EventTypes.javaAPI DocphoneME MR2 API (J2ME)8591Wed May 02 18:00:16 BST

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 * Event type IDs, this should match midpEvents.h.
public final class EventTypes {
     * Major ID for an event on a key.
    public static final int KEY_EVENT     =  1;

     * Major ID for a pointer event.
    public static final int PEN_EVENT     =  2;

     * Major ID for an Abstract Command.
    public static final int COMMAND_EVENT =  3;

     * Major ID for a repaint event.
    public static final int REPAINT_EVENT =  4;

     * Major ID for a screen change event.
    public static final int SCREEN_CHANGE_EVENT =  5;

     * Major ID for an invalidate event.
    public static final int INVALIDATE_EVENT =  6;

     * Major ID for an item event.
    public static final int ITEM_EVENT =  7;

     * Major ID for a item's native peer state changed event.
    public static final int PEER_CHANGED_EVENT =  8;

     * Major ID for a call serially event.
    public static final int CALL_SERIALLY_EVENT =  9;

     * Major ID for a foreground notify event.
     * <ul>
     * <li>intParam4 = displayID
     * </ul>
    public static final int FOREGROUND_NOTIFY_EVENT = 10;

     * Major ID for a background notify event.
     * <ul>
     * <li>intParam4 = displayID
     * </ul>
    public static final int BACKGROUND_NOTIFY_EVENT = 11;

     * Major ID for a activate MIDlet event.
    public static final int ACTIVATE_MIDLET_EVENT  =  12;

     * Major ID for a pause MIDlet event.
    public static final int PAUSE_MIDLET_EVENT  =  13;

     * Major ID for a destroy MIDlet event.
    public static final int DESTROY_MIDLET_EVENT  =  14;

     * Major ID for a shutdown event.
    public static final int SHUTDOWN_EVENT  =  15;

     * Major ID for a pause all event.
    public static final int ACTIVATE_ALL_EVENT  =  16;

     * Major ID for a pause all event.
    public static final int PAUSE_ALL_EVENT  =  17;

     * Major ID for a MIDlet created notification.
    public static final int MIDLET_CREATED_NOTIFICATION  =  18;

     * Major ID for a MIDlet active notification.
    public static final int MIDLET_ACTIVE_NOTIFICATION  =  19;

     * Major ID for a MIDlet paused notification.
    public static final int MIDLET_PAUSED_NOTIFICATION  =  20;

     * Major ID for a MIDlet destroyed notification.
    public static final int MIDLET_DESTROYED_NOTIFICATION  =  21;

     * Major ID for a Display created notification.
    public static final int DISPLAY_CREATED_NOTIFICATION  =  22;

     * Major ID for a foreground request event.
     * <ul>
     * <li>intParam1 = IsolateID
     * <li>intParam4 = displayID
     * </ul>
     * @see com.sun.midp.main.MIDletProxyList#foregroundRequestEvent
    public static final int FOREGROUND_REQUEST_EVENT  =  23;

     * Major ID for a background request event.
     * <ul>
     * <li>intParam1 = IsolateID
     * <li>intParam4 = displayID
     * </ul>
     * @see com.sun.midp.main.MIDletProxyList#backgroundRequestEvent
    public static final int BACKGROUND_REQUEST_EVENT  =  24;

     * User request to show the midlet selection screen, if any.
     * <ul>
     * <li>stringParam1 = 1 if midlet should be selected from the 
     * list of aunched midlets, if 0 then possibility to launch midlet is needed.
     * </ul>
     * @see com.sun.midp.main.MIDletProxyList#selectForegroundEvent
    public static final int SELECT_FOREGROUND_EVENT  =  25;

     * Major ID for a preempt event.
    public static final int PREEMPT_EVENT = 26;

     * Major ID for a MIDlet start error event.
    public static final int MIDLET_START_ERROR_EVENT = 27;

     * Major ID for a execute MIDlet event.
     * <ul>
     * <li> stringParam1 = id;
     * <li> stringParam2 = midlet;
     * <li> stringParam3 = displayName;
     * <li> stringParam4 = arg0;
     * <li> stringParam5 = arg1;
     * <li> stringParam6 = arg2;
     * </ul>
    public static final int EXECUTE_MIDLET_EVENT  =  28;

     * Major ID for a request to destroy  a MIDlet event.
     * @see com.sun.midp.main.MIDletProxyList#midletDestroyRequestEvent
    public static final int MIDLET_DESTROY_REQUEST_EVENT  =  29;

     * Major ID for an foreground handoff event.
     * This is a request to the AMS to transition the foreground 
     * from a current MIDlet to a target MIDlet 
     * (by application ID and classname).
     * <ul>
     * <li>stringParam1 = current FG MIDlet ID
     * <li>stringParam2 = current FG MIDlet class
     * <li>stringParam3 = target MIDlet ID
     * <li>stringParam4 = target MIDlet class
     * </ul>
     * @see com.sun.midp.main.MIDletProxyList#foregroundTransferEvent
    public static final int FOREGROUND_TRANSFER_EVENT = 30;

    /** The event will shutdown the event queue when processed. */
    public static final int EVENT_QUEUE_SHUTDOWN = 31;

     * This is sent to the AMS isolate when an application isolate
     * has fatal error.
    public static final int FATAL_ERROR_NOTIFICATION = 32;

     * Major ID for a JSR 75 FileConnection disks changed event.
    public static final int FC_DISKS_CHANGED_EVENT = 33;

    /** Reserved for testing. */
    public static final int TEST_EVENT = 34;

     * Sent to the AMS isolate when a paused MIDlet is requesting to be
     * moved to active state.
    public static final int MIDLET_RESUME_REQUEST = 35;

     * Sent by the native system to request a MIDlet be created and started.
    public static final int NATIVE_MIDLET_EXECUTE_REQUEST = 36;

     * Sent by the native system to request a paused MIDlet be resumed.
    public static final int NATIVE_MIDLET_RESUME_REQUEST = 37;

     * Sent by the native system to request a MIDlet be paused.
    public static final int NATIVE_MIDLET_PAUSE_REQUEST = 38;

     * Sent by the native system to request a MIDlet be destroyed.
    public static final int NATIVE_MIDLET_DESTROY_REQUEST = 39;

     * Sent by the native system to request a MIDlet be destroyed.
    public static final int NATIVE_MIDLET_GETINFO_REQUEST = 40;

     * Sent by the native system to request a MIDlet be in the foreground.
    public static final int NATIVE_SET_FOREGROUND_REQUEST = 41;

     * Sent by the Automation API subsystem to request a MIDlet 
     * be in the foreground.
     * <ul>
     * <li>stringParam1 = MIDlet's suite ID
     * <li>stringParam2 = MIDlet's class name
     * </ul>
    public static final int SET_FOREGROUND_BY_NAME_REQUEST = 42;

     * Sent to request screen rotation
    public static final int ROTATION_EVENT = 43;

     * MIDlet resources paused notification 
    public static final int MIDLET_RS_PAUSED_NOTIFICATION = 44;

    /** Major ID for MMAPI event */
    public static final int MMAPI_EVENT = 45;

    /** Major ID for AMMS  event */ 
    public static final int AMMS_EVENT  = 46;

    /** The event to repaint entire screen*/
    public static final int SCREEN_REPAINT_EVENT = 47;