IMAPFolder.javaAPI DocGlassfish v2 API89156Wed May 23 10:57:52 BST 2007com.sun.mail.imap


public class IMAPFolder extends Folder implements ResponseHandler, UIDFolder
This class implements an IMAP folder.

A closed IMAPFolder object shares a protocol connection with its IMAPStore object. When the folder is opened, it gets its own protocol connection.

Applications that need to make use of IMAP-specific features may cast a Folder object to an IMAPFolder object and use the methods on this class. The {@link #getQuota getQuota} and {@link #setQuota setQuota} methods support the IMAP QUOTA extension. Refer to RFC 2087 for more information.

The {@link #getACL getACL}, {@link #addACL addACL}, {@link #removeACL removeACL}, {@link #addRights addRights}, {@link #removeRights removeRights}, {@link #listRights listRights}, and {@link #myRights myRights} methods support the IMAP ACL extension. Refer to RFC 2086 for more information.

The {@link #doCommand doCommand} method and {@link IMAPFolder.ProtocolCommand IMAPFolder.ProtocolCommand} interface support use of arbitrary IMAP protocol commands.

See the com.sun.mail.imap package documentation for further information on the IMAP protocol provider.

WARNING: The APIs unique to this class should be considered EXPERIMENTAL. They may be changed in the future in ways that are incompatible with applications using the current APIs.

1.84, 07/05/15
John Mani
Bill Shannon
Jim Glennon

Fields Summary
protected String
protected String
protected int
protected char
protected Flags
protected Flags
protected boolean
protected boolean
protected String[]
protected IMAPProtocol
protected Vector
protected Object
protected Hashtable
protected static final char
private boolean
private boolean
private static final int
private static final int
private static final int
private int
private int
private int
private int
private long
private long
private boolean
private Status
private long
private boolean
private PrintStream
private boolean
Constructors Summary
protected IMAPFolder(String fullName, char separator, IMAPStore store)
Constructor used to create a possibly non-existent folder.

fullName fullname of this folder
separator the default separator character for this folder's namespace
store the Store


	if (fullName == null)
	    throw new NullPointerException("Folder name is null");
	this.fullName = fullName;
	this.separator = separator;
	messageCacheLock = new Object();
        debug = store.getSession().getDebug();
        connectionPoolDebug = ((IMAPStore)store).getConnectionPoolDebug();
	out = store.getSession().getDebugOut();
	if (out == null)	// should never happen
	    out = System.out;

	 * Work around apparent bug in Exchange.  Exchange
	 * will return a name of "Public Folders/" from
	 * LIST "%".
	 * If name has one separator, and it's at the end,
	 * assume this is a namespace name and treat it
	 * accordingly.  Usually this will happen as a result
	 * of the list method, but this also allows getFolder
	 * to work with namespace names.
	this.isNamespace = false;
	if (separator != UNKNOWN_SEPARATOR && separator != '\0") {
	    int i = this.fullName.indexOf(separator);
	    if (i > 0 && i == this.fullName.length() - 1) {
		this.fullName = this.fullName.substring(0, i);
		this.isNamespace = true;
protected IMAPFolder(String fullName, char separator, IMAPStore store, boolean isNamespace)
Constructor used to create a possibly non-existent folder.

fullName fullname of this folder
separator the default separator character for this folder's namespace
store the Store

	this(fullName, separator, store);
	this.isNamespace = isNamespace;
protected IMAPFolder(ListInfo li, IMAPStore store)
Constructor used to create an existing folder.

	this(, li.separator, store);

	if (li.hasInferiors)
	    type |= HOLDS_FOLDERS;
	if (li.canOpen)
	    type |= HOLDS_MESSAGES;
	exists = true;
	attributes = li.attrs;
Methods Summary
public voidaddACL(com.sun.mail.imap.ACL acl)
Add an access control list entry to the access control list for this folder.

acl the access control list entry to add
MessagingException if the server doesn't support the ACL extension

	setACL(acl, '\0");
public synchronized Message[]addMessages(Message[] msgs)
Append the given messages into this folder. Return array of Message objects representing the messages in the destination folder. Note that the folder must be open. Each element of the returned array corresponds to an element of the msgs array. A null element means the server didn't return UID information for the appended message.

Depends on the APPENDUID response code defined by the UIDPLUS extension - RFC 2359.

JavaMail 1.4

	Message[] rmsgs = new MimeMessage[msgs.length];
	AppendUID[] uids = appendUIDMessages(msgs);
	for (int i = 0; i < uids.length; i++) {
	    AppendUID auid = uids[i];
	    if (auid != null) {
		if (auid.uidvalidity == uidvalidity) {
		    try {
			rmsgs[i] = getMessageByUID(auid.uid);
		    } catch (MessagingException mex) {
			// ignore errors at this stage
	return rmsgs;
public voidaddRights(com.sun.mail.imap.ACL acl)
Add the rights specified in the ACL to the entry for the identifier specified in the ACL. If an entry for the identifier doesn't already exist, add one.

acl the identifer and rights to add
MessagingException if the server doesn't support the ACL extension

	setACL(acl, '+");
public synchronized voidappendMessages(Message[] msgs)
Append the given messages into this folder.

	checkExists(); // verify that self exists

	// XXX - have to verify that messages are in a different
	// store (if any) than target folder, otherwise could
	// deadlock trying to fetch messages on the same connection
	// we're using for the append.

	int maxsize = ((IMAPStore)store).getAppendBufferSize();

	for (int i = 0; i < msgs.length; i++) {
	    final Message m = msgs[i];
	    final MessageLiteral mos;

	    try {
		// if we know the message is too big, don't buffer any of it
		mos = new MessageLiteral(m,
				m.getSize() > maxsize ? 0 : maxsize);
	    } catch (IOException ex) {
		throw new MessagingException(
				"IOException while appending messages", ex);
	    } catch (MessageRemovedException mrex) {
		continue; // just skip this expunged message

	    Date d = m.getReceivedDate(); // retain dates
	    if (d == null)
		d = m.getSentDate();
	    final Date dd = d;
	    final Flags f = m.getFlags();
	    doCommand(new ProtocolCommand() {
		public Object doCommand(IMAPProtocol p)
			throws ProtocolException {
		    p.append(fullName, f, dd, mos);
		    return null;
public synchronized com.sun.mail.imap.AppendUID[]appendUIDMessages(Message[] msgs)
Append the given messages into this folder. Return array of AppendUID objects containing UIDs of these messages in the destination folder. Each element of the returned array corresponds to an element of the msgs array. A null element means the server didn't return UID information for the appended message.

Depends on the APPENDUID response code defined by the UIDPLUS extension - RFC 2359.

