EJBTimerService.javaAPI DocGlassfish v2 API78830Fri May 04 22:32:58 BST 2007com.sun.ejb.containers


public class EJBTimerService extends Object implements com.sun.ejb.spi.distributed.DistributedEJBTimerService

Fields Summary
private long
private long
private String
private String
private static final String
private String
private TimerCache
private TimerLocalHome
private TimerMigrationLocalHome
private boolean
private long
private static final Logger
private static final long
private static final int
private static final long
private String
private long
private long
private long
private static final String
private static final String
private boolean
private static final String
private boolean
Constructors Summary
public EJBTimerService(String appID, TimerLocalHome timerLocalHome, TimerMigrationLocalHome timerMigrationLocalHome)

        timerLocalHome_ = timerLocalHome;
        timerMigrationLocalHome_ = timerMigrationLocalHome;
        timerCache_     = new TimerCache();
        shutdown_       = false;
        this.appID = appID;

        domainName_ = ServerManager.instance().getDomainName();
        InstanceEnvironment server =
        serverName_ = server.getName();

Methods Summary
private void_restoreTimers(java.util.Set timersEligibleForRestoration)
The portion of timer restoration that deals with registering the JDK timer tasks and checking for missed expirations.

        // Do timer restoration in two passes.  The first pass updates
        // the timer cache with each timer.  The second pass schedules
        // the JDK timer tasks.  
        Map timersToRestore = new HashMap();

        for(Iterator iter = timersEligibleForRestoration.iterator(); 
            iter.hasNext();) {

            TimerLocal next  = (TimerLocal);
            long containerId = next.getContainerId();

            // Timer might refer to an obsolete container.
            BaseContainer container = getContainer(containerId);
            if( container != null ) {
                TimerPrimaryKey timerId = (TimerPrimaryKey)next.getPrimaryKey();
                Date initialExpiration = next.getInitialExpiration();
                // Create an instance of RuntimeTimerState. 

                // Only access timedObjectPrimaryKey if timed object is
                // an entity bean.  That allows us to lazily load the underlying
                // blob for stateless session and message-driven bean timers.
                Object timedObjectPrimaryKey = null;
                if( container instanceof EntityContainer ) {
                    timedObjectPrimaryKey = next.getTimedObjectPrimaryKey();

                RuntimeTimerState timerState = new RuntimeTimerState
                    (timerId, initialExpiration,
                     next.getIntervalDuration(), container, 

                timerCache_.addTimer(timerId, timerState);
                // If a single-action timer is still in the database it never
                // successfully delivered, so always reschedule a timer task 
                // for it.  For periodic timers, we use the last known
                // expiration time to decide whether we need to fire one
                // ejbTimeout to make up for any missed ones.
                Date expirationTime = initialExpiration;
                Date now = new Date();

                if( timerState.isPeriodic() ) {
                    // lastExpiration time, or null if we either aren't
                    // tracking last expiration or an expiration hasn't
                    // occurred yet for this timer.
                    Date lastExpiration = next.getLastExpiration();

                    // @@@ need to handle case where last expiration time
                    // is not stored in database.  This will be the case
                    // when we add configuration for update-db-on-delivery.
                    // However, for now assume we do update the db on each
                    // ejbTimeout.  Therefore, if (lastExpirationTime == null),
                    // it means the timer didn't successfully complete any
                    // timer expirations.                  
                    if( (lastExpiration == null) &&
                        now.after(initialExpiration) ) {
                        // This timer didn't even expire one time.
                                   "Rescheduling missed expiration for " +
                                   "periodic timer " +
                                   timerState + ". Timer expirations should " +
                                   " have been delivered starting at " +

                        // keep expiration time at initialExpiration.  That
                        // will force an ejbTimeout almost immediately. After
                        // that the timer will return to fixed rate expiration.
                    } else if ( (lastExpiration != null) &&
                                ( (now.getTime() - lastExpiration.getTime()
                                   > next.getIntervalDuration()) ) ) {
                                   "Rescheduling missed expiration for " +
                                   "periodic timer " +
                                   timerState + ".  Last timer expiration " +
                                   "occurred at " + lastExpiration);
                        // Timer expired at least once and at least one
                        // missed expiration has occurred.

                        // keep expiration time at initialExpiration.  That
                        // will force an ejbTimeout almost immediately. After
                        // that the timer will return to fixed rate expiration.
                    } else {

                        // In this case, at least one expiration has occurred
                        // but that was less than one period ago so there were
                        // no missed expirations.                     
                        expirationTime = 
                } else {  // single-action timer

                    if( now.after(initialExpiration) ) {
                                   "Rescheduling missed expiration for " +
                                   "single-action timer " +
                                   timerState + ". Timer expiration should " +
                                   " have been delivered at " +

                timersToRestore.put(timerState, expirationTime);

