Share.javaAPI DocAzureus Apr 21 06:14:26 BST 2006org.gudy.azureus2.ui.console.commands

 * Written and copyright 2001-2003 Tobias Minich. Distributed under the GNU
 * General Public License; see the README file. This code comes with NO
 * Created on 23.03.2004
package org.gudy.azureus2.ui.console.commands;

import java.util.*;

import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.AEThread;
import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.Debug;
import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.sharing.*;
import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.torrent.TorrentAttribute;
import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.torrent.TorrentManager;
import org.gudy.azureus2.ui.console.ConsoleInput;

 * @author tobi
 * To change the template for this generated type comment go to
 * Window - Preferences - Java - Code Generation - Code and Comments
public class Share extends IConsoleCommand {
	public Share()
		super(new String[] {"share"});
	public String getCommandDescriptions() {
		return("share <type> <path> [<properties>]\t\t\tShare a file or folder(s). Use without parameters to get a list of available options." );
	public void printHelp(PrintStream out, List args) {
		out.println( "> -----" );
		out.println( "[share <type> <path> [<properties>]" );
		out.println( "type options:" );
		out.println( "file           Share a single file." );
		out.println( "folder         Share a folder as a single multi-file torrent." );
		out.println( "contents       Share files and sub-dirs in a folder as single and multi-file torrents." );
		out.println( "rcontents      Share files and sub-dir files in a folder as separate torrents." );
		out.println( "list           List the shares (path not required)");
		out.println( "remove         Remove a share given its path");
		out.println( "      <properties> is semicolon separated <name>=<value> list.");
		out.println( "      Defined values are 'category=<cat>', 'private=<true/false>', 'dht_backup=<true/false>' and 'comment=<comment>' ('_' in <comment> are replaced with spaces)");
		out.println( "          currently only 'category' can be applied to file/folder and the rest only apply to items added *after* the share has been defined" );
		out.println( "      For example: share contents /music category=music;private=true;comment=Great_Stuff");
		out.println( "> -----" );
	public void execute(String commandName,	final ConsoleInput ci, List args ) 
		if( args.isEmpty() )
			printHelp(ci.out, args);
		final ShareManager share_manager;
			share_manager = ci.azureus_core.getPluginManager().getDefaultPluginInterface().getShareManager();
		}catch( ShareException e ){
			ci.out.println( "ERROR: " + e.getMessage() + " ::");
			Debug.printStackTrace( e );
		final String arg = (String) args.remove(0);
		if ( args.isEmpty() && ("list".equalsIgnoreCase(arg)) ) {
			ShareResource[]	shares = share_manager.getShares();
			if( shares.length == 0 ){
				ci.out.println("> No shares found");
				HashSet	share_map = new HashSet();
				int	share_num = 0;
				for (int i=0;i<shares.length;i++){
					ShareResource	share = shares[i];
					if ( share instanceof ShareResourceDirContents ){
						share_map.add( share );
					}else if ( share.getParent() != null ){
						ci.out.println( "> " + share_num++ + ": " + shares[i].getName());
				Iterator	it = share_map.iterator();
				TorrentManager tm = ci.azureus_core.getPluginManager().getDefaultPluginInterface().getTorrentManager();

				TorrentAttribute	category_attribute 	= tm.getAttribute( TorrentAttribute.TA_CATEGORY );
				TorrentAttribute	props_attribute 	= tm.getAttribute( TorrentAttribute.TA_SHARE_PROPERTIES );
				while( it.hasNext()){
					ShareResourceDirContents	root = (ShareResourceDirContents);
					String	cat 	= root.getAttribute( category_attribute );
					String	props 	= root.getAttribute( props_attribute );
					String	extra = cat==null?"":(",cat=" + cat );
					extra += props==null?"":(",props=" + props );
					ci.out.println( "> " + share_num++ + ": " + root.getName() + extra );
					outputChildren( ci, "    ", root );
		final File path = new File( (String) args.get(0) );
		if( !path.exists() ) {
			ci.out.println( "ERROR: path [" +path+ "] does not exist." );
		if ( ("remove".equalsIgnoreCase(arg)) ) {
			ShareResource[]	shares = share_manager.getShares();