JavaMail 1.4

	checkExists(); // verify that self exists

	// XXX - have to verify that messages are in a different
	// store (if any) than target folder, otherwise could
	// deadlock trying to fetch messages on the same connection
	// we're using for the append.

	int maxsize = ((IMAPStore)store).getAppendBufferSize();

	AppendUID[] uids = new AppendUID[msgs.length];
	for (int i = 0; i < msgs.length; i++) {
	    final Message m = msgs[i];
	    final MessageLiteral mos;

	    try {
		// if we know the message is too big, don't buffer any of it
		mos = new MessageLiteral(m,
				m.getSize() > maxsize ? 0 : maxsize);
	    } catch (IOException ex) {
		throw new MessagingException(
				"IOException while appending messages", ex);
	    } catch (MessageRemovedException mrex) {
		continue; // just skip this expunged message

	    Date d = m.getReceivedDate(); // retain dates
	    if (d == null)
		d = m.getSentDate();
	    final Date dd = d;
	    final Flags f = m.getFlags();
	    AppendUID auid = (AppendUID)doCommand(new ProtocolCommand() {
		public Object doCommand(IMAPProtocol p)
			throws ProtocolException {
		    return p.appenduid(fullName, f, dd, mos);
	    uids[i] = auid;
	return uids;
private voidcheckClosed()

	if (opened)
	    throw new IllegalStateException(
		"This operation is not allowed on an open folder"
private voidcheckExists()

	// If the boolean field 'exists' is false, check with the
	// server by invoking exists() ..
	if (!exists && !exists())
	    throw new FolderNotFoundException(
		this, fullName + " not found");
private voidcheckFlags(javax.mail.Flags flags)

	assert Thread.holdsLock(this);
	if (mode != READ_WRITE)
	    throw new IllegalStateException(
		"Cannot change flags on READ_ONLY folder: " + fullName
	if (!availableFlags.contains(flags))
	    throw new MessagingException(
		"These flags are not supported by this implementation"
private voidcheckOpened()

	assert Thread.holdsLock(this);
	if (!opened) {
	    if (reallyClosed)
		throw new IllegalStateException(
		    "This operation is not allowed on a closed folder"
	    else // Folder was closed "implicitly"
		throw new FolderClosedException(this, 
		    "Lost folder connection to server"
private voidcheckRange(int msgno)

	if (msgno < 1) // message-numbers start at 1
	    throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();

	if (msgno <= total)

	// Out of range, let's ping the server and see if
	// the server has more messages for us.

	synchronized(messageCacheLock) { // Acquire lock
	    try {
	    } catch (ConnectionException cex) {
		// Oops, lost connection
		throw new FolderClosedException(this, cex.getMessage());
	    } catch (ProtocolException pex) { 
		throw new MessagingException(pex.getMessage(), pex);
	} // Release lock

	if (msgno > total) // Still out of range ? Throw up ...
	    throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
private voidcleanup(boolean returnToPool)

        protocol = null;
	messageCache = null;
	uidTable = null;
	exists = false; // to force a recheck in exists().
	attributes = null;
        opened = false;
	idleState = RUNNING;	// just in case
public synchronized voidclose(boolean expunge)
Close this folder.

	close(expunge, false);
private voidclose(boolean expunge, boolean force)

	assert Thread.holdsLock(this);
	synchronized(messageCacheLock) {
	     * If we already know we're closed, this is illegal.
	     * Can't use checkOpened() because if we were forcibly
	     * closed asynchronously we just want to complete the
	     * closing here.
	    if (!opened && reallyClosed)
		throw new IllegalStateException(
		    "This operation is not allowed on a closed folder"

	    reallyClosed = true; // Ok, lets reset

	    // Maybe this folder is already closed, or maybe another
	    // thread which had the messageCacheLock earlier, found
	    // that our server connection is dead and cleaned up
	    // everything ..
	    if (!opened)

	    try {
		if (force) {
                    if (debug)
                        out.println("DEBUG: forcing folder " + fullName +
					" to close");
		    if (protocol != null)
                } else if (((IMAPStore)store).isConnectionPoolFull()) {
		    // If the connection pool is full, logout the connection
                    if (debug)
                        out.println("DEBUG: pool is full, not adding " +
                            "an Authenticated connection");

		    // If the expunge flag is set, close the folder first.
		    if (expunge)

		    if (protocol != null)
                } else {
		    // If the expunge flag is set or we're open read-only we
		    // can just close the folder, otherwise open it read-only
		    // before closing.
                    if (!expunge && mode == READ_WRITE) {
                        try {
                            MailboxInfo mi = protocol.examine(fullName);
                        } catch (ProtocolException pex2) {
                            if (protocol != null)
		    if (protocol != null)
	    } catch (ProtocolException pex) {
		throw new MessagingException(pex.getMessage(), pex);
	    } finally {
		// cleanup if we haven't already
		if (opened)
public synchronized voidcopyMessages(Message[] msgs, javax.mail.Folder folder)
Copy the specified messages from this folder, to the specified destination.


	if (msgs.length == 0) // boundary condition

	// If the destination belongs to our same store, optimize
	if (folder.getStore() == store) {
	    synchronized(messageCacheLock) {
		try {
		    IMAPProtocol p = getProtocol();
		    MessageSet[] ms = Utility.toMessageSet(msgs, null);
		    if (ms == null)
			throw new MessageRemovedException(
					"Messages have been removed");
		    p.copy(ms, folder.getFullName());
		} catch (CommandFailedException cfx) {
		    if (cfx.getMessage().indexOf("TRYCREATE") != -1)
			throw new FolderNotFoundException(
			    folder.getFullName() + " does not exist"
			throw new MessagingException(cfx.getMessage(), cfx);
		} catch (ConnectionException cex) {
		    throw new FolderClosedException(this, cex.getMessage());
		} catch (ProtocolException pex) {
		    throw new MessagingException(pex.getMessage(), pex);
	} else // destination is a different store.
	    super.copyMessages(msgs, folder);
public synchronized booleancreate(int type)
Create this folder, with the specified type.

	char c = 0;
	if ((type & HOLDS_MESSAGES) == 0)	// only holds folders
	    c = getSeparator();
	final char sep = c;
	Object ret = doCommandIgnoreFailure(new ProtocolCommand() {
		public Object doCommand(IMAPProtocol p)
			throws ProtocolException {
		    if ((type & HOLDS_MESSAGES) == 0)	// only holds folders
			p.create(fullName + sep);
		    else {

			// Certain IMAP servers do not allow creation of folders
			// that can contain messages *and* subfolders. So, if we
			// were asked to create such a folder, we should verify
			// that we could indeed do so.
			if ((type & HOLDS_FOLDERS) != 0) {
			    // we want to hold subfolders and messages. Check
			    // whether we could create such a folder.
			    ListInfo[] li = p.list("", fullName);
			    if (li != null && !li[0].hasInferiors) {
				// Hmm ..the new folder 
				// doesn't support Inferiors ? Fail
				throw new ProtocolException("Unsupported type");
		    return Boolean.TRUE;

	if (ret == null)
	    return false; // CREATE failure, maybe this 
			  // folder already exists ?

	// exists = true;
	// this.type = type;
	boolean retb = exists();	// set exists, type, and attributes
	if (retb)		// Notify listeners on self and our Store
	return retb;
public synchronized booleandelete(boolean recurse)
Delete this folder.

	checkClosed(); // insure that this folder is closed.

	if (recurse) {
	    // Delete all subfolders.
	    Folder[] f = list();
	    for (int i = 0; i < f.length; i++)
		f[i].delete(recurse); // ignore intermediate failures

	// Attempt to delete this folder

	Object ret = doCommandIgnoreFailure(new ProtocolCommand() {
	    public Object doCommand(IMAPProtocol p) throws ProtocolException {
		return Boolean.TRUE;

	if (ret == null)
	    // Non-existent folder/No permission ??
	    return false;

	// DELETE succeeded.
	exists = false;
	attributes = null;

	// Notify listeners on self and our Store
	return true;
public java.lang.ObjectdoCommand(com.sun.mail.imap.IMAPFolder$ProtocolCommand cmd)
Execute a user-supplied IMAP command. The command is executed in the appropriate context with the necessary locks held and using the appropriate IMAPProtocol object.

This method returns whatever the ProtocolCommand object's doCommand method returns. If the doCommand method throws a ConnectionException it is translated into a StoreClosedException or FolderClosedException as appropriate. If the doCommand method throws a ProtocolException it is translated into a MessagingException.

