InputMethodService.javaAPI DocAndroid 1.5 API86766Wed May 06 22:41:54 BST 2009android.inputmethodservice


public class InputMethodService extends AbstractInputMethodService
InputMethodService provides a standard implementation of an InputMethod, which final implementations can derive from and customize. See the base class {@link AbstractInputMethodService} and the {@link InputMethod} interface for more information on the basics of writing input methods.

In addition to the normal Service lifecycle methods, this class introduces some new specific callbacks that most subclasses will want to make use of:

  • {@link #onInitializeInterface()} for user-interface initialization, in particular to deal with configuration changes while the service is running.
  • {@link #onBindInput} to find out about switching to a new client.
  • {@link #onStartInput} to deal with an input session starting with the client.
  • {@link #onCreateInputView()}, {@link #onCreateCandidatesView()}, and {@link #onCreateExtractTextView()} for non-demand generation of the UI.
  • {@link #onStartInputView(EditorInfo, boolean)} to deal with input starting within the input area of the IME.

An input method has significant discretion in how it goes about its work: the {@link android.inputmethodservice.InputMethodService} provides a basic framework for standard UI elements (input view, candidates view, and running in fullscreen mode), but it is up to a particular implementor to decide how to use them. For example, one input method could implement an input area with a keyboard, another could allow the user to draw text, while a third could have no input area (and thus not be visible to the user) but instead listen to audio and perform text to speech conversion.

In the implementation provided here, all of these elements are placed together in a single window managed by the InputMethodService. It will execute callbacks as it needs information about them, and provides APIs for programmatic control over them. They layout of these elements is explicitly defined:

  • The soft input view, if available, is placed at the bottom of the screen.
  • The candidates view, if currently shown, is placed above the soft input view.
  • If not running fullscreen, the application is moved or resized to be above these views; if running fullscreen, the window will completely cover the application and its top part will contain the extract text of what is currently being edited by the application.

Soft Input View

Central to most input methods is the soft input view. This is where most user interaction occurs: pressing on soft keys, drawing characters, or however else your input method wants to generate text. Most implementations will simply have their own view doing all of this work, and return a new instance of it when {@link #onCreateInputView()} is called. At that point, as long as the input view is visible, you will see user interaction in that view and can call back on the InputMethodService to interact with the application as appropriate.

There are some situations where you want to decide whether or not your soft input view should be shown to the user. This is done by implementing the {@link #onEvaluateInputViewShown()} to return true or false based on whether it should be shown in the current environment. If any of your state has changed that may impact this, call {@link #updateInputViewShown()} to have it re-evaluated. The default implementation always shows the input view unless there is a hard keyboard available, which is the appropriate behavior for most input methods.

Candidates View

Often while the user is generating raw text, an input method wants to provide them with a list of possible interpretations of that text that can be selected for use. This is accomplished with the candidates view, and like the soft input view you implement {@link #onCreateCandidatesView()} to instantiate your own view implementing your candidates UI.

Management of the candidates view is a little different than the input view, because the candidates view tends to be more transient, being shown only when there are possible candidates for the current text being entered by the user. To control whether the candidates view is shown, you use {@link #setCandidatesViewShown(boolean)}. Note that because the candidate view tends to be shown and hidden a lot, it does not impact the application UI in the same way as the soft input view: it will never cause application windows to resize, only cause them to be panned if needed for the user to see the current focus.

Fullscreen Mode

Sometimes your input method UI is too large to integrate with the application UI, so you just want to take over the screen. This is accomplished by switching to full-screen mode, causing the input method window to fill the entire screen and add its own "extracted text" editor showing the user the text that is being typed. Unlike the other UI elements, there is a standard implementation for the extract editor that you should not need to change. The editor is placed at the top of the IME, above the input and candidates views.

Similar to the input view, you control whether the IME is running in fullscreen mode by implementing {@link #onEvaluateFullscreenMode()} to return true or false based on whether it should be fullscreen in the current environment. If any of your state has changed that may impact this, call {@link #updateFullscreenMode()} to have it re-evaluated. The default implementation selects fullscreen mode when the screen is in a landscape orientation, which is appropriate behavior for most input methods that have a significant input area.

When in fullscreen mode, you have some special requirements because the user can not see the application UI. In particular, you should implement {@link #onDisplayCompletions(CompletionInfo[])} to show completions generated by your application, typically in your candidates view like you would normally show candidates.

Generating Text

The key part of an IME is of course generating text for the application. This is done through calls to the {@link android.view.inputmethod.InputConnection} interface to the application, which can be retrieved from {@link #getCurrentInputConnection()}. This interface allows you to generate raw key events or, if the target supports it, directly edit in strings of candidates and committed text.

Information about what the target is expected and supports can be found through the {@link android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo} class, which is retrieved with {@link #getCurrentInputEditorInfo()} method. The most important part of this is {@link android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo#inputType EditorInfo.inputType}; in particular, if this is {@link android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo#TYPE_NULL EditorInfo.TYPE_NULL}, then the target does not support complex edits and you need to only deliver raw key events to it. An input method will also want to look at other values here, to for example detect password mode, auto complete text views, phone number entry, etc.

When the user switches between input targets, you will receive calls to {@link #onFinishInput()} and {@link #onStartInput(EditorInfo, boolean)}. You can use these to reset and initialize your input state for the current target. For example, you will often want to clear any input state, and update a soft keyboard to be appropriate for the new inputType.

ref android.R.styleable#InputMethodService_imeFullscreenBackground
ref android.R.styleable#InputMethodService_imeExtractEnterAnimation
ref android.R.styleable#InputMethodService_imeExtractExitAnimation

