrieves the DeploymentManager, before
     * the client makes any calls on the DM that requires MBean Server
     * connection.
    public void setServerConnectionEnvironment(ServerConnectionEnvironment env) {
    * Retrieve the list of deployment targets supported by 
    * this DeploymentManager.
    * @throws IllegalStateException is thrown when there is a problem getting
    *                               Connection Source
    * @return   A list of deployment Target designators the 
    *           user may select for application deployment or 'null'
    *           if there are none.
    public Target[] getTargets() throws IllegalStateException {
        Target[] result  = null;
        try {
            DomainConfig domainCfg = getDomainConfigProxy();
             *There is no single proxy that "owns" both clusters and stand-alone instances, the
             *two types of targets.  So
             *visit the two mgr proxies to retrieve the names of all targets of either type.
             *From there on, the names can be treated the same regardless of which config mgr proxy 
             *each came from.
            final Map standaloneServers = 
            final Map clusters = domainCfg.getClusterConfigMap();
             *Build a single result containing SunTarget instances for either kind of target.
            Vector targets = new Vector();
            for (Iterator it = standaloneServers.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
                targets.add(createSunTarget(target, (String), 
            for (Iterator it = clusters.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
                targets.add(createSunTarget(target, (String), TargetType.CLUSTER));
             *Convert the vector into a Target array with runtime type SunTarget [].
            result = (Target []) targets.toArray(new SunTarget[0]);
        } catch (Throwable e) {
            IllegalStateException ex = new  IllegalStateException(e.getMessage());
            throw ex;
        return result;

     *Initialize a new SunTarget with the original target plus added info.
     *@param the original Target
     *@param the name for this SunTarget
     *@param the target type
     *@return SunTarget newly-initialized SunTarget object
     *@throws IOException in case of problems retrieving the connection to the MBean server
    private SunTarget createSunTarget(SunTarget target, String name, String type) throws IOException {
        SunTarget aTarget = new SunTarget(target);
        return aTarget;

    * Retrieve the list of J2EE application modules distributed 
    * to the identified targets and that are currently running 
    * on the associated server or servers.
    * @param moduleType A predefined designator for a J2EE 
    *                   module type.
    * @param targetList A list of deployment Target designators
    *                   the user wants checked for module run
    *                   status.
    * @return An array of TargetModuleID objects representing
    *                   the running modules or 'null' if there
    *                   are none.
    * @throws IllegalStateException is thrown when the method is
    *                    called when running in disconnected mode.
    * @throws TargetException An invalid Target designator
    *                   encountered.
    public TargetModuleID[] getRunningModules(ModuleType moduleType,
		Target[] targetList) throws TargetException, IllegalStateException {

        return getModules(moduleType, targetList, ENABLED_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, Boolean.TRUE);

    * Retrieve the list of J2EE application modules distributed 
    * to the identified targets and that are currently not
    * running on the associated server or servers.
    * @param moduleType A predefined designator for a J2EE 
    *                   module type.
    * @param targetList A list of deployment Target designators
    *                   the user wants checked for module not 
    *                   running status.
    * @return An array of TargetModuleID objects representing
    *                   the non-running modules or 'null' if
    *                   there are none.
    * @throws IllegalStateException is thrown when the method is
    *                    called when running in disconnected mode.
    * @throws TargetException An invalid Target designator
    *                   encountered.
    public TargetModuleID[] getNonRunningModules(ModuleType moduleType,
			Target[] targetList) throws TargetException, IllegalStateException {
        return getModules(moduleType, targetList, ENABLED_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, Boolean.FALSE);
    * Retrieve the list of all J2EE application modules running 
    * or not running on the identified targets.
    * @param moduleType A predefined designator for a J2EE 
    *                   module type.
    * @param targetList A list of deployment Target designators
    *                   the user wants checked for module not 
    *                   running status.
    * @return An array of TargetModuleID objects representing
    *                   all deployed modules running or not or
    *                   'null' if there are no deployed modules.
    * @throws IllegalStateException is thrown when the method is
    *                    called when running in disconnected mode.
    * @throws TargetException An invalid Target designator
    *                   encountered.
    public TargetModuleID[] getAvailableModules(ModuleType moduleType,
			Target[] targetList) throws TargetException,
            IllegalStateException {

        return getModules(moduleType, targetList, null, null);

     *Single method used by several public methods to make sure the deployment manager is 
     *connected and, if not, throw the IllegalStateException. 
     *@throws IllegalStateException if the deployment manager is not connected.
    private void verifyConnected() {
        if(isDisconnected()) {
            throw new IllegalStateException(disconnectedMessage);

     *Report whether the deployment manager is currently disconnected from the DAS.
     *@returns whether the deployment manager is disconnected from the DAS
    private boolean isDisconnected(){
        return target == null;

     *Get all modules in the specified state from the targets specified in the
     argument list. 
     *@param moduleType which returned modules must match
     *@param array of Target indicating which targets should be searched for matching modules
     *@param attribute name (optional) to be checked on each candidate module to see if it matches
     *@param desired value (should be specified if attribute name specified) candidate module should
     *have for the indicated attribute to be matched
     *@exception TargetException if a target was improperly formed
     *@exception IllegalStateException if the method is called after release was called
    private TargetModuleID[] getModules(ModuleType moduleType, Target[] targetList,
                                String attribute, Object status) throws TargetException, IllegalStateException {

        if (moduleType==null) {
            return null;

        try {
            Vector resultingTMIDs = new Vector();
            for (int i = 0; i < targetList.length; i++) {
                SunTarget aTarget = (SunTarget) targetList[i];
                 *For each target, get names of all modules of expected state.
                String[] moduleNames = getModulesOnATarget(aTarget, moduleType, attribute, status);
                 *Create the module ID and add it to the collection to be returned.
                addToTargetModuleIDs(moduleNames, moduleType, aTarget, resultingTMIDs);

             *Return an array of runtime type SunTargetModuleID [].
            TargetModuleID [] answer = (TargetModuleID []) resultingTMIDs.toArray(new SunTargetModuleID[0]);
            return answer;
        } catch(Exception e){
            TargetException tg = new TargetException(localStrings.getLocalString(
                "Error getting required modules"
            throw tg;

     * Given a target, type and (optionally expected status), get all modules
    private String[] getModulesOnATarget(SunTarget aTarget, ModuleType requiredType, String attribute, 
                                                            Object status) throws IOException {
        Set modules = null;
        // Get all deployed items in the given target
        DeployedItemHelper helper = new DeployedItemHelper(getRootProxy());
        if( ! aTarget.getTargetType().equals(TargetType.CLUSTER)) {
            modules = helper.queryStandaloneServerDeployedItemObjectNames(aTarget.getName());
        } else {
            modules = helper.queryClusterDeployedItemObjectNames(aTarget.getName());        
        // if required to get only enabled / disabled modules, filter the received modules Set 
        if(attribute != null) {
            modules = helper.filterByAttributeValue(modules, attribute, status);
        // Now from this filtered set, get the modules of the required type
        Vector modulesMatchingType = new Vector();
        final String xtype = getXType(requiredType);
        for(Iterator it = modules.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
            ObjectName objectName = (ObjectName);
            String modId = objectName.getKeyProperty("name"); // NOI18N
            AMX proxy = (AMX)getDomainConfigProxy().
                    getContainee(xtype, modId);
            if (null != proxy) {
        String[] actualModules = null;
        actualModules = (String []) modulesMatchingType.toArray(new String[0]);
        return actualModules;

    private String getXType(ModuleType moduleType) {
        String result = DeploymentClientUtils.mapModuleTypeToXType(moduleType);
        return result;
     *Augments a Collection of TargetModuleIDs with new entries for target module IDs of a given module type on the specified target.
     *@param moduleIDs array of String for the modules of interest
     *@param type the ModuleType of interest
     *@param sunTarget the SunTarget from which to retrieve modules of the selected type
     *@param resultingTMIDs pre-instantiated List to which TargetModuleIDs will be added
    private void addToTargetModuleIDs(String[] moduleIDs, ModuleType type, SunTarget sunTarget, Collection resultingTMIDs)  throws IOException {

        for (int j = 0;j < moduleIDs.length;j++) {
            // Get the host name and port where the application was deployed
            HostAndPort webHost = getHostPort(moduleIDs[j], sunTarget);