The following example shows how to execute the IMAP NOOP command. Executing more complex IMAP commands requires intimate knowledge of the com.sun.mail.iap and com.sun.mail.imap.protocol packages, best acquired by reading the source code.

import com.sun.mail.iap.*;
import com.sun.mail.imap.*;
import com.sun.mail.imap.protocol.*;


IMAPFolder f = (IMAPFolder)folder;
Object val = f.doCommand(new IMAPFolder.ProtocolCommand() {
public Object doCommand(IMAPProtocol p)
throws ProtocolException {
p.simpleCommand("NOOP", null);
return null;

Here's a more complex example showing how to use the proposed IMAP SORT extension:

import com.sun.mail.iap.*; import com.sun.mail.imap.*; import com.sun.mail.imap.protocol.*; ... IMAPFolder f = (IMAPFolder)folder; Object val = f.doCommand(new IMAPFolder.ProtocolCommand() { public Object doCommand(IMAPProtocol p) throws ProtocolException { // Issue command Argument args = new Argument(); Argument list = new Argument(); list.writeString("SUBJECT"); args.writeArgument(list); args.writeString("UTF-8"); args.writeString("ALL"); Response[] r = p.command("SORT", args); Response response = r[r.length-1]; // Grab response Vector v = new Vector(); if (response.isOK()) { // command succesful for (int i = 0, len = r.length; i < len; i++) { if (!(r[i] instanceof IMAPResponse)) continue; IMAPResponse ir = (IMAPResponse)r[i]; if (ir.keyEquals("SORT")) { String num; while ((num = ir.readAtomString()) != null) System.out.println(num); r[i] = null; } } } // dispatch remaining untagged responses p.notifyResponseHandlers(r); p.handleResult(response); return null; } });

	try {
	    return doProtocolCommand(cmd);
	} catch (ConnectionException cex) {
            // Oops, the store or folder died on us.
	} catch (ProtocolException pex) {
	    throw new MessagingException(pex.getMessage(), pex);
	return null;
public java.lang.ObjectdoCommandIgnoreFailure(com.sun.mail.imap.IMAPFolder$ProtocolCommand cmd)

	try {
	    return doProtocolCommand(cmd);
	} catch (CommandFailedException cfx) {
	    return null;
	} catch (ConnectionException cex) {
            // Oops, the store or folder died on us.
	} catch (ProtocolException pex) {
	    throw new MessagingException(pex.getMessage(), pex);
	return null;
private synchronized javax.mail.Folder[]doList(java.lang.String pattern, boolean subscribed)

	checkExists(); // insure that this folder does exist.
	if (!isDirectory()) // Why waste a roundtrip to the server ?
	    return new Folder[0];

	final char c = getSeparator();

	ListInfo[] li = (ListInfo[])doCommandIgnoreFailure(
	    new ProtocolCommand() {
		public Object doCommand(IMAPProtocol p)
			throws ProtocolException {
		    if (subscribed)
			return p.lsub("", fullName + c + pattern);
			return p.list("", fullName + c + pattern);

	if (li == null)
	    return new Folder[0];

	 * The UW based IMAP4 servers (e.g. SIMS2.0) include
	 * current folder (terminated with the separator), when
	 * the LIST pattern is '%' or '*'. i.e, <LIST "" mail/%> 
	 * returns "mail/" as the first LIST response.
	 * Doesn't make sense to include the current folder in this
	 * case, so we filter it out. Note that I'm assuming that
	 * the offending response is the *first* one, my experiments
	 * with the UW & SIMS2.0 servers indicate that .. 
	int start = 0;
	// Check the first LIST response.
	if (li.length > 0 && li[0].name.equals(fullName + c)) 
	    start = 1; // start from index = 1

	IMAPFolder[] folders = new IMAPFolder[li.length - start];
	for (int i = start; i < li.length; i++)
	    folders[i-start] = new IMAPFolder(li[i], (IMAPStore)store);
	return folders;
public java.lang.ObjectdoOptionalCommand(java.lang.String err, com.sun.mail.imap.IMAPFolder$ProtocolCommand cmd)

	try {
	    return doProtocolCommand(cmd);
	} catch (BadCommandException bex) {
	    throw new MessagingException(err, bex);
	} catch (ConnectionException cex) {
            // Oops, the store or folder died on us.
	} catch (ProtocolException pex) {
	    throw new MessagingException(pex.getMessage(), pex);
	return null;
protected java.lang.ObjectdoProtocolCommand(com.sun.mail.imap.IMAPFolder$ProtocolCommand cmd)

	synchronized (this) {
	    // XXX - why does "&& !hasSeparateStoreConnection" make sense?
	    if (opened && !((IMAPStore)store).hasSeparateStoreConnection()) {
		synchronized (messageCacheLock) {
		    return cmd.doCommand(getProtocol());

	// only get here if using store's connection
	IMAPProtocol p = null;

	try {
            p = getStoreProtocol();
	    return cmd.doCommand(p);
	} finally {
public synchronized booleanexists()
Check whether this folder really exists on the server.

	// Check whether this folder exists ..
	ListInfo[] li = null;
	final String lname;
	if (isNamespace && separator != '\0")
	    lname = fullName + separator;
	    lname = fullName;

	li = (ListInfo[])doCommand(new ProtocolCommand() {
	    public Object doCommand(IMAPProtocol p) throws ProtocolException {
		return p.list("", lname);

	if (li != null) {
	    int i = findName(li, lname);
	    fullName = li[i].name;
	    separator = li[i].separator;
	    int len = fullName.length();
	    if (separator != '\0" && len > 0 &&
		    fullName.charAt(len - 1) == separator) {
		fullName = fullName.substring(0, len - 1);
	    type = 0;
	    if (li[i].hasInferiors)
		type |= HOLDS_FOLDERS;
	    if (li[i].canOpen)
	    exists = true;
	    attributes = li[i].attrs;
	} else {
	    exists = opened;
	    attributes = null;

	return exists;
public synchronized Message[]expunge()
Expunge all messages marked as DELETED.

	return expunge(null);
public synchronized Message[]expunge(Message[] msgs)
Expunge the indicated messages, which must have been marked as DELETED.


	Vector v = new Vector(); // to collect expunged messages

	if (msgs != null) {
	    // call fetch to make sure we have all the UIDs
	    FetchProfile fp = new FetchProfile();
	    fetch(msgs, fp);

	synchronized(messageCacheLock) {
	    doExpungeNotification = false; // We do this ourselves later
	    try {
		IMAPProtocol p = getProtocol();
		if (msgs != null)
	    } catch (CommandFailedException cfx) {
		// expunge not allowed, perhaps due to a permission problem?
		if (mode != READ_WRITE)
		    throw new IllegalStateException(
			"Cannot expunge READ_ONLY folder: " + fullName);
		    throw new MessagingException(cfx.getMessage(), cfx);
	    } catch (ConnectionException cex) {
		throw new FolderClosedException(this, cex.getMessage());
	    } catch (ProtocolException pex) {
		// Bad bad server ..
		throw new MessagingException(pex.getMessage(), pex);
	    } finally {
		doExpungeNotification = true;

	    // Cleanup expunged messages and sync messageCache with 
	    // reality.
	    for (int i = 0; i < messageCache.size(); ) {
		IMAPMessage m = (IMAPMessage)messageCache.elementAt(i);
		if (m.isExpunged()) {
		    v.addElement(m); // add into vector of expunged messages

		    /* remove this message from the messageCache.
		     * Note that this also causes all succeeding messages
		     * in the cache to shifted downward in the vector,
		     * therby decrementing the vector's size. (and hence
		     * we need to do messageCache.size() at the top of
		     * this loop.