Fields Summary
static final String
static final boolean
final Insets
final int[]
final ViewTreeObserver.OnComputeInternalInsetsListener
final View.OnClickListener
static final int
static final int
Constructors Summary
Methods Summary

        if (mInputViewStarted) {
            if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "CALL: onFinishInputView");
        } else if (mCandidatesViewStarted) {
            if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "CALL: onFinishCandidatesView");
        mInputViewStarted = false;
        mCandidatesViewStarted = false;
        if (mInputStarted) {
            if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "CALL: onFinishInput");
        mInputStarted = false;
        mStartedInputConnection = null;
        mCurCompletions = null;
booleandoMovementKey(int keyCode, android.view.KeyEvent event, int count)

        final ExtractEditText eet = mExtractEditText;
        if (isExtractViewShown() && isInputViewShown() && eet != null) {
            // If we are in fullscreen mode, the cursor will move around
            // the extract edit text, but should NOT cause focus to move
            // to other fields.
            MovementMethod movement = eet.getMovementMethod();
            Layout layout = eet.getLayout();
            if (movement != null && layout != null) {
                // We want our own movement method to handle the key, so the
                // cursor will properly move in our own word wrapping.
                if (count == MOVEMENT_DOWN) {
                    if (movement.onKeyDown(eet,
                            (Spannable)eet.getText(), keyCode, event)) {
                        reportExtractedMovement(keyCode, 1);
                        return true;
                } else if (count == MOVEMENT_UP) {
                    if (movement.onKeyUp(eet,
                            (Spannable)eet.getText(), keyCode, event)) {
                        return true;
                } else {
                    if (movement.onKeyOther(eet, (Spannable)eet.getText(), event)) {
                        reportExtractedMovement(keyCode, count);
                    } else {
                        KeyEvent down = KeyEvent.changeAction(event, KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN);
                        if (movement.onKeyDown(eet,
                                (Spannable)eet.getText(), keyCode, down)) {
                            KeyEvent up = KeyEvent.changeAction(event, KeyEvent.ACTION_UP);
                                    (Spannable)eet.getText(), keyCode, up);
                            while (--count > 0) {
                                        (Spannable)eet.getText(), keyCode, down);
                                        (Spannable)eet.getText(), keyCode, up);
                            reportExtractedMovement(keyCode, count);
            // Regardless of whether the movement method handled the key,
            // we never allow DPAD navigation to the application.
            switch (keyCode) {
                case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_LEFT:
                case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_RIGHT:
                case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_UP:
                case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_DOWN:
                    return true;
        return false;
voiddoStartInput(android.view.inputmethod.InputConnection ic, android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo attribute, boolean restarting)

        if (!restarting) {
        mInputStarted = true;
        mStartedInputConnection = ic;
        mInputEditorInfo = attribute;
        if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "CALL: onStartInput");
        onStartInput(attribute, restarting);
        if (mWindowVisible) {
            if (mShowInputRequested) {
                if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "CALL: onStartInputView");
                mInputViewStarted = true;
                onStartInputView(mInputEditorInfo, restarting);
            } else if (mCandidatesVisibility == View.VISIBLE) {
                if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "CALL: onStartCandidatesView");
                mCandidatesViewStarted = true;
                onStartCandidatesView(mInputEditorInfo, restarting);
protected voiddump( fd, fout, java.lang.String[] args)
Performs a dump of the InputMethodService's internal state. Override to add your own information to the dump.

        final Printer p = new PrintWriterPrinter(fout);
        p.println("Input method service state for " + this + ":");
        p.println("  mWindowCreated=" + mWindowCreated
                + " mWindowAdded=" + mWindowAdded);
        p.println("  mWindowVisible=" + mWindowVisible
                + " mWindowWasVisible=" + mWindowWasVisible
                + " mInShowWindow=" + mInShowWindow);
        p.println("  Configuration=" + getResources().getConfiguration());
        p.println("  mToken=" + mToken);
        p.println("  mInputBinding=" + mInputBinding);
        p.println("  mInputConnection=" + mInputConnection);
        p.println("  mStartedInputConnection=" + mStartedInputConnection);
        p.println("  mInputStarted=" + mInputStarted
                + " mInputViewStarted=" + mInputViewStarted
                + " mCandidatesViewStarted=" + mCandidatesViewStarted);
        if (mInputEditorInfo != null) {
            p.println("  mInputEditorInfo:");
            mInputEditorInfo.dump(p, "    ");
        } else {
            p.println("  mInputEditorInfo: null");
        p.println("  mShowInputRequested=" + mShowInputRequested
                + " mLastShowInputRequested=" + mLastShowInputRequested
                + " mShowInputForced=" + mShowInputForced
                + " mShowInputFlags=0x" + Integer.toHexString(mShowInputFlags));
        p.println("  mCandidatesVisibility=" + mCandidatesVisibility
                + " mFullscreenApplied=" + mFullscreenApplied
                + " mIsFullscreen=" + mIsFullscreen
                + " mExtractViewHidden=" + mExtractViewHidden);
        if (mExtractedText != null) {
            p.println("  mExtractedText:");
            p.println("    text=" + mExtractedText.text.length() + " chars"
                    + " startOffset=" + mExtractedText.startOffset);
            p.println("    selectionStart=" + mExtractedText.selectionStart
                    + " selectionEnd=" + mExtractedText.selectionEnd
                    + " flags=0x" + Integer.toHexString(mExtractedText.flags));
        } else {
            p.println("  mExtractedText: null");
        p.println("  mExtractedToken=" + mExtractedToken);
        p.println("  mIsInputViewShown=" + mIsInputViewShown
                + " mStatusIcon=" + mStatusIcon);
        p.println("Last computed insets:");
        p.println("  contentTopInsets=" + mTmpInsets.contentTopInsets
                + " visibleTopInsets=" + mTmpInsets.visibleTopInsets
                + " touchableInsets=" + mTmpInsets.touchableInsets);
public intgetCandidatesHiddenVisibility()
Returns the visibility mode (either {@link View#INVISIBLE View.INVISIBLE} or {@link View#GONE View.GONE}) of the candidates view when it is not shown. The default implementation returns GONE when {@link #isExtractViewShown} returns true, otherwise VISIBLE. Be careful if you change this to return GONE in other situations -- if showing or hiding the candidates view causes your window to resize, this can cause temporary drawing artifacts as the resize takes place.

        return isExtractViewShown() ? View.GONE : View.INVISIBLE;
public android.view.inputmethod.InputBindinggetCurrentInputBinding()
Return the currently active InputBinding for the input method, or null if there is none.

        return mInputBinding;
public android.view.inputmethod.InputConnectiongetCurrentInputConnection()
Retrieve the currently active InputConnection that is bound to the input method, or null if there is none.