             *Prepare a new target module ID object, initialize it, and add it to the result list.
            SunTargetModuleID tmid = new SunTargetModuleID(moduleIDs[j], sunTarget);
            resultingTMIDs.add((TargetModuleID) tmid);
             *Set additional information on the target module ID, depending on what type of
             *module this is.  For J2EE apps, this includes constructing sub TargetModuleIDs.
            try {
                if (type.equals(ModuleType.EAR)) {
                    setJ2EEApplicationTargetModuleIDInfo(tmid, moduleIDs[j], webHost);
                } else if (type.equals(ModuleType.WAR)) {
                    setWebApplicationTargetModuleIDInfo(tmid, moduleIDs[j], webHost);
            catch(Exception exp){
                Print.dprintStackTrace(exp.getLocalizedMessage(), exp);
                Print.dprint("***Exception occured while "+ // NOI18N
                "navigating or accessing admin proxies:  Keep continuing\n"); // NOI18N

     *Attach child target module IDs to a J2EE application target module ID.
     *@param tmid the target module ID for the J2EE application.
     *@param sunTarget the target identifying which installation of this module is of interest
     *@param moduleID name of the module
     *@param webHost the host and port for this target
    private void setJ2EEApplicationTargetModuleIDInfo(SunTargetModuleID tmid, String moduleID, HostAndPort hostAndPort) throws AttributeNotFoundException, MalformedURLException, IOException {
         *Only one of the following invocations is needed.  As of this writing, we are
         *choosing to use the "old" MBeans until the "new" MBean proxies offer the 
         *equivalent access.
        addChildTargetModuleIDsToJ2EEUsingMBeans(tmid, moduleID, hostAndPort);
     *Set additional type-specific information on the target module ID.
     *@param tmid the target module ID for the Web app
     *@param sunTarget the target identifying which installation of this module is of interest
     *@param moduleID name of the module
     *@param webHost the host and port for this target
    private void setWebApplicationTargetModuleIDInfo(SunTargetModuleID tmid, String moduleID, HostAndPort webHost) throws MalformedURLException, IOException {

        SunTarget sunTarget = (SunTarget) tmid.getTarget();
         *Navigate to the Web app's proxy.
        WebModuleConfig webProxy = (WebModuleConfig)getDomainConfigProxy().
            getContainee(XTypes.WEB_MODULE_CONFIG, moduleID);
        String path = webProxy.getContextRoot();
        if (!path.startsWith("/")) { //NOI18N
            path = "/" + path; //NOI18N
        // Patchup code for fixing netbeans issue 6221411; Need to find a good solution for this and WSDL publishing
        String host;
        if(isPE()) {            
            host = tmid.getConnectionInfo().getHostName();            
        } else {
            host = webHost.getHost();
        URL webURL = new URL("http", host, webHost.getPort(), path); //NOI18N
     * For a given moduleID on a given Target, get Host and Port information
     *@param moduleID the module ID of interest
     *@param aTarget a SunTarget instance for the target of interest
    private HostAndPort getHostPort(String moduleID, SunTarget aTarget) throws IOException {

         *Navigate the proxies using either the stand-along server proxy or the cluster proxy, depending
         *on the type of the target.
        DeployedItemRefConfig cfg = null;
         *In doing proxy-based template resolution, we'll locate a resolver - such as a stand-alone server config proxy -
         *that can translate templates if we encounter any.
        TemplateResolver resolver = null;
        if( ! aTarget.getTargetType().equals(TargetType.CLUSTER)) {
            StandaloneServerConfig svrProxy = 
            cfg = (DeployedItemRefConfig)svrProxy.getContainee(
                    XTypes.DEPLOYED_ITEM_REF_CONFIG, moduleID);
            resolver = svrProxy;
        } else {
            ClusterConfig clProxy = (ClusterConfig)getDomainConfigProxy().
                    getContainee(XTypes.CLUSTER_CONFIG, aTarget.getName());
            cfg = (DeployedItemRefConfig)clProxy.getContainee(
                    XTypes.DEPLOYED_ITEM_REF_CONFIG, moduleID);
             *We cannot assign the resolver yet because the cluster config proxy itself cannot resolve templates.
            resolver = null;

        // Get the list of virtual servers from the application-Ref
        String vServers = cfg.getVirtualServers();
        // if no virtual server configured, get default stuff
        if(vServers == null) {
            //FIXME - Need to assign resolver to something for cluster case to use proxy-based template resolution

        String [] vsList = vServers.split(" ,"); //NOI18N
        if (vsList.length == 0) {
            //FIXME - Need to assign resolver to something for cluster case to use proxy-based template resolution
            return getDefaultHostPort(resolver);

         *Iterate through the available virtual servers.  Stop when one has a legitimate
         *(non-null) host and port value.
        HostAndPort answer = null;
        for (int i = 0; (i < vsList.length) && (answer == null); i++) {
             *FIXME - need to find the resolver for this virtual server and then pass it as the 2nd
             *argument next in order to use proxy-based template resolution.
            answer = getVirtualServerHostAndPort(vsList[i], resolver);
        if (answer == null) {
            answer = getDefaultHostPort(resolver);
        return answer;

     *Return the HostAndPort for a specified virtual server, using either MBeans or proxies as indicated by 
     *the private instance setting.
     *@param name of the virtual server
     *@return HostAndPost for the virtual server
    private HostAndPort getVirtualServerHostAndPort(String vs, TemplateResolver resolver) throws IOException {
        try {
            return getVirtualServerHostAndPortUsingMBeans(vs);
        } catch (Throwable thr) {
            IOException ioe = new IOException(localStrings.getLocalString(
                "Error retrieving virtual server host and port"
            throw ioe;
     *Return the HostAndPort for the specified virtual server name.
     *@param the virtual server name
     *@return HostAndPort for the virtual server
    private HostAndPort getVirtualServerHostAndPortUsingMBeans(String vs) throws IOException, MalformedObjectNameException, InstanceNotFoundException, MBeanException, ReflectionException {
        HostAndPort result = null;
        MBeanServerConnection mbsc = getMBeanServerConnection();

        Object[] params = new Object[] {vs, Boolean.FALSE};
        String[] signature = new String[]{ "java.lang.String", "boolean"}; //NOI18N
        ObjectName applicationsMBean = new ObjectName(applicationsMBeanName);
        result = (HostAndPort) mbsc.invoke(applicationsMBean, "getVirtualServerHostAndPort", params, signature); //NOI18N
        return result;

    private HostAndPort getDefaultHostPort(TemplateResolver resolver) throws IOException {
        try {
            return getDefaultHostPortUsingMBeans();
        } catch (Throwable thr) {
            IOException ioe = new IOException(localStrings.getLocalString(
                "Error retrieving default host and port"
            throw ioe;
    /** Return HostAndPort for first listener, using proxies for navigation.
     *@return HostAndPort of the first listener with non-null host and port
    private HostAndPort getDefaultHostPortUsingMBeans() throws IOException, MalformedObjectNameException, MBeanException, InstanceNotFoundException, ReflectionException {
        MBeanServerConnection mbsc = getMBeanServerConnection();
        HostAndPort result = null;
        Object[] params = new Object[] {Boolean.FALSE};
        String[] signature = new String[]{ "boolean"};
        ObjectName applicationsMBean = new ObjectName(applicationsMBeanName);
        result = (HostAndPort) mbsc.invoke(applicationsMBean, "getHostAndPort", params, signature);
        return result;
    private HostAndPort getHostPort(HTTPListenerConfig listenerProxy, TemplateResolver resolver) throws IOException {            
        String serverName = null;
        int port = 0;
        // return if listener is not enabled
        if(!listenerProxy.getEnabled()) {
            return null;