		    /* remove this message from the UIDTable */
		    if (uidTable != null) {
			long uid = m.getUID();
			if (uid != -1)
			    uidTable.remove(new Long(uid));
		} else {
		    /* Valid message, sync its message number with 
		     * its sequence number.
		    i++; // done; increment index, go check next message

	// Update 'total'
	total = messageCache.size();

	// Notify listeners. This time its for real, guys.
	Message[] rmsgs = new Message[v.size()];
	if (rmsgs.length > 0)
	    notifyMessageRemovedListeners(true, rmsgs);
	return rmsgs;
public synchronized voidfetch(Message[] msgs, javax.mail.FetchProfile fp)
Prefetch attributes, based on the given FetchProfile.

	IMAPMessage.fetch(this, msgs, fp);
private intfindName(com.sun.mail.imap.protocol.ListInfo[] li, java.lang.String lname)
Which entry in li matches lname? If the name contains wildcards, more than one entry may be returned.

	int i;
	// if the name contains a wildcard, there might be more than one
	for (i = 0; i < li.length; i++) {
	    if (li[i].name.equals(lname))
	if (i >= li.length) {	// nothing matched exactly
	    // XXX - possibly should fail?  But what if server
	    // is case insensitive and returns the preferred
	    // case of the name here?
	    i = 0;		// use first one
	return i;
public synchronized voidforceClose()
Close this folder without waiting for the server.

	close(false, true);
public com.sun.mail.imap.ACL[]getACL()
Get the access control list entries for this folder.

array of access control list entries
MessagingException if the server doesn't support the ACL extension

	return (ACL[])doOptionalCommand("ACL not supported",
	    new ProtocolCommand() {
		public Object doCommand(IMAPProtocol p)
			throws ProtocolException {
		    return p.getACL(fullName);
public java.lang.String[]getAttributes()
Get the attributes that the IMAP server returns with the LIST response.

JavaMail 1.3.3

	if (attributes == null)
	    exists();		// do a LIST to set the attributes
	return (String[])(attributes.clone());
public synchronized intgetDeletedMessageCount()
Get the deleted message count.

	if (!opened) {
	    // no way to do this on closed folders
	    return -1;

	// if opened, issue server-side search for messages that do
	// have the DELETED flag.
	Flags f = new Flags();
	try {
	    synchronized(messageCacheLock) {
		int[] matches = getProtocol().search(new FlagTerm(f, true));
		return matches.length; // NOTE: 'matches' is never null
	} catch (ConnectionException cex) {
	    throw new FolderClosedException(this, cex.getMessage());
	} catch (ProtocolException pex) {
	    // Shouldn't happen
	    throw new MessagingException(pex.getMessage(), pex);
public javax.mail.FoldergetFolder(java.lang.String name)
Get the named subfolder.

	// If we know that this folder is *not* a directory, don't
	// send the request to the server at all ...
	if (attributes != null && !isDirectory())
	    throw new MessagingException("Cannot contain subfolders");

	char c = getSeparator();
	return new IMAPFolder(fullName + c + name, c, (IMAPStore)store);
public synchronized java.lang.StringgetFullName()
Get the fullname of this folder.

	return fullName;	
public synchronized MessagegetMessage(int msgnum)
Get the specified message.


	return (Message)messageCache.elementAt(msgnum-1);
com.sun.mail.imap.IMAPMessagegetMessageBySeqNumber(int seqnum)
Get the message object for the given sequence number. If none found, null is returned. ASSERT: This method must be called only when holding the messageCacheLock

	/* Check messageCache for message matching the given
	 * sequence number. We start the search from position (seqnum-1)
	 * and continue down the vector till we get a match.
	for (int i = seqnum-1; i < total; i++) {
	    IMAPMessage msg = (IMAPMessage)messageCache.elementAt(i);
	    if (msg.getSequenceNumber() == seqnum)
		return msg;
	return null;
public synchronized MessagegetMessageByUID(long uid)
Get the Message corresponding to the given UID. If no such message exists, null is returned.

	checkOpened(); // insure folder is open

	IMAPMessage m = null;

	try {
	    synchronized(messageCacheLock) {
		Long l = new Long(uid);

		if (uidTable != null) {
		    // Check in uidTable
		    m = (IMAPMessage)uidTable.get(l);
		    if (m != null) // found it
			return m;
		} else
		    uidTable = new Hashtable();

		// Check with the server
		// Issue UID FETCH command
		UID u = getProtocol().fetchSequenceNumber(uid);

		if (u != null && u.seqnum <= total) { // Valid UID 
		    m = getMessageBySeqNumber(u.seqnum);
		    m.setUID(u.uid); // set this message's UID ..
		    // .. and put this into the hashtable
		    uidTable.put(l, m);
	} catch(ConnectionException cex) {
	    throw new FolderClosedException(this, cex.getMessage());
	} catch (ProtocolException pex) {
	    throw new MessagingException(pex.getMessage(), pex);

	return m;
public synchronized intgetMessageCount()
Get the total message count.

	if (!opened) {
	    // If this folder is not yet open, we use STATUS to
	    // get the total message count
	    try {
		Status status = getStatus();
	    } catch (BadCommandException bex) {
		// doesn't support STATUS, probably vanilla IMAP4 ..
		// lets try EXAMINE
                IMAPProtocol p = null;

	        try {
	            p = getStoreProtocol();	// XXX
		    MailboxInfo minfo = p.examine(fullName);
		} catch (ProtocolException pex) {
		    // Give up.
		    throw new MessagingException(pex.getMessage(), pex);
		} finally {
	    } catch (ConnectionException cex) {
                throw new StoreClosedException(store, cex.getMessage());
	    } catch (ProtocolException pex) {
		throw new MessagingException(pex.getMessage(), pex);

	// Folder is open, we know what the total message count is ..
	synchronized(messageCacheLock) {
	    // tickle the folder and store connections.
	    try {
		return total;
	    } catch (ConnectionException cex) {
		throw new FolderClosedException(this, cex.getMessage());
	    } catch (ProtocolException pex) {
		throw new MessagingException(pex.getMessage(), pex);
public synchronized Message[]getMessagesByUID(long start, long end)
Get the Messages specified by the given range.

Returns Message objects for all valid messages in this range. Returns an empty array if no messages are found.

	checkOpened(); // insure that folder is open

	Message[] msgs; // array of messages to be returned

	try {
	    synchronized(messageCacheLock) {
		if (uidTable == null)
		    uidTable = new Hashtable();

		// Issue UID FETCH for given range
		UID[] ua = getProtocol().fetchSequenceNumbers(start, end);

		msgs = new Message[ua.length];
		IMAPMessage m;
		// NOTE: Below must be within messageCacheLock region
		for (int i = 0; i < ua.length; i++) {
		    m = getMessageBySeqNumber(ua[i].seqnum);
		    msgs[i] = m;
		    uidTable.put(new Long(ua[i].uid), m);
	} catch(ConnectionException cex) {
	    throw new FolderClosedException(this, cex.getMessage());
	} catch (ProtocolException pex) {
	    throw new MessagingException(pex.getMessage(), pex);

	return msgs;
public synchronized Message[]getMessagesByUID(long[] uids)
Get the Messages specified by the given array.

uids.length() elements are returned. If any UID in the array is invalid, a null entry is returned for that element.

	checkOpened(); // insure that folder is open

	try {
	    synchronized(messageCacheLock) {
		long[] unavailUids = uids;
		if (uidTable != null) {
		    Vector v = new Vector(); // to collect unavailable UIDs
		    Long l;
		    for (int i = 0; i < uids.length; i++) {
			if (!uidTable.containsKey(l = new Long(uids[i])))
			    // This UID has not been loaded yet.