        InputConnection ic = mStartedInputConnection;
        if (ic != null) {
            return ic;
        return mInputConnection;
public android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfogetCurrentInputEditorInfo()

        return mInputEditorInfo;
public booleangetCurrentInputStarted()

        return mInputStarted;
public android.view.LayoutInflatergetLayoutInflater()

        return mInflater;
public intgetMaxWidth()
Return the maximum width, in pixels, available the input method. Input methods are positioned at the bottom of the screen and, unless running in fullscreen, will generally want to be as short as possible so should compute their height based on their contents. However, they can stretch as much as needed horizontally. The function returns to you the maximum amount of space available horizontally, which you can use if needed for UI placement.

In many cases this is not needed, you can just rely on the normal view layout mechanisms to position your views within the full horizontal space given to the input method.

Note that this value can change dynamically, in particular when the screen orientation changes.

        WindowManager wm = (WindowManager) getSystemService(Context.WINDOW_SERVICE);
        return wm.getDefaultDisplay().getWidth();
public java.lang.CharSequencegetTextForImeAction(int imeOptions)
Return text that can be used as a button label for the given {@link EditorInfo#imeOptions EditorInfo.imeOptions}. Returns null if there is no action requested. Note that there is no guarantee that the returned text will be relatively short, so you probably do not want to use it as text on a soft keyboard key label.

imeOptions The value from @link EditorInfo#imeOptions EditorInfo.imeOptions}.
Returns a label to use, or null if there is no action.

        switch (imeOptions&EditorInfo.IME_MASK_ACTION) {
            case EditorInfo.IME_ACTION_NONE:
                return null;
            case EditorInfo.IME_ACTION_GO:
                return getText(;
            case EditorInfo.IME_ACTION_SEARCH:
                return getText(;
            case EditorInfo.IME_ACTION_SEND:
                return getText(;
            case EditorInfo.IME_ACTION_NEXT:
                return getText(;
            case EditorInfo.IME_ACTION_DONE:
                return getText(;
                return getText(;

        return mWindow;
public voidhideStatusIcon()

        mStatusIcon = 0;
public voidhideWindow()

        if (mInputViewStarted) {
            if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "CALL: onFinishInputView");
        } else if (mCandidatesViewStarted) {
            if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "CALL: onFinishCandidatesView");
        mInputViewStarted = false;
        mCandidatesViewStarted = false;
        if (mWindowVisible) {
            mWindowVisible = false;
            mWindowWasVisible = false;

        mInitialized = false;
        mWindowCreated = false;
        mShowInputRequested = false;
        mShowInputForced = false;
        mThemeAttrs = obtainStyledAttributes(android.R.styleable.InputMethodService);
        mRootView = mInflater.inflate(
      , null);
        if (Settings.System.getInt(getContentResolver(),
                Settings.System.FANCY_IME_ANIMATIONS, 0) != 0) {
        mFullscreenArea = (ViewGroup)mRootView.findViewById(;
        mExtractViewHidden = false;
        mExtractFrame = (FrameLayout)mRootView.findViewById(;
        mExtractView = null;
        mExtractEditText = null;
        mExtractAccessories = null;
        mExtractAction = null;
        mFullscreenApplied = false;
        mCandidatesFrame = (FrameLayout)mRootView.findViewById(;
        mInputFrame = (FrameLayout)mRootView.findViewById(;
        mInputView = null;
        mIsInputViewShown = false;
        mCandidatesVisibility = getCandidatesHiddenVisibility();

        if (!mInitialized) {
            mInitialized = true;
public booleanisExtractViewShown()
Return whether the fullscreen extract view is shown. This will only return true if {@link #isFullscreenMode()} returns true, and in that case its value depends on the last call to {@link #setExtractViewShown(boolean)}. This effectively lets you determine if the application window is entirely covered (when this returns true) or if some part of it may be shown (if this returns false, though if {@link #isFullscreenMode()} returns true in that case then it is probably only a sliver of the application).

        return mIsFullscreen && !mExtractViewHidden;
public booleanisFullscreenMode()
Return whether the input method is currently running in fullscreen mode. This is the mode that was last determined and applied by {@link #updateFullscreenMode()}.

        return mIsFullscreen;
public booleanisInputViewShown()
Return whether the soft input view is currently shown to the user. This is the state that was last determined and applied by {@link #updateInputViewShown()}.

        return mIsInputViewShown && mWindowVisible;
public booleanisShowInputRequested()
Returns true if we have been asked to show our input view.

        return mShowInputRequested;
public voidonAppPrivateCommand(java.lang.String action, android.os.Bundle data)

public voidonBindInput()
Called when a new client has bound to the input method. This may be followed by a series of {@link #onStartInput(EditorInfo, boolean)} and {@link #onFinishInput()} calls as the user navigates through its UI. Upon this call you know that {@link #getCurrentInputBinding} and {@link #getCurrentInputConnection} return valid objects.

public voidonComputeInsets(android.inputmethodservice.InputMethodService$Insets outInsets)
Compute the interesting insets into your UI. The default implementation uses the top of the candidates frame for the visible insets, and the top of the input frame for the content insets. The default touchable insets are {@link Insets#TOUCHABLE_INSETS_VISIBLE}.

Note that this method is not called when {@link #isExtractViewShown} returns true, since in that case the application is left as-is behind the input method and not impacted by anything in its UI.

outInsets Fill in with the current UI insets.

        int[] loc = mTmpLocation;
        if (mInputFrame.getVisibility() == View.VISIBLE) {
        } else {
            View decor = getWindow().getWindow().getDecorView();
            loc[1] = decor.getHeight();
        if (isFullscreenMode()) {
            // In fullscreen mode, we never resize the underlying window.
            View decor = getWindow().getWindow().getDecorView();
            outInsets.contentTopInsets = decor.getHeight();
        } else {
            outInsets.contentTopInsets = loc[1];
        if (mCandidatesFrame.getVisibility() == View.VISIBLE) {
        outInsets.visibleTopInsets = loc[1];
        outInsets.touchableInsets = Insets.TOUCHABLE_INSETS_VISIBLE;
public voidonConfigurationChanged(android.content.res.Configuration newConfig)
Take care of handling configuration changes. Subclasses of InputMethodService generally don't need to deal directly with this on their own; the standard implementation here takes care of regenerating the input method UI as a result of the configuration change, so you can rely on your {@link #onCreateInputView} and other methods being called as appropriate due to a configuration change.