        // return if listener is meant for asadmin only
        // com.sun.enterprise.web.VirtualServer.ADMIN_VS
            listenerProxy.getDefaultVirtualServer())) {
            return null;

        if(!listenerProxy.getSecurityEnabled()) {
            serverName = listenerProxy.getServerName();
            if (serverName == null || serverName.trim().equals("")) {
                serverName = getDefaultHostName();
            String portString = listenerProxy.getPort();
            port = new Integer(getPropertyValueFromTemplate(portString, resolver)).intValue();
            if(listenerProxy.getRedirectPort() != null) {
                port = new Integer(getPropertyValueFromTemplate(listenerProxy.getRedirectPort(), resolver)).intValue();
        HostAndPort hostPort = new HostAndPort(serverName, port);        
        return hostPort;
     * Checks if property got was a template (like ${listener-1});
     * If so, gets the value from the specified template resolver.
    private String getPropertyValueFromTemplate(String str, TemplateResolver resolver) throws IOException {
         *The resolver will tranlate the template if it can, returning the translation.  It will return
         *the input string unchanged if the string is not a template or if it is a template but the resolver
         *cannot resolve it.
        String result = resolver.resolveTemplateString(str);
        return result;

    private String getDefaultHostName() {
        String defaultHostName = "localhost"; //NOI18N
        try {
            InetAddress host = InetAddress.getLocalHost();
            defaultHostName = host.getCanonicalHostName();
        } catch(UnknownHostException uhe) {
        return defaultHostName; 
    * Retrieve the object that provides server-specific deployment
    * configuration information for the J2EE deployable component.
    * @param dObj An object representing a J2EE deployable component.
    * @throws InvalidModuleException The DeployableObject is an
    *                      unknown or unsupport component for this
    *                      configuration tool.

    public DeploymentConfiguration createConfiguration(DeployableObject dObj)
            throws InvalidModuleException
        try { 
            SunDeploymentConfiguration deploymentConfiguration = new SunDeploymentConfiguration(dObj);
            return deploymentConfiguration;
        } catch(ConfigurationException e) {
            InvalidModuleException ime = new InvalidModuleException(e.getMessage());
            throw ime;

    * The distribute method performs three tasks; it validates the
    * deployment configuration data, generates all container specific 
    * classes and interfaces, and moves the fully baked archive to 
    * the designated deployment targets.
    * @param targetList   A list of server targets the user is specifying
    *                     this application be deployed to. 
    * @param moduleArchive The file name of the application archive
    *                      to be disrtibuted.
    * @param deploymentPlan The XML file containing the runtime 
    *                       configuration information associated with
    *                       this application archive.
    * @throws IllegalStateException is thrown when the method is
    *                    called when running in disconnected mode.
    * @return ProgressObject an object that tracks and reports the 
    *                       status of the distribution process.

    public ProgressObject distribute(Target[] targetList,
           File moduleArchive, File deploymentPlan)
           throws IllegalStateException
        return deploy(targetList, moduleArchive, deploymentPlan, null /* presetOptions */);

    * The distribute method performs three tasks; it validates the
    * deployment configuration data, generates all container specific 
    * classes and interfaces, and moves the fully baked archive to 
    * the designated deployment targets.
    * @param targetList   A list of server targets the user is specifying
    *                     this application be deployed to. 
    * @param moduleArchive The input stream containing the application 
    *                      archive to be disrtibuted.
    * @param deploymentPlan The input stream containing the deployment
    *                       configuration information associated with
    *                       this application archive.
    * @throws IllegalStateException is thrown when the method is
    *                    called when running in disconnected mode.
    * @return ProgressObject an object that tracks and reports the 
    *                       status of the distribution process.
    public ProgressObject distribute(Target[] targetList,
           InputStream moduleArchive, InputStream deploymentPlan)
           throws IllegalStateException 
        return deploy(targetList, moduleArchive, deploymentPlan, null /* presetOptions */);

     * The distribute method performs three tasks; it validates the
     * deployment configuration data, generates all container specific
     * classes and interfaces, and moves the fully baked archive to
     * the designated deployment targets.
     * @param targetList   A list of server targets the user is specifying
     *                     this application be deployed to.
     * @param moduleType   The module type of this application archive.
     * @param moduleArchive The input stream containing the application
     *                      archive to be disrtibuted.
     * @param deploymentPlan The input stream containing the deployment
     *                       configuration information associated with
     *                       this application archive.
     * @throws IllegalStateException is thrown when the method is
     *                    called when running in disconnected mode.
     * @return ProgressObject an object that tracks and reports the
     *                       status of the distribution process.
    public ProgressObject distribute(Target[] targetList, ModuleType type,
            InputStream moduleArchive, InputStream deploymentPlan)
            throws IllegalStateException
        DeploymentProperties dProps = new DeploymentProperties();
        return deploy(targetList, moduleArchive, deploymentPlan, (Properties)dProps);

    * Start the application running.  
    * <p> Only the TargetModuleIDs which represent a root module
    * are valid for being started. A root TargetModuleID has no parent.
    * A TargetModuleID with a parent can not be individually started. 
    * A root TargetModuleID module and all its child modules will be 
    * started.
    * @param moduleIDList  A array of TargetModuleID objects 
    *                    representing the modules to be started.
    * @throws IllegalStateException is thrown when the method is
    *                    called when running in disconnected mode.
    * @return ProgressObject an object that tracks and reports the 
    *                       status of the start operation.

    public ProgressObject start(TargetModuleID[] moduleIDList)
             throws IllegalStateException
        return executeCommandUsingFacility(CommandType.START, moduleIDList);

    * Stop the application running.  
    * <p> Only the TargetModuleIDs which represent a root module
    * are valid for being stopped. A root TargetModuleID has no parent.
    * A TargetModuleID with a parent can not be individually stopped. 
    * A root TargetModuleID module and all its child modules will be 
    * stopped.
    * @param moduleIDList  A array of TargetModuleID objects 
    *                    representing the modules to be stopped.
    * @throws IllegalStateException is thrown when the method is
    *                    called when running in disconnected mode.
    * @return ProgressObject an object that tracks and reports the 
    *                       status of the stop operation.

    public ProgressObject stop(TargetModuleID [] moduleIDList)
             throws IllegalStateException 
        return executeCommandUsingFacility(CommandType.STOP, moduleIDList);

    * Remove the application from the target server.  
    * <p> Only the TargetModuleIDs which represent a root module
    * are valid for undeployment. A root TargetModuleID has no parent.
    * A TargetModuleID with a parent can not be undeployed. A root
    * TargetModuleID module and all its child modules will be undeployed.
	* The root TargetModuleID module and all its child modules must
    * stopped before they can be undeployed. 
    * @param moduleIDList An array of TargetModuleID objects representing
    *                   the root modules to be stopped.
    * @throws IllegalStateException is thrown when the method is
    *                    called when running in disconnected mode.
    * @return ProgressObject an object that tracks and reports the 
    *                       status of the stop operation.