		    int vsize = v.size();
		    unavailUids = new long[vsize];
		    for (int i = 0; i < vsize; i++)
			unavailUids[i] = ((Long)v.elementAt(i)).longValue();
		} else
		    uidTable = new Hashtable();

		if (unavailUids.length > 0) {
		    // Issue UID FETCH request for given uids
		    UID[] ua = getProtocol().fetchSequenceNumbers(unavailUids);
		    IMAPMessage m;
		    for (int i = 0; i < ua.length; i++) {
			m = getMessageBySeqNumber(ua[i].seqnum);
			uidTable.put(new Long(ua[i].uid), m);

		// Return array of size = uids.length
		Message[] msgs = new Message[uids.length];
		for (int i = 0; i < uids.length; i++)
		    msgs[i] = (Message)uidTable.get(new Long(uids[i]));
		return msgs;
	} catch(ConnectionException cex) {
	    throw new FolderClosedException(this, cex.getMessage());
	} catch (ProtocolException pex) {
	    throw new MessagingException(pex.getMessage(), pex);
public synchronized java.lang.StringgetName()
Get the name of this folder.

	/* Return the last component of this Folder's full name.
	 * Folder components are delimited by the separator character.
	if (name == null) {
	    try {
		name = 	fullName.substring(
			    fullName.lastIndexOf(getSeparator()) + 1
	    } catch (MessagingException mex) { }
	return name;
public synchronized intgetNewMessageCount()
Get the new message count.

	if (!opened) {
	    // If this folder is not yet open, we use STATUS to
	    // get the new message count
	    try {
		Status status = getStatus();
		return status.recent;
	    } catch (BadCommandException bex) {
		// doesn't support STATUS, probably vanilla IMAP4 ..
		// lets try EXAMINE
                IMAPProtocol p = null;

	        try {
	            p = getStoreProtocol();	// XXX
		    MailboxInfo minfo = p.examine(fullName);
		    return minfo.recent;
		} catch (ProtocolException pex) {
		    // Give up.
		    throw new MessagingException(pex.getMessage(), pex);
		} finally {
	    } catch (ConnectionException cex) {
		throw new StoreClosedException(store, cex.getMessage());
	    } catch (ProtocolException pex) {
		throw new MessagingException(pex.getMessage(), pex);

	// Folder is open, we know what the new message count is ..
	synchronized(messageCacheLock) {
	    // tickle the folder and store connections.
	    try {
		return recent;
	    } catch (ConnectionException cex) {
		throw new FolderClosedException(this, cex.getMessage());
	    } catch (ProtocolException pex) {
		throw new MessagingException(pex.getMessage(), pex);
public synchronized javax.mail.FoldergetParent()
Get this folder's parent.

	char c = getSeparator();
	int index;
	if ((index = fullName.lastIndexOf(c)) != -1)
	    return new IMAPFolder(fullName.substring(0, index), 
				  c, (IMAPStore)store);
	    return new DefaultFolder((IMAPStore)store);
public synchronized javax.mail.FlagsgetPermanentFlags()
Return the permanent flags supported by the server.

	return (Flags)(permanentFlags.clone());
private com.sun.mail.imap.protocol.IMAPProtocolgetProtocol()
Return the IMAPProtocol object for this folder.

This method will block if necessary to wait for an IDLE command to finish.

the IMAPProtocol object used when the folder is open

	assert Thread.holdsLock(messageCacheLock);
        return protocol;
public javax.mail.Quota[]getQuota()
Get the quotas for the quotaroot associated with this folder. Note that many folders may have the same quotaroot. Quotas are controlled on the basis of a quotaroot, not (necessarily) a folder. The relationship between folders and quotaroots depends on the IMAP server. Some servers might implement a single quotaroot for all folders owned by a user. Other servers might implement a separate quotaroot for each folder. A single folder can even have multiple quotaroots, perhaps controlling quotas for different resources.

array of Quota objects for the quotaroots associated with this folder
MessagingException if the server doesn't support the QUOTA extension

	return (Quota[])doOptionalCommand("QUOTA not supported",
	    new ProtocolCommand() {
		public Object doCommand(IMAPProtocol p)
			throws ProtocolException {
		    return p.getQuotaRoot(fullName);
public synchronized chargetSeparator()
Get the separator character.

	if (separator == UNKNOWN_SEPARATOR) {
	    ListInfo[] li = null;

	    li = (ListInfo[])doCommand(new ProtocolCommand() {
		public Object doCommand(IMAPProtocol p)
			throws ProtocolException {
		    // REV1 allows the following LIST format to obtain
		    // the hierarchy delimiter of non-existent folders
		    if (p.isREV1()) // IMAP4rev1
		        return p.list(fullName, "");
		    else // IMAP4, note that this folder must exist for this
		        // to work :(
		        return p.list("", fullName);

	    if (li != null) 
		separator = li[0].separator;
		separator = '/"; // punt !
	return separator;
private com.sun.mail.imap.protocol.StatusgetStatus()

	int statusCacheTimeout = ((IMAPStore)store).getStatusCacheTimeout();

	// if allowed to cache and our cache is still valid, return it
	if (statusCacheTimeout > 0 && cachedStatus != null &&
	    System.currentTimeMillis() - cachedStatusTime < statusCacheTimeout)
	    return cachedStatus;

        IMAPProtocol p = null;

	try {
	    p = getStoreProtocol();	// XXX
	    Status s = p.status(fullName, null); 
	    // if allowed to cache, do so
	    if (statusCacheTimeout > 0) {
		cachedStatus = s;
		cachedStatusTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
	    return s;
        } finally {
protected synchronized com.sun.mail.imap.protocol.IMAPProtocolgetStoreProtocol()
Get this folder's Store's protocol connection. When acquiring a store protocol object, it is important to use the following steps: IMAPProtocol p = null; try { p = getStoreProtocol(); // perform the command } catch (WhateverException ex) { // handle it } finally { releaseStoreProtocol(p); }

	if (connectionPoolDebug) {
	    out.println("DEBUG: getStoreProtocol() - " + 
		"borrowing a connection");
	return ((IMAPStore)store).getStoreProtocol();
public synchronized intgetType()
Get the type of this folder.

	if (opened) {
	    // never throw FolderNotFoundException if folder is open
	    if (attributes == null)
		exists();	// try to fetch attributes
	} else {
	return type;
public synchronized longgetUID(Message message)
Get the UID for the specified message.

	if (message.getFolder() != this)
	    throw new NoSuchElementException(
		"Message does not belong to this folder");

	checkOpened(); // insure that folder is open

	IMAPMessage m = (IMAPMessage)message;
	// If the message already knows its UID, great ..
	long uid;
	if ((uid = m.getUID()) != -1)
	    return uid;

	synchronized(messageCacheLock) { // Acquire Lock
	    try {
		IMAPProtocol p = getProtocol();
		m.checkExpunged(); // insure that message is not expunged
		UID u = p.fetchUID(m.getSequenceNumber());

		if (u != null) {
		    uid = u.uid;
		    m.setUID(uid); // set message's UID

		    // insert this message into uidTable
		    if (uidTable == null)
			uidTable = new Hashtable();
		    uidTable.put(new Long(uid), m);
	    } catch (ConnectionException cex) {
		throw new FolderClosedException(this, cex.getMessage());
	    } catch (ProtocolException pex) {
		throw new MessagingException(pex.getMessage(), pex);

	return uid;
public synchronized longgetUIDNext()
Returns the predicted UID that will be assigned to the next message that is appended to this folder. If the folder is closed, the STATUS command is used to retrieve this value. If the folder is open, the value returned from the SELECT or EXAMINE command is returned. Note that messages may have been appended to the folder while it was open and thus this value may be out of date.

