KeyIndex.javaAPI DocJava SE 5 API7724Fri Aug 26 14:55:40 BST


public class KeyIndex extends DTMAxisIteratorBase
Morten Jorgensen
Santiago Pericas-Geertsen

Fields Summary
A mapping between values and nodesets.
private IntegerArray
The node set associated to the current value passed to lookupKey();
private DOM
The XSLTC DOM object if this KeyIndex is being used to implement the id() function.
private DOMEnhancedForDTM
private int
Store position after call to setMark()
Constructors Summary
public KeyIndex(int dummy)

Methods Summary
public voidadd(java.lang.Object value, int node)
Adds a node to the node list for a given value. Nodes will always be added in document order.

	IntegerArray nodes;
	if ((nodes = (IntegerArray) _index.get(value)) == null) {
	    _index.put(value, nodes = new IntegerArray());
Returns a deep copy of this iterator.

	KeyIndex other = new KeyIndex(0);
	other._index = _index;
	other._nodes = _nodes;
	other._position = _position;
	return (DTMAxisIterator) other;
public intcontainsID(int node, java.lang.Object value)

	final String string = (String)value;
	if (string.indexOf(' ") > -1) {
	    final StringTokenizer values = new StringTokenizer(string);

	    while (values.hasMoreElements()) {
                final String token = (String) values.nextElement();
		IntegerArray nodes = (IntegerArray) _index.get(token);

		if (nodes == null && _enhancedDOM != null
                    && _enhancedDOM.hasDOMSource()) {
		    nodes = getDOMNodeById(token);	
		if (nodes != null && nodes.indexOf(node) >= 0) {
		    return 1;
	    return 0;
	else {
	    IntegerArray nodes = (IntegerArray) _index.get(value);
            if (nodes == null && _enhancedDOM != null && _enhancedDOM.hasDOMSource()) {
                nodes = getDOMNodeById(string);
	    return (nodes != null && nodes.indexOf(node) >= 0) ? 1 : 0;
public intcontainsKey(int node, java.lang.Object value)

	final IntegerArray nodes = (IntegerArray) _index.get(value);
	return (nodes != null && nodes.indexOf(node) >= 0) ? 1 : 0;
public id)
Return an IntegerArray for the DOM Node which has the given id.

id The id
A IntegerArray representing the Node whose id is the given value.

        IntegerArray nodes = null;
        if (_enhancedDOM != null) {
            int ident = _enhancedDOM.getElementById(id);
            if (ident != DTM.NULL) {
	        nodes = new IntegerArray();
	    	_index.put(id, nodes);
        return nodes; 	
public intgetLast()
Returns the number of elements in this iterator.

	return (_nodes == null) ? 0 : _nodes.cardinality();
public intgetPosition()
Returns the position of the current node in the set.

	return _position;
public intgetStartNode()
Get start to END should 'close' the iterator, i.e. subsequent call to next() should return END.

        return 0;
public voidgotoMark()
Restores the current node remembered by setMark().

	_position = _markedPosition;
public booleanisReverse()
True if this iterator has a reversed axis.

public voidlookupId(java.lang.Object value)
This method must be called by the code generated by the id() function prior to returning the node iterator. The lookup code for key() and id() differ in the way the lookup value can be whitespace separated list of tokens for the id() function, but a single string for the key() function.

	// Clear _nodes array
	_nodes = null;

	final StringTokenizer values = new StringTokenizer((String) value);
	while (values.hasMoreElements()) {
            final String token = (String) values.nextElement();
	    IntegerArray nodes = (IntegerArray) _index.get(token);

            if (nodes == null && _enhancedDOM != null
                && _enhancedDOM.hasDOMSource()) {
                nodes = getDOMNodeById(token);

	    if (nodes == null) continue;

	    if (_nodes == null) {
		_nodes = nodes;
	    else {
public voidlookupKey(java.lang.Object value)
This method must be called by the code generated by the key() function prior to returning the node iterator.

	_nodes = (IntegerArray) _index.get(value);
	_position = 0;
public voidmerge( other)
Merge the current value's nodeset set by lookupKey() with _nodes.

	if (other == null) return;

	if (other._nodes != null) {
	    if (_nodes == null) {
		_nodes = other._nodes;
	    else {
public intnext()
Callers should not call next() after it returns END.

	if (_nodes == null) return DTMAxisIterator.END;

	return (_position < _nodes.cardinality()) ? 
	    _dom.getNodeHandle( : DTMAxisIterator.END;
Resets the iterator to the last start node.

	_position = 0;
	return this;
public voidsetDom( dom)

    	_dom = dom;
    	if (dom instanceof DOMEnhancedForDTM) {
    	    _enhancedDOM = (DOMEnhancedForDTM)dom;
    	else if (dom instanceof DOMAdapter) {
    	    DOM idom = ((DOMAdapter)dom).getDOMImpl();
    	    if (idom instanceof DOMEnhancedForDTM) {
    	        _enhancedDOM = (DOMEnhancedForDTM)idom;
public voidsetMark()
Remembers the current node for the next call to gotoMark().

	_markedPosition = _position;
public voidsetRestartable(boolean flag)

public start)
Set start to END should 'close' the iterator, i.e. subsequent call to next() should return END.

	if (start == DTMAxisIterator.END) {
	    _nodes = null;
	else if (_nodes != null) {
	    _position = 0;
	return (DTMAxisIterator) this;