			boolean	done = false;
			for (int i=0;i<shares.length;i++){
				if ( shares[i].getName().equals( path.toString())){
						ci.out.println( "> Share " + path.toString() + " removed" );
						done	= true;
					}catch( Throwable e ) {
						ci.out.println( "ERROR: " + e.getMessage() + " ::");
						Debug.printStackTrace( e );

			if ( !done ){
				ci.out.println( "> Share " + path.toString() + " not found" );
		String	category 	= null;
		String	props		= null;
		if ( args.size() == 2 ){
			String	properties = (String)args.get(1);
			StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer( properties, ";" );
			while( tok.hasMoreTokens()){
				String	token = tok.nextToken();
				int	pos = token.indexOf('=');
				if ( pos == -1 ){
					ci.out.println( "ERROR: invalid properties string '" + properties + "'" );
					String	lhs = token.substring(0,pos).trim().toLowerCase();
					String	rhs = token.substring(pos+1).trim();
					if ( lhs.equals( "category" )){
						category = rhs;
						if ( 	lhs.equals( "private" ) ||
								lhs.equals( "dht_backup" ) ||
								lhs.equals( "comment" )){
							if ( props == null ){
								props = "";
								// _ are replaced with spaces
							if ( lhs.equals("comment")){
								rhs = rhs.replace('_', ' ' );
							if ( rhs.length() > 0 ){
								props += (props.length()==0?"":";") + lhs + "=" + rhs;
							ci.out.println( "ERROR: invalid properties string '" + properties + "'" );
		final String		f_category	= category;
		final String		f_props		= props;
		new AEThread( "shareFile" ) 
			public void 
					ShareResource resource = share_manager.getShare( path );
					if( "file".equalsIgnoreCase( arg ) ) {

						ci.out.println( "File [" +path+ "] share being processed in background..." );

						if ( resource == null ){
							resource = share_manager.addFile( path );
					}else if( "folder".equalsIgnoreCase( arg ) ) {
						ci.out.println( "Folder [" +path+ "] share being processed in background..." );

						if ( resource == null ){
							resource = share_manager.addDir( path );	
					}else if( "contents".equalsIgnoreCase( arg ) ) {
						ci.out.println( "Folder contents [" +path+ "] share being processed in background..." );

						if ( resource == null ){
							resource = share_manager.addDirContents( path, false );
					}else if( "rcontents".equalsIgnoreCase( arg ) ) {
						ci.out.println( "Folder contents recursive [" +path+ "] share being processed in background..." );

						if ( resource == null ){
							resource = share_manager.addDirContents( path, true );
						ci.out.println( "ERROR: type '" + arg + "' unknown." );
					if ( resource != null ){
						TorrentManager tm = ci.azureus_core.getPluginManager().getDefaultPluginInterface().getTorrentManager();
						String	cat = f_category;

						if ( cat != null ){
							if ( cat.length() == 0 ){
								cat	= null;
							resource.setAttribute( tm.getAttribute( TorrentAttribute.TA_CATEGORY), cat );
						String	pro = f_props;
						if ( pro != null ){
							if ( pro.length() == 0 ){
								pro = null;
							resource.setAttribute( tm.getAttribute( TorrentAttribute.TA_SHARE_PROPERTIES), pro );
					if ( resource != null ){
						ci.out.println( "... processing complete" );
				}catch( Throwable e ) {
					ci.out.println( "ERROR: " + e.getMessage() + " ::");
					Debug.printStackTrace( e );
	protected void
		ConsoleInput				ci,		
		String						indent,
		ShareResourceDirContents	node )
		ShareResource[]	kids = node.getChildren();
		for (int i=0;i<kids.length;i++){
			ShareResource	kid = kids[i];
			ci.out.println( indent + kid.getName());

			if ( kid instanceof ShareResourceDirContents ){
				outputChildren( ci, indent + "    ", (ShareResourceDirContents)kid );