Servers implementing RFC2060 likely won't return this value when a folder is opened. Servers implementing RFC3501 should return this value when a folder is opened.

the UIDNEXT value, or -1 if unknown
JavaMail 1.3.3

	if (opened) // we already have this information
	    return uidnext;

        IMAPProtocol p = null;
        Status status = null;

	try {
	    p = getStoreProtocol();	// XXX
	    String[] item = { "UIDNEXT" };
	    status = p.status(fullName, item);
	} catch (BadCommandException bex) {
	    // Probably a RFC1730 server
	    throw new MessagingException("Cannot obtain UIDNext", bex);
	} catch (ConnectionException cex) {
            // Oops, the store or folder died on us.
	} catch (ProtocolException pex) {
	    throw new MessagingException(pex.getMessage(), pex);
	} finally {

	return status.uidnext;
public synchronized longgetUIDValidity()
Returns the UIDValidity for this folder.

	if (opened) // we already have this information
	    return uidvalidity;

        IMAPProtocol p = null;
        Status status = null;

	try {
	    p = getStoreProtocol();	// XXX
	    String[] item = { "UIDVALIDITY" };
	    status = p.status(fullName, item);
	} catch (BadCommandException bex) {
	    // Probably a RFC1730 server
	    throw new MessagingException("Cannot obtain UIDValidity", bex);
	} catch (ConnectionException cex) {
            // Oops, the store or folder died on us.
	} catch (ProtocolException pex) {
	    throw new MessagingException(pex.getMessage(), pex);
	} finally {

	return status.uidvalidity;
public synchronized intgetUnreadMessageCount()
Get the unread message count.

	if (!opened) {
	    // If this folder is not yet open, we use STATUS to
	    // get the unseen message count
	    try {
		Status status = getStatus();
		return status.unseen;
	    } catch (BadCommandException bex) {
		// doesn't support STATUS, probably vanilla IMAP4 ..
		// Could EXAMINE, SEARCH for UNREAD messages and
		// return the count .. bah, not worth it.
		return -1;
	    } catch (ConnectionException cex) {
		throw new StoreClosedException(store, cex.getMessage());
	    } catch (ProtocolException pex) {
		throw new MessagingException(pex.getMessage(), pex);

	// if opened, issue server-side search for messages that do
	// *not* have the SEEN flag.
	Flags f = new Flags();
	try {
	    synchronized(messageCacheLock) {
		int[] matches = getProtocol().search(new FlagTerm(f, false));
		return matches.length; // NOTE: 'matches' is never null
	} catch (ConnectionException cex) {
	    throw new FolderClosedException(this, cex.getMessage());
	} catch (ProtocolException pex) {
	    // Shouldn't happen
	    throw new MessagingException(pex.getMessage(), pex);
public voidhandleResponse(com.sun.mail.iap.Response r)
The response handler. This is the callback routine that is invoked by the protocol layer.

	assert Thread.holdsLock(messageCacheLock);

	 * First, delegate possible ALERT or notification to the Store.
	if (r.isOK() || r.isNO() || r.isBAD() || r.isBYE())

	 * Now check whether this is a BYE or OK response and
	 * handle appropriately.
	if (r.isBYE()) {
	    if (opened)		// XXX - accessed without holding folder lock
	} else if (r.isOK()) {
	} else if (!r.isUnTagged()) {
	    return;	// XXX - should never happen

	/* Now check whether this is an IMAP specific response */
	if (!(r instanceof IMAPResponse)) {
	    // Probably a bug in our code !
	    // XXX - should be an assert
	    out.println("UNEXPECTED RESPONSE : " + r.toString());

	IMAPResponse ir = (IMAPResponse)r;

	if (ir.keyEquals("EXISTS")) { // EXISTS
	    int exists = ir.getNumber();
	    if (exists <= realTotal) 
		// Could be the EXISTS following EXPUNGE, ignore 'em
	    int count = exists - realTotal; // number of new messages
	    Message[] msgs = new Message[count];

	    // Add 'count' new IMAPMessage objects into the messageCache
	    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
		// Note that as a side-effect, we also increment
		// total & realTotal
		IMAPMessage msg = new IMAPMessage(this, ++total, ++realTotal);
		msgs[i] = msg;

	    // Notify listeners.

	} else if (ir.keyEquals("EXPUNGE")) {
	    // EXPUNGE response.

	    IMAPMessage msg = getMessageBySeqNumber(ir.getNumber());
	    msg.setExpunged(true); // mark this message expunged.

	    // Renumber the cache, starting from just beyond 
	    // the expunged message.
	    for (int i = msg.getMessageNumber(); i < total; i++) {
		// Note that 'i' actually indexes the message
		// beyond the expunged message.
		IMAPMessage m = (IMAPMessage)messageCache.elementAt(i);
		if (m.isExpunged()) // an expunged message, skip

		// Decrement this message's seqnum
		m.setSequenceNumber(m.getSequenceNumber() - 1);
	    } // Whew, done.

	    // decrement 'realTotal'; but leave 'total' unchanged

	    if (doExpungeNotification) {
		// Do the notification here.
		Message[] msgs = {msg};
		notifyMessageRemovedListeners(false, msgs);

	} else if (ir.keyEquals("FETCH")) {
	    // The only unsolicited FETCH response that makes sense
	    // to me (for now) is FLAGS updates. Ignore any other junk.
	    assert ir instanceof FetchResponse : "!ir instanceof FetchResponse";
	    FetchResponse f = (FetchResponse)ir;
	    // Get FLAGS response, if present
	    Flags flags = (Flags)f.getItem(Flags.class);

	    if (flags != null) {
		IMAPMessage msg = getMessageBySeqNumber(f.getNumber());
		if (msg != null) {	// should always be true
			    MessageChangedEvent.FLAGS_CHANGED, msg);

	} else if (ir.keyEquals("RECENT")) {
	    // update 'recent'
	    recent = ir.getNumber();
voidhandleResponses(com.sun.mail.iap.Response[] r)
Handle the given array of Responses. ASSERT: This method must be called only when holding the messageCacheLock

	for (int i = 0; i < r.length; i++) {
	    if (r[i] != null)
public synchronized booleanhasNewMessages()
Check whether this folder has new messages.

	if (opened) {	// If we are open, we already have this information
	    // Folder is open, make sure information is up to date
	    synchronized(messageCacheLock) {
		// tickle the folder and store connections.
		try {
		} catch (ConnectionException cex) {
		    throw new FolderClosedException(this, cex.getMessage());
		} catch (ProtocolException pex) {
		    throw new MessagingException(pex.getMessage(), pex);
		return recent > 0 ? true : false;


	// First, the cheap way - use LIST and look for the \Marked
	// or \Unmarked tag

	Boolean b = (Boolean)doCommandIgnoreFailure(new ProtocolCommand() {
	    public Object doCommand(IMAPProtocol p) throws ProtocolException {
		ListInfo[] li = p.list("", fullName);
		if (li != null) {
		    if (li[0].changeState == ListInfo.CHANGED)
			return Boolean.TRUE;
		    else if (li[0].changeState == ListInfo.UNCHANGED)
			return Boolean.FALSE;

		// LIST didn't work. Try the hard way, using STATUS
		Status status = getStatus();
		if (status.recent > 0)
		    return Boolean.TRUE;
		    return Boolean.FALSE;
	if (b == null)
	    // Probably doesn't support STATUS, tough luck.
	    return false;
	return b.booleanValue();
public voididle()
Use the IMAP IDLE command (see RFC 2177), if supported by the server, to enter idle mode so that the server can send unsolicited notifications of new messages arriving, etc. without the need for the client to constantly poll the server. Use an appropriate listener to be notified of new messages or other events. When another thread (e.g., the listener thread) needs to issue an IMAP comand for this folder, the idle mode will be terminated and this method will return. Typically the caller will invoke this method in a loop.

