WifiAutoJoinController.javaAPI DocAndroid 5.1 API84326Thu Mar 12 22:22:52 GMT


public class WifiAutoJoinController extends Object
AutoJoin controller is responsible for WiFi Connect decision It runs in the thread context of WifiStateMachine

Fields Summary
private android.content.Context
private WifiStateMachine
private WifiConfigStore
private WifiNative
private WifiNetworkScoreCache
private static final String
private static boolean
private static boolean
private static final boolean
public static int
public static int
private String
private HashMap
private WifiConnectionStatistics
private boolean
Whether to allow connections to untrusted networks.
private static final long
private static final long
private static final long
public static final int
public static final int
public static final int
public static final int
public static final int
There was a non-blacklisted configuration that we bailed from because of a weak signal
number of time we consecutively bailed out of an eligible network because its signal was too weak
Constructors Summary
WifiAutoJoinController(android.content.Context c, WifiStateMachine w, WifiConfigStore s, WifiConnectionStatistics st, WifiNative n)

        mContext = c;
        mWifiStateMachine = w;
        mWifiConfigStore = s;
        mWifiNative = n;
        mNetworkScoreCache = null;
        mWifiConnectionStatistics = st;
        scoreManager =
                (NetworkScoreManager) mContext.getSystemService(Context.NETWORK_SCORE_SERVICE);
        if (scoreManager == null)
            logDbg("Registered scoreManager NULL " + " service " + Context.NETWORK_SCORE_SERVICE);

        if (scoreManager != null) {
            mNetworkScoreCache = new WifiNetworkScoreCache(mContext);
            scoreManager.registerNetworkScoreCache(NetworkKey.TYPE_WIFI, mNetworkScoreCache);
        } else {
            logDbg("No network score service: Couldnt register as a WiFi score Manager, type="
                    + Integer.toString(NetworkKey.TYPE_WIFI)
                    + " service " + Context.NETWORK_SCORE_SERVICE);
            mNetworkScoreCache = null;
Methods Summary
intaddToScanCache(java.util.List scanList)

        int numScanResultsKnown = 0; // Record number of scan results we knew about
        WifiConfiguration associatedConfig = null;
        boolean didAssociate = false;
        long now = System.currentTimeMillis();

        ArrayList<NetworkKey> unknownScanResults = new ArrayList<NetworkKey>();

        for(ScanResult result: scanList) {
            if (result.SSID == null) continue;

            // Make sure we record the last time we saw this result
            result.seen = System.currentTimeMillis();

            // Fetch the previous instance for this result
            ScanResult sr = scanResultCache.get(result.BSSID);
            if (sr != null) {
                if (mWifiConfigStore.scanResultRssiLevelPatchUp != 0
                        && result.level == 0
                        && sr.level < -20) {
                    // A 'zero' RSSI reading is most likely a chip problem which returns
                    // an unknown RSSI, hence ignore it
                    result.level = sr.level;

                // If there was a previous cache result for this BSSID, average the RSSI values
                result.averageRssi(sr.level, sr.seen, mScanResultMaximumAge);

                // Remove the previous Scan Result - this is not necessary
            } else if (mWifiConfigStore.scanResultRssiLevelPatchUp != 0 && result.level == 0) {
                // A 'zero' RSSI reading is most likely a chip problem which returns
                // an unknown RSSI, hence initialize it to a sane value
                result.level = mWifiConfigStore.scanResultRssiLevelPatchUp;

            if (!mNetworkScoreCache.isScoredNetwork(result)) {
                WifiKey wkey;
                // Quoted SSIDs are the only one valid at this stage
                try {
                    wkey = new WifiKey("\"" + result.SSID + "\"", result.BSSID);
                } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
                    logDbg("AutoJoinController: received badly encoded SSID=[" + result.SSID +
                            "] ->skipping this network");
                    wkey = null;
                if (wkey != null) {
                    NetworkKey nkey = new NetworkKey(wkey);
                    //if we don't know this scan result then request a score from the scorer
                if (VDBG) {
                    String cap = "";
                    if (result.capabilities != null)
                        cap = result.capabilities;
                    logDbg(result.SSID + " " + result.BSSID + " rssi="
                            + result.level + " cap " + cap + " is not scored");
            } else {
                if (VDBG) {
                    String cap = "";
                    if (result.capabilities != null)
                        cap = result.capabilities;
                    int score = mNetworkScoreCache.getNetworkScore(result);
                    logDbg(result.SSID + " " + result.BSSID + " rssi="
                            + result.level + " cap " + cap + " is scored : " + score);