    public ProgressObject undeploy(TargetModuleID[] moduleIDList)
               throws IllegalStateException 
        return executeCommandUsingFacility(CommandType.UNDEPLOY, moduleIDList);

    * This method designates whether this platform vendor provides
    * application redeployment functionality. A value of true means
    * it is supported.  False means it is not.
    * @return A value of true means redeployment is supported by this
    *                   vendor's DeploymentManager.  False means it
    *                   is not.
    public boolean isRedeploySupported() {
        return true;

    * (optional)
    * The redeploy method provides a means for updating currently
    * deployed J2EE applications.  This is an optional method for
    * vendor implementation.
    * Redeploy replaces a currently deployed application with an
    * updated version.  The runtime configuration information for 
    * the updated application must remain identical to the application 
    * it is updating.  
    * When an application update is redeployed, all existing client
    * connections to the original running application must not be disrupted; 
    * new clients will connect to the application update.
    * This operation is valid for TargetModuleIDs that represent a
    * root module. A root TargetModuleID has no parent. A root
    * TargetModuleID module and all its child modules will be redeployed.
    * A child TargetModuleID module cannot be individually redeployed.
    * The redeploy operation is complete only when this action for 
    * all the modules has completed.
    * @param moduleIDList An array of designators of the applications
    *                      to be updated.
    * @param moduleArchive The file name of the application archive
    *                      to be disrtibuted.
    * @param deploymentPlan The deployment configuration information
    *                       associated with this application archive.
    * @return ProgressObject an object that tracks and reports the
    *                       status of the redeploy operation.
    * @throws IllegalStateException is thrown when the method is
    *                    called when running in disconnected mode.
    * @throws UnsupportedOperationException this optional command
    *         is not supported by this implementation.

    public ProgressObject redeploy(TargetModuleID[] moduleIDList,
           File moduleArchive, File deploymentPlan)
           throws UnsupportedOperationException, IllegalStateException 
        try {
             *To support multiple different modules in the module ID list, use a TargetModuleIDCollection to
             *organize them and work on each module one at a time.  
            TargetModuleIDCollection coll = new TargetModuleIDCollection(moduleIDList);
            for (Iterator it = coll.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
                 *The iterator returns one work instance for each module present in the collection.
                DeploymentFacilityModuleWork work = (DeploymentFacilityModuleWork);
                 *Set the name in the properties according to the moduleID.  The module is the same for all the 
                 *targets represented by this single work object.
                ProgressObject po = deploy(work.targets(), moduleArchive, deploymentPlan, getRedeployOptions(work.getModuleID()));

                 *The work instance needs to know about its own progress object, and the
                 *aggregate progress object needs to also.
            return coll.getProgressObjectSink();
        } catch (Throwable e) {
            return prepareErrorProgressObject(CommandType.REDEPLOY, e);

    * (optional)
    * The redeploy method provides a means for updating currently
    * deployed J2EE applications.  This is an optional method for
    * vendor implementation.
    * Redeploy replaces a currently deployed application with an
    * updated version.  The runtime configuration information for 
    * the updated application must remain identical to the application 
    * it is updating.
    * When an application update is redeployed, all existing client
    * connections to the original running application must not be disrupted; 
    * new clients will connect to the application update.
    * This operation is valid for TargetModuleIDs that represent a
    * root module. A root TargetModuleID has no parent. A root
    * TargetModuleID module and all its child modules will be redeployed.
    * A child TargetModuleID module cannot be individually redeployed.
    * The redeploy operation is complete only when this action for 
    * all the modules has completed.
    * @param moduleIDList An array of designators of the applications
    *                      to be updated.
    * @param moduleArchive The input stream containing the application
    *                      archive to be disrtibuted.
    * @param deploymentPlan The input stream containing the runtime
    *                       configuration information associated with
    *                       this application archive.
    * @return ProgressObject an object that tracks and reports the
    *                       status of the redeploy operation.
    * @throws IllegalStateException is thrown when the method is
    *                    called when running in disconnected mode.
    * @throws UnsupportedOperationException this optional command
    *         is not supported by this implementation.

    public ProgressObject redeploy(TargetModuleID[] moduleIDList,
           InputStream moduleArchive, InputStream deploymentPlan)
           throws UnsupportedOperationException, IllegalStateException 
        try {
             *To support multiple different modules in the module ID list, use a TargetModuleIDCollection to
             *organize them and work on each module one at a time.  
            TargetModuleIDCollection coll = new TargetModuleIDCollection(moduleIDList);
            for (Iterator it = coll.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
                 *The iterator returns one work instance for each module present in the collection.
                DeploymentFacilityModuleWork work = (DeploymentFacilityModuleWork);
                 *Set the name in the properties according to the moduleID.  The module is the same for all the 
                 *targets represented by this single work object.
                DeploymentProperties dProps = getRedeployOptions(work.getModuleID());
                ProgressObject po = deploy(work.targets(), moduleArchive, deploymentPlan, dProps);

                 *The work instance needs to know about its own progress object, and the
                 *aggregate progress object needs to also.
            return coll.getProgressObjectSink();
        } catch (Throwable e) {
            return prepareErrorProgressObject(CommandType.REDEPLOY, e);

    * The release method is the mechanism by which the tool signals 
    * to the DeploymentManager that the tool does not need it to
    * continue running connected to the platform. 
    * The tool may be signaling it wants to run in a disconnected 
    * mode or it is planning to shutdown.
    * When release is called the DeploymentManager may close any
    * J2EE resource connections it had for deployment configuration
    * and perform other related resource cleanup.  It should not
    * accept any new operation requests (i.e., distribute, start
    * stop, undeploy, redeploy.  It should finish any operations 
    * that are currently in process.  Each ProgressObject associated
    * with a running operation should be marked as released (see
    * the ProgressObject).

    public void release() {
         *Make sure multiple releases are handled gracefully.
        if ( ! isDisconnected() ) {
            target = null;

    * Returns the default locale supported by this implementation of
    * javax.enterprise.deploy.spi subpackages.
    * @return Locale the default locale for this implementation.
    public Locale getDefaultLocale() {
        return defaultLocale;

    * Returns the active locale this implementation of
    * javax.enterprise.deploy.spi subpackages is running.
    * @return Locale the active locale of this implementation.
    public Locale getCurrentLocale() {
        return currentLocale;

    * Set the active locale for this implementation of
    * javax.enterprise.deploy.spi subpackages to run.
    * @throws UnsupportedOperationException the provide locale is
    *      not supported.
    public void setLocale(Locale locale) throws UnsupportedOperationException {
        for (int i=0;i<supportedLocales.length;i++) {
            if (supportedLocales[i] == locale) {
                currentLocale = locale;
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
            localStrings.getLocalString("enterprise.deployapi.spi.localnotsupported", //NOI18N
                "Locale {0} is not supported", new Object[] {locale})); //NOI18N

    * Returns an array of supported locales for this implementation.
    * @return Locale[] the list of supported locales.
    public Locale[] getSupportedLocales() {
        return supportedLocales;

    * Reports if this implementation supports the designated locale.
    * @return  A value of 'true' means it is support and 'false' it is
    *      not.
    public boolean isLocaleSupported(Locale locale) {
        Locale[] locales = getSupportedLocales();
        for (int i=0;i<locales.length;i++) {
            if (locales[i].equals(locale)) 
                return true;
        return false;