The mail.imap.minidletime property enforces a minimum delay before returning from this method, to ensure that other threads have a chance to issue commands before the caller invokes this method again. The default delay is 10 milliseconds.

MessagingException if the server doesn't support the IDLE extension
IllegalStateException if the folder isn't open
JavaMail 1.4.1

	// ASSERT: Must NOT be called with this folder's
	// synchronization lock held.
	assert !Thread.holdsLock(this);
	synchronized(this) {
	    Boolean started = (Boolean)doOptionalCommand("IDLE not supported",
		new ProtocolCommand() {
		    public Object doCommand(IMAPProtocol p)
			    throws ProtocolException {
			if (idleState == RUNNING) {
			    idleState = IDLE;
			    return Boolean.TRUE;
			} else {
			    // some other thread must be running the IDLE
			    // command, we'll just wait for it to finish
			    // without aborting it ourselves
			    try {
				// give up lock and wait to be not idle
			    } catch (InterruptedException ex) { }
			    return Boolean.FALSE;
	    if (!started.booleanValue())

	 * We gave up the folder lock so that other threads
	 * can get into the folder far enough to see that we're
	 * in IDLE and abort the IDLE.
	 * Now we read responses from the IDLE command, especially
	 * including unsolicited notifications from the server.
	 * We don't hold the messageCacheLock while reading because
	 * it protects the idleState and other threads need to be
	 * able to examine the state.
	 * We hold the messageCacheLock while processing the
	 * responses so that we can update the number of messages
	 * in the folder (for example).
	for (;;) {
	    Response r = protocol.readIdleResponse();
	    try {
		synchronized (messageCacheLock) {
		    if (r == null || protocol == null ||
			    !protocol.processIdleResponse(r)) {
			idleState = RUNNING;
	    } catch (ConnectionException cex) {
		// Oops, the store or folder died on us.
	    } catch (ProtocolException pex) {
		throw new MessagingException(pex.getMessage(), pex);

	 * Enforce a minimum delay to give time to threads
	 * processing the responses that came in while we
	 * were idle.
	int minidle = ((IMAPStore)store).getMinIdleTime();
	if (minidle > 0) {
	    try {
	    } catch (InterruptedException ex) { }
private booleanisDirectory()

	return ((type & HOLDS_FOLDERS) != 0);
public synchronized booleanisOpen()
Check whether this connection is really open.

	synchronized(messageCacheLock) {
	    // Probe the connection to make sure its really open.
	    if (opened) {
		try {
		} catch (ProtocolException pex) { }

	return opened;
public synchronized booleanisSubscribed()
Check whether this folder is subscribed.

	ListInfo[] li = null;
	final String lname;
	if (isNamespace && separator != '\0")
	    lname = fullName + separator;
	    lname = fullName;

	try {
	    li = (ListInfo[])doProtocolCommand(new ProtocolCommand() {
		public Object doCommand(IMAPProtocol p)
			throws ProtocolException {
		    return p.lsub("", lname);
	} catch (ProtocolException pex) {

	if (li != null) {
	    int i = findName(li, lname);
	    return li[i].canOpen;
	} else
	    return false;
private voidkeepConnectionAlive(boolean keepStoreAlive)
Issue a noop command for the connection if the connection has not been used in more than a second. If keepStoreAlive is true, also issue a noop over the store's connection. ASSERT: This method must be called only when holding the messageCacheLock

        if (System.currentTimeMillis() - protocol.getTimestamp() > 1000) {

        if (keepStoreAlive && ((IMAPStore)store).hasSeparateStoreConnection()) {
            IMAPProtocol p = null;
	    try {
		p = ((IMAPStore)store).getStoreProtocol();
		if (System.currentTimeMillis() - p.getTimestamp() > 1000)
	    } finally {
public javax.mail.Folder[]list(java.lang.String pattern)
List all subfolders matching the specified pattern.

	return doList(pattern, false);
public com.sun.mail.imap.Rights[]listRights(java.lang.String name)
Get all the rights that may be allowed to the given identifier. Rights are grouped per RFC 2086 and each group is returned as an element of the array. The first element of the array is the set of rights that are always granted to the identifier. Later elements are rights that may be optionally granted to the identifier.

Note that this method lists the rights that it is possible to assign to the given identifier, not the rights that are actually granted to the given identifier. For the latter, see the getACL method.

name the identifier to list rights for
array of Rights objects representing possible rights for the identifier
MessagingException if the server doesn't support the ACL extension

	return (Rights[])doOptionalCommand("ACL not supported",
	    new ProtocolCommand() {
		public Object doCommand(IMAPProtocol p)
			throws ProtocolException {
		    return p.listRights(fullName, name);
public javax.mail.Folder[]listSubscribed(java.lang.String pattern)
List all subscribed subfolders matching the specified pattern.

	return doList(pattern, true);
public com.sun.mail.imap.RightsmyRights()
Get the rights allowed to the currently authenticated user.

the rights granted to the current user
MessagingException if the server doesn't support the ACL extension

	return (Rights)doOptionalCommand("ACL not supported",
	    new ProtocolCommand() {
		public Object doCommand(IMAPProtocol p)
			throws ProtocolException {
		    return p.myRights(fullName);
public synchronized voidopen(int mode)
Open this folder in the given mode.

	checkClosed(); // insure that we are not already open
	MailboxInfo mi = null;
	// Request store for our own protocol connection.
	protocol = ((IMAPStore)store).getProtocol(this);

	CommandFailedException exc = null;
	synchronized(messageCacheLock) { // Acquire messageCacheLock

	     * Add response handler right away so we get any alerts or
	     * notifications that occur during the SELECT or EXAMINE.
	     * Have to be sure to remove it if we fail to open the
	     * folder.

	    try {
		if (mode == READ_ONLY)
		    mi = protocol.examine(fullName);
		    mi =;
	    } catch (CommandFailedException cex) {
		// got a NO; connection still good, return it
		protocol = null;
		exc = cex;
		break lock;
	    } catch (ProtocolException pex) {
		// got a BAD or a BYE; connection may be bad, close it
		try {
		} catch (ProtocolException pex2) {
		    // ignore
		} finally {
		    protocol = null;
		    throw new MessagingException(pex.getMessage(), pex);

	    if (mi.mode != mode) {
		if (mode == READ_WRITE && mi.mode == READ_ONLY &&
			((IMAPStore)store).allowReadOnlySelect()) {
		    ;		// all ok, allow it
		} else {	// otherwise, it's an error
		    try {
			// close mailbox and return connection
		    } catch (ProtocolException pex) {
			// something went wrong, close connection
			try {
			} catch (ProtocolException pex2) {
			    // ignore
			} finally {
		    } finally {
			protocol = null;
			throw new ReadOnlyFolderException(this,
				      "Cannot open in desired mode");

	    // Initialize stuff.
	    opened = true;
	    reallyClosed = false;
	    this.mode = mi.mode;
	    availableFlags = mi.availableFlags;
	    permanentFlags = mi.permanentFlags;
	    total = realTotal =;
	    recent = mi.recent;
	    uidvalidity = mi.uidvalidity;
	    uidnext = mi.uidnext;