            // scanResultCache.put(result.BSSID, new ScanResult(result));
            scanResultCache.put(result.BSSID, result);
            // Add this BSSID to the scanResultCache of a Saved WifiConfiguration
            didAssociate = mWifiConfigStore.updateSavedNetworkHistory(result);

            // If not successful, try to associate this BSSID to an existing Saved WifiConfiguration
            if (!didAssociate) {
                // We couldn't associate the scan result to a Saved WifiConfiguration
                // Hence it is untrusted
                result.untrusted = true;
                associatedConfig = mWifiConfigStore.associateWithConfiguration(result);
                if (associatedConfig != null && associatedConfig.SSID != null) {
                    if (VDBG) {
                        logDbg("addToScanCache save associated config "
                                + associatedConfig.SSID + " with " + result.SSID
                                + " status " + associatedConfig.autoJoinStatus
                                + " reason " + associatedConfig.disableReason
                                + " tsp " + associatedConfig.blackListTimestamp
                                + " was " + (now - associatedConfig.blackListTimestamp));
                            WifiStateMachine.CMD_AUTO_SAVE_NETWORK, associatedConfig);
                    didAssociate = true;
            } else {
                // If the scan result has been blacklisted fir 18 hours -> unblacklist
                if ((now - result.blackListTimestamp) > loseBlackListHardMilli) {
            if (didAssociate) {
                result.isAutoJoinCandidate ++;
            } else {
                result.isAutoJoinCandidate = 0;

        if (unknownScanResults.size() != 0) {
            NetworkKey[] newKeys =
                    unknownScanResults.toArray(new NetworkKey[unknownScanResults.size()]);
            // Kick the score manager, we will get updated scores asynchronously
        return numScanResultsKnown;
private voidageScanResultsOut(int delay)
Flush out scan results older than mScanResultMaximumAge

        if (delay <= 0) {
            delay = mScanResultMaximumAge; // Something sane
        long milli = System.currentTimeMillis();
        if (VDBG) {
            logDbg("ageScanResultsOut delay " + Integer.valueOf(delay) + " size "
                    + Integer.valueOf(scanResultCache.size()) + " now " + Long.valueOf(milli));

        Iterator<HashMap.Entry<String,ScanResult>> iter = scanResultCache.entrySet().iterator();
        while (iter.hasNext()) {
            HashMap.Entry<String,ScanResult> entry =;
            ScanResult result = entry.getValue();

            if ((result.seen + delay) < milli) {
attemptAutoJoin() function implements the core of the a network switching algorithm Return false if no acceptable networks were found.

        boolean found = false;
        didOverride = false;
        didBailDueToWeakRssi = false;
        int networkSwitchType = AUTO_JOIN_IDLE;

        long now = System.currentTimeMillis();

        String lastSelectedConfiguration = mWifiConfigStore.getLastSelectedConfiguration();

        // Reset the currentConfiguration Key, and set it only if WifiStateMachine and
        // supplicant agree
        mCurrentConfigurationKey = null;
        WifiConfiguration currentConfiguration = mWifiStateMachine.getCurrentWifiConfiguration();

        WifiConfiguration candidate = null;

        // Obtain the subset of recently seen networks
        List<WifiConfiguration> list =
                mWifiConfigStore.getRecentConfiguredNetworks(mScanResultAutoJoinAge, false);
        if (list == null) {
            if (VDBG)  logDbg("attemptAutoJoin nothing known=" +
            return false;

        // Find the currently connected network: ask the supplicant directly
        String val = mWifiNative.status(true);
        String status[] = val.split("\\r?\\n");
        if (VDBG) {
            logDbg("attemptAutoJoin() status=" + val + " split="
                    + Integer.toString(status.length));

        int supplicantNetId = -1;
        for (String key : status) {
            if (key.regionMatches(0, "id=", 0, 3)) {
                int idx = 3;
                supplicantNetId = 0;
                while (idx < key.length()) {
                    char c = key.charAt(idx);

                    if ((c >= 0x30) && (c <= 0x39)) {
                        supplicantNetId *= 10;
                        supplicantNetId += c - 0x30;
                    } else {
            } else if (key.contains("wpa_state=ASSOCIATING")
                    || key.contains("wpa_state=ASSOCIATED")
                    || key.contains("wpa_state=FOUR_WAY_HANDSHAKE")
                    || key.contains("wpa_state=GROUP_KEY_HANDSHAKE")) {
                if (DBG) {
                    logDbg("attemptAutoJoin: bail out due to sup state " + key);
                // After WifiStateMachine ask the supplicant to associate or reconnect
                // we might still obtain scan results from supplicant
                // however the supplicant state in the mWifiInfo and supplicant state tracker
                // are updated when we get the supplicant state change message which can be
                // processed after the SCAN_RESULT message, so at this point the framework doesn't
                // know that supplicant is ASSOCIATING.
                // A good fix for this race condition would be for the WifiStateMachine to add
                // a new transient state where it expects to get the supplicant message indicating
                // that it started the association process and within which critical operations
                // like autojoin should be deleted.