    * Returns the J2EE platform version number for which the
    * configuration beans are provided.  The beans must have 
    * been compiled with the J2SE version required by the J2EE 
    * platform.
    * @return a DConfigBeanVersionType object representing the 
    * platform version number for which these beans are provided.
   public DConfigBeanVersionType getDConfigBeanVersion() {
       return DConfigBeanVersionType.V5;

    * Returns 'true' if the configuration beans support the J2EE platform
    * version specified.  It returns 'false' if the version is
    * not supported.
    * @param version a DConfigBeanVersionType object representing the 
    *	J2EE platform version for which support is requested.
    * @return 'true' if the version is supported and 'false if not.
   public boolean isDConfigBeanVersionSupported(DConfigBeanVersionType version) {
       return version.getValue()==getDConfigBeanVersion().getValue();

    * Set the configuration beans to be used to the J2EE platform 
    * version specificed.
    * @param version a DConfigBeanVersionType object representing the 
    * J2EE platform version for which support is requested.
    * @throws DConfigBeanVersionUnsupportedException when the
    *        requested bean version is not supported.
   public void setDConfigBeanVersion(DConfigBeanVersionType version) throws
            DConfigBeanVersionUnsupportedException {
       if (!isDConfigBeanVersionSupported(version)) {
           throw new DConfigBeanVersionUnsupportedException(
                "enterprise.deployapi.spi.dconfigbeanversionnotsupported", //NOI18N
                "DConfigBean version {0} is not supported",  //NOI18N
                new Object[] {version.toString()}));
    *Return deployment options for the DeploymentFacility preset for the needs of redeployment. 
    *These properties will be merged with and will override the options set for normal deployment.
    *@return Properties with the conventional preset properties for redeployment
   private DeploymentProperties getRedeployOptions(String moduleID) {
        DeploymentProperties deplProps = new DeploymentProperties();
        return deplProps;
    * @return the admin server manager managing hosts for us
   private MBeanServerConnection getMBeanServerConnection() throws IllegalStateException {
        return getDasConnection().getExistingMBeanServerConnection();
     *Deploy the specified module to the list of targets. 
     *The deployment plan archive can be null.
     *@param Target[] the targets to which to deploy the module
     *@param File the archive stream to be deployed
     *@param File the (optional) deployment plan stream
     *@param options set by the caller to override and augment any settings made here
     *@return ProgressObject to communicate progress and results of the deployment
     *@exception IllegalStateException if the DeploymentManager has disconnected
     *@exception IOException if there are problems working with the input streams
    private ProgressObject deploy(Target[] targetList,
           InputStream moduleStream, InputStream deploymentPlanStream, Properties presetOptions)
           throws IllegalStateException {
         *Create archives for the module's input stream and, if present, the deployment plan's
         *input stream, and then delegate to the variant of deploy that accepts archives as
        MemoryMappedArchive moduleArchive = null;
        MemoryMappedArchive deploymentPlanArchive = null;
        try {
            moduleArchive = new MemoryMappedArchive(moduleStream);
            if (deploymentPlanStream != null) {
                deploymentPlanArchive = new MemoryMappedArchive(deploymentPlanStream);
            return deploy(targetList, moduleArchive, deploymentPlanArchive, presetOptions);
        } catch (Throwable e) {
            String msg = localStrings.getLocalString(
                "Could not prepare archives for module and/or deployment plan input streams");
            IllegalArgumentException ex = new IllegalArgumentException(msg);
            return prepareErrorProgressObject(CommandType.DISTRIBUTE, ex);

     *Deploy the specified module to the list of targets. 
     *The deployment plan archive can be null.
     *@param Target[] the targets to which to deploy the module
     *@param File the archive file to be deployed
     *@param File the (optional) deployment plan file
     *@param options set by the caller to override and augment any settings made here
     *@return ProgressObject to communicate progress and results of the deployment
     *@exception IllegalStateException if the DeploymentManager has disconnected
     *@exception IOException if there are problems opening the archive files
    private ProgressObject deploy(Target[] targetList,
           File moduleArchive, File deploymentPlan, Properties presetOptions)
           throws IllegalStateException {
         *Create archives for the module file and, if present, the deployment plan file, and
         *then delegate to the variant of deploy that accepts archives as arguments.
        AbstractArchive appArchive = null;
        AbstractArchive planArchive = null;
        ArchiveFactory archiveFactory = new ArchiveFactory();
        try {
            appArchive = archiveFactory.openArchive(toJarURI(moduleArchive));
            if(deploymentPlan != null && deploymentPlan.length() != 0) {
                planArchive = archiveFactory.openArchive(toJarURI(deploymentPlan));
                if (planArchive == null) {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException(localStrings.getLocalString(
                        "No archivist is able to handle the deployment plan {0}",
                        new Object [] {deploymentPlan.getAbsolutePath()}
            ProgressObject po = deploy(targetList, appArchive, planArchive, presetOptions);
            return po;
        } catch (Exception se) {
            String msg = localStrings.getLocalString(
                "Could not prepare archives for module and/or deployment plan files");
            IllegalArgumentException ex = new IllegalArgumentException(msg);
            return prepareErrorProgressObject(CommandType.DISTRIBUTE, ex);
        } finally {
            closeArchives(CommandType.DISTRIBUTE, appArchive, moduleArchive.getAbsolutePath(), planArchive, (deploymentPlan != null) ? deploymentPlan.getAbsolutePath() : null);

     *Deploy the specified module to the list of targets. 
     *The deployment plan archive can be null.
     *@param Target[] the targets to which to deploy the module
     *@param AbstractArchive the archive to be deployed
     *@param AbstractArchive the (optional) deployment plan
     *@param options set by the caller to override and augment any settings made here
     *@return ProgressObject to communicate progress and results of the deployment
     *@exception IllegalStateException if the DeploymentManager has disconnected
    private ProgressObject deploy(Target[] targetList,
           AbstractArchive moduleArchive, AbstractArchive planArchive, Properties presetOptions)
           throws IllegalStateException {
        String moduleID = null;
        ProgressObject progressObj = null;

        try {
            String UriPath = moduleArchive.getArchiveUri();
            moduleID = computeModuleID(moduleArchive);
            Properties options = getProperties(UriPath, moduleID);

             *If any preset options were specified by the caller, use them to 
             *override or augment the just-assigned set.
            if (presetOptions != null) {
            progressObj = getDeploymentFacility().deploy(targetList, moduleArchive, planArchive, options);
        } catch(Throwable e) {
             *Prepare a progress object with a deployment status "wrapper" around this exception.
            progressObj = prepareErrorProgressObject(CommandType.DISTRIBUTE, e);
        return progressObj;               

