DottedNameGetSetForConfig.javaAPI DocGlassfish v2 API8906Fri May 04 22:24:10 BST 2007com.sun.enterprise.admin.mbeans

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package com.sun.enterprise.admin.mbeans;

import com.sun.enterprise.admin.dottedname.*;

import java.util.Arrays;

 * This was originally an inner class within DottedNameGetSetMBeanImpl. For
 * extensibility reasons this was moved out as a separate class.
 * @author <a>Lloyd Chambers</a>
 * @author <a>Shreedhar Ganapathy</a>
 *         Date: Jun 9, 2004
 * @version $Revision: 1.4 $
	Implementing subclass for Config dotted names
public class DottedNameGetSetForConfig extends DottedNameGetSetMBeanBase
    final DottedNameResolverForAliases	mResolver;
    final DottedNameQuery				mQuery;

    public DottedNameGetSetForConfig(
        final MBeanServerConnection conn,
        final DottedNameRegistry	registry,
        final DottedNameServerInfo	serverInfo )
        super( conn, registry, serverInfo );

        // DottedNameResolver for regular dotted names needs to account for aliases.
        mResolver	= new DottedNameResolverForAliases( registry, serverInfo );

        mQuery		= new DottedNameAliasedQuery( registry, serverInfo );

    protected DottedNameResolver
    getResolver( )
        return( mResolver );

    public Object [] dottedNameSet( final String [] nameValuePairs )
        final int	numItems	= nameValuePairs.length;

        // make a new array of sorted input pairs
        // do this first, because resulting output may contain a mix of type--
        // Attribute or Exception making it hard to sort properly.
        final String []		sortedPairs	= new String [ numItems ];
        for( int i = 0; i < numItems; ++i )
            sortedPairs[ i ]	= nameValuePairs[ i ];
        Arrays.sort( sortedPairs );

        final Object []		results	= new Object [ sortedPairs.length ];
        for( int i = 0; i < numItems; ++i )
            results[ i ]	= dottedNameSet( sortedPairs[ i ] );

        return( results );

        Return either an Attribute or a Throwable to indicate status.
    protected    Object dottedNameSet( final String nameValuePair )
        Object	result	= null;

            result	= doSet( nameValuePair );
        catch( Exception e )
            // the result will be the exception itself
            logException( e );
            result	= e;

        assert( result != null );
        return( result );

     public   Attribute
    doSet( String pair )
        throws Exception
        final int		delimIndex	= pair.indexOf( ASSIGNMENT_DELIM );
        final boolean	delete		= delimIndex < 0;

        // if there is no value delimiter ('='), this means to delete the property
        // this is only supported for properties however
        final String	dottedNameString	= delete ? pair : pair.substring( 0, delimIndex );
        final String	valueString			= delete ? null : pair.substring( delimIndex + 1, pair.length() );

        final Attribute attr	= doSet( dottedNameString, valueString );

        return( attr );

    public    Attribute
    doSet( String dottedNameString, String value )
        throws Exception
        // NOTE: this name includes the value-name
        final DottedName	dn	= getDottedName( dottedNameString );

        if ( dn.isWildcardName() )
            final String	msg	= DottedNameStrings.getString(
                    dottedNameString );

            throw new IllegalArgumentException( msg );

        ObjectName	target	= null;
        final DottedNameForValue	dnv	= new DottedNameForValue( dn );
        if ( isDottedNameForServerName( dnv.getPrefix(), dnv.getValueName() ) )
            // YUCK special case "" or otherwise the attribute will
            // be set on the config
            target	= getRegistry().dottedNameToObjectName( dnv.getPrefix().toString() );
            target	= getTarget( dnv, getResolver( ) );

        final Attribute	inAttr	= new Attribute( dnv.getValueName(), value );

        Attribute resultAttr	= mValueAccessor.setValue( target, inAttr );

        // special meaning of result with null value is that it has been deleted (yuck)
        // in this case, it is not added to the output list
        if ( resultAttr != null && resultAttr.getValue() != null )
            final String	fullName	= dnv.getPrefix() + "." + inAttr.getName();

            resultAttr	= new Attribute( fullName, resultAttr.getValue() );

        return( resultAttr );

        protected DottedNameQuery
    createQuery(  )
        return( mQuery );

    isServerName( String name )
        throws DottedNameServerInfo.UnavailableException
        boolean	isServerName	= false;

        isServerName	= mServerInfo.getServerNames().contains( name );

        return( isServerName );

        protected boolean
    isDottedNameForServerName( final DottedName prefix, final String valueName )
        throws DottedNameServerInfo.UnavailableException
        return( valueName.equals( "name" ) &&
            isServerName( prefix.getScope() ) &&	// these tests make sure it's just "<server>.name"
            prefix.getParts().size() == 0 );

        Create an Attribute for a given prefix, value name and associated value.

        We override for special cases that aliasing doesn't work correctly;
        namely when names alias into config.

        Aliasing can't work properly in this case because aliasing works on prefixes;
        the attributes are determine only after an alias has been resolved.
    protected Attribute
    formAttribute( final DottedName prefix, final String valueName, Object value )
        // default behavior
        Attribute	attr	= super.formAttribute( prefix, valueName, value );

            // Is it a special case for which is into 'server' itself?
            if ( isDottedNameForServerName( prefix, valueName ) )
                // <server>.name value has been set to <config>.name value
                // skip the aliasing and get the name from the server object
                final ObjectName	objectName	= getRegistry().dottedNameToObjectName( prefix.getScope() );

                final Attribute	newAttr	= mValueAccessor.getValue( objectName, valueName );
                assert( newAttr != null );
                attr	= super.formAttribute( prefix, valueName, newAttr.getValue() );
        catch( Exception e)
            logException( e );

        return( attr );