HelpDemo.javaAPI DocExample906Sat Nov 25 12:54:14 GMT 2000None


public class HelpDemo extends Object
ExecDemoHelp shows how to use the Win32 "start" command to load a help file. Written long before JavaHelp API, which probably should be use instead.

Fields Summary
Constructors Summary
Methods Summary
public voidhelp()
help() -- start a help viewer. On Win32, we use the "start" command. For UNIX, we'll try for Netscape or HotJava in the user's path. For the Mac, not sure what we'll do.

		// A Runtime object has methods for dealing with the OS
		Runtime r = Runtime.getRuntime();
		// A process object tracks one external running process
		Process p;
		// Start Netscape from Java Applications (not Applets though)
		p = r.exec("c:/windows/command/start.exe HelpDemo.htm");

public static voidmain(java.lang.String[] av)
A simple main program, to show calling help().

		new HelpDemo().help();