     *Closes the module archive and the plan archive, if any, preparing a
     *ProgressObject if any error occurred.
     *@param commandType the CommandType in progress - used in preparing the progress object (if needed)
     *@param moduleArchive the main module archive to be closed
     *@param moduleArchiveSpec a String representation of the main module archive
     *@param planArchive the deployment plan archive (if any) to be closed
     *@param planArchiveSpec a String representation of the deployment plan archive (if any) to be closed
     *@return ProgressObject an error progress object if any error ocurred trying to close the archive(s)
    private ProgressObject closeArchives(CommandType commandType, AbstractArchive moduleArchive, String moduleArchiveSpec, AbstractArchive planArchive, String planArchiveSpec) {
        ProgressObject errorPO = null;
        IOException moduleIOE = closeArchive(moduleArchive);
        IOException planIOE = closeArchive(planArchive);
        IOException excForProgressObject = null;
        String errorMsg = null;
         *If the module could not be closed, record the IOException resulting from the attempt for
         *use in the error progress object returned to the caller.
        if (moduleIOE != null) {
            excForProgressObject = moduleIOE;
             *If there was a problem with both the module archive and the plan archive, 
             *compose an appropriate message that says both failed.
            if (planIOE != null) {
                errorMsg = localStrings.getLocalString(
                        "Could not close module archive {0} or deployment plan archive {1}",
                        new Object[] {moduleArchiveSpec, planArchiveSpec}
            } else {
                 *Either the plan was closed or there was no plan to close.  To build
                 *a message about only the module archive.
                errorMsg = localStrings.getLocalString(
                        "Could not close module archive {0}",
                        new Object[] {moduleArchiveSpec}
        } else if (planIOE != null) {
             *The module archive was closed fine.  If the plan archive exists and 
             *could not be closed, compose an error message to that effect and
             *record the IOException that occurred during the attempt to close the 
             *deployment plan archive for use in the error progress object returned 
             *to the caller.
            excForProgressObject = planIOE;
            errorMsg = localStrings.getLocalString(
                    "Could not close deployment plan archive {0}",
                    new Object[] {planArchiveSpec}
         *If an error occurred trying to close either archive, build an error progress object 
         *for return to the caller.
        if (errorMsg != null) {
            IOException ioe = new IOException(errorMsg);
            ioe.initCause(excForProgressObject); // Only reflects the module exception if both occurred, but the msg describes both.
            errorPO = prepareErrorProgressObject(commandType, ioe);
        return errorPO;
     *Closes the specified archive, returning any IOException encountered in the process.
     *@param archive the archive to be closed
     *@return IOException describing any error; null if the close succeeded
    private IOException closeArchive(AbstractArchive archive) {
        IOException errorIOE = null;
        if (archive != null) {
            try {
            } catch (IOException ioe) {
                errorIOE = ioe;
        return errorIOE;
     *Computes a module ID for use during deployment.  We use the file
     *name as default.  If the archive is not available, i.e. using InputStream
     *to deploy, we return null and delay the defining of moduleID (to server
     *@param moduleArchive the archive of the module's archive
     *@return the derived module ID
     *@exception IOException
    private String computeModuleID(AbstractArchive moduleArchive) throws Exception 
         *Prefer the archive's path.
        String moduleID = null;
        String UriPath = moduleArchive.getArchiveUri();
        if ((UriPath != null) && (UriPath.length() > 0)) {
             *Use the archive path.
            moduleID = pathExcludingType(UriPath);

            //Additional processing of the moduleID
            moduleID = moduleID.replace(' ','_');

            // This moduleID will be later used to construct file path,
            // replace the illegal characters in file name
            //  \ / : * ? " < > | with _
            moduleID = moduleID.replace('\\', '_').replace('/', '_');
            moduleID = moduleID.replace(':', '_').replace('*', '_');
            moduleID = moduleID.replace('?', '_').replace('"', '_');
            moduleID = moduleID.replace('<', '_').replace('>', '_');
            moduleID = moduleID.replace('|', '_');

            // This moduleID will also be used to construct an ObjectName 
            // to register the module, so replace additional special 
            // characters , =  used in property parsing with -
            moduleID = moduleID.replace(',', '_').replace('=', '_');

        return moduleID;
     *Perform the selected command on the DeploymentFacility using the specified target module IDs.
     *Several of the deployment facility methods have the same signature except for the name.
     *This method collects the pre- and post-processing around those method calls in one place, then
     *chooses which of the deployment facility methods to actually invoke based on the 
     *command type provided as an argument.
     *@param commandType selects which method should be invoked
     *@param moduleIDList array of TargetModuleID to be started
     *@exception IllegalArgumentException if the command type is not supported
     *@exception IllegalStateException if the deployment manager had been released previously 
     private ProgressObject executeCommandUsingFacility(
        CommandType commandType, TargetModuleID[] targetModuleIDList) 
        throws IllegalStateException {

       try {  
         DeploymentFacility df = getDeploymentFacility();

         *Create a temporary collection based on the target module IDs to make it easier to deal
         *with the different modules and the set of targets.
        TargetModuleIDCollection coll = new TargetModuleIDCollection(targetModuleIDList);
         *For each distinct module ID present in the list, ask the deployment facility to 
         *operate on that module on all the relevant targets.
        for (Iterator it = coll.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
             *The iterator returns one work instance for each module present in the collection.
             *Each work instance reflects one invocation of a method on the DeploymentFacility.
            DeploymentFacilityModuleWork work = (DeploymentFacilityModuleWork);
            ProgressObject po = null;
            if (commandType.equals(CommandType.START)) {
                po = df.enable(work.targets(), work.getModuleID());
            } else if (commandType.equals(CommandType.STOP)) {
                po = df.disable(work.targets(), work.getModuleID());
            } else if (commandType.equals(CommandType.UNDEPLOY)) {
                po = df.undeploy(work.targets(), work.getModuleID());

            } else {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(localStrings.getLocalString(
                    "Received unexpected deployment facility command ${0}",
                    new Object [] {commandType.toString()}
             *The new work instance needs to know about its own progress object, and the
             *aggregate progress object needs to also.
         *Return the single progress object to return to the caller.
        return coll.getProgressObjectSink();
      } catch (Throwable thr) {
        return prepareErrorProgressObject(commandType, thr);
     *Prepare a ProgressObject that reflects an error, with a related Throwable cause.
     *@param commandType being processed at the time of the error
     *@param throwable that occurred
     *@return ProgressObject set to FAILED with linked cause reporting full error info
    private ProgressObject prepareErrorProgressObject (CommandType commandType, Throwable thr) {
        DeploymentStatus ds = new DeploymentStatusImplWithError(CommandType.DISTRIBUTE, thr);
        SimpleProgressObjectImpl progressObj = new SimpleProgressObjectImpl(ds);
        ProgressEvent event = new ProgressEvent(progressObj, null /*targetModuleID */, ds);
        return progressObj;

    protected Properties getProperties(String archiveName, String moduleID) {
        DeploymentProperties dProps = new DeploymentProperties();
        return (Properties)dProps;
     *Extract the name part of the path except for any file type at the end, following the "dot" character.
     *@param path the path from which the leading path and type are to be excluded
     *@return the name with no file type
    private String pathExcludingType(String path) {
         *Use the last part of the path up to but not including the archive type.
        path = path.substring(path.lastIndexOf('/')+1);
        if (path.lastIndexOf('.')!=-1) {
            path = path.substring(0, path.lastIndexOf('.'));
        return path;

     *Returns the cached DAS connection, creating it if needed.
     *This method should be called only if the SunDeploymentManager was instantiated using the
     *constructor that provides a target and a principal.
     *@return the DAS connection
     *@throws IllegalStateException if target and/or principal have not been set
    private ConnectionSource getDasConnection() {
        if (dasConnection == null) {
            if (serverId == null) {
                throw new IllegalStateException(localStrings.getLocalString(
                    "Attempted to connect to DAS management interface but target and/or principal have not been set"

            TLSParams tlsParams = null;
            if (serverId.isSecure()) {
                X509TrustManager trustManager = 
                tlsParams = new TLSParams(trustManager, null);

            dasConnection = new AppserverConnectionSource(
                serverId.getHostName(), serverId.getHostPort(),
                serverId.getUserName(), serverId.getPassword(),
                tlsParams, null);
        return dasConnection;    

     *Returns the cached root proxy, creating it if needed.
     *@return the root proxy
    private DomainRoot getRootProxy() throws IOException {
        if (rootProxy == null) {
            rootProxy = getProxyFactory().createDomainRoot();
        return rootProxy;