            } else {
                // Timed object's container no longer exists.
                try {
                } catch(RemoveException e) {
                        "Removing timer " + next.getPrimaryKey() + 
                               " for unknown container " + containerId, e);
        } // End -- for each active timer

        for(Iterator entries = timersToRestore.entrySet().iterator(); 
            entries.hasNext(); ) {
            Map.Entry next  = (Map.Entry);
            RuntimeTimerState nextTimer = (RuntimeTimerState) next.getKey();
            TimerPrimaryKey timerId    = nextTimer.getTimerId();
            Date expiration = (Date) next.getValue();
            scheduleTask(timerId, expiration);
                       "EJBTimerService.restoreTimers(), scheduling timer " + 

        logger.log(Level.FINE, "DONE EJBTimerService.restoreTimers()");
private java.util.DatecalcInitialFixedRateExpiration(long timerServiceWentDownAt, RuntimeTimerState timerState)

        if (!timerState.isPeriodic()) {
            throw new IllegalStateException();
        Date now = new Date();

        long nowMillis = now.getTime();
        long initialExpiration = timerState.getInitialExpiration().getTime();

        long now2initialDiff = nowMillis - initialExpiration;
        long count = now2initialDiff / timerState.getIntervalDuration();
        long previousExpiration = 
            initialExpiration  + (count * timerState.getIntervalDuration());

        if ((previousExpiration >= timerServiceWentDownAt)
                && (previousExpiration <= nowMillis))
            //We certainly missed this one while the server was down
            logger.log(Level.INFO, "ejb.deliver_missed_timer",
                       new Object[] { timerState.getTimerId(),
                                      new Date(previousExpiration) });
            return now;
        } else {
            //Calculate the new expiration time
            return calcNextFixedRateExpiration(timerState);

private java.util.DatecalcNextFixedRateExpiration(RuntimeTimerState timerState)

        if( !timerState.isPeriodic() ) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Timer " + timerState + " is " +
                                            "not a periodic timer");

        Date initialExpiration = timerState.getInitialExpiration();
        long intervalDuration  = timerState.getIntervalDuration();

        return calcNextFixedRateExpiration(initialExpiration, intervalDuration);
private java.util.DatecalcNextFixedRateExpiration(java.util.Date initialExpiration, long intervalDuration)


        Date now = new Date();
        long nowMillis = now.getTime();

        // In simplest case, initial expiration hasn't even occurred yet.
        Date nextExpirationTime = initialExpiration;
        if( now.after(initialExpiration) ) {
            long timeSinceInitialExpire = 
                (nowMillis - initialExpiration.getTime());
            // number of time intervals since initial expiration.
            // intervalDuration is guaranteed to be >0 since this is a 
            // periodic timer.
            long numIntervals = 
                (timeSinceInitialExpire / intervalDuration);
            // Increment the number of intervals and multiply by the interval 
            // duration to calculate the next fixed-rate boundary.
            nextExpirationTime = new Date(initialExpiration.getTime() +
                ((numIntervals + 1) * intervalDuration));

        return nextExpirationTime;
voidcancelEntityBeanTimers(long containerId, java.lang.Object primaryKey)
Cancel all timers associated with a particular entity bean identity. This is typically called when an entity bean is removed. Note that this action falls under the normal EJB Timer removal semantics, which means it can be rolled back if the transaction rolls back.

        try {
            // Get *all* timers for this entity bean identity.  This includes
            // even timers *not* owned by this server instance, but that 
            // are associated with the same entity bean and primary key.
            Collection timers = getTimers(containerId, primaryKey);
            if( logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE) ) {
                if( timers.isEmpty() ) {
                    logger.log(Level.FINE, "0 cancelEntityBeanTimers for " +
                               containerId + ", " + primaryKey);
            for(Iterator iter = timers.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
                TimerLocal next = (TimerLocal);
                try {
                } catch(Exception e) {
                    logger.log(Level.WARNING, "ejb.cancel_entity_timer",
                               new Object[] { next.getPrimaryKey() });
                    logger.log(Level.WARNING, "", e);
        } catch(Exception e) {
            logger.log(Level.WARNING, "ejb.cancel_entity_timers",
                       new Object[] { new Long(containerId), primaryKey });
            logger.log(Level.WARNING, "", e);
java.util.DatecancelTask(TimerPrimaryKey timerId)
Called from TimerBean to cancel the next scheduled expiration for a timer.

(initialExpiration time) if state is CREATED or (time that expiration would have occurred) if state=SCHEDULED or (null) if state is BEING_DELIVERED or timer id not found

        Date timeout = null;

        RuntimeTimerState timerState = getTimerState(timerId);
        if( timerState != null ) {
            synchronized(timerState) {

                if( timerState.isCreated() ) {
                    timeout = timerState.getInitialExpiration();
                } else if( timerState.isScheduled() ) {
                    EJBTimerTask timerTask = timerState.getCurrentTimerTask();
                    timeout = timerTask.getTimeout();

        } else {
            logger.log(Level.FINE, "No timer state found for " +
                       "cancelTask request of " + timerId);                   

        return timeout;
voidcancelTimer(TimerPrimaryKey timerId)

        // @@@ We can't assume this server instance owns the timer
        // so always ask the database.  Investigate possible use of
        // timer cache for optimization.

        // Look up timer bean from database.  Throws FinderException if
        // timer no longer exists.
        TimerLocal timerBean = findTimer(timerId);
private voidcancelTimer(TimerLocal timerBean)

        if( timerBean.isCancelled() ) {
            // Already cancelled within this tx.  Nothing more to do.
        } else {
private booleancheckForTimerValidity(TimerPrimaryKey timerId)
This method is called to check if the timer is still valid. In the SE/EE case the timer might be cancelled by any other server instance (other than the owner server instance) that is part of the same cluster. Until we have a messaging system in place we would have to do a database query to check if the timer is still valid. Also check that the timer is owned by the current server instance

false if the timer record is not found in the database, true if the timer is still valid.

        boolean result = true;

        TimerLocal timerBean = getValidTimerFromDB( timerId );
        if( null == timerBean) {
            result = false;

        return result;
private javax.ejb.EJBExceptioncreateEJBException(java.lang.Exception ex)
Create EJBException using the exception that is passed in

        EJBException ejbEx = new EJBException();
        return ejbEx;
TimerPrimaryKeycreateTimer(long containerId, java.lang.Object timedObjectPrimaryKey, long initialDuration, long intervalDuration, info)

primaryKey can be null if timed object is not an entity bean.
Primary key of newly created timer

