Grep.javaAPI DocExample8804Wed Apr 10 19:58:04 BST 2002com.ronsoft.books.nio.regex


public class Grep extends Object
A file searching class, similar to grep, which returns information about lines matched in the specified files. Instances of this class are tied to a specific regular expression pattern and may be applied repeatedly to multiple files. Instances of Grep are thread safe, they may be shared.
Michael Daudel ( (original)
Ron Hitchens ( (hacked)
$Id:,v 1.3 2002/04/11 02:58:04 ron Exp $

Fields Summary
private Pattern
Constructors Summary
public Grep(Pattern pattern)
Instantiate a Grep object for the given pre-compiled Pattern object.

pattern A java.util.regex.Pattern object specifying the pattern to search for.

		this.pattern = pattern;
public Grep(String regex, boolean ignoreCase)
Instantiate a Grep object and compile the given regular expression string.

regex The regular expression string to compile into a Pattern for internal use.
ignoreCase If true, pass Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE to the Pattern constuctor so that seaches will be done without regard to alphabetic case. Note, this only applies to the ASCII character set. Use embedded expressions to set other options.

		this.pattern = Pattern.compile (regex,
			(ignoreCase) ? Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE : 0);
public Grep(String regex)
Instantiate a Grep object with the given regular expression string, with default options.

		this (regex, false);
Methods Summary
public com.ronsoft.books.nio.regex.Grep$MatchedLine[]grep( file)
Perform a grep on the given file.

file A File object denoting the file to scan for the regex given when this Grep instance was constructed.
A type-safe array of Grep.MatchedLine objects describing the lines of the file matched by the pattern.
IOException If there is a problem reading the file.

		List list = grepList (file);
		MatchedLine matches [] = new MatchedLine [list.size()];

		list.toArray (matches);

		return (matches);
public com.ronsoft.books.nio.regex.Grep$MatchedLine[]grep(java.lang.String fileName)
Perform a grep on the given file.

file A String filename denoting the file to scan for the regex given when this Grep instance was constructed.
A type-safe array of Grep.MatchedLine objects describing the lines of the file matched by the pattern.
IOException If there is a problem reading the file.

		return (grep (new File (fileName)));
public com.ronsoft.books.nio.regex.Grep$MatchedLine[]grep([] files)
Perform a grep on the given list of files. If a given file cannot be read, it will be ignored as if empty.

files An array of File objects to scan.
A type-safe array of Grep.MatchedLine objects describing the lines of the file matched by the pattern.

		List aggregate = new LinkedList();

		for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
			try {
				List temp = grepList (files [i]);

				aggregate.addAll (temp);
			} catch (IOException e) {
				// ignore I/O exceptions

		MatchedLine matches [] = new MatchedLine [aggregate.size()];

		aggregate.toArray (matches);

		return (matches);
private java.util.ListgrepList( file)
Run the grepper on the given File.

A (non-type-safe) List of MatchedLine objects.

		if ( ! file.exists()) {
			throw new IOException ("Does not exist: " + file);

		if ( ! file.isFile()) {
			throw new IOException ("Not a regular file: " + file);

		if ( ! file.canRead()) {
			throw new IOException ("Unreadable file: " + file);

		LinkedList list = new LinkedList();
		FileReader fr = new FileReader (file);
		LineNumberReader lnr = new LineNumberReader (fr);
		Matcher matcher = this.pattern.matcher ("");
		String line;

		while ((line = lnr.readLine()) != null) {
			matcher.reset (line);

			if (matcher.find()) {
				list.add (new MatchedLine (file,
					lnr.getLineNumber(), line,
					matcher.start(), matcher.end()));


		return (list);
public static voidmain(java.lang.String[] argv)
Test code to run grep operations. Accepts two command-line options: -i or --ignore-case, compile the givn pattern so that case of alpha characters is ignored. Or -1, which runs the grep operation on each individual file, rather that passing them all to one invocation. This is just to test the different methods. The printed ouptut is slightly different when -1 is specified.

		// set defaults
		boolean ignoreCase = false;
		boolean onebyone = false;
		List argList = new LinkedList();	// to gather args

		// loop through the args, looking for switches and saving
		// off the pattern an file names
		for (int i = 0; i < argv.length; i++) {
			if (argv [i].startsWith ("-")) {
				if (argv [i].equals ("-i")
					|| argv [i].equals ("--ignore-case"))
					ignoreCase = true;

				if (argv [i].equals ("-1")) {
					onebyone = true;


			// not a switch, add it to the list
			argList.add (argv [i]);

		// enough args to run?
		if (argList.size() < 2) {
			System.err.println ("usage: [options] pattern filename ...");

		// first arg on the list will be taken as the regex pattern
		// pass the pattern to the new Grep object, along with the
		// current value of the ignore case flag
		Grep grepper = new Grep ((String) argList.remove (0),

		// somewhat arbitrarily split into two ways of calling the
		// grepper and printing out the results.
		if (onebyone) {
			Iterator it = argList.iterator();

			// loop through the filenames and grep them
			while (it.hasNext()) {
				String fileName = (String);

				// print the filename once before each grep
				System.out.println (fileName + ":");

				MatchedLine [] matches = null;

				// catch exceptions 
				try {
					matches = grepper.grep (fileName);
				} catch (IOException e) {
					System.err.println ("\t*** " + e);

				// print out info about the matched lines
				for (int i = 0; i < matches.length; i++) {
					MatchedLine match = matches [i];

					System.out.println ("  "
						+ match.getLineNumber()
						+ " [" + match.start()
						+ "-" + (match.end() - 1)
						+ "]: "
						+ match.getLineText());
		} else {
			// convert the filename list to an array of File
			File [] files = new File [argList.size()];

			for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
				files [i] = new File ((String) argList.get (i));

			// run the grepper, unreadable files are ignored
			MatchedLine [] matches = grepper.grep (files);

			// print out info about the matched lines
			for (int i = 0; i < matches.length; i++) {
				MatchedLine match = matches [i];

				System.out.println (match.getFile().getName()
					+ ", " + match.getLineNumber() + ": "
					+ match.getLineText());