                // This transient state would remove the need for the roam Wathchdog which
                // basically does that.

                // At the moment, we just query the supplicant state synchronously with the
                // mWifiNative.status() command, which allow us to know that
                // supplicant has started association process, even though we didnt yet get the
                // SUPPLICANT_STATE_CHANGE message.
                return false;
        if (DBG) {
            String conf = "";
            String last = "";
            if (currentConfiguration != null) {
                conf = " current=" + currentConfiguration.configKey();
            if (lastSelectedConfiguration != null) {
                last = " last=" + lastSelectedConfiguration;
            logDbg("attemptAutoJoin() num recent config " + Integer.toString(list.size())
                    + conf + last
                    + " ---> suppNetId=" + Integer.toString(supplicantNetId));

        if (currentConfiguration != null) {
            if (supplicantNetId != currentConfiguration.networkId
                    // mark this condition as an error only if the mismatched networkId are valid
                    && supplicantNetId != WifiConfiguration.INVALID_NETWORK_ID
                    && currentConfiguration.networkId != WifiConfiguration.INVALID_NETWORK_ID) {
                logDbg("attemptAutoJoin() ERROR wpa_supplicant out of sync nid="
                        + Integer.toString(supplicantNetId) + " WifiStateMachine="
                        + Integer.toString(currentConfiguration.networkId));
                return false;
            } else if (currentConfiguration.ephemeral && (!mAllowUntrustedConnections ||
                    !haveRecentlySeenScoredBssid(currentConfiguration))) {
                // The current connection is untrusted (the framework added it), but we're either
                // no longer allowed to connect to such networks, the score has been nullified
                // since we connected, or the scored BSSID has gone out of range.
                // Drop the current connection and perform the rest of autojoin.
                logDbg("attemptAutoJoin() disconnecting from unwanted ephemeral network");
                        mAllowUntrustedConnections ? 1 : 0);
                return false;
            } else {
                mCurrentConfigurationKey = currentConfiguration.configKey();
        } else {
            if (supplicantNetId != WifiConfiguration.INVALID_NETWORK_ID) {
                // Maybe in the process of associating, skip this attempt
                return false;

        int currentNetId = -1;
        if (currentConfiguration != null) {
            // If we are associated to a configuration, it will
            // be compared thru the compareNetwork function
            currentNetId = currentConfiguration.networkId;

         * Run thru all visible configurations without looking at the one we
         * are currently associated to
         * select Best Network candidate from known WifiConfigurations
        for (WifiConfiguration config : list) {
            if (config.SSID == null) {

            if (config.autoJoinStatus >=
                    WifiConfiguration.AUTO_JOIN_DISABLED_ON_AUTH_FAILURE) {
                // Wait for 5 minutes before reenabling config that have known,
                // repeated connection or DHCP failures
                if (config.disableReason == WifiConfiguration.DISABLED_DHCP_FAILURE
                        || config.disableReason
                        == WifiConfiguration.DISABLED_ASSOCIATION_REJECT
                        || config.disableReason
                        == WifiConfiguration.DISABLED_AUTH_FAILURE) {
                    if (config.blackListTimestamp == 0
                            || (config.blackListTimestamp > now)) {
                        // Sanitize the timestamp
                        config.blackListTimestamp = now;
                    if ((now - config.blackListTimestamp) >
                            mWifiConfigStore.wifiConfigBlacklistMinTimeMilli) {
                        // Re-enable the WifiConfiguration
                        config.status = WifiConfiguration.Status.ENABLED;

                        // Reset the blacklist condition
                        config.numConnectionFailures = 0;
                        config.numIpConfigFailures = 0;
                        config.numAuthFailures = 0;