        Date now = new Date();

        Date initialExpiration = new Date(now.getTime() + initialDuration);

        return createTimer(containerId, timedObjectPrimaryKey, 
                           initialExpiration, intervalDuration, info);
TimerPrimaryKeycreateTimer(long containerId, java.lang.Object timedObjectPrimaryKey, java.util.Date initialExpiration, long intervalDuration, info)

primaryKey can be null if timed object is not an entity bean.
Primary key of newly created timer

        BaseContainer container = getContainer(containerId);
        if( container == null ) {
            throw new CreateException("invalid container id " + containerId +
                                      " in createTimer request");
        Class ejbClass = container.getEJBClass();
        if( !container.isTimedObject() ) {
            throw new CreateException
                ("Attempt to create an EJB Timer from a bean that is " +
                 "not a Timed Object.  EJB class " + ejbClass + 
                 " must implement javax.ejb.TimedObject or " +
                 " annotation a timeout method with @Timeout");

        TimerPrimaryKey timerId = new TimerPrimaryKey(getNextTimerId());

        RuntimeTimerState timerState = 
            new RuntimeTimerState(timerId, initialExpiration, 
                                  intervalDuration, container, 

        synchronized(timerState) {
            // Add timer entry before calling TimerBean.create, since 
            // create() actions might call back on EJBTimerService and 
            // need access to timer cache.
            timerCache_.addTimer(timerId, timerState);
            try {
                timerLocalHome_.create(timerId.getTimerId(), containerId, 
                                       initialExpiration, intervalDuration, 
            } catch(Exception e) {
                logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "ejb.create_timer_failure",
                           new Object[] { new Long(containerId), 
                                          info });
                logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "", e);
                // Since timer was never created, remove it from cache.
                if( e instanceof CreateException ) {
                    throw ((CreateException)e);
                } else {
                    EJBException ejbEx = new EJBException();
                    throw ejbEx;

        return timerId;
private voiddeliverTimeout(TimerPrimaryKey timerId)
Called from timer thread. Used to deliver ejb timeout.

        if( logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE) ) {
            logger.log(Level.FINE, "EJBTimerService.deliverTimeout(): work " 
                       "thread is processing work for timerId = " + timerId);

        if( shutdown_ ) { 
            if( logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE) ) {
                logger.log(Level.FINE, "Cancelling timeout for " + timerId + 
                           " due to server shutdown.  Expiration " +
                           " will occur when server is restarted.");
        RuntimeTimerState timerState = getTimerState(timerId);

        // Make some defensive state checks.  It's possible that the
        // timer state changed between the time that the JDK timer task expired
        // and we got called on this thread.

        if( timerState == null ) { 
            logger.log(Level.FINE, "Timer state is NULL for timer " + timerId +
                       " in deliverTimeout");

        BaseContainer container = getContainer(timerState.getContainerId());

        synchronized(timerState) {
            if( container == null ) {
                logger.log(Level.FINE, "Unknown container for timer " + 
                           timerId + " in deliverTimeout.  Expunging timer.");
                expungeTimer(timerId, true);
            } else if ( !timerState.isBeingDelivered() ) {
                logger.log(Level.FINE, "Timer state = " + 
                           timerState.stateToString() + 
                           "for timer " + timerId + " before callEJBTimeout");
            } else {
                if( logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE) ) {
                    logger.log(Level.FINE, "Calling ejbTimeout for timer " +
        try {
            // Need to address the case that another server instance 
            // cancelled this timer.  For maximum consistency, we will need 
            // to do a database read before each delivery.  This can have 
            // significant performance implications, so investigate possible 
            // reduced consistency tradeoffs.  
            if( performDBReadBeforeTimeout) {

                if( logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE) ) {
                    logger.log(Level.FINE, "For Timer :" + timerId + 
                    ": check the database to ensure that the timer is still " +
                    " valid, before delivering the ejbTimeout call" );

                if( ! checkForTimerValidity(timerId) ) {
                    // The timer for which a ejbTimeout is about to be delivered
                    // is not present in the database. This could happen in the 
                    // SE/EE case as other server instances (other than the owner)
                    // could call a cancel on the timer - deleting the timer from 
                    // the database.
                    // Also it is possible that the timer is now owned by some other
                    // server instance

            // Call container to invoke ejbTimeout on the bean instance.
            // The remaining actions are divided up into two categories :
            // 1) Actions that should be done within the same transaction
            //    context as the ejbTimeout call itself.  These are 
            //    handled by having the ejb container call back on the
            //    postEjbTimeout method after it has invoked bean.ejbTimeout
            //    but *before* it has called postInvoke.  That way any
            //    transactional operations like setting the last update time
            //    for periodic timers or removing a successfully delivered
            //    single-action timer can be done within the same tx as
            //    the ejbTimeout itself.  Note that there is no requirement
            //    that the ejbTimeout will be configured for CMT/RequiresNew.
            //    If there isn't a container-managed transaction,
            //    postEjbTimeout will still be called, and the database
            //    operations will be done in their own transaction.  While
            //    partitioning the actions like this adds some complexity,
            //    it's preferable to pushing this detailed timer semantics
            //    into the container's callEJBTimeout logic.
            // 2) Post-processing for setting up next timer delivery and
            //    other redelivery conditions.  
            boolean redeliver = container.callEJBTimeout(timerState, this);

            if( shutdown_ ) {
                // Server is shutting down so we can't finish processing 
                // the timer expiration.  
                if( logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE) ) {
                    logger.log(Level.FINE, "Cancelling timeout for " + timerId
                               " due to server shutdown. Expiration will " +
                               " occur on server restart");

