TableSprmUncompressor.javaAPI DocApache Poi 3.0.18578Mon Jan 01 18:55:34 GMT 2007org.apache.poi.hwpf.sprm


public class TableSprmUncompressor extends SprmUncompressor

Fields Summary
Constructors Summary
public TableSprmUncompressor()

Methods Summary
static voidunCompressTAPOperation(org.apache.poi.hwpf.usermodel.TableProperties newTAP, org.apache.poi.hwpf.sprm.SprmOperation sprm)
Used to uncompress a table property. Performs an operation defined by a sprm stored in a tapx.

newTAP The TableProperties object to perform the operation on.
operand The operand that defines this operation.
param The parameter for this operation.
varParam Variable length parameter for this operation.

    switch (sprm.getOperation())
      case 0:
        newTAP.setJc ((short) sprm.getOperand());
      case 0x01:
        short[] rgdxaCenter = newTAP.getRgdxaCenter ();
        short itcMac = newTAP.getItcMac ();
        int adjust = sprm.getOperand() - (rgdxaCenter[0] + newTAP.getDxaGapHalf ());
        for (int x = 0; x < itcMac; x++)
          rgdxaCenter[x] += adjust;
      case 0x02:
        short[] rgdxaCenter = newTAP.getRgdxaCenter ();
        if (rgdxaCenter != null)
          int adjust = newTAP.getDxaGapHalf () - sprm.getOperand();
          rgdxaCenter[0] += adjust;
        newTAP.setDxaGapHalf (sprm.getOperand());
      case 0x03:
        newTAP.setFCantSplit (getFlag(sprm.getOperand()));
      case 0x04:
        newTAP.setFTableHeader (getFlag (sprm.getOperand()));
      case 0x05:
        byte[] buf = sprm.getGrpprl();
        int offset = sprm.getGrpprlOffset();
        newTAP.setBrcTop(new BorderCode(buf, offset));
        offset += BorderCode.SIZE;
        newTAP.setBrcLeft(new BorderCode(buf, offset));
        offset += BorderCode.SIZE;
        newTAP.setBrcBottom(new BorderCode(buf, offset));
        offset += BorderCode.SIZE;
        newTAP.setBrcRight(new BorderCode(buf, offset));
        offset += BorderCode.SIZE;
        newTAP.setBrcHorizontal(new BorderCode(buf, offset));
        offset += BorderCode.SIZE;
        newTAP.setBrcVertical(new BorderCode(buf, offset));
      case 0x06:

        //obsolete, used in word 1.x
      case 0x07:
        newTAP.setDyaRowHeight (sprm.getOperand());
      case 0x08:
        byte[] grpprl = sprm.getGrpprl();
        int offset = sprm.getGrpprlOffset();
        short itcMac = grpprl[offset];
        short[] rgdxaCenter = new short[itcMac + 1];
        TableCellDescriptor[] rgtc = new TableCellDescriptor[itcMac];
        //I use varParam[0] and newTAP._itcMac interchangably
        newTAP.setItcMac (itcMac);
        newTAP.setRgdxaCenter (rgdxaCenter);
        newTAP.setRgtc (rgtc);

        // get the rgdxaCenters
        for (int x = 0; x < itcMac; x++)
          rgdxaCenter[x] = LittleEndian.getShort (grpprl, offset + (1 + (x * 2)));

        // only try to get the TC entries if they exist...
        int endOfSprm = offset+sprm.size()-6; // -2 bytes for sprm - 2 for size short - 2 to correct offsets being 0 based
        int startOfTCs = offset + (1 + (itcMac + 1) * 2);

        boolean hasTCs = startOfTCs < endOfSprm;

        for (int x = 0; x < itcMac; x++)
          if(hasTCs) rgtc[x] = TableCellDescriptor.convertBytesToTC(grpprl,
              offset + (1 + ( (itcMac + 1) * 2) + (x * 20)));
            rgtc[x] = new TableCellDescriptor();

        rgdxaCenter[itcMac] = LittleEndian.getShort (grpprl, offset + (1 + (itcMac * 2)));
      case 0x09:

        /** @todo handle cell shading*/
      case 0x0a:

        /** @todo handle word defined table styles*/
      case 0x20:
//      {
//        TableCellDescriptor[] rgtc = newTAP.getRgtc();
//        for (int x = varParam[0]; x < varParam[1]; x++)
//        {
//          if ((varParam[2] & 0x08) > 0)
//          {
//            short[] brcRight = rgtc[x].getBrcRight ();
//            brcRight[0] = LittleEndian.getShort (varParam, 6);
//            brcRight[1] = LittleEndian.getShort (varParam, 8);
//          }
//          else if ((varParam[2] & 0x04) > 0)
//          {
//            short[] brcBottom = rgtc[x].getBrcBottom ();
//            brcBottom[0] = LittleEndian.getShort (varParam, 6);
//            brcBottom[1] = LittleEndian.getShort (varParam, 8);
//          }
//          else if ((varParam[2] & 0x02) > 0)
//          {
//            short[] brcLeft = rgtc[x].getBrcLeft ();
//            brcLeft[0] = LittleEndian.getShort (varParam, 6);
//            brcLeft[1] = LittleEndian.getShort (varParam, 8);
//          }
//          else if ((varParam[2] & 0x01) > 0)
//          {
//            short[] brcTop = rgtc[x].getBrcTop ();
//            brcTop[0] = LittleEndian.getShort (varParam, 6);
//            brcTop[1] = LittleEndian.getShort (varParam, 8);
//          }
//        }
//        break;
//      }
      case 0x21:
        int param = sprm.getOperand();
        int index = (param & 0xff000000) >> 24;
        int count = (param & 0x00ff0000) >> 16;
        int width = (param & 0x0000ffff);
        int itcMac = newTAP.getItcMac();

        short[] rgdxaCenter = new short[itcMac + count + 1];
        TableCellDescriptor[] rgtc = new TableCellDescriptor[itcMac + count];
        if (index >= itcMac)
          index = itcMac;
          System.arraycopy(newTAP.getRgdxaCenter(), 0, rgdxaCenter, 0,
                           itcMac + 1);
          System.arraycopy(newTAP.getRgtc(), 0, rgtc, 0, itcMac);
          //copy rgdxaCenter
          System.arraycopy(newTAP.getRgdxaCenter(), 0, rgdxaCenter, 0,
                           index + 1);
          System.arraycopy(newTAP.getRgdxaCenter(), index + 1, rgdxaCenter,
                           index + count, itcMac - (index));
          //copy rgtc
          System.arraycopy(newTAP.getRgtc(), 0, rgtc, 0, index);
          System.arraycopy(newTAP.getRgtc(), index, rgtc, index + count,
                           itcMac - index);

        for (int x = index; x < index + count; x++)
          rgtc[x] = new TableCellDescriptor();
          rgdxaCenter[x] = (short)(rgdxaCenter[x - 1] + width);
        rgdxaCenter[index +
          count] = (short)(rgdxaCenter[(index + count) - 1] + width);
      /**@todo handle table sprms from complex files*/
      case 0x22:
      case 0x23:
      case 0x24:
      case 0x25:
      case 0x26:
      case 0x27:
      case 0x28:
      case 0x29:
      case 0x2a:
      case 0x2b:
      case 0x2c:
public static org.apache.poi.hwpf.usermodel.TablePropertiesuncompressTAP(byte[] grpprl, int offset)

    TableProperties newProperties = new TableProperties();

    SprmIterator sprmIt = new SprmIterator(grpprl, offset);

    while (sprmIt.hasNext())
      SprmOperation sprm = (SprmOperation);

      //TAPXs are actually PAPXs so we have to make sure we are only trying to
      //uncompress the right type of sprm.
      if (sprm.getType() == SprmOperation.TAP_TYPE)
        unCompressTAPOperation(newProperties, sprm);

    return newProperties;