When a configuration change does happen, {@link #onInitializeInterface()} is guaranteed to be called the next time prior to any of the other input or UI creation callbacks. The following will be called immediately depending if appropriate for current state: {@link #onStartInput} if input is active, and {@link #onCreateInputView} and {@link #onStartInputView} and related appropriate functions if the UI is displayed.

        boolean visible = mWindowVisible;
        int showFlags = mShowInputFlags;
        boolean showingInput = mShowInputRequested;
        CompletionInfo[] completions = mCurCompletions;
        mInputViewStarted = false;
        mCandidatesViewStarted = false;
        if (mInputStarted) {
                    getCurrentInputEditorInfo(), true);
        if (visible) {
            if (showingInput) {
                // If we were last showing the soft keyboard, try to do so again.
                if (onShowInputRequested(showFlags, true)) {
                    if (completions != null) {
                        mCurCompletions = completions;
                } else {
            } else if (mCandidatesVisibility == View.VISIBLE) {
                // If the candidates are currently visible, make sure the
                // window is shown for them.
            } else {
                // Otherwise hide the window.
public voidonConfigureWindow(android.view.Window win, boolean isFullscreen, boolean isCandidatesOnly)
Update the given window's parameters for the given mode. This is called when the window is first displayed and each time the fullscreen or candidates only mode changes.

The default implementation makes the layout for the window FILL_PARENT x FILL_PARENT when in fullscreen mode, and FILL_PARENT x WRAP_CONTENT when in non-fullscreen mode.

win The input method's window.
isFullscreen If true, the window is running in fullscreen mode and intended to cover the entire application display.
isCandidatesOnly If true, the window is only showing the candidates view and none of the rest of its UI. This is mutually exclusive with fullscreen mode.

        if (isFullscreen) {
            mWindow.getWindow().setLayout(FILL_PARENT, FILL_PARENT);
        } else {
            mWindow.getWindow().setLayout(FILL_PARENT, WRAP_CONTENT);
public voidonCreate()

        mImm = (InputMethodManager)getSystemService(INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE);
        mInflater = (LayoutInflater)getSystemService(
        mWindow = new SoftInputWindow(this, mTheme);
        mWindow.getWindow().setLayout(FILL_PARENT, WRAP_CONTENT);
public android.view.ViewonCreateCandidatesView()
Create and return the view hierarchy used to show candidates. This will be called once, when the candidates are first displayed. You can return null to have no candidates view; the default implementation returns null.

To control when the candidates view is displayed, use {@link #setCandidatesViewShown(boolean)}. To change the candidates view after the first one is created by this function, use {@link #setCandidatesView(View)}.

        return null;
public android.view.ViewonCreateExtractTextView()
Called by the framework to create the layout for showing extacted text. Only called when in fullscreen mode. The returned view hierarchy must have an {@link ExtractEditText} whose ID is {@link}.

        return mInflater.inflate(
      , null);
public AbstractInputMethodImplonCreateInputMethodInterface()
Implement to return our standard {@link InputMethodImpl}. Subclasses can override to provide their own customized version.

        return new InputMethodImpl();
public AbstractInputMethodSessionImplonCreateInputMethodSessionInterface()
Implement to return our standard {@link InputMethodSessionImpl}. Subclasses can override to provide their own customized version.

        return new InputMethodSessionImpl();
public android.view.ViewonCreateInputView()
Create and return the view hierarchy used for the input area (such as a soft keyboard). This will be called once, when the input area is first displayed. You can return null to have no input area; the default implementation returns null.

To control when the input view is displayed, implement {@link #onEvaluateInputViewShown()}. To change the input view after the first one is created by this function, use {@link #setInputView(View)}.

        return null;
public voidonDestroy()

        if (mWindowAdded) {
public voidonDisplayCompletions(android.view.inputmethod.CompletionInfo[] completions)
Called when the application has reported auto-completion candidates that it would like to have the input method displayed. Typically these are only used when an input method is running in full-screen mode, since otherwise the user can see and interact with the pop-up window of completions shown by the application.

The default implementation here does nothing.

public booleanonEvaluateFullscreenMode()
Override this to control when the input method should run in fullscreen mode. The default implementation runs in fullsceen only when the screen is in landscape mode. If you change what this returns, you will need to call {@link #updateFullscreenMode()} yourself whenever the returned value may have changed to have it re-evaluated and applied.

        Configuration config = getResources().getConfiguration();
        return config.orientation == Configuration.ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE;
public booleanonEvaluateInputViewShown()
Override this to control when the soft input area should be shown to the user. The default implementation only shows the input view when there is no hard keyboard or the keyboard is hidden. If you change what this returns, you will need to call {@link #updateInputViewShown()} yourself whenever the returned value may have changed to have it re-evalauted and applied.

        Configuration config = getResources().getConfiguration();
        return config.keyboard == Configuration.KEYBOARD_NOKEYS
                || config.hardKeyboardHidden == Configuration.KEYBOARDHIDDEN_YES;
public booleanonExtractTextContextMenuItem(int id)
This is called when the user has selected a context menu item from the extracted text view, when running in fullscreen mode. The default implementation sends this action to the current InputConnection's {@link InputConnection#performContextMenuAction(int)}, for it to be processed in underlying "real" editor. Re-implement this to provide whatever behavior you want.