            // Resynchronize on timer state since a state change could have
            // happened either within ejbTimeout or somewhere else             

            timerState = getTimerState(timerId);

            if( timerState == null ) { 
                // This isn't an error case.  The most likely reason is that
                // the ejbTimeout method itself cancelled the timer.
                logger.log(Level.FINE, "Timer no longer exists for " + 
                           timerId + " after callEJBTimeout");

            synchronized(timerState) {
                Date now = new Date();
                if( timerState.isCancelled() ) {
                    // nothing more to do.
                } else if( redeliver ) {
                    if( timerState.getNumFailedDeliveries() <
                        getMaxRedeliveries() ) {
                        Date redeliveryTimeout = new Date
                            (now.getTime() + getRedeliveryInterval());
                        if( logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE) ) {
                            logger.log(Level.FINE,"Redelivering " + timerState);
                        rescheduleTask(timerId, redeliveryTimeout);
                    } else {
                        int numDeliv = timerState.getNumFailedDeliveries() + 1;
                           new Object[] { timerState.toString(),
                                              new Integer(numDeliv)});
                        expungeTimer(timerId, true);
                } else if( timerState.isPeriodic() ) {

                    // Any necessary transactional operations would have
                    // been handled in postEjbTimeout callback.  Here, we
                    // just schedule the JDK timer task for the next ejbTimeout
                    Date expiration = calcNextFixedRateExpiration(timerState);
                    scheduleTask(timerId, expiration);
                } else {
                    // Any necessary transactional operations would have
                    // been handled in postEjbTimeout callback.  Nothing
                    // more to do for this single-action timer that was
                    // successfully delivered.                 

        } catch(Exception e) {
            logger.log(Level.FINE, "callEJBTimeout threw exception " +
                       "for timer id " + timerId , e);
            expungeTimer(timerId, true);
        } finally {
voiddestroyTimers(long containerId)
Destroy all timers associated with a particular ejb container and owned by this server instance. This is typically called when an ejb is undeployed. It expunges all timers whose timed object matches the given container. In the case of an entity bean container, all timers associated with any of that container's entity bean identities will be destroyed. This action *can not* be rolled back.

        Set timers = null;

        TransactionManager tm = Switch.getSwitch().getTransactionManager();

        try {
            // create a tx in which to do database access for all timers 
            // that need to be deleted.  This gives us better performance that 
            // doing individual transactions per timer.            
            // Get *all* timers for this ejb. Since the app is being undeployed
            // any server instance can delete all the timers for the same ejb.
            // Whichever one gets there first will actually do the delete. 
            timers = timerLocalHome_.selectTimersByContainer(containerId);

            for(Iterator iter = timers.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
                TimerLocal next = (TimerLocal);
                TimerPrimaryKey nextTimerId = null;
                RuntimeTimerState nextTimerState = null;
                try {
                    nextTimerId = (TimerPrimaryKey) next.getPrimaryKey();
                    nextTimerState = getTimerState(nextTimerId);
                    if( nextTimerState != null ) {
                        synchronized(nextTimerState) {
                            if( nextTimerState.isScheduled() ) {
                                EJBTimerTask timerTask = 
                } catch(Exception e) {
                    logger.log(Level.WARNING, "ejb.destroy_timer_error",
                               new Object[] { nextTimerId });
                    logger.log(Level.WARNING, "", e);
                } finally {
                    if( nextTimerState != null ) {

        } catch(Exception ex) {
            logger.log(Level.WARNING, "destroy_timers_error",
                       new Object[] { new Long(containerId) });
            logger.log(Level.WARNING, "", ex);
        } finally {
            try {
            } catch(Exception e) {
                // Most likely caused by two or more server instances trying
                // to delete the timers for the same ejb at the same time.
                logger.log(Level.WARNING, "destroy_timers_error",
                           new Object[] { new Long(containerId) });
                logger.log(Level.WARNING, "", e);

voidexpungeTimer(TimerPrimaryKey timerId)

        // Expunge timer from timer cache without removing timer associated
        // timer bean.
        expungeTimer(timerId, false);
private voidexpungeTimer(TimerPrimaryKey timerId, boolean removeTimerBean)
Remove all traces of a timer. This should be written defensively so that if expunge is called multiple times for the same timer id, the second, third, fourth, etc. calls will not cause exceptions.

        // First remove timer bean.  Don't update cache until
        // afterwards, since accessing of timer bean might require
        // access to timer state(e.g. timer application classloader)
        if( removeTimerBean ) {
private TimerLocalfindTimer(TimerPrimaryKey timerId)

        return timerLocalHome_.findByPrimaryKey(timerId);
private BaseContainergetContainer(long containerId)

        ContainerFactory cf = Switch.getSwitch().getContainerFactory();
        return (BaseContainer) cf.getContainer(containerId);
private booleangetDBReadBeforeTimeoutProperty()
Check to see if the user has defined a System property to specify if we need to check the timer table in the database and confirm that the timer is valid before delivering the ejbTimeout() for that timer. In case of PE - the default value is false and for SE/EE - the default value is true But in all cases (PE/SE/EE) the user can set the System property "READ_DB_BEFORE_EJBTIMEOUT" to change the behaviour

        boolean result = false;
            Properties props = System.getProperties();
            String str=props.getProperty( strDBReadBeforeTimeout );
            if( null != str) {
		str = str.toLowerCase();
                performDBReadBeforeTimeout = Boolean.valueOf(str).booleanValue();

                if( logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE) ) {
                    logger.log(Level.FINE, "EJB Timer Service property : " +
                               "\nread DB before timeout delivery = " +  

                result = true;
        } catch(Exception e) {
                "ContainerFactoryImpl.getDebugMonitoringDetails(), " +
                " Exception when trying to " + 
                "get the System properties - ", e);
        return result; timerId)

        // @@@ We can't assume this server instance owns the timer
        // so always ask the database.  Investigate possible use of
        // timer cache for optimization.