                        config.dirty = true;
                    } else {
                        if (VDBG) {
                            long delay = mWifiConfigStore.wifiConfigBlacklistMinTimeMilli
                                    - (now - config.blackListTimestamp);
                            logDbg("attemptautoJoin " + config.configKey()
                                    + " dont unblacklist yet, waiting for "
                                    + delay + " ms");
                // Avoid networks disabled because of AUTH failure altogether
                if (DBG) {
                    logDbg("attemptAutoJoin skip candidate due to auto join status "
                            + Integer.toString(config.autoJoinStatus) + " key "
                            + config.configKey(true)
                            + " reason " + config.disableReason);

            // Try to un-blacklist based on elapsed time
            if (config.blackListTimestamp > 0) {
                if (now < config.blackListTimestamp) {
                     * looks like there was a change in the system clock since we black listed, and
                     * timestamp is not meaningful anymore, hence lose it.
                     * this event should be rare enough so that we still want to lose the black list
                } else {
                    if ((now - config.blackListTimestamp) > loseBlackListHardMilli) {
                        // Reenable it after 18 hours, i.e. next day
                    } else if ((now - config.blackListTimestamp) > loseBlackListSoftMilli) {
                        // Lose blacklisting due to bad link
                        config.setAutoJoinStatus(config.autoJoinStatus - 8);

            // Try to unblacklist based on good visibility
            if (config.visibility.rssi5 < mWifiConfigStore.thresholdUnblacklistThreshold5Soft
                    && config.visibility.rssi24
                    < mWifiConfigStore.thresholdUnblacklistThreshold24Soft) {
                if (DBG) {
                    logDbg("attemptAutoJoin do not unblacklist due to low visibility "
                            + config.autoJoinStatus
                            + " key " + config.configKey(true)
                            + " rssi=(" + config.visibility.rssi24
                            + "," + config.visibility.rssi5
                            + ") num=(" + config.visibility.num24
                            + "," + config.visibility.num5 + ")");
            } else if (config.visibility.rssi5 < mWifiConfigStore.thresholdUnblacklistThreshold5Hard
                    && config.visibility.rssi24
                    < mWifiConfigStore.thresholdUnblacklistThreshold24Hard) {
                // If the network is simply temporary disabled, don't allow reconnect until
                // RSSI becomes good enough
                config.setAutoJoinStatus(config.autoJoinStatus - 1);
                if (DBG) {
                    logDbg("attemptAutoJoin good candidate seen, bumped soft -> status="
                            + config.autoJoinStatus
                            + " " + config.configKey(true) + " rssi=("
                            + config.visibility.rssi24 + "," + config.visibility.rssi5
                            + ") num=(" + config.visibility.num24
                            + "," + config.visibility.num5 + ")");
            } else {
                config.setAutoJoinStatus(config.autoJoinStatus - 3);
                if (DBG) {
                    logDbg("attemptAutoJoin good candidate seen, bumped hard -> status="
                            + config.autoJoinStatus
                            + " " + config.configKey(true) + " rssi=("
                            + config.visibility.rssi24 + "," + config.visibility.rssi5
                            + ") num=(" + config.visibility.num24
                            + "," + config.visibility.num5 + ")");

            if (config.autoJoinStatus >=
                    WifiConfiguration.AUTO_JOIN_TEMPORARY_DISABLED) {
                // Network is blacklisted, skip
                if (DBG) {
                    logDbg("attemptAutoJoin skip blacklisted -> status="
                            + config.autoJoinStatus
                            + " " + config.configKey(true) + " rssi=("
                            + config.visibility.rssi24 + "," + config.visibility.rssi5
                            + ") num=(" + config.visibility.num24
                            + "," + config.visibility.num5 + ")");
            if (config.networkId == currentNetId) {
                if (DBG) {
                    logDbg("attemptAutoJoin skip current candidate  "
                            + Integer.toString(currentNetId)
                            + " key " + config.configKey(true));

            boolean isLastSelected = false;
            if (lastSelectedConfiguration != null &&
                    config.configKey().equals(lastSelectedConfiguration)) {
                isLastSelected = true;

            if (config.visibility == null) {

            if (config.lastRoamingFailure != 0
                    && currentConfiguration != null
                    && (lastSelectedConfiguration == null
                    || !config.configKey().equals(lastSelectedConfiguration))) {
                // Apply blacklisting for roaming to this config if:
                //   - the target config had a recent roaming failure
                //   - we are currently associated
                //   - the target config is not the last selected
                if (now > config.lastRoamingFailure
                        && (now - config.lastRoamingFailure)
                        < config.roamingFailureBlackListTimeMilli) {
                    if (DBG) {
                        logDbg("compareNetwork not switching to " + config.configKey()
                                + " from current " + currentConfiguration.configKey()
                                + " because it is blacklisted due to roam failure, "
                                + " blacklist remain time = "
                                + (now - config.lastRoamingFailure) + " ms");