        InputConnection ic = getCurrentInputConnection();
        if (ic != null) {
        return true;
public voidonExtractedCursorMovement(int dx, int dy)
This is called when the user has performed a cursor movement in the extracted text view, when it is running in fullscreen mode. The default implementation hides the candidates view when a vertical movement happens, but only if the extracted text editor has a vertical scroll bar because its text doesn't fit. Re-implement this to provide whatever behavior you want.

dx The amount of cursor movement in the x dimension.
dy The amount of cursor movement in the y dimension.

        if (mExtractEditText == null || dy == 0) {
        if (mExtractEditText.hasVerticalScrollBar()) {
public voidonExtractedSelectionChanged(int start, int end)
This is called when the user has moved the cursor in the extracted text view, when running in fullsreen mode. The default implementation performs the corresponding selection change on the underlying text editor.

        InputConnection conn = getCurrentInputConnection();
        if (conn != null) {
            conn.setSelection(start, end);
public voidonExtractedTextClicked()
This is called when the user has clicked on the extracted text view, when running in fullscreen mode. The default implementation hides the candidates view when this happens, but only if the extracted text editor has a vertical scroll bar because its text doesn't fit. Re-implement this to provide whatever behavior you want.

        if (mExtractEditText == null) {
        if (mExtractEditText.hasVerticalScrollBar()) {
public voidonExtractingInputChanged(android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo ei)
This is called when, while currently displayed in extract mode, the current input target changes. The default implementation will auto-hide the IME if the new target is not a full editor, since this can be an confusing experience for the user.

        if (ei.inputType == InputType.TYPE_NULL) {
public voidonFinishCandidatesView(boolean finishingInput)
Called when the candidates view is being hidden from the user. This will be called either prior to hiding the window, or prior to switching to another target for editing.

The default implementation uses the InputConnection to clear any active composing text; you can override this (not calling the base class implementation) to perform whatever behavior you would like.

finishingInput If true, {@link #onFinishInput} will be called immediately after.

        if (!finishingInput) {
            InputConnection ic = getCurrentInputConnection();
            if (ic != null) {
public voidonFinishInput()
Called to inform the input method that text input has finished in the last editor. At this point there may be a call to {@link #onStartInput(EditorInfo, boolean)} to perform input in a new editor, or the input method may be left idle. This method is not called when input restarts in the same editor.

The default implementation uses the InputConnection to clear any active composing text; you can override this (not calling the base class implementation) to perform whatever behavior you would like.

        InputConnection ic = getCurrentInputConnection();
        if (ic != null) {
public voidonFinishInputView(boolean finishingInput)
Called when the input view is being hidden from the user. This will be called either prior to hiding the window, or prior to switching to another target for editing.

The default implementation uses the InputConnection to clear any active composing text; you can override this (not calling the base class implementation) to perform whatever behavior you would like.

finishingInput If true, {@link #onFinishInput} will be called immediately after.

        if (!finishingInput) {
            InputConnection ic = getCurrentInputConnection();
            if (ic != null) {
public voidonInitializeInterface()
This is a hook that subclasses can use to perform initialization of their interface. It is called for you prior to any of your UI objects being created, both after the service is first created and after a configuration change happens.

public booleanonKeyDown(int keyCode, android.view.KeyEvent event)
Override this to intercept key down events before they are processed by the application. If you return true, the application will not itself process the event. If you return true, the normal application processing will occur as if the IME had not seen the event at all.

The default implementation intercepts {@link KeyEvent#KEYCODE_BACK KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK} to hide the current IME UI if it is shown. In additional, in fullscreen mode only, it will consume DPAD movement events to move the cursor in the extracted text view, not allowing them to perform navigation in the underlying application.

        if (event.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK
                && event.getRepeatCount() == 0) {
            if (mShowInputRequested) {
                // If the soft input area is shown, back closes it and we
                // consume the back key.
                return true;
            } else if (mWindowVisible) {
                if (mCandidatesVisibility == View.VISIBLE) {
                    // If we are showing candidates even if no input area, then
                    // hide them.
                    return true;
                } else {
                    // If we have the window visible for some other reason --
                    // most likely to show candidates -- then just get rid
                    // of it.  This really shouldn't happen, but just in case...
                    return true;
        return doMovementKey(keyCode, event, MOVEMENT_DOWN);
public booleanonKeyMultiple(int keyCode, int count, android.view.KeyEvent event)
Override this to intercept special key multiple events before they are processed by the application. If you return true, the application will not itself process the event. If you return true, the normal application processing will occur as if the IME had not seen the event at all.

The default implementation always returns false, except when in fullscreen mode, where it will consume DPAD movement events to move the cursor in the extracted text view, not allowing them to perform navigation in the underlying application.

        return doMovementKey(keyCode, event, count);
public booleanonKeyUp(int keyCode, android.view.KeyEvent event)
Override this to intercept key up events before they are processed by the application. If you return true, the application will not itself process the event. If you return true, the normal application processing will occur as if the IME had not seen the event at all.

The default implementation always returns false, except when in fullscreen mode, where it will consume DPAD movement events to move the cursor in the extracted text view, not allowing them to perform navigation in the underlying application.

        return doMovementKey(keyCode, event, MOVEMENT_UP);
public booleanonShowInputRequested(int flags, boolean configChange)
The system has decided that it may be time to show your input method. This is called due to a corresponding call to your {@link InputMethod#showSoftInput InputMethod.showSoftInput()} method. The default implementation uses {@link #onEvaluateInputViewShown()}, {@link #onEvaluateFullscreenMode()}, and the current configuration to decide whether the input view should be shown at this point.

flags Provides additional information about the show request, as per {@link InputMethod#showSoftInput InputMethod.showSoftInput()}.
configChange This is true if we are re-showing due to a configuration change.
Returns true to indicate that the window should be shown.

        if (!onEvaluateInputViewShown()) {
            return false;
        if ((flags&InputMethod.SHOW_EXPLICIT) == 0) {
            if (!configChange && onEvaluateFullscreenMode()) {
                // Don't show if this is not explicitly requested by the user and
                // the input method is fullscreen.  That would be too disruptive.
                // However, we skip this change for a config change, since if
                // the IME is already shown we do want to go into fullscreen
                // mode at this point.
                return false;
            Configuration config = getResources().getConfiguration();
            if (config.keyboard != Configuration.KEYBOARD_NOKEYS) {
                // And if the device has a hard keyboard, even if it is
                // currently hidden, don't show the input method implicitly.
                // These kinds of devices don't need it that much.
                return false;
        if ((flags&InputMethod.SHOW_FORCED) != 0) {
            mShowInputForced = true;
        return true;
public voidonStartCandidatesView(android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo info, boolean restarting)
Called when only the candidates view has been shown for showing processing as the user enters text through a hard keyboard. This will always be called after {@link #onStartInput}, allowing you to do your general setup there and just view-specific setup here. You are guaranteed that {@link #onCreateCandidatesView()} will have been called some time before this function is called.

