IFeedImage.javaAPI DocGoogle Facebook API v1.5779Sun Nov 11 16:51:58 GMT 2007com.facebook.api

package com.facebook.api;


 * Interface for an image that appears in a newsfeed/minifeed story and the 
 * destination URL for a click on that image.
 * @see IFacebookRestClient
 * @see FacebookRestClient#handleFeedImages
public interface IFeedImage extends IPair<Object, URL> {
   * The image "url" can be either:
   * <ul>
   * <li> a URL linking to an image: this image will be 
   *    be shrunk to fit within 75x75, cached, and formatted by Facebook. </li>
   * <li> a Facebook photo ID</li>
   * </ul>
   * @return the String representation of the feed image URL
  public String getImageUrlString();

   * @return the URL to which the feed image should link
  public URL getLinkUrl();