        TimerLocal timerBean = findTimer(timerId);
        if( timerBean.isCancelled() ) {
            // The timer has been cancelled within this tx.
            throw new FinderException("timer " + timerId + " does not exist");

        return timerBean.getInfo();
private longgetMaxRedeliveries()

        return maxRedeliveries_;
private longgetMinimumDeliveryInterval()

        return minimumDeliveryInterval_;
java.util.DategetNextTimeout(TimerPrimaryKey timerId)
Return next planned timeout for this timer. We have a fair amount of leeway regarding the consistency of this information. We should strive to detect the case where the timer no longer exists. However, since the current timer instance may not even own this timer, it's difficult to know the exact time of delivery in another server instance. In the case of single-action timers, we return the expiration time that was provided upon timer creation. For periodic timers, we can derive the next scheduled fixed rate expiration based on the initial expiration and the interval.

        // @@@ We can't assume this server instance owns the timer
        // so always ask the database.  Investigate possible use of
        // timer cache for optimization.

        TimerLocal timerBean = findTimer(timerId);
        if( timerBean.isCancelled() ) {
            // The timer has been cancelled within this tx.
            throw new FinderException("timer " + timerId + " does not exist");

        Date initialExpiration = timerBean.getInitialExpiration();

        Date nextTimeout = timerBean.repeats() ? 
                                        timerBean.getIntervalDuration()) :

        return nextTimeout;
private synchronized java.lang.StringgetNextTimerId()
Generate a unique key for the persistent timer object. Key must be unique across server shutdown and startup, and within all server instances sharing the same timer table.

        if( nextTimerIdCounter_ <= 0 ) {
            nextTimerIdMillis_  = System.currentTimeMillis();
            nextTimerIdCounter_ = 1;
        } else {

        // @@@ Add cluster ID

        return new String(nextTimerIdCounter_ +
                          TIMER_ID_SEP + nextTimerIdMillis_ +
                          TIMER_ID_SEP + serverName_ + 
                          TIMER_ID_SEP + domainName_);
Return the ownerId of the server instance in which we are running.

        return ownerIdOfThisServer_;
private longgetRedeliveryInterval()

        return redeliveryInterval_;

        return timerLocalHome_;
java.lang.ClassLoadergetTimerClassLoader(long containerId)
Get the application class loader for the timed object that created a given timer.

        BaseContainer container = getContainer(containerId);        
        return (container != null) ? container.getClassLoader() : null;
java.util.CollectiongetTimerIds(long containerId, java.lang.Object timedObjectPrimaryKey)
Use database query to retrieve the timer ids of all active timers. Results must be transactionally consistent. E.g., a client calling getTimerIds within a transaction where a timer has been created but not committed "sees" the timer but a client in a different transaction doesn't. Called by EJBTimerServiceWrapper when caller calls getTimers.

primaryKey can be null if not entity bean
Collection of Timer Ids.

        // The results should include all timers for the given ejb
        // and/or primary key, including timers owned by other server instances.

        // @@@ Might want to consider cases where we can use 
        // timer cache to avoid some database access in PE/SE, or
        // even in EE with the appropriate consistency tradeoff.              
        Collection timerIdsForTimedObject = new HashSet();

        if( timedObjectPrimaryKey == null ) {

            timerIdsForTimedObject =

        } else {
            // Database query itself can't do equality check on primary
            // key of timed object so perform check ourselves.
            Collection timersForTimedObject = getTimers(containerId, 

            timerIdsForTimedObject = new HashSet();
            for(Iterator iter = timersForTimedObject.iterator(); 
                iter.hasNext();) {
                TimerLocal next = (TimerLocal);

        return timerIdsForTimedObject;
private longgetTimerServiceDownAt()

        long timerServiceWentDownAt = -1;
        try {
            File timerServiceShutdownFile  = getTimerServiceShutdownFile();

            if (timerServiceShutdownFile.exists()) {
                DateFormat dateFormat =  
                    new SimpleDateFormat(TIMER_SERVICE_DOWNTIME_FORMAT);
                FileReader fr = new FileReader(timerServiceShutdownFile);
                BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(fr, 128);
                String line = br.readLine();

                Date myDate = dateFormat.parse(line);
                timerServiceWentDownAt = myDate.getTime();
                logger.log(Level.INFO, "ejb.timer_service_last_shutdown",
                           new Object[] { line });
            } else {
                logger.log(Level.WARNING, "ejb.timer_service_shutdown_unknown",
                           new Object[] { timerServiceShutdownFile });
        } catch (Throwable th) {
            logger.log(Level.WARNING, "ejb.timer_service_shutdown_unknown",
                       new Object[] { "" });
            logger.log(Level.WARNING, "", th);
        return timerServiceWentDownAt;

        File timerServiceShutdownDirectory;
        File timerServiceShutdownFile;

        InstanceEnvironment env = ApplicationServer.getServerContext().
        AppsManager appsManager = new AppsManager(env, false);

        String j2eeAppPath = appsManager.getLocation(appID);
        timerServiceShutdownDirectory = new File(j2eeAppPath + File.separator);
        timerServiceShutdownFile = new File(j2eeAppPath + File.separator
                + TIMER_SERVICE_FILE);

        return timerServiceShutdownFile;
private RuntimeTimerStategetTimerState(TimerPrimaryKey timerId)

        return timerCache_.getTimerState(timerId);
private java.util.CollectiongetTimers(long containerId, java.lang.Object timedObjectPrimaryKey)
Use database query to retrieve all active timers. Results must be transactionally consistent. E.g., a client calling getTimers within a transaction where a timer has been created but not committed "sees" the timer but a client in a different transaction doesn't.

primaryKey can be null if not entity bean
Collection of TimerLocal objects.