	    // Create the message cache vector of appropriate size
	    messageCache = new Vector(total);
	    // Fill up the cache with light-weight IMAPMessage objects
	    for (int i = 0; i < total; i++)
		messageCache.addElement(new IMAPMessage(this, i+1, i+1));

	} // Release lock

	 * Handle SELECT or EXAMINE failure after lock is released.
	 * Try to figure out why the operation failed so we can
	 * report a more reasonable exception.
	if (exc != null) {
	    checkExists();	// throw exception if folder doesn't exist

	    if ((type & HOLDS_MESSAGES) == 0)
		throw new MessagingException("folder cannot contain messages");
	    throw new MessagingException(exc.getMessage(), exc);

	exists = true;		// if we opened it, it must exist
	attributes = null;	// but we don't yet know its attributes
	type = HOLDS_MESSAGES;	// lacking more info, we know at least this much

	// notify listeners
private voidreleaseProtocol(boolean returnToPool)
Release the protocol object. ASSERT: This method must be called only when holding the messageCacheLock

        if (protocol != null) {

            if (returnToPool)
                ((IMAPStore)store).releaseProtocol(this, protocol);
                ((IMAPStore)store).releaseProtocol(this, null);
protected synchronized voidreleaseStoreProtocol(com.sun.mail.imap.protocol.IMAPProtocol p)
Release the store protocol object. If we borrowed a protocol object from the connection pool, give it back. If we used our own protocol object, nothing to do.

        if (p != protocol)
public voidremoveACL(java.lang.String name)
Remove any access control list entry for the given identifier from the access control list for this folder.

name the identifier for which to remove all ACL entries
MessagingException if the server doesn't support the ACL extension

	doOptionalCommand("ACL not supported",
	    new ProtocolCommand() {
		public Object doCommand(IMAPProtocol p)
			throws ProtocolException {
		    p.deleteACL(fullName, name);
		    return null;
public voidremoveRights(com.sun.mail.imap.ACL acl)
Remove the rights specified in the ACL from the entry for the identifier specified in the ACL.

acl the identifer and rights to remove
MessagingException if the server doesn't support the ACL extension

	setACL(acl, '-");
public synchronized booleanrenameTo(javax.mail.Folder f)
Rename this folder.

	checkClosed(); // insure that we are closed.
	if (f.getStore() != store)
	    throw new MessagingException("Can't rename across Stores");

	Object ret = doCommandIgnoreFailure(new ProtocolCommand() {
	    public Object doCommand(IMAPProtocol p) throws ProtocolException {
		p.rename(fullName, f.getFullName());
		return Boolean.TRUE;

	if (ret == null)
	    return false;

	exists = false;
	attributes = null;
	return true;
public synchronized Message[]search( term)
Search whole folder for messages matching the given term.


	try {
	    Message[] matchMsgs = null;

	    synchronized(messageCacheLock) {
		int[] matches = getProtocol().search(term);
		if (matches != null) {
		    matchMsgs = new IMAPMessage[matches.length];
		    // Map seq-numbers into actual Messages.
		    for (int i = 0; i < matches.length; i++)	
			matchMsgs[i] = getMessageBySeqNumber(matches[i]);
	    return matchMsgs;

	} catch (CommandFailedException cfx) {
	    // unsupported charset or search criterion
	} catch (SearchException sex) {
	    // too complex for IMAP
	} catch (ConnectionException cex) {
	    throw new FolderClosedException(this, cex.getMessage());
	} catch (ProtocolException pex) {
	    // bug in our IMAP layer ?
	    throw new MessagingException(pex.getMessage(), pex);
public synchronized Message[]search( term, Message[] msgs)
Search the folder for messages matching the given term. Returns array of matching messages. Returns an empty array if no matching messages are found.


	if (msgs.length == 0)
	    // need to return an empty array (not null!)
	    return msgs;

	try {
	    Message[] matchMsgs = null;

	    synchronized(messageCacheLock) {
		IMAPProtocol p = getProtocol();
		MessageSet[] ms = Utility.toMessageSet(msgs, null);
		if (ms == null)
		    throw new MessageRemovedException(
					"Messages have been removed");
		int[] matches =, term);
		if (matches != null) {
		    matchMsgs = new IMAPMessage[matches.length];
		    for (int i = 0; i < matches.length; i++)	
			matchMsgs[i] = getMessageBySeqNumber(matches[i]);
	    return matchMsgs;

	} catch (CommandFailedException cfx) {
	    // unsupported charset or search criterion
	    return, msgs);
	} catch (SearchException sex) {
	    // too complex for IMAP
	    return, msgs);
	} catch (ConnectionException cex) {
	    throw new FolderClosedException(this, cex.getMessage());
	} catch (ProtocolException pex) {
	    // bug in our IMAP layer ?
	    throw new MessagingException(pex.getMessage(), pex);
private voidsetACL(com.sun.mail.imap.ACL acl, char mod)

	doOptionalCommand("ACL not supported",
	    new ProtocolCommand() {
		public Object doCommand(IMAPProtocol p)
			throws ProtocolException {
		    p.setACL(fullName, mod, acl);
		    return null;
public synchronized voidsetFlags(Message[] msgs, javax.mail.Flags flag, boolean value)
Set the specified flags for the given array of messages.

	checkFlags(flag); // validate flags

	if (msgs.length == 0) // boundary condition

	synchronized(messageCacheLock) {
	    try {
		IMAPProtocol p = getProtocol();
		MessageSet[] ms = Utility.toMessageSet(msgs, null);
		if (ms == null)
		    throw new MessageRemovedException(
					"Messages have been removed");
		p.storeFlags(ms, flag, value);
	    } catch (ConnectionException cex) {
		throw new FolderClosedException(this, cex.getMessage());
	    } catch (ProtocolException pex) {
		throw new MessagingException(pex.getMessage(), pex);
public voidsetQuota(javax.mail.Quota quota)
Set the quotas for the quotaroot specified in the quota argument. Typically this will be one of the quotaroots associated with this folder, as obtained from the getQuota method, but it need not be.

quota the quota to set
MessagingException if the server doesn't support the QUOTA extension

	doOptionalCommand("QUOTA not supported",
	    new ProtocolCommand() {
		public Object doCommand(IMAPProtocol p)
			throws ProtocolException {
		    return null;
public synchronized voidsetSubscribed(boolean subscribe)
Subscribe/Unsubscribe this folder.

	doCommandIgnoreFailure(new ProtocolCommand() {
	    public Object doCommand(IMAPProtocol p) throws ProtocolException {
		if (subscribe)
		return null;
private synchronized voidthrowClosedException(com.sun.mail.iap.ConnectionException cex)
Throw the appropriate 'closed' exception.

	// If it's the folder's protocol object, throw a FolderClosedException;
	// otherwise, throw a StoreClosedException.
	// If a command has failed because the connection is closed,
	// the folder will have already been forced closed by the
	// time we get here and our protocol object will have been
	// released, so if we no longer have a protocol object we base
	// this decision on whether we *think* the folder is open.
	if ((protocol != null && cex.getProtocol() == protocol) ||
		(protocol == null && !reallyClosed))
            throw new FolderClosedException(this, cex.getMessage());
            throw new StoreClosedException(store, cex.getMessage());

	assert Thread.holdsLock(messageCacheLock);
	while (idleState != RUNNING) {
	    if (idleState == IDLE) {
		idleState = ABORTING;
	    try {
		// give up lock and wait to be not idle
	    } catch (InterruptedException ex) { }