     *Returns the cached domain config proxy for this SDM's domain, creating it if needed.
     *@return the proxy to the DomainConfig MBean
    private DomainConfig getDomainConfigProxy() throws IOException {
        if (domainConfigProxy == null) {
            domainConfigProxy = getRootProxy().getDomainConfig();
        return domainConfigProxy;

     *Returns the cached ProxyFactory, creating one if needed.
     *@return the proxy factory
    private ProxyFactory getProxyFactory() {
        if (proxyFactory == null) {
            proxyFactory = ProxyFactory.getInstance(getDasConnection());
        return proxyFactory;

    * The distribute method performs three tasks; it validates the
    * deployment configuration data, generates all container specific 
    * classes and interfaces, and moves the fully baked archive to 
    * the designated deployment targets.
    * @param targetList   A list of server targets the user is specifying
    *                     this application be deployed to. 
    * @param moduleArchive The abstraction for the application 
    *                      archive to be disrtibuted.
    * @param deploymentPlan The archive containing the deployment
    *                       configuration information associated with
    *                       this application archive.
    * @param deploymentOptions is a JavaBeans compliant component 
    *                   containing all deployment options for this deployable
    *                   unit. This object must be created using the 
    *                   BeanInfo instance returned by 
    *                   DeploymentConfiguration.getDeploymentOptions
    * @throws IllegalStateException is thrown when the method is
    *                    called when running in disconnected mode.
    * @return ProgressObject an object that tracks and reports the 
    *                       status of the distribution process.
    public ProgressObject distribute(Target[] targetList, 
                                     Archive moduleArchive, 
                                     Archive deploymentPlan, 
                                     Object deploymentOptions) 
            throws IllegalStateException {
        return null;

     * Creates a new instance of WritableArchive which can be used to 
     * store application elements in a layout that can be directly used by 
     * the application server. Implementation of this method should carefully
     * return the appropriate implementation of the interface that suits 
     * the server needs and provide the fastest deployment time.
     * An archive may already exist at the location and elements may be 
     * read but not changed or added depending on the underlying medium.
     * @param path the directory in which to create this archive if local 
     * storage is a possibility. 
     * @param name is the desired name for the archive
     * @return the writable archive instance
    public WritableArchive getArchive(URI path, String name)
        throws IOException
        if (path==null) {
            // no particular path was provided, using tmp jar file
            File root = File.createTempFile(name,".jar");  //NOI18N
            path = root.toURI();
        ArchiveFactory factory = new ArchiveFactory();
        boolean exists = false;
        if ((path.getScheme().equals("file")) ||  //NOI18N
            (path.getScheme().equals("jar"))) { //NOI18N
            File target = new File(path);
            exists = target.exists();                    
        } else {
            return null;
        if (exists) {
            return factory.openArchive(path);            
        } else {
            return factory.createArchive(path);
     *Organizes the target module IDs passed by a JSR88 client for easy processing one module ID
     *at a time.
     *Several methods in the JSR88 DeploymentManager interface accept a list of TargetModuleID values,
     *and these lists can refer to multiple module IDs and multiple targets.
     *Each invocation of a DeploymentFacility method, on the other hand, can work on only a single module 
     *although with perhaps multiple targets.  This class provides a central way of organizing the 
     *target module IDs as passed from the JSR88 client and making the information for a single 
     *module ID readily available.  
     *Typically, a client will use three methods:
     *<le>the constructor - pass a TargetModuleID array as supplied by a client
     *<le>the iterator() method, which the client uses to step through the DeploymentFacilityModuleWork
     *instances, each representing a single module and perhaps multiple targets.
     *<le>the getProgressObjectSink which returns the aggregator for the ProgressObjects
     *from each work element
    protected class TargetModuleIDCollection {
        /* Maps the module ID to that module's instance of DeploymentFacilityModuleWork. */
        private HashMap moduleIDToInfoMap = new HashMap();
        /* Collects together the individual progress objects into a single aggregate one. */
        ProgressObjectSink progressObjectSink = null;
         *Create a new instance of TargetModuleIDCollection.
         *Accept the array of targetModuleIDs as passed by the JSR88 client and set up the
         *internal data structures.
         *@param targetModuleIDs array of {@link javax.deployment.api.TargetModuleID TargetModuleID} provided from the calling JSR88 client
        public TargetModuleIDCollection(TargetModuleID [] targetModuleIDs) throws IllegalArgumentException {

            for (int i = 0; i < targetModuleIDs.length; i++) {
                 *Make sure that this target module ID has a target that is a SunTarget and was created by this DM.
                Target candidateTarget = targetModuleIDs[i].getTarget();
                if ( ! (candidateTarget instanceof SunTarget)) {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    localStrings.getLocalString("enterprise.deployapi.spi.notSunTarget", //NOI18N
                        "Expected SunTarget instance but found instance of {0}", new Object[] {candidateTarget.getClass().getName() } )); //NOI18N
                SunTarget candidateSunTarget = (SunTarget) candidateTarget;
                String moduleID = targetModuleIDs[i].getModuleID();
                 *Look for the entry in the hash map for this module.
                DeploymentFacilityModuleWork work = (DeploymentFacilityModuleWork) moduleIDToInfoMap.get(moduleID);
                if (work == null) {
                     *This module ID is not yet in the map.  Add a work instance for it with the module ID as the key.
                    work = new DeploymentFacilityModuleWork(moduleID);
                    moduleIDToInfoMap.put(moduleID, work);
                 *Either the entry already exists or one has been created.  
                 *In either case, add the target to the work to be done with this module.
         *Provides an Iterator over the module work items in the collection.
         *The iterator provides one element for each distinct module that appeared in the original
         *array of TargetModuleIDs.
         *@return Iterator over the DeploymentFacilityModuleWork elements in the collection
        public Iterator iterator() {
            return moduleIDToInfoMap.values().iterator();

         *Reports the number of elements in the collection.
         *This is also a measure of the number of distinct module IDs specified in the TargetModuleID array
         *passed to the constructor of the collection.
         *@return the number of DeploymentFacilityModuleWork elements contained in the collection
        public int size() {
            return moduleIDToInfoMap.size();
         *Returns the aggregate progress object for the collection.
         *Creates a new ProgressObjectSink if needed.
         *@return ProgressObjectSink
        public ProgressObjectSink getProgressObjectSink() {
            if (progressObjectSink == null) {
                progressObjectSink = new ProgressObjectSink();
            return progressObjectSink;
     *Encapsulates information used with a single invocation of a DeploymentFacility method--
     *that is, one item of "work" the DeploymentFacility is being asked to perform.
     *This includes the single target ID of interest (because the DF methods operate on a 
     *single module), a collection of all the targets to be included in the operation on that
     *module, and the progress object resulting from the DF method invocation.
    protected class DeploymentFacilityModuleWork {
        /** The module ID this work handles */
        private String moduleID = null;
        /** The targets this work should affect. */
        private Collection targets = new Vector();
        /** The ProgressObject for this work returned by the DeploymentFacility method invocation. */
        private ProgressObject progressObject = null;
         *Creates a new instance of DeploymentFacilityModuleWork.
         *@param the module ID common to all work recorded in this instance
        public DeploymentFacilityModuleWork(String moduleID) {
            this.moduleID = moduleID;
         *Adds a target to the collection of targets for the work to be done for this distinct module.
         *@param the {@link javax.enterprise.deploy.spi.Target Target} to be added for this module
        public void addTarget(Target target) {
            if ( ! (target instanceof SunTarget) ) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(localStrings.getLocalString(
                    "Target must be of type SunTarget but encountered {0}",
                    new Object [] {target.getClass().getName()} 
         *Returns an array of {@link javax.enterprise.deploy.spi.Target Target} instances recorded for
         *this module.  Note the return of an array of runtime type SunTarget[].
         *@return array of Target
        public Target [] targets() {
            return (Target []) targets.toArray(new SunTarget[] {});
         *Returns the {@link javax.enterprise.deploy.spi.status.ProgressObject ProgressObject} that the
         *DeploymentFacility method returned when it was invoked.
         *@return the ProgressObject
        public ProgressObject getProgressObject() {
            return this.progressObject;
         *Records the {@link javax.enterprise.deploy.spi.status.ProgressObject ProgressObject} that the
         *DeploymentFacility returned when its method was invoked.
         *@param the ProgressObject provided by the DeploymentFacility
        public void setProgressObject (ProgressObject progressObject) {
            this.progressObject = progressObject;
         *Reports the module ID for this instance of DeploymentFacilityModuleWork
         *@return the module ID
        public String getModuleID() {
            return this.moduleID;

