SystemIDResolver.javaAPI DocJava SE 6 API8850Tue Jun 10 00:23:12 BST


public class SystemIDResolver extends Object
This class is used to resolve relative URIs and SystemID strings into absolute URIs.

This is a generic utility for resolving URIs, other than the fact that it's declared to throw TransformerException. Please see code comments for details on how resolution is performed.


Fields Summary
Constructors Summary
Methods Summary
private static java.lang.StringgetAbsolutePathFromRelativePath(java.lang.String relativePath)
Return an absolute path from a relative path.

relativePath A relative path
The absolute path

    return new File(relativePath).getAbsolutePath();
public static java.lang.StringgetAbsoluteURI(java.lang.String systemId)
Take a SystemID string and try to turn it into a good absolute URI.

systemId A URI string, which may be absolute or relative.
The resolved absolute URI

    String absoluteURI = systemId;
    if (isAbsoluteURI(systemId))
      // Only process the systemId if it starts with "file:".
      if (systemId.startsWith("file:"))
        String str = systemId.substring(5);
        // Resolve the absolute path if the systemId starts with "file:///"
        // or "file:/". Don't do anything if it only starts with "file://".
        if (str != null && str.startsWith("/"))
          if (str.startsWith("///") || !str.startsWith("//"))
            // A Windows path containing a drive letter can be relative.
            // A Unix path starting with "file:/" is always absolute.
            int secondColonIndex = systemId.indexOf(':", 5);
            if (secondColonIndex > 0)
              String localPath = systemId.substring(secondColonIndex-1);
              try {
                if (!isAbsolutePath(localPath))
                  absoluteURI = systemId.substring(0, secondColonIndex-1) + 
              catch (SecurityException se) {
                return systemId;
          return getAbsoluteURIFromRelative(systemId.substring(5));
        return replaceChars(absoluteURI);
        return systemId;
      return getAbsoluteURIFromRelative(systemId);
public static java.lang.StringgetAbsoluteURI(java.lang.String urlString, java.lang.String base)
Take a SystemID string and try to turn it into a good absolute URI.

urlString SystemID string
base The URI string used as the base for resolving the systemID
The resolved absolute URI
TransformerException thrown if the string can't be turned into a URI.

    if (base == null)
      return getAbsoluteURI(urlString);
    String absoluteBase = getAbsoluteURI(base);
    URI uri = null;
      URI baseURI = new URI(absoluteBase);
      uri = new URI(baseURI, urlString);
    catch (MalformedURIException mue)
      throw new TransformerException(mue);
    return replaceChars(uri.toString());
public static java.lang.StringgetAbsoluteURIFromRelative(java.lang.String localPath)
Get an absolute URI from a given relative URI (local path).

The relative URI is a local filesystem path. The path can be absolute or relative. If it is a relative path, it is resolved relative to the system property "user.dir" if it is available; if not (i.e. in an Applet perhaps which throws SecurityException) then we just return the relative path. The space and backslash characters are also replaced to generate a good absolute URI.

localPath The relative URI to resolve
Resolved absolute URI

    if (localPath == null || localPath.length() == 0)
      return "";
    // If the local path is a relative path, then it is resolved against
    // the "user.dir" system property.
    String absolutePath = localPath;
    if (!isAbsolutePath(localPath))
        absolutePath = getAbsolutePathFromRelativePath(localPath);
      // user.dir not accessible from applet
      catch (SecurityException se) 
        return "file:" + localPath;

    String urlString;
    if (null != absolutePath)
      if (absolutePath.startsWith(File.separator))
        urlString = "file://" + absolutePath;
        urlString = "file:///" + absolutePath;        
      urlString = "file:" + localPath;
    return replaceChars(urlString);
public static booleanisAbsolutePath(java.lang.String systemId)
Return true if the local path is an absolute path.

systemId The path string
true if the path is absolute

    if(systemId == null)
        return false;
    final File file = new File(systemId);
    return file.isAbsolute();
public static booleanisAbsoluteURI(java.lang.String systemId)
Return true if the systemId denotes an absolute URI .

systemId The systemId string
true if the systemId is an an absolute URI

      *   Authors should be aware that a path segment which contains a colon
      * character cannot be used as the first segment of a relative URI path
      * (e.g., "this:that"), because it would be mistaken for a scheme name.
      * %REVIEW% Can we assume here that systemId is a valid URI?
      * It looks like we cannot ( See discussion of this common problem in 
      * Bugzilla Bug 22777 ). 
     //"fix" for Bugzilla Bug 22777
        return false;
    final int fragmentIndex = systemId.indexOf('#");
    final int queryIndex = systemId.indexOf('?");
    final int slashIndex = systemId.indexOf('/");
    final int colonIndex = systemId.indexOf(':");
    //finding substring  before '#', '?', and '/' 
    int index = systemId.length() -1;
    if(fragmentIndex > 0) 
        index = fragmentIndex;
    if((queryIndex > 0) && (queryIndex <index)) 
        index = queryIndex;
    if((slashIndex > 0) && (slashIndex <index))
        index = slashIndex; 
    // return true if there is ':' before '#', '?', and '/'
    return ((colonIndex >0) && (colonIndex<index));
private static booleanisWindowsAbsolutePath(java.lang.String systemId)
Return true if the local path is a Windows absolute path.

systemId The path string
true if the path is a Windows absolute path

      return false;
    // On Windows, an absolute path starts with "[drive_letter]:\".
    if (systemId.length() > 2 
        && systemId.charAt(1) == ':"
        && Character.isLetter(systemId.charAt(0))
        && (systemId.charAt(2) == '\\" || systemId.charAt(2) == '/"))
      return true;
      return false;
private static java.lang.StringreplaceChars(java.lang.String str)
Replace spaces with "%20" and backslashes with forward slashes in the input string to generate a well-formed URI string.

str The input string
The string after conversion

    StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(str);
    int length = buf.length();
    for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
      char currentChar = buf.charAt(i);
      // Replace space with "%20"
      if (currentChar == ' ")
        buf.setCharAt(i, '%");
        buf.insert(i+1, "20");
        length = length + 2;
        i = i + 2;
      // Replace backslash with forward slash
      else if (currentChar == '\\")
        buf.setCharAt(i, '/");
    return buf.toString();