Note that this will not be called when the input method is running in full editing mode, and thus receiving {@link #onStartInputView} to initiate that operation. This is only for the case when candidates are being shown while the input method editor is hidden but wants to show its candidates UI as text is entered through some other mechanism.

info Description of the type of text being edited.
restarting Set to true if we are restarting input on the same text field as before.

public voidonStartInput(android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo attribute, boolean restarting)
Called to inform the input method that text input has started in an editor. You should use this callback to initialize the state of your input to match the state of the editor given to it.

attribute The attributes of the editor that input is starting in.
restarting Set to true if input is restarting in the same editor such as because the application has changed the text in the editor. Otherwise will be false, indicating this is a new session with the editor.

public voidonStartInputView(android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo info, boolean restarting)
Called when the input view is being shown and input has started on a new editor. This will always be called after {@link #onStartInput}, allowing you to do your general setup there and just view-specific setup here. You are guaranteed that {@link #onCreateInputView()} will have been called some time before this function is called.

info Description of the type of text being edited.
restarting Set to true if we are restarting input on the same text field as before.

private voidonToggleSoftInput(int showFlags, int hideFlags)
Handle a request by the system to toggle the soft input area.

        if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "toggleSoftInput()");
        if (isInputViewShown()) {
        } else {
public booleanonTrackballEvent(android.view.MotionEvent event)

        return false;
public voidonUnbindInput()
Called when the previous bound client is no longer associated with the input method. After returning {@link #getCurrentInputBinding} and {@link #getCurrentInputConnection} will no longer return valid objects.

public voidonUpdateCursor( newCursor)
Called when the application has reported a new location of its text cursor. This is only called if explicitly requested by the input method. The default implementation does nothing.

public voidonUpdateExtractedText(int token, android.view.inputmethod.ExtractedText text)
Called when the application has reported new extracted text to be shown due to changes in its current text state. The default implementation here places the new text in the extract edit text, when the input method is running in fullscreen mode.

        if (mExtractedToken != token) {
        if (text != null) {
            if (mExtractEditText != null) {
                mExtractedText = text;
public voidonUpdateExtractingViews(android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo ei)
Called when the fullscreen-mode extracting editor info has changed, to update the state of its UI such as the action buttons shown. You do not need to deal with this if you are using the standard full screen extract UI. If replacing it, you will need to re-implement this to put the appropriate action button in your own UI and handle it, and perform any other changes.

The standard implementation turns on or off its accessory area depending on whether there is an action button, and hides or shows the entire extract area depending on whether it makes sense for the current editor. In particular, a {@link InputType#TYPE_NULL} or {@link InputType#TYPE_TEXT_VARIATION_FILTER} input type will turn off the extract area since there is no text to be shown.

        if (!isExtractViewShown()) {
        if (mExtractAccessories == null) {
        final boolean hasAction = ei.actionLabel != null || (
                (ei.imeOptions&EditorInfo.IME_MASK_ACTION) != EditorInfo.IME_ACTION_NONE &&
                (ei.imeOptions&EditorInfo.IME_FLAG_NO_ACCESSORY_ACTION) == 0 &&
                ei.inputType != InputType.TYPE_NULL);
        if (hasAction) {
            if (ei.actionLabel != null) {
            } else {
        } else {
public voidonUpdateExtractingVisibility(android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo ei)
Called when the fullscreen-mode extracting editor info has changed, to determine whether the extracting (extract text and candidates) portion of the UI should be shown. The standard implementation hides or shows the extract area depending on whether it makes sense for the current editor. In particular, a {@link InputType#TYPE_NULL} input type or {@link EditorInfo#IME_FLAG_NO_EXTRACT_UI} flag will turn off the extract area since there is no text to be shown.

        if (ei.inputType == InputType.TYPE_NULL ||
                (ei.imeOptions&EditorInfo.IME_FLAG_NO_EXTRACT_UI) != 0) {
            // No reason to show extract UI!
public voidonUpdateSelection(int oldSelStart, int oldSelEnd, int newSelStart, int newSelEnd, int candidatesStart, int candidatesEnd)
Called when the application has reported a new selection region of the text. This is called whether or not the input method has requested extracted text updates, although if so it will not receive this call if the extracted text has changed as well.

The default implementation takes care of updating the cursor in the extract text, if it is being shown.

        final ExtractEditText eet = mExtractEditText;
        if (eet != null && isFullscreenMode() && mExtractedText != null) {
            final int off = mExtractedText.startOffset;
            newSelStart -= off;
            newSelEnd -= off;
            final int len = eet.getText().length();
            if (newSelStart < 0) newSelStart = 0;
            else if (newSelStart > len) newSelStart = len;
            if (newSelEnd < 0) newSelEnd = 0;
            else if (newSelEnd > len) newSelEnd = len;
            eet.setSelection(newSelStart, newSelEnd);
public voidonWindowHidden()
Called when the input method window has been hidden from the user, after previously being visible.

public voidonWindowShown()
Called when the input method window has been shown to the user, after previously not being visible. This is done after all of the UI setup for the window has occurred (creating its views etc).

voidreportExtractedMovement(int keyCode, int count)

        int dx = 0, dy = 0;
        switch (keyCode) {
            case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_LEFT:
                dx = -count;
            case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_RIGHT:
                dx = count;
            case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_UP:
                dy = -count;
            case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_DOWN:
                dy = count;
        onExtractedCursorMovement(dx, dy);       
public voidrequestHideSelf(int flags)
Close this input method's soft input area, removing it from the display. The input method will continue running, but the user can no longer use it to generate input by touching the screen.