            int boost = config.autoJoinUseAggressiveJoinAttemptThreshold + weakRssiBailCount;
            if ((config.visibility.rssi5 + boost)
                        < mWifiConfigStore.thresholdInitialAutoJoinAttemptMin5RSSI
                        && (config.visibility.rssi24 + boost)
                        < mWifiConfigStore.thresholdInitialAutoJoinAttemptMin24RSSI) {
                if (DBG) {
                    logDbg("attemptAutoJoin skip due to low visibility -> status="
                            + config.autoJoinStatus
                            + " key " + config.configKey(true) + " rssi="
                            + config.visibility.rssi24 + ", " + config.visibility.rssi5
                            + " num=" + config.visibility.num24
                            + ", " + config.visibility.num5);

                // Don't try to autojoin a network that is too far but
                // If that configuration is a user's choice however, try anyway
                if (!isLastSelected) {
                    config.autoJoinBailedDueToLowRssi = true;
                    didBailDueToWeakRssi = true;
                } else {
                    // Next time, try to be a bit more aggressive in auto-joining
                    if (config.autoJoinUseAggressiveJoinAttemptThreshold
                            < WifiConfiguration.MAX_INITIAL_AUTO_JOIN_RSSI_BOOST
                            && config.autoJoinBailedDueToLowRssi) {
                        config.autoJoinUseAggressiveJoinAttemptThreshold += 4;
            if (config.numNoInternetAccessReports > 0
                    && !isLastSelected
                    && !config.validatedInternetAccess) {
                // Avoid autoJoining this network because last time we used it, it didn't
                // have internet access, and we never manage to validate internet access on this
                // network configuration
                if (DBG) {
                    logDbg("attemptAutoJoin skip candidate due to no InternetAccess  "
                            + config.configKey(true)
                            + " num reports " + config.numNoInternetAccessReports);

            if (DBG) {
                String cur = "";
                if (candidate != null) {
                    cur = " current candidate " + candidate.configKey();
                logDbg("attemptAutoJoin trying id="
                        + Integer.toString(config.networkId) + " "
                        + config.configKey(true)
                        + " status=" + config.autoJoinStatus
                        + cur);

            if (candidate == null) {
                candidate = config;
            } else {
                if (VDBG)  {
                    logDbg("attemptAutoJoin will compare candidate  " + candidate.configKey()
                            + " with " + config.configKey());
                int order = compareWifiConfigurations(candidate, config);

                // The lastSelectedConfiguration is the configuration the user has manually selected
                // thru WifiPicker, or that a 3rd party app asked us to connect to via the
                // enableNetwork with disableOthers=true WifiManager API
                // As this is a direct user choice, we strongly prefer this configuration,
                // hence give +/-100
                if ((lastSelectedConfiguration != null)
                        && candidate.configKey().equals(lastSelectedConfiguration)) {
                    // candidate is the last selected configuration,
                    // so keep it above connect choices (+/-60) and
                    // above RSSI/scorer based selection of linked configuration (+/- 50)
                    // by reducing order by -100
                    order = order - 100;
                    if (VDBG)   {
                        logDbg("     ...and prefers -100 " + candidate.configKey()
                                + " over " + config.configKey()
                                + " because it is the last selected -> "
                                + Integer.toString(order));
                } else if ((lastSelectedConfiguration != null)
                        && config.configKey().equals(lastSelectedConfiguration)) {
                    // config is the last selected configuration,
                    // so keep it above connect choices (+/-60) and
                    // above RSSI/scorer based selection of linked configuration (+/- 50)
                    // by increasing order by +100
                    order = order + 100;
                    if (VDBG)   {
                        logDbg("     ...and prefers +100 " + config.configKey()
                                + " over " + candidate.configKey()
                                + " because it is the last selected -> "
                                + Integer.toString(order));

                if (order > 0) {
                    // Ascending : candidate < config
                    candidate = config;

        // Now, go thru scan result to try finding a better untrusted network
        if (mNetworkScoreCache != null && mAllowUntrustedConnections) {
            int rssi5 = WifiConfiguration.INVALID_RSSI;
            int rssi24 = WifiConfiguration.INVALID_RSSI;
            if (candidate != null) {
                rssi5 = candidate.visibility.rssi5;
                rssi24 = candidate.visibility.rssi24;

