Track.javaAPI DocJava SE 6 API8288Tue Jun 10 00:26:30 BST 2008javax.sound.midi


public class Track extends Object
A MIDI track is an independent stream of MIDI events (time-stamped MIDI data) that can be stored along with other tracks in a standard MIDI file. The MIDI specification allows only 16 channels of MIDI data, but tracks are a way to get around this limitation. A MIDI file can contain any number of tracks, each containing its own stream of up to 16 channels of MIDI data.

A Track occupies a middle level in the hierarchy of data played by a {@link Sequencer}: sequencers play sequences, which contain tracks, which contain MIDI events. A sequencer may provide controls that mute or solo individual tracks.

The timing information and resolution for a track is controlled by and stored in the sequence containing the track. A given Track is considered to belong to the particular {@link Sequence} that maintains its timing. For this reason, a new (empty) track is created by calling the {@link Sequence#createTrack} method, rather than by directly invoking a Track constructor.

The Track class provides methods to edit the track by adding or removing MidiEvent objects from it. These operations keep the event list in the correct time order. Methods are also included to obtain the track's size, in terms of either the number of events it contains or its duration in ticks.

1.24, 06/07/12
Kara Kytle
Florian Bomers

Fields Summary
private ArrayList
private HashSet
private MidiEvent
Constructors Summary
Package-private constructor. Constructs a new, empty Track object, which initially contains one event, the meta-event End of Track.

	// start with the end of track event
	MetaMessage eot = new ImmutableEndOfTrack();
	eotEvent = new MidiEvent(eot, 0);
Methods Summary
public booleanadd(javax.sound.midi.MidiEvent event)
Adds a new event to the track. However, if the event is already contained in the track, it is not added again. The list of events is kept in time order, meaning that this event inserted at the appropriate place in the list, not necessarily at the end.

event the event to add
true if the event did not already exist in the track and was added, otherwise false

    	if (event == null) {
	    return false;
	synchronized(eventsList) {

	    if (!set.contains(event)) {
		int eventsCount = eventsList.size();

		// get the last event
		MidiEvent lastEvent = null;
		if (eventsCount > 0) {
		    lastEvent = (MidiEvent) eventsList.get(eventsCount - 1);
		// sanity check that we have a correct end-of-track
		if (lastEvent != eotEvent) {
		    // if there is no eot event, add our immutable instance again
		    if (lastEvent != null) {
			// set eotEvent's tick to the last tick of the track
		    } else {
			// if the events list is empty, just set the tick to 0
		    // we needn't check for a duplicate of eotEvent in "eventsList",
		    // since then it would appear in the set.
                    eventsCount = eventsList.size();

		// first see if we are trying to add
		// and endoftrack event.
		if (MidiUtils.isMetaEndOfTrack(event.getMessage())) {
		    // since end of track event is useful
		    // for delays at the end of a track, we want to keep
		    // the tick value requested here if it is greater
		    // than the one on the eot we are maintaining.
		    // Otherwise, we only want a single eot event, so ignore.
		    if (event.getTick() > eotEvent.getTick()) {
		    return true;

	        // prevent duplicates

		// insert event such that events is sorted in increasing
		// tick order
		int i = eventsCount;
		for ( ; i > 0; i--) {
		    if (event.getTick() >= ((MidiEvent)eventsList.get(i-1)).getTick()) {
		if (i == eventsCount) {
		    // we're adding an event after the
		    // tick value of our eot, so push the eot out.
		    // Always add at the end for better performance:
		    // this saves all the checks and arraycopy when inserting

		    // overwrite eot with new event
		    eventsList.set(eventsCount - 1, event);
		    // set new time of eot, if necessary
		    if (eotEvent.getTick() < event.getTick()) {
		    // add eot again at the end
		} else {
		    eventsList.add(i, event);
		return true;

	return false;
public javax.sound.midi.MidiEventget(int index)
Obtains the event at the specified index.

index the location of the desired event in the event vector
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if the specified index is negative or not less than the current size of this track.

    	try {
    	    synchronized(eventsList) {
		return (MidiEvent)eventsList.get(index);
	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException ioobe) {
	    throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(ioobe.getMessage());
public booleanremove(javax.sound.midi.MidiEvent event)
Removes the specified event from the track.

event the event to remove
true if the event existed in the track and was removed, otherwise false

    	// this implementation allows removing the EOT event.
    	// pretty bad, but would probably be too risky to
    	// change behavior now, in case someone does tricks like:
    	// while (track.size() > 0) track.remove(track.get(track.size() - 1));

	// also, would it make sense to adjust the EOT's time
	// to the last event, if the last non-EOT event is removed?
	// Or: document that the ticks() length will not be reduced
	// by deleting events (unless the EOT event is removed)
	synchronized(eventsList) {
	    if (set.remove(event)) {
		int i = eventsList.indexOf(event);
		if (i >= 0) {
		    return true;
	return false;
public intsize()
Obtains the number of events in this track.

the size of the track's event vector

    	synchronized(eventsList) {
	    return eventsList.size();
public longticks()
Obtains the length of the track, expressed in MIDI ticks. (The duration of a tick in seconds is determined by the timing resolution of the Sequence containing this track, and also by the tempo of the music as set by the sequencer.)

the duration, in ticks
Sequence#Sequence(float, int)

	long ret = 0;
	synchronized (eventsList) {
	    if (eventsList.size() > 0) {
		ret = ((MidiEvent)eventsList.get(eventsList.size() - 1)).getTick();
	return ret;