        // The results should include all timers for the given ejb
        // and/or primary key, including timers owned by other server instances.

        // @@@ Might want to consider cases where we can use 
        // timer cache to avoid some database access in PE/SE, or
        // even in EE with the appropriate consistency tradeoff.
        Collection activeTimers = 
        Collection timersForTimedObject = activeTimers;

        if( timedObjectPrimaryKey != null ) { 
            // Database query itself can't do equality check on primary
            // key of timed object so perform check ourselves.
            timersForTimedObject = new HashSet();
            for(Iterator iter = activeTimers.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
                TimerLocal next = (TimerLocal);
                Object nextTimedObjectPrimaryKey = 
                if( nextTimedObjectPrimaryKey.equals(timedObjectPrimaryKey) ) {

        return timersForTimedObject;
private TimerLocalgetValidTimerFromDB(TimerPrimaryKey timerId)

        boolean result       = true;
        TimerLocal timerBean = null;

        try {

            timerBean = findTimer(timerId); 

            // There is a possibility that the same timer might be 
            // migrated across to a different server. Hence check 
            // that the ownerId of the timer record is the same as
            // the current server 
            if( ! ( timerBean.getOwnerId().equals(
                ownerIdOfThisServer_) ) ) {
                    "The timer (" + timerId + ") is not owned by " +
                    "server (" + ownerIdOfThisServer_ + ") that " + 
                    "initiated the ejbTimeout. This timer is now " +
                    "owned by (" + timerBean.getOwnerId() + "). \n" +
                    "Hence delete the timer from " + 
                    ownerIdOfThisServer_ + "'s cache.");

                result = false;

        } catch( FinderException fex ) {
            // The timer does not exist in the database 
            if( logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE) ) {
                logger.log(Level.FINE, "Timer :" + timerId + 
                    ": has been cancelled by another server instance. " + 
                    "Expunging the timer from " + ownerIdOfThisServer_ + 
                    "'s cache.");

            result = false;

        } finally {
            if( !result ) {
                // The timer is either not present in the database or it is now
                // owned by some other server instance, hence remove the cache 
                //entry for the timer from the current server 
                expungeTimer(timerId, false);
                timerBean = null;
            } else {
                if( logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE) ) {
                        "The Timer :" + timerId + 
                        ": is a valid timer for the server (" +
                        ownerIdOfThisServer_ + ")");

        return timerBean;
private voidinitProperties()

        try {
            // Check for property settings from domain.xml
            ServerContext sc = ApplicationServer.getServerContext();
            EjbContainer ejbc = ServerBeansFactory.
            EjbTimerService ejbt = ejbc.getEjbTimerService();

            if( ejbt != null ) {

                String valString = ejbt.getMinimumDeliveryIntervalInMillis();
                long val = (valString != null) ? 
                    Long.parseLong(valString) : -1;
                if( val > 0 ) {
                    minimumDeliveryInterval_ = val;

                valString = ejbt.getMaxRedeliveries();
                val = (valString != null) ? Long.parseLong(valString) : -1;
                // EJB 2.1 specification minimum is 1
                if( val > 0 ) {
                    maxRedeliveries_ = val;

                valString = ejbt.getRedeliveryIntervalInternalInMillis();
                val = (valString != null) ? Long.parseLong(valString) : -1;
                if( val > 0 ) {
                    redeliveryInterval_ = val;

                // If the system property com.sun.ejb.timer.ReadDBBeforeTimeout
                // is defined by the user use that the value of the flag
                // performDBReadBeforeTimeout 
                foundSysPropDBReadBeforeTimeout = 

                // The default value for ReadDBBeforeTimeout in case of PE 
                // is false. For SE/EE the correct default would set when the 
                // EJBLifecyleImpl gets created as part of the EE lifecycle module
                setPerformDBReadBeforeTimeout( false );

            // Compose owner id for all timers created with this 
            // server instance.  
            InstanceEnvironment server = sc.getInstanceEnvironment();
            String serverName = server.getName();
            ownerIdOfThisServer_ = serverName;

        } catch(Exception e) {
            logger.log(Level.FINE, "Exception converting timer service " +
               "domain.xml properties.  Defaults will be used instead.", e);

        logger.log(Level.FINE, "EJB Timer Service properties : " +
                   "min delivery interval = " + minimumDeliveryInterval_ +
                   "\nmax redeliveries = " + maxRedeliveries_ +
                   "\nredelivery interval = " + redeliveryInterval_);
public java.lang.String[]listTimers(java.lang.String[] serverIds)
Provide a count of timers owned by each server

        String[] totalTimers = new String[ serverIds.length ];
        try {
            for ( int i = 0; i < serverIds.length; i++ ) {
                totalTimers[i] = new String( 
                    new Integer(
                                serverIds[i] )).toString());
        } catch( Exception ex ) {
            logger.log( Level.SEVERE, "Exception in listTimers() : " , ex );

            //Propogate any exceptions caught
            EJBException ejbEx = createEJBException( ex );
            throw ejbEx;
        return totalTimers;
public intmigrateTimers(java.lang.String fromOwnerId)
Take ownership of another server's timers.