            // Get current date
            long nowMs = System.currentTimeMillis();
            int currentScore = -10000;
            // The untrusted network with highest score
            ScanResult untrustedCandidate = null;
            // Look for untrusted scored network only if the current candidate is bad
            if (isBadCandidate(rssi24, rssi5)) {
                for (ScanResult result : scanResultCache.values()) {
                    // We look only at untrusted networks with a valid SSID
                    // A trusted result would have been looked at thru it's Wificonfiguration
                    if (TextUtils.isEmpty(result.SSID) || !result.untrusted ||
                            !isOpenNetwork(result)) {
                    String quotedSSID = "\"" + result.SSID + "\"";
                    if (mWifiConfigStore.mDeletedEphemeralSSIDs.contains(quotedSSID)) {
                        // SSID had been Forgotten by user, then don't score it
                    if ((nowMs - result.seen) < mScanResultAutoJoinAge) {
                        // Increment usage count for the network
                        mWifiConnectionStatistics.incrementOrAddUntrusted(quotedSSID, 0, 1);

                        boolean isActiveNetwork = currentConfiguration != null
                                && currentConfiguration.SSID.equals(quotedSSID);
                        int score = mNetworkScoreCache.getNetworkScore(result, isActiveNetwork);
                        if (score != WifiNetworkScoreCache.INVALID_NETWORK_SCORE
                                && score > currentScore) {
                            // Highest score: Select this candidate
                            currentScore = score;
                            untrustedCandidate = result;
                            if (VDBG) {
                                logDbg("AutoJoinController: found untrusted candidate "
                                        + result.SSID
                                + " RSSI=" + result.level
                                + " freq=" + result.frequency
                                + " score=" + score);
            if (untrustedCandidate != null) {
                // At this point, we have an untrusted network candidate.
                // Create the new ephemeral configuration and see if we should switch over
                candidate =
                candidate.ephemeral = true;

        long lastUnwanted =
                        - mWifiConfigStore.lastUnwantedNetworkDisconnectTimestamp;
        if (candidate == null
                && lastSelectedConfiguration == null
                && currentConfiguration == null
                && didBailDueToWeakRssi
                && (mWifiConfigStore.lastUnwantedNetworkDisconnectTimestamp == 0
                    || lastUnwanted > (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 7))
                ) {
            // We are bailing out of autojoin although we are seeing a weak configuration, and
            // - we didn't find another valid candidate
            // - we are not connected
            // - without a user network selection choice
            // - ConnectivityService has not triggered an unwanted network disconnect
            //       on this device for a week (hence most likely there is no SIM card or cellular)
            // If all those conditions are met, then boost the RSSI of the weak networks
            // that we are seeing so as we will eventually pick one
            if (weakRssiBailCount < 10)
                weakRssiBailCount += 1;
        } else {
            if (weakRssiBailCount > 0)
                weakRssiBailCount -= 1;

         *  If candidate is found, check the state of the connection so as
         *  to decide if we should be acting on this candidate and switching over
        int networkDelta = compareNetwork(candidate, lastSelectedConfiguration);
        if (DBG && candidate != null) {
            String doSwitch = "";
            String current = "";
            if (networkDelta < 0) {
                doSwitch = " -> not switching";
            if (currentConfiguration != null) {
                current = " with current " + currentConfiguration.configKey();
            logDbg("attemptAutoJoin networkSwitching candidate "
                    + candidate.configKey()
                    + current
                    + " linked=" + (currentConfiguration != null
                            && currentConfiguration.isLinked(candidate))
                    + " : delta="
                    + Integer.toString(networkDelta) + " "
                    + doSwitch);

         * Ask WifiStateMachine permission to switch :
         * if user is currently streaming voice traffic,
         * then we should not be allowed to switch regardless of the delta
        if (mWifiStateMachine.shouldSwitchNetwork(networkDelta)) {
            if (mStaStaSupported) {
                logDbg("mStaStaSupported --> error do nothing now ");
            } else {
                if (currentConfiguration != null && currentConfiguration.isLinked(candidate)) {
                    networkSwitchType = AUTO_JOIN_EXTENDED_ROAMING;
                } else {
                    networkSwitchType = AUTO_JOIN_OUT_OF_NETWORK_ROAMING;
                if (DBG) {
                    logDbg("AutoJoin auto connect with netId "
                            + Integer.toString(candidate.networkId)
                            + " to " + candidate.configKey());
                if (didOverride) {

                if (candidate.ephemeral) {
                    // We found a new candidate that we are going to connect to, then
                    // increase its connection count
                            incrementOrAddUntrusted(candidate.SSID, 1, 0);

