ChunkContainerReader.javaAPI DocJaudiotagger 2.0.49124Wed Mar 30 16:11:50 BST



import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.logging.Logger;

 * This class represents a reader implementation, which is able to read ASF
 * objects (chunks) which store other objects (chunks) within them.<br>
 * @author Christian Laireiter
 * @param <ChunkType>
 *            The {@link ChunkContainer} instance, the implementation will
 *            create.
abstract class ChunkContainerReader<ChunkType extends ChunkContainer>
        implements ChunkReader {

     * Logger
    protected static final Logger LOGGER = Logger
            .getLogger(""); //$NON-NLS-1$

     * Within this range, a {@link ChunkReader} should be aware if it fails.
    public final static int READ_LIMIT = 8192;

     * If <code>true</code> each chunk type will only be read once.<br>
    protected final boolean eachChunkOnce;

     * If <code>true</code> due to a {@linkplain #register(Class) registered}
     * chunk reader, all {@link InputStream} objects passed to
     * {@link #read(GUID, InputStream, long)} must support mark/reset.
    protected boolean hasFailingReaders = false;

     * Registers GUIDs to their reader classes.<br>
    protected final Map<GUID, ChunkReader> readerMap = new HashMap<GUID, ChunkReader>();

     * Creates a reader instance, which only utilizes the given list of chunk
     * readers.<br>
     * @param toRegister
     *            List of {@link ChunkReader} class instances, which are to be
     *            utilized by the instance.
     * @param readChunkOnce
     *            if <code>true</code>, each chunk type (identified by chunk
     *            GUID) will handled only once, if a reader is available, other
     *            chunks will be discarded.
    protected ChunkContainerReader(
            final List<Class<? extends ChunkReader>> toRegister,
            final boolean readChunkOnce) {
        this.eachChunkOnce = readChunkOnce;
        for (final Class<? extends ChunkReader> curr : toRegister) {

     * Checks for the constraints of this class.
     * @param stream
     *            stream to test.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException
     *             If stream does not meet the requirements.
    protected void checkStream(final InputStream stream)
            throws IllegalArgumentException {
        if (this.hasFailingReaders && !stream.markSupported()) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "Stream has to support mark/reset.");

     * This method is called by {@link #read(GUID, InputStream, long)} in order
     * to create the resulting object. Implementations of this class should now
     * return a new instance of their implementation specific result <b>AND</b>
     * all data should be read, until the list of chunks starts. (The
     * {@link ChunkContainer#getChunkEnd()} must return a sane result, too)<br>
     * @param streamPosition
     *            position of the stream, the chunk starts.
     * @param chunkLength
     *            the length of the chunk (from chunk header)
     * @param stream
     *            to read the implementation specific information.
     * @return instance of the implementations result.
     * @throws IOException
     *             On I/O Errors and Invalid data.
    abstract protected ChunkType createContainer(long streamPosition,
            BigInteger chunkLength, InputStream stream) throws IOException;

     * Gets a configured {@linkplain ChunkReader reader} instance for ASF
     * objects (chunks) with the specified <code>guid</code>.
     * @param guid
     *            GUID which identifies the chunk to be read.
     * @return an appropriate reader implementation, <code>null</code> if not
     *         {@linkplain #register(Class) registered}.
    protected ChunkReader getReader(final GUID guid) {
        return this.readerMap.get(guid);

     * Tests whether {@link #getReader(GUID)} won't return <code>null</code>.<br>
     * @param guid
     *            GUID which identifies the chunk to be read.
     * @return <code>true</code> if a reader is available.
    protected boolean isReaderAvailable(final GUID guid) {
        return this.readerMap.containsKey(guid);

     * This Method implements the reading of a chunk container.<br>
     * @param guid
     *            GUID of the currently read container.
     * @param stream
     *            Stream which contains the chunk container.
     * @param chunkStart
     *            The start of the chunk container from stream start.<br>
     *            For direct file streams one can assume <code>0</code> here.
     * @return <code>null</code> if no valid data found, else a Wrapper
     *         containing all supported data.
     * @throws IOException
     *             Read errors.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException
     *             If one used {@link ChunkReader} could
     *             {@linkplain ChunkReader#canFail() fail} and the stream source
     *             doesn't support mark/reset.
    public ChunkType read(final GUID guid, final InputStream stream,
            final long chunkStart) throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException {
        final CountingInputStream cis = new CountingInputStream(stream);
        if (!Arrays.asList(getApplyingIds()).contains(guid)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "provided GUID is not supported by this reader.");
        // For Know the file pointer pointed to an ASF header chunk.
        final BigInteger chunkLen = Utils.readBig64(cis);
         * now read implementation specific information until the chunk
         * collection starts and create the resulting object.
        final ChunkType result = createContainer(chunkStart, chunkLen, cis);
        // 16 bytes have already been for providing the GUID
        long currentPosition = chunkStart + cis.getReadCount() + 16;

        final HashSet<GUID> alreadyRead = new HashSet<GUID>();
         * Now reading header of chuncks.
        while (currentPosition < result.getChunkEnd()) {
            final GUID currentGUID = Utils.readGUID(cis);
            final boolean skip = this.eachChunkOnce
                    && (!isReaderAvailable(currentGUID) || !alreadyRead
            Chunk chunk;
             * If one reader tells it could fail (new method), then check the
             * input stream for mark/reset. And use it if failed.
            if (!skip && isReaderAvailable(currentGUID)) {
                final ChunkReader reader = getReader(currentGUID);
                if (reader.canFail()) {
                chunk = getReader(currentGUID).read(currentGUID, cis,
            } else {
                chunk = ChunkHeaderReader.getInstance().read(currentGUID, cis,
            if (chunk == null) {
                 * Reader failed
            } else {
                if (!skip) {
                currentPosition = chunk.getChunkEnd();
                // Always take into account, that 16 bytes have been read prior
                // to calling this method
                assert cis.getReadCount() + chunkStart + 16 == currentPosition;

        return result;

     * Registers the given reader.<br>
     * @param <T>
     *            The actual reader implementation.
     * @param toRegister
     *            chunk reader which is to be registered.
    private <T extends ChunkReader> void register(final Class<T> toRegister) {
        try {
            final T reader = toRegister.newInstance();
            for (final GUID curr : reader.getApplyingIds()) {
                this.readerMap.put(curr, reader);
        } catch (InstantiationException e) {
        } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