flags Provides additional operating flags. Currently may be 0 or have the {@link InputMethodManager#HIDE_IMPLICIT_ONLY InputMethodManager.HIDE_IMPLICIT_ONLY} bit set.

        mImm.hideSoftInputFromInputMethod(mToken, flags);
private voidrequestShowSelf(int flags)
Show the input method. This is a call back to the IMF to handle showing the input method. Close this input method's soft input area, removing it from the display. The input method will continue running, but the user can no longer use it to generate input by touching the screen.

flags Provides additional operating flags. Currently may be 0 or have the {@link InputMethodManager#SHOW_FORCED InputMethodManager.} bit set.

        mImm.showSoftInputFromInputMethod(mToken, flags);
public booleansendDefaultEditorAction(boolean fromEnterKey)
Ask the input target to execute its default action via {@link InputConnection#performEditorAction InputConnection.performEditorAction()}.

fromEnterKey If true, this will be executed as if the user had pressed an enter key on the keyboard, that is it will not be done if the editor has set {@link EditorInfo#IME_FLAG_NO_ENTER_ACTION EditorInfo.IME_FLAG_NO_ENTER_ACTION}. If false, the action will be sent regardless of how the editor has set that flag.
Returns a boolean indicating whether an action has been sent. If false, either the editor did not specify a default action or it does not want an action from the enter key. If true, the action was sent (or there was no input connection at all).

        EditorInfo ei = getCurrentInputEditorInfo();
        if (ei != null &&
                (!fromEnterKey || (ei.imeOptions &
                        EditorInfo.IME_FLAG_NO_ENTER_ACTION) == 0) &&
                (ei.imeOptions & EditorInfo.IME_MASK_ACTION) !=
                    EditorInfo.IME_ACTION_NONE) {
            // If the enter key was pressed, and the editor has a default
            // action associated with pressing enter, then send it that
            // explicit action instead of the key event.
            InputConnection ic = getCurrentInputConnection();
            if (ic != null) {
            return true;
        return false;
public voidsendDownUpKeyEvents(int keyEventCode)
Send the given key event code (as defined by {@link KeyEvent}) to the current input connection is a key down + key up event pair. The sent events have {@link KeyEvent#FLAG_SOFT_KEYBOARD KeyEvent.FLAG_SOFT_KEYBOARD} set, so that the recipient can identify them as coming from a software input method, and {@link KeyEvent#FLAG_KEEP_TOUCH_MODE KeyEvent.FLAG_KEEP_TOUCH_MODE}, so that they don't impact the current touch mode of the UI.

keyEventCode The raw key code to send, as defined by {@link KeyEvent}.

        InputConnection ic = getCurrentInputConnection();
        if (ic == null) return;
        long eventTime = SystemClock.uptimeMillis();
        ic.sendKeyEvent(new KeyEvent(eventTime, eventTime,
                KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN, keyEventCode, 0, 0, 0, 0,
        ic.sendKeyEvent(new KeyEvent(SystemClock.uptimeMillis(), eventTime,
                KeyEvent.ACTION_UP, keyEventCode, 0, 0, 0, 0,
public voidsendKeyChar(char charCode)
Send the given UTF-16 character to the current input connection. Most characters will be delivered simply by calling {@link InputConnection#commitText InputConnection.commitText()} with the character; some, however, may be handled different. In particular, the enter character ('\n') will either be delivered as an action code or a raw key event, as appropriate.

charCode The UTF-16 character code to send.

        switch (charCode) {
            case '\n": // Apps may be listening to an enter key to perform an action
                if (!sendDefaultEditorAction(true)) {
                // Make sure that digits go through any text watcher on the client side.
                if (charCode >= '0" && charCode <= '9") {
                    sendDownUpKeyEvents(charCode - '0" + KeyEvent.KEYCODE_0);
                } else {
                    InputConnection ic = getCurrentInputConnection();
                    if (ic != null) {
                        ic.commitText(String.valueOf((char) charCode), 1);
public voidsetCandidatesView(android.view.View view)
Replaces the current candidates view with a new one. You only need to call this when dynamically changing the view; normally, you should implement {@link #onCreateCandidatesView()} and create your view when first needed by the input method.

        mCandidatesFrame.addView(view, new FrameLayout.LayoutParams(
public voidsetCandidatesViewShown(boolean shown)
Controls the visibility of the candidates display area. By default it is hidden.

        if (!mShowInputRequested && mWindowVisible != shown) {
            // If we are being asked to show the candidates view while the app
            // has not asked for the input view to be shown, then we need
            // to update whether the window is shown.
            if (shown) {
            } else {
public voidsetExtractView(android.view.View view)

        mExtractFrame.addView(view, new FrameLayout.LayoutParams(
        mExtractView = view;
        if (view != null) {
            mExtractEditText = (ExtractEditText)view.findViewById(
            mExtractAction = (Button)view.findViewById(
            if (mExtractAction != null) {
                mExtractAccessories = (ViewGroup)view.findViewById(
        } else {
            mExtractEditText = null;
            mExtractAccessories = null;
            mExtractAction = null;
public voidsetExtractViewShown(boolean shown)
Controls the visibility of the extracted text area. This only applies when the input method is in fullscreen mode, and thus showing extracted text. When false, the extracted text will not be shown, allowing some of the application to be seen behind. This is normally set for you by {@link #onUpdateExtractingVisibility}. This controls the visibility of both the extracted text and candidate view; the latter since it is not useful if there is no text to see.

        if (mExtractViewHidden == shown) {
            mExtractViewHidden = !shown;
public voidsetInputView(android.view.View view)
Replaces the current input view with a new one. You only need to call this when dynamically changing the view; normally, you should implement {@link #onCreateInputView()} and create your view when first needed by the input method.

        mInputFrame.addView(view, new FrameLayout.LayoutParams(
        mInputView = view;
public voidsetTheme(int theme)
You can call this to customize the theme used by your IME's window. This theme should typically be one that derives from {@link}, which is the default theme you will get. This must be set before {@link #onCreate}, so you will typically call it in your constructor with the resource ID of your custom theme.

