KVMClassTable.javaAPI DocJ2ME CLDC 1.18356Wed Feb 05 15:56:02 GMT 2003runtime

 * Copyright © 2003 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * SUN PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms.

package runtime;

import java.util.*;
import jcc.Util;
import components.*;
import vm.*;

public class KVMClassTable extends KVMHashtable { 

    KVMNameTable nameTable;

    KVMClassTable(KVMNameTable nameTable) { 
    super(32, KVMClassName.class); 
    this.nameTable = nameTable;

    public int getClassKey(String name) { 
    return getClassKey(new KVMClassName(name));
    public int getClassKey(KVMClassName cn) {
    int key;
    if (cn.getDepth() > 6) { 
        key = getKey(cn) | (7 << 13);
    } else if (cn.getBaseType() != 0) { 
        key = (cn.getDepth() << 13) + (int)cn.getBaseType();
        } else { 
            KVMClassName entry = 
                cn.getDepth() == 0 
        ? cn : new KVMClassName(cn.getPackageName(), cn.getBaseName(), 0);
            key = getKey(entry) | (cn.getDepth() << 13);
        return key;
   public void addArrayClass(String name) {
       KVMClassName cn = new  KVMClassName(name);

   private void addArrayClass(KVMClassName cn) {
       for(;;) {
           if (cn.getDepth() <= (cn.isPrimitiveBaseType() ? 1 : 0)) {
           cn = cn.deltaDepth(-1);

    public String getKeyClass(int value) { 
        return ((KVMClassName)getObject(value)).toString();

    public void addNewEntryCallback(int bucket, Object neww) {
        KVMClassName cn = (KVMClassName)neww;
        /* Make sure that the package name and basic name have keys */
        String packageName = cn.getPackageName();
        if (packageName != null) { 

        if (cn.isArrayClass() && cn.getDepth() <= 6) { 
            setKey(cn, getClassKey(cn));

        int newKey = 256 + bucket; // default value
        for (KVMClassName next = (KVMClassName)getNext(cn); 
             next != null; 
                 next = (KVMClassName)getNext(next)) {
            int value = getKey(next);
            int depth = value >> 13;
            if (value == -1) { 
                System.out.println("Strangeness in addNewEntryCallback");
            } else if (depth == 0 || depth == 7) { 
                newKey = (value & 0x1FFF) + getSize();
        setKey(cn, newKey);
        if (cn.isArrayClass()) { 

    Object tableChain(CCodeWriter out, int bucket, Object[] list) {
        return (list.length == 0) ? null : list[0];

    void tableEntry(CCodeWriter out, int bucket, Object token) { 
        KVMClassName name = (KVMClassName)token;
        EVMClass cc = name.getEVMClass();
    out.print("&AllClassblocks." + 
          ((cc != null) ? cc.getNativeName()
                        : Util.convertToClassName(name.toString())));
        out.print(" /* " + name.toString() + " */");

    public NameAndTypeKey getNameAndTypeKey(ClassMemberInfo cmi) { 
        return getNameAndTypeKey(, cmi.type.string);

    public NameAndTypeKey getNameAndTypeKey(String name, String type) {
        int nameKey = getNameKey(name);
        int typeKey;
        if (type.charAt(0) == '(') { 
            typeKey = getNameKey(encodeMethodSignature(type));
        } else { 
            typeKey = getFieldSignatureKey(type);
        return new NameAndTypeKey(nameKey, typeKey);
    public int getNameKey(String name) { 
        return nameTable.getNameKey(name);

    public int getClassKey(UnicodeConstant string) { 
        return getClassKey(string.string);

    public int getFieldSignatureKey(String string) { 
        int length = string.length();
        char firstChar = string.charAt(0);
        if (length == 1) { 
            if (firstChar >= 'A' && firstChar <= 'Z') { 
                return string.charAt(0) & 0x7F;
        } else if (firstChar == '[') { 
            return getClassKey(string);
        } else if (firstChar == 'L' && string.charAt(length - 1) == ';') { 
            return getClassKey(string.substring(1, string.length() - 1));
        throw new NullPointerException("Unknown signature: " + string);

    public String encodeMethodSignature(String string) { 
        int index = 1;          // skip over the opening parenthesis
        int argCount = 0;
        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer().append('\0');
        while(string.charAt(index) != ')') {
            index = encodeMethodSignature(string, index, sb);
        index++;                // skip over the close parenthesis 
        sb.setCharAt(0, (char)argCount);

        // Add the return value to the string
        encodeMethodSignature(string, index, sb);

        return sb.toString();
    public String decodeMethodSignature(String string) { 
        int index = 0;
        int argCount = string.charAt(index++);
        StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer().append('(');
        for (int i = 0; i < argCount; i++) { 
            index = decodeMethodSignature(string, index, result);
        decodeMethodSignature(string, index, result);
        return result.toString();

    private int 
    encodeMethodSignature(String string, int index, StringBuffer result) {
        int end;
        switch(string.charAt(index)) { 
                // A primitive type
                return index + 1;

            case 'L': { 
                // A class
                end = string.indexOf(';', index) + 1;

            case '[': { 
                // An array
                for (end = index + 1; string.charAt(end) == '['; end++);
                if (string.charAt(end) == 'L') { 
                    // Array of classes
                    end = string.indexOf(';', end) + 1;             
                } else { 
                    // Array of primitives
        int key = getFieldSignatureKey(string.substring(index, end));
        char hiChar = (char)(key >> 8);
        char loChar = (char)(key & 0xFF);
        if (hiChar >= 'A' && hiChar <= 'Z') { 
        // Return the end
        return end;

    private int
    decodeMethodSignature(String string, int index, StringBuffer result) 
        int baseKey;
        int depth;
        char firstChar = string.charAt(index++);
        if (firstChar >= 'A' && firstChar <= 'Z' && firstChar != 'L') { 
            baseKey = firstChar;
            depth = 0;
        } else { 
            if (firstChar == 'L') { 
                firstChar = string.charAt(index++);
            char secondChar = string.charAt(index++);
            int key = (firstChar << 8) + secondChar;
            depth = key >> 13;
            baseKey = key & 0x1FFF;
        if (depth != 7) { 
            for (int i = 0; i < depth; i++) result.append('[');
        if (depth == 7) { 
        } else if (baseKey >= 'A' && baseKey <= 'Z') { 
        } else { 
        return index;

    long hash(Object x) { 
        return ((KVMClassName)x).hashCode() & 0xFFFFFFFFL;

    public String toString() { 
        return "<ClassTable " + hashCode() + ">";

    static class NameAndTypeKey { 
        int nameKey;

        int typeKey;

        NameAndTypeKey(int n, int t) { nameKey = n; typeKey = t; }

        public String toString() { 
            return "NameAndTypeKey(0x" + 
                Integer.toHexString(0x10000 + nameKey).substring(1) + ", 0x" +
                Integer.toHexString(0x10000 + typeKey).substring(1) + ")";