                if (candidate.BSSID == null || candidate.BSSID.equals("any")) {
                    // First step we selected the configuration we want to connect to
                    // Second step: Look for the best Scan result for this configuration
                    // TODO this algorithm should really be done in one step
                    String currentBSSID = mWifiStateMachine.getCurrentBSSID();
                    ScanResult roamCandidate =
                            attemptRoam(null, candidate, mScanResultAutoJoinAge, null);
                    if (roamCandidate != null && currentBSSID != null
                            && currentBSSID.equals(roamCandidate.BSSID)) {
                        // Sanity, we were already asociated to that candidate
                        roamCandidate = null;
                    if (roamCandidate != null && roamCandidate.is5GHz()) {
                        // If the configuration hasn't a default BSSID selected, and the best
                        // candidate is 5GHZ, then select this candidate so as WifiStateMachine and
                        // supplicant will pick it first
                        candidate.autoJoinBSSID = roamCandidate.BSSID;
                        if (VDBG) {
                            logDbg("AutoJoinController: lock to 5GHz "
                                    + candidate.autoJoinBSSID
                                    + " RSSI=" + roamCandidate.level
                                    + " freq=" + roamCandidate.frequency);
                    } else {
                        // We couldnt find a roam candidate
                        candidate.autoJoinBSSID = "any";
                            candidate.networkId, networkSwitchType, candidate);
                found = true;

        if (networkSwitchType == AUTO_JOIN_IDLE) {
            String currentBSSID = mWifiStateMachine.getCurrentBSSID();
            // Attempt same WifiConfiguration roaming
            ScanResult roamCandidate =
                    attemptRoam(null, currentConfiguration, mScanResultAutoJoinAge, currentBSSID);
             *  TODO: (post L initial release)
             *  consider handling linked configurations roaming (i.e. extended Roaming)
             *  thru the attemptRoam function which makes use of the RSSI roaming threshold.
             *  At the moment, extended roaming is only handled thru the attemptAutoJoin()
             *  function which compare configurations.
             *  The advantage of making use of attemptRoam function is that this function
             *  will looks at all the BSSID of each configurations, instead of only looking
             *  at WifiConfiguration.visibility which keeps trackonly of the RSSI/band of the
             *  two highest BSSIDs.
            // Attempt linked WifiConfiguration roaming
            /* if (currentConfiguration != null
                    && currentConfiguration.linkedConfigurations != null) {
                for (String key : currentConfiguration.linkedConfigurations.keySet()) {
                    WifiConfiguration link = mWifiConfigStore.getWifiConfiguration(key);
                    if (link != null) {
                        roamCandidate = attemptRoam(roamCandidate, link, mScanResultAutoJoinAge,
            if (roamCandidate != null && currentBSSID != null
                    && currentBSSID.equals(roamCandidate.BSSID)) {
                roamCandidate = null;
            if (roamCandidate != null && mWifiStateMachine.shouldSwitchNetwork(999)) {
                if (DBG) {
                    logDbg("AutoJoin auto roam with netId "
                            + Integer.toString(currentConfiguration.networkId)
                            + " " + currentConfiguration.configKey() + " to BSSID="
                            + roamCandidate.BSSID + " freq=" + roamCandidate.frequency
                            + " RSSI=" + roamCandidate.level);
                networkSwitchType = AUTO_JOIN_ROAMING;

                            currentConfiguration.networkId, 1, roamCandidate);
                found = true;
        if (VDBG) logDbg("Done attemptAutoJoin status=" + Integer.toString(networkSwitchType));
        return found;
public ScanResultattemptRoam(ScanResult a, WifiConfiguration current, int age, java.lang.String currentBSSID)
attemptRoam() function implements the core of the same SSID switching algorithm Run thru all recent scan result of a WifiConfiguration and select the best one.

        if (current == null) {
            if (VDBG)   {
                logDbg("attemptRoam not associated");
            return a;
        if (current.scanResultCache == null) {
            if (VDBG)   {
                logDbg("attemptRoam no scan cache");
            return a;
        if (current.scanResultCache.size() > 6) {
            if (VDBG)   {
                logDbg("attemptRoam scan cache size "
                        + current.scanResultCache.size() + " --> bail");
            // Implement same SSID roaming only for configurations
            // that have less than 4 BSSIDs
            return a;

        if (current.BSSID != null && !current.BSSID.equals("any")) {
            if (DBG)   {
                logDbg("attemptRoam() BSSID is set "
                        + current.BSSID + " -> bail");
            return a;