        if (mWindow != null) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Must be called before onCreate()");
        mTheme = theme;
public voidshowStatusIcon(int iconResId)

        mStatusIcon = iconResId;
        mImm.showStatusIcon(mToken, getPackageName(), iconResId);
public voidshowWindow(boolean showInput)

        if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "Showing window: showInput=" + showInput
                + " mShowInputRequested=" + mShowInputRequested
                + " mWindowAdded=" + mWindowAdded
                + " mWindowCreated=" + mWindowCreated
                + " mWindowVisible=" + mWindowVisible
                + " mInputStarted=" + mInputStarted);
        if (mInShowWindow) {
            Log.w(TAG, "Re-entrance in to showWindow");
        try {
            mWindowWasVisible = mWindowVisible;
            mInShowWindow = true;
        } finally {
            mWindowWasVisible = true;
            mInShowWindow = false;
voidshowWindowInner(boolean showInput)

        boolean doShowInput = false;
        boolean wasVisible = mWindowVisible;
        mWindowVisible = true;
        if (!mShowInputRequested) {
            if (mInputStarted) {
                if (showInput) {
                    doShowInput = true;
                    mShowInputRequested = true;
        } else {
            showInput = true;
        if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "showWindow: updating UI");
        if (!mWindowAdded || !mWindowCreated) {
            mWindowAdded = true;
            mWindowCreated = true;
            if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "CALL: onCreateCandidatesView");
            View v = onCreateCandidatesView();
            if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "showWindow: candidates=" + v);
            if (v != null) {
        if (mShowInputRequested) {
            if (!mInputViewStarted) {
                if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "CALL: onStartInputView");
                mInputViewStarted = true;
                onStartInputView(mInputEditorInfo, false);
        } else if (!mCandidatesViewStarted) {
            if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "CALL: onStartCandidatesView");
            mCandidatesViewStarted = true;
            onStartCandidatesView(mInputEditorInfo, false);
        if (doShowInput) {
        if (!wasVisible) {
            if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "showWindow: showing!");
voidstartExtractingText(boolean inputChanged)

        final ExtractEditText eet = mExtractEditText;
        if (eet != null && getCurrentInputStarted()
                && isFullscreenMode()) {
            ExtractedTextRequest req = new ExtractedTextRequest();
            req.token = mExtractedToken;
            req.flags = InputConnection.GET_TEXT_WITH_STYLES;
            req.hintMaxLines = 10;
            req.hintMaxChars = 10000;
            mExtractedText = getCurrentInputConnection().getExtractedText(req,
            final EditorInfo ei = getCurrentInputEditorInfo();
            try {
                int inputType = ei.inputType;
                if ((inputType&EditorInfo.TYPE_MASK_CLASS)
                        == EditorInfo.TYPE_CLASS_TEXT) {
                    if ((inputType&EditorInfo.TYPE_TEXT_FLAG_IME_MULTI_LINE) != 0) {
                        inputType |= EditorInfo.TYPE_TEXT_FLAG_MULTI_LINE;
                if (mExtractedText != null) {
                } else {
            } finally {
            if (inputChanged) {
public voidswitchInputMethod(java.lang.String id)
Force switch to a new input method, as identified by id. This input method will be destroyed, and the requested one started on the current input field.

id Unique identifier of the new input method ot start.

        mImm.setInputMethod(mToken, id);
voidupdateCandidatesVisibility(boolean shown)

        int vis = shown ? View.VISIBLE : getCandidatesHiddenVisibility();
        if (mCandidatesVisibility != vis) {
            mCandidatesVisibility = vis;

        int vis;
        if (isFullscreenMode()) {
            vis = mExtractViewHidden ? View.INVISIBLE : View.VISIBLE;
        } else {
            vis = View.VISIBLE;
        updateCandidatesVisibility(mCandidatesVisibility == View.VISIBLE);
        if (mWindowWasVisible && mFullscreenArea.getVisibility() != vis) {
            int animRes = mThemeAttrs.getResourceId(vis == View.VISIBLE
            if (animRes != 0) {
                        this, animRes));
public voidupdateFullscreenMode()
Re-evaluate whether the input method should be running in fullscreen mode, and update its UI if this has changed since the last time it was evaluated. This will call {@link #onEvaluateFullscreenMode()} to determine whether it should currently run in fullscreen mode. You can use {@link #isFullscreenMode()} to determine if the input method is currently running in fullscreen mode.

        boolean isFullscreen = mShowInputRequested && onEvaluateFullscreenMode();
        boolean changed = mLastShowInputRequested != mShowInputRequested;
        if (mIsFullscreen != isFullscreen || !mFullscreenApplied) {
            changed = true;
            mIsFullscreen = isFullscreen;
            InputConnection ic = getCurrentInputConnection();
            if (ic != null) ic.reportFullscreenMode(isFullscreen);
            mFullscreenApplied = true;
            LinearLayout.LayoutParams lp = (LinearLayout.LayoutParams)
            if (isFullscreen) {
                lp.height = 0;
                lp.weight = 1;
            } else {
                lp.height = LinearLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT;
                lp.weight = 0;
                    mFullscreenArea, lp);
            if (isFullscreen) {
                if (mExtractView == null) {
                    View v = onCreateExtractTextView();
                    if (v != null) {
        if (changed) {
            onConfigureWindow(mWindow.getWindow(), isFullscreen,
            mLastShowInputRequested = mShowInputRequested;
public voidupdateInputViewShown()
Re-evaluate whether the soft input area should currently be shown, and update its UI if this has changed since the last time it was evaluated. This will call {@link #onEvaluateInputViewShown()} to determine whether the input view should currently be shown. You can use {@link #isInputViewShown()} to determine if the input view is currently shown.

        boolean isShown = mShowInputRequested && onEvaluateInputViewShown();
        if (mIsInputViewShown != isShown && mWindowVisible) {
            mIsInputViewShown = isShown;
            mInputFrame.setVisibility(isShown ? View.VISIBLE : View.GONE);
            if (mInputView == null) {
                View v = onCreateInputView();
                if (v != null) {