     *Convert a file spec into a jar URI.
     *This creates a URI acceptable to the rest of the processing.  Using File.toURI alone omits the 
     *authority from the result which causes problems later on.  Plus, the scheme needs to be jar
     *for archive files; otherwise a URI with "file:" triggers deployment directory behavior.
     *@param filePath to be converted into a URI
     *@return URI with scheme=jar for the file
    private URI toJarURI(File archiveFile) throws URISyntaxException {
        URI archiveFileURI = archiveFile.toURI();
        URI answer = new URI("jar", "" /* authority */, archiveFileURI.getSchemeSpecificPart(), null, null); //NOI18N
        return answer;

     *Return a reference to a connected DeploymentFacility object.  Instantiates and connects
     *one if needed.
     *@return DeploymentFacility
    private DeploymentFacility getDeploymentFacility() {
        if (this.deploymentFacility == null) {
            this.deploymentFacility = DeploymentFacilityFactory.getDeploymentFacility();
        return this.deploymentFacility;

     *Append child TargetModuleIDs to the J2EE module's TargetModuleID, navigating MBeans to do so.
     *Note that the result of this method is to add child IDs to the sunTargetModuleID.  There is
     *no return value.
     *@param sunTargetModuleID the TMID of the J2EE app to which child entries should be appended
     *@param moduleID the module ID for which child entries are of interest
    private void addChildTargetModuleIDsToJ2EEUsingMBeans(SunTargetModuleID sunTargetModuleID, String moduleID, HostAndPort hostAndPort) {
        SunTarget sunTarget = (SunTarget) sunTargetModuleID.getTarget();
        try {
            MBeanServerConnection mbsc = getMBeanServerConnection();
             *Use the MBean to retrieve the ObjectNames of all children of this module on this target.
            ObjectName query = new ObjectName("com.sun.appserv:category=runtime,name=" + moduleID + ",J2EEServer=" + sunTarget.getAppServerInstance() + ",*");
            Set mbeans = mbsc.queryNames(query, null);
             *Work through the child ObjectNames, adding appropriately-constructed SunTargetModuleIDs
             *as children of the SunTargetModuleID of the parent J2EE module.
            for (Iterator itr = mbeans.iterator();itr.hasNext();) {

                ObjectName module = (ObjectName);

                 *Retrieve the list of child module names of the module's ObjectName.
                String subModules[] = (String[]) mbsc.getAttribute(module, "modules");
                for (int i = 0; i < subModules.length; i++) {
                    Set subModuleObjectNames = mbsc.queryNames(new ObjectName(subModules[i]), null);
                    if (subModuleObjectNames != null) {
                         *The MBean returned some children, so iterate through them and prepare a sub TMID.
                        for (Iterator subItr = subModuleObjectNames.iterator(); subItr.hasNext(); ) {
                            ObjectName aSubModule = (ObjectName);
                            SunTargetModuleID childTmid;
                            String aSubModuleName = aSubModule.toString();
                            if (aSubModuleName.indexOf("WebModule")!=-1) {
                                String id = moduleID + "#" + ((String) mbsc.getAttribute(aSubModule, "name"));
                                String path = (String) mbsc.getAttribute(aSubModule, "path");
                                childTmid = prepareWebChildTargetModuleID(id, sunTarget, hostAndPort, path);
                            } else {
                                String name = (String) mbsc.getAttribute(aSubModule, "name");
                                ModuleType moduleType = deriveModuleTypeFromModuleName(aSubModuleName);
                                childTmid = prepareNonWebChildTargetModuleID(moduleID, sunTarget, name, moduleType);
        catch(Exception exp){
            Print.dprintStackTrace(exp.getLocalizedMessage(), exp);
            Print.dprint("***Exception occured while "+
            "accessing mbean details:  Keep continuing\n");

    private SunTargetModuleID prepareWebChildTargetModuleID(String id, SunTarget sunTarget, HostAndPort hostAndPort, String path) throws MalformedURLException {
        id = id.replace(':','#');
        SunTargetModuleID childTmid = new SunTargetModuleID(id, sunTarget);
        // Patchup code for fixing netbeans issue 6221411; Need to find a good solution for this and WSDL publishing
        String host;
        if(isPE()) {
            host = childTmid.getConnectionInfo().getHostName();
        } else {
            host = hostAndPort.getHost();

        // get the web url
        URL webURL = new URL("http", host, hostAndPort.getPort(), path);
        return childTmid;

    private SunTargetModuleID prepareNonWebChildTargetModuleID(String id, SunTarget sunTarget, String subModuleName, ModuleType moduleType) {
        String moduleID = id + "#" + subModuleName;
        SunTargetModuleID childTmid = new SunTargetModuleID(moduleID, sunTarget);
        return childTmid;
    private ModuleType deriveModuleTypeFromModuleName(String moduleName) {
        ModuleType moduleType = null;
        if (moduleName.indexOf("EJBModule")!=-1) {
            moduleType = ModuleType.EJB;
        } else if (moduleName.indexOf("AppClientModule")!=-1) {                                    
            moduleType = ModuleType.CAR;
        } else {
            moduleType = ModuleType.RAR;
        return moduleType;

     *Identifies the DAS to which the DeploymentManager is connected as a PE (as opposed to SE/EE) one.
     *@return boolean indicating whether the DAS is a PE DAS
    public boolean isPE() {     
        boolean result;
        try {
            result = applicationsConfigMBeanIsPE();
            return result;
        } catch (Throwable thr) {
            throw new RuntimeException(localStrings.getLocalString(
                        "Error checking type of DAS"), thr); //NOI18N

    private boolean applicationsConfigMBeanIsPE()  throws
                    IOException {
        boolean result;
        MBeanServerConnection mbsc = getMBeanServerConnection();
        ObjectName applicationsMBean = new ObjectName(applicationsMBeanName);
        MBeanInfo info = mbsc.getMBeanInfo(applicationsMBean);
        String className = info.getClassName();
        result = ! className.endsWith(EE_APPLICATIONS_CONFIG_MBEAN_SUFFIX);
        return result;

    private ModuleType getModuleTypeFor(String moduleID) throws Exception {
        MBeanServerConnection mbsc = getMBeanServerConnection();
        ObjectName applicationsMBean = new ObjectName(applicationsMBeanName);
        String[] signature = new String[] {"java.lang.String"};
        Object[] params = new Object[] {moduleID};
        Integer result = (Integer)
            mbsc.invoke(applicationsMBean, "getModuleType", params, signature);
        if (result == null) {
            String msg = localStrings.getLocalString(
                "Module " + moduleID + " not found");
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);
        return ModuleType.getModuleType(result.intValue());

    private static final String EE_APPLICATIONS_CONFIG_MBEAN_SUFFIX = ".EEApplicationsConfigMBean";