        // Determine which BSSID we want to associate to, taking account
        // relative strength of 5 and 2.4 GHz BSSIDs
        long nowMs = System.currentTimeMillis();

        for (ScanResult b : current.scanResultCache.values()) {
            int bRssiBoost5 = 0;
            int aRssiBoost5 = 0;
            int bRssiBoost = 0;
            int aRssiBoost = 0;
            if ((b.seen == 0) || (b.BSSID == null)
                    || ((nowMs - b.seen) > age)
                    || b.autoJoinStatus != ScanResult.ENABLED
                    || b.numIpConfigFailures > 8) {

            // Pick first one
            if (a == null) {
                a = b;

            if (b.numIpConfigFailures < (a.numIpConfigFailures - 1)) {
                // Prefer a BSSID that doesn't have less number of Ip config failures
                logDbg("attemptRoam: "
                        + b.BSSID + " rssi=" + b.level + " ipfail=" +b.numIpConfigFailures
                        + " freq=" + b.frequency
                        + " > "
                        + a.BSSID + " rssi=" + a.level + " ipfail=" +a.numIpConfigFailures
                        + " freq=" + a.frequency);
                a = b;

            // Apply hysteresis: we favor the currentBSSID by giving it a boost
            if (currentBSSID != null && currentBSSID.equals(b.BSSID)) {
                // Reduce the benefit of hysteresis if RSSI <= -75
                if (b.level <= mWifiConfigStore.bandPreferencePenaltyThreshold5) {
                    bRssiBoost = mWifiConfigStore.associatedHysteresisLow;
                } else {
                    bRssiBoost = mWifiConfigStore.associatedHysteresisHigh;
            if (currentBSSID != null && currentBSSID.equals(a.BSSID)) {
                if (a.level <= mWifiConfigStore.bandPreferencePenaltyThreshold5) {
                    // Reduce the benefit of hysteresis if RSSI <= -75
                    aRssiBoost = mWifiConfigStore.associatedHysteresisLow;
                } else {
                    aRssiBoost = mWifiConfigStore.associatedHysteresisHigh;

            // Favor 5GHz: give a boost to 5GHz BSSIDs, with a slightly progressive curve
            //   Boost the BSSID if it is on 5GHz, above a threshold
            //   But penalize it if it is on 5GHz and below threshold
            //   With he current threshold values, 5GHz network with RSSI above -55
            //   Are given a boost of 30DB which is enough to overcome the current BSSID
            //   hysteresis (+14) plus 2.4/5 GHz signal strength difference on most cases
            // The "current BSSID" Boost must be added to the BSSID's level so as to introduce\
            // soem amount of hysteresis
            if (b.is5GHz()) {
                bRssiBoost5 = rssiBoostFrom5GHzRssi(b.level + bRssiBoost, b.BSSID);
            if (a.is5GHz()) {
                aRssiBoost5 = rssiBoostFrom5GHzRssi(a.level + aRssiBoost, a.BSSID);

            if (VDBG)  {
                String comp = " < ";
                if (b.level + bRssiBoost + bRssiBoost5 > a.level +aRssiBoost + aRssiBoost5) {
                    comp = " > ";
                logDbg("attemptRoam: "
                        + b.BSSID + " rssi=" + b.level + " boost=" + Integer.toString(bRssiBoost)
                        + "/" + Integer.toString(bRssiBoost5) + " freq=" + b.frequency
                        + comp
                        + a.BSSID + " rssi=" + a.level + " boost=" + Integer.toString(aRssiBoost)
                        + "/" + Integer.toString(aRssiBoost5) + " freq=" + a.frequency);

            // Compare the RSSIs after applying the hysteresis boost and the 5GHz
            // boost if applicable
            if (b.level + bRssiBoost + bRssiBoost5 > a.level +aRssiBoost + aRssiBoost5) {
                // b is the better BSSID
                a = b;
        if (a != null) {
            if (VDBG)  {
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                sb.append("attemptRoam: " + current.configKey() +
                        " Found " + a.BSSID + " rssi=" + a.level + " freq=" + a.frequency);
                if (currentBSSID != null) {
                    sb.append(" Current: " + currentBSSID);
        return a;
private intcompareNetwork(WifiConfiguration candidate, java.lang.String lastSelectedConfiguration)
compare a WifiConfiguration against the current network, return a delta score If not associated, and the candidate will always be better For instance if the candidate is a home network versus an unknown public wifi, the delta will be infinite, else compare Kepler scores etcâ