        String ownerIdOfThisServer = getOwnerIdOfThisServer();

        if( fromOwnerId.equals(ownerIdOfThisServer) ) {
            /// Error. The server from which timers are being
            // migrated should never be up and running OR receive this
            // notification.
            logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Attempt to migrate timers from " +
                        "an active server instance " + ownerIdOfThisServer);
            throw new IllegalStateException("Attempt to migrate timers from " +
                                            " an active server instance " + 

        logger.log(Level.INFO, "Beginning timer migration process from " +
                   "owner " + fromOwnerId + " to " + ownerIdOfThisServer);

        TransactionManager tm = Switch.getSwitch().getTransactionManager();

        Set toRestore = new HashSet();

        try {

            // The timer objects we'll use to set the new owner id come
            // from TimerMigrationBean
            Set toMigrate = timerMigrationLocalHome_.

            // The timer objects we'll use for restoring come from TimerBean
            // The same EJB QL query is used for selectAllTimersOwnedBy(owner)
            toRestore = timerLocalHome_.

            for(Iterator iter = toMigrate.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
                TimerMigrationLocal next  = (TimerMigrationLocal);


        } catch(Exception e) {
            // Don't attempt to restore any timers since an error has
            // occurred.  This could be the expected result in the case that
            // multiple server instances attempted the migration at the same
            // time.  
            //FindBugs [Deadstore]: toRestore = new HashSet();

            logger.log(Level.FINE, "timer migration error", e);

            try {
            } catch(Exception re) {
                logger.log(Level.FINE, "timer migration rollback error", re);

            //Propagate the exception caught 
            EJBException ejbEx = createEJBException( e );
            throw ejbEx;

	int totalTimersMigrated = toRestore.size();

        if( toRestore.size() > 0 ) {

            boolean success = false;
            try {
                logger.log(Level.INFO, "Timer migration phase 1 complete. " +
                           "Changed ownership of " + toRestore.size() + 
                           " timers.  Now reactivating timers...");

                success = true;
            } catch(Exception e) {

                logger.log(Level.FINE, "timer restoration error", e);

                //Propogate any exceptions caught as part of the transaction 
                EJBException ejbEx = createEJBException( e );
                throw ejbEx;

            } finally {
                // We're not modifying any state in this tx so no harm in
                // always committing.
                try {
                } catch(Exception re) {
                    logger.log(Level.FINE, "timer migration error", re);   

                    if( success ) {
                        //Propogate any exceptions caught when trying to commit
                        //the transaction
                        EJBException ejbEx = createEJBException( re );
                        throw ejbEx;
        } else {
            logger.log(Level.INFO, fromOwnerId + " has 0 timers in need " +
                       "of migration");                    
        return totalTimersMigrated;

public voidonShutdown()
Called from TimerBeanContainer

        try {
            DateFormat dateFormat =  
                new SimpleDateFormat(TIMER_SERVICE_DOWNTIME_FORMAT);
            String downTimeStr = dateFormat.format(new Date());

            File timerServiceShutdownFile  = getTimerServiceShutdownFile();
            FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(timerServiceShutdownFile);
            PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(fw);


            logger.log(Level.INFO, "ejb.timer_service_shutdown_msg",
                       new Object[] { downTimeStr });
        } catch (Throwable th) {
            logger.log(Level.WARNING, "ejb.timer_service_shutdown_unknown",
                       new Object[] { TIMER_SERVICE_FILE });
            logger.log(Level.WARNING, "", th);
booleanpostEjbTimeout(TimerPrimaryKey timerId)
Called from BaseContainer during callEJBTimeout after bean.ejbTimeout but before postInvoke. NOTE that this method is called whether or not the ejbTimeout method is configured for container-managed transactions. This method is *NOT* called if the container has already determined that a redelivery is necessary.

true if successful , false otherwise.


        boolean success = true;

        if( shutdown_ ) {
            // Server is shutting down so we can't finish processing 
            // the timer expiration.  
            return success;

        // Resynchronize on timer state since a state change could have
        // happened either within ejbTimeout or somewhere else             

        RuntimeTimerState timerState = getTimerState(timerId);

        if( timerState != null ) { 
            // Since the ejbTimeout was called successfully increment the
            // delivery count
            BaseContainer container = getContainer(timerState.getContainerId());
            synchronized(timerState) {
                if( timerState.isCancelled() ) {
                    // nothing more to do. 
                } else {
                    try {
                        TimerLocal timerBean = getValidTimerFromDB( timerId );
                        if( null == timerBean ) {
                            return false;

                        if( timerState.isPeriodic() ) {
                            Date now = new Date();
                            // Since timer was successfully delivered, update
                            // last delivery time in database if that option is
                            // enabled. 
                            // @@@ add configuration for update-db-on-delivery
                            if( logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE) ) {
                                           "Setting last expiration " +
                                           " for periodic timer " + timerState +
                                           " to " + now);

                        } else {
                            if( logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE) ) {
                                logger.log(Level.FINE, "Single-action timer " + 
                                   timerState + " was successfully delivered. "
                                   + " Removing...");

                            // Timer has expired sucessfully, so remove it.
                    } catch(Exception e) {
                        // @@@ i18N
                        logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Error in post-ejbTimeout " +
                                   "timer processing for " + timerState, e);
                        success = false;

        return success;
private voidremoveTimerBean(TimerPrimaryKey timerId)

        try {
            TimerLocal timerBean = findTimer(timerId);
        } catch(Throwable t) {
            logger.log(Level.WARNING, "ejb.remove_timer_failure",
                       new Object[] { timerId });
            logger.log(Level.WARNING, "", t);
voidrescheduleTask(TimerPrimaryKey timerId, java.util.Date expiration)

        scheduleTask(timerId, expiration, true);
voidrestoreTaskToDelivered(TimerPrimaryKey timerId)
Called from TimerBean in case where Timer is cancelled from within its own ejbTimeout method and then rolled back.

