ParserTest.javaAPI DocGlassfish v2 API7628Sat May 05 19:17:50 BST 2007org.apache.taglibs.standard.lang.jstl.test


public class ParserTest extends Object

This runs a series of tests specifically for the parser. It parses various expressions and prints out the canonical representation of those parsed expressions.

The expressions are stored in an input text file, with one line per expression. Blank lines and lines that start with # are ignored. The results are written to an output file (blank lines and # lines are included in the output file). The output file may be compared against an existing output file to do regression testing.

Nathan Abramson - Art Technology Group
$Change: 181177 $$DateTime: 2001/06/26 08:45:09 $$Author: tcfujii $

Fields Summary
Constructors Summary
public ParserTest()

Methods Summary
public static booleanisDifferentFiles( pIn1, pIn2)
Performs a line-by-line comparison of the two files, returning true if the files are different, false if not.

    while (true) {
      String str1 = pIn1.readLine ();
      String str2 = pIn2.readLine ();
      if (str1 == null &&
	  str2 == null) {
	return false;
      else if (str1 == null ||
	       str2 == null) {
	return true;
      else {
	if (!str1.equals (str2)) {
	  return true;
public static booleanisDifferentFiles( pFile1, pFile2)
Performs a line-by-line comparison of the two files, returning true if the files are different, false if not.

    FileInputStream fin1 = null;
    try {
      fin1 = new FileInputStream (pFile1);
      BufferedInputStream bin1 = new BufferedInputStream (fin1);
      DataInputStream din1 = new DataInputStream (bin1);

      FileInputStream fin2 = null;
      try {
	fin2 = new FileInputStream (pFile2);
	BufferedInputStream bin2 = new BufferedInputStream (fin2);
	DataInputStream din2 = new DataInputStream (bin2);

	return isDifferentFiles (din1, din2);
      finally {
	if (fin2 != null) {
	  fin2.close ();
    finally {
      if (fin1 != null) {
	fin1.close ();
public static voidmain(java.lang.String[] pArgs)
Runs the parser test

    if (pArgs.length != 2 &&
	pArgs.length != 3) {
      usage ();
      System.exit (1);

    File in = new File (pArgs [0]);
    File out = new File (pArgs [1]);

    runTests (in, out);

    if (pArgs.length > 2) {
      File compare = new File (pArgs [2]);
      if (isDifferentFiles (out, compare)) {
	System.out.println ("Test failure - output file " +
			    out +
			    " differs from expected output file " +
      else {
	System.out.println ("tests passed");
public static voidrunTests( pIn, pOut)
Runs the tests, reading expressions from pIn and writing the results to pOut.

    while (true) {
      String str = pIn.readLine ();
      if (str == null) break;
      if (str.startsWith ("#") ||
	  "".equals (str.trim ())) {
	pOut.println (str);
      else {