XSDAttributeGroupTraverser.javaAPI DocApache Xerces 3.0.17673Fri Sep 14 20:33:56 BST 2007org.apache.xerces.impl.xs.traversers


public class XSDAttributeGroupTraverser extends XSDAbstractTraverser
The attribute group definition schema component traverser. <attributeGroup id = ID name = NCName ref = QName {any attributes with non-schema namespace . . .}> Content: (annotation?, ((attribute | attributeGroup)*, anyAttribute?)) </attributeGroup>
Rahul Srivastava, Sun Microsystems Inc.
Sandy Gao, IBM
$Id: 449424 2006-09-24 16:22:30Z mrglavas $

Fields Summary
Constructors Summary
XSDAttributeGroupTraverser(XSDHandler handler, XSAttributeChecker gAttrCheck)

        super(handler, gAttrCheck);
Methods Summary
org.apache.xerces.impl.xs.XSAttributeGroupDecltraverseGlobal(org.w3c.dom.Element elmNode, XSDocumentInfo schemaDoc, org.apache.xerces.impl.xs.SchemaGrammar grammar)

        XSAttributeGroupDecl attrGrp = new XSAttributeGroupDecl();
        // General Attribute Checking for elmNode declared globally
        Object[] attrValues = fAttrChecker.checkAttributes(elmNode, true, schemaDoc);
        String  nameAttr   = (String) attrValues[XSAttributeChecker.ATTIDX_NAME];
        // global declaration must have a name
        if (nameAttr == null) {
            reportSchemaError("s4s-att-must-appear", new Object[]{"attributeGroup (global)", "name"}, elmNode);
            nameAttr = "no name";
        attrGrp.fName = nameAttr;
        attrGrp.fTargetNamespace = schemaDoc.fTargetNamespace;
        // check the content
        Element child = DOMUtil.getFirstChildElement(elmNode);
        XSAnnotationImpl annotation = null;
        if (child!=null && DOMUtil.getLocalName(child).equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_ANNOTATION)) {
            annotation = traverseAnnotationDecl(child, attrValues, false, schemaDoc);
            child = DOMUtil.getNextSiblingElement(child);
        else {
            String text = DOMUtil.getSyntheticAnnotation(elmNode);
            if (text != null) {
                annotation = traverseSyntheticAnnotation(elmNode, text, attrValues, false, schemaDoc);
        // Traverse the attribute and attribute group elements and fill in the 
        // attributeGroup structure
        Element nextNode = traverseAttrsAndAttrGrps(child, attrGrp, schemaDoc, grammar, null);
        if (nextNode!=null) {
            // An invalid element was found...
            Object[] args = new Object [] {nameAttr, "(annotation?, ((attribute | attributeGroup)*, anyAttribute?))", DOMUtil.getLocalName(nextNode)};
            reportSchemaError("s4s-elt-must-match.1", args, nextNode);
        // Remove prohibited attributes from the set
        // check for restricted redefine:
        XSAttributeGroupDecl redefinedAttrGrp = (XSAttributeGroupDecl)fSchemaHandler.getGrpOrAttrGrpRedefinedByRestriction(
                new QName(XMLSymbols.EMPTY_STRING, nameAttr, nameAttr, schemaDoc.fTargetNamespace), 
                schemaDoc, elmNode); 
        if(redefinedAttrGrp != null) {
            Object[] errArgs = attrGrp.validRestrictionOf(nameAttr, redefinedAttrGrp);
            if (errArgs != null) {
                reportSchemaError((String)errArgs[errArgs.length-1], errArgs, child);            	
                reportSchemaError("src-redefine.7.2.2", new Object [] {nameAttr, errArgs[errArgs.length-1]}, child);
        XSObjectList annotations;
        if (annotation != null) {
            annotations = new XSObjectListImpl();
            ((XSObjectListImpl)annotations).add (annotation);
        } else {
            annotations = XSObjectListImpl.EMPTY_LIST;
        attrGrp.fAnnotations = annotations;
        // make an entry in global declarations.
        fAttrChecker.returnAttrArray(attrValues, schemaDoc);
        return attrGrp;
org.apache.xerces.impl.xs.XSAttributeGroupDecltraverseLocal(org.w3c.dom.Element elmNode, XSDocumentInfo schemaDoc, org.apache.xerces.impl.xs.SchemaGrammar grammar)

        // General Attribute Checking for elmNode declared locally
        Object[] attrValues = fAttrChecker.checkAttributes(elmNode, false, schemaDoc);
        // get attribute
        QName   refAttr	= (QName)   attrValues[XSAttributeChecker.ATTIDX_REF];
        XSAttributeGroupDecl attrGrp = null;
        // ref should be here.
        if (refAttr == null) {
            reportSchemaError("s4s-att-must-appear", new Object[]{"attributeGroup (local)", "ref"}, elmNode);
            fAttrChecker.returnAttrArray(attrValues, schemaDoc);
            return null;
        // get global decl
        attrGrp = (XSAttributeGroupDecl)fSchemaHandler.getGlobalDecl(schemaDoc, XSDHandler.ATTRIBUTEGROUP_TYPE, refAttr, elmNode);
        // no children are allowed here except annotation, which is optional.
        Element child = DOMUtil.getFirstChildElement(elmNode);
        if (child != null) {
            String childName = DOMUtil.getLocalName(child);
            if (childName.equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_ANNOTATION)) {
                traverseAnnotationDecl(child, attrValues, false, schemaDoc);
                child = DOMUtil.getNextSiblingElement(child);
            } else {
                String text = DOMUtil.getSyntheticAnnotation(child);
                if (text != null) {
                    traverseSyntheticAnnotation(child, text, attrValues, false, schemaDoc);
            if (child != null) {
                Object[] args = new Object [] {refAttr.rawname, "(annotation?)", DOMUtil.getLocalName(child)};
                reportSchemaError("s4s-elt-must-match.1", args, child);
        } // if
        fAttrChecker.returnAttrArray(attrValues, schemaDoc);
        return attrGrp;