        RuntimeTimerState timerState = getTimerState(timerId);
        if( timerState != null ) {
            synchronized(timerState) {
            if( logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE) ) {
                logger.log(Level.FINE, "Restoring " + timerId + 
                   " to delivered state after it was cancelled and " +
                   " rolled back from within its own ejbTimeout method");
        } else {
            logger.log(Level.FINE, "No timer state found for " +
                       "restoreTaskToDelivered request of " + timerId);       
Called at server startup *after* user apps have been re-activated to restart any active EJB timers.

        // Optimization.  Skip timer restoration if there aren't any
        // applications with timed objects deployed.  
        if( totalTimedObjectsInitialized_ == 0 ) {

        TransactionManager tm = Switch.getSwitch().getTransactionManager();
        Set allActiveTimers = new HashSet();
        try {
            // create a tx in which to do database access for all timers 
            // needing restoration.  This gives us better performance that 
            // doing individual transactions per timer.            

            // This operation can take a while, since in some configurations
            // this will be the first time the connection to the database
            // is initialized.  In addition, there's an initialization 
            // cost to generating the SQL for the underlying
            // ejbql queries the first time any TimerBean query is called.
            allActiveTimers = 

        } catch(Exception e) {

            // Problem accessing timer service so disable it.
            ContainerFactoryImpl cf = (ContainerFactoryImpl)

            logger.log(Level.WARNING, "ejb.timer_service_init_error", e);

            // No need to propagate exception.  EJB Timer Service is disabled
            // but that won't affect the rest of the EJB container services.

        } finally {
            // try to commit regardless of success or failure. 
            try {
            } catch(Exception e) {
                logger.log(Level.WARNING, "ejb.timer_service_init_error", e);
voidscheduleTask(TimerPrimaryKey timerId, java.util.Date expiration)

        scheduleTask(timerId, expiration, false);
voidscheduleTask(TimerPrimaryKey timerId, java.util.Date expiration, boolean rescheduled)

        RuntimeTimerState timerState = getTimerState(timerId);

        if( timerState != null ) {
            synchronized(timerState) {

                Date timerExpiration = expiration;

                if( !rescheduled ) {
                    // Guard against very small timer intervals. The EJB Timer 
                    // service is defined in units of milliseconds, but it is
                    // intended for coarse-grained events.  Very small timer
                    // intervals (e.g. 1 millisecond) are likely to overload 
                    // the server, so compensate by adjusting to a configurable
                    // minimum interval. 
                    Date cutoff = new Date(new Date().getTime() + 
                    if( expiration.before(cutoff) ) {
                        timerExpiration = cutoff;

                EJBTimerTask timerTask = 
                    new EJBTimerTask(timerExpiration, timerId, this);
                if( logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE) ) {
                    logger.log(Level.FINE, (rescheduled ? "RE-" : "") + 
                               "Scheduling " + timerState + 
                               " for timeout at " + timerExpiration);
                if( rescheduled ) {
                } else {

                java.util.Timer jdkTimer = Switch.getSwitch().getTimer();
                jdkTimer.schedule(timerTask, timerExpiration);            
        } else {
            logger.log(Level.FINE, "No timer state found for " +
                       (rescheduled ? "RE-schedule" : "schedule") +
                       " request of " + timerId + 
                       " for timeout at " + expiration);            
public voidsetPerformDBReadBeforeTimeout(boolean defaultDBReadValue)

        // If the system property com.sun.ejb.timer.ReadDBBeforeTimeout
        // has been defined by the user then use that value else use the default
        if ( !foundSysPropDBReadBeforeTimeout ) {
            performDBReadBeforeTimeout = defaultDBReadValue;

            if( logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE) ) {
                logger.log(Level.FINE, "EJB Timer Service property : " +
                           "\nread DB before timeout delivery = " +  


        // Set flag to prevent any new timer expirations.
        shutdown_ = true;
voidtaskExpired(TimerPrimaryKey timerId)
This method is called back from the EJBTimerTask object on the JDK Timer Thread. Work performed in this callback should be short-lived, so do a little bookkeeping and then launch a separate thread to invoke ejbTimeout, etc.

        RuntimeTimerState timerState = getTimerState(timerId);

        if( timerState != null ) {
            synchronized(timerState) {
                if( timerState.isScheduled() ) {

                    if( logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE) ) {
                           "Adding work pool task for timer " + timerId);

                    TaskExpiredWork work = new TaskExpiredWork(this, timerId);
                } else {
                    logger.log(Level.FINE, "Timer " + timerId + 
                               " is not in scheduled state.  Current state = "
                               + timerState.stateToString());
        } else {
            logger.log(Level.FINE, "null timer state for timer id " + timerId);

synchronized voidtimedObjectCount()

booleantimerExists(TimerPrimaryKey timerId)

        boolean exists = false;

        // @@@ We can't assume this server instance owns the timer
        // so always ask the database.  Investigate possible use of
        // timer cache for optimization.
        try {
            TimerLocal timerBean = findTimer(timerId);
            // Make sure timer hasn't been cancelled within the current tx.
            exists = timerBean.isActive();
        } catch(FinderException fe) {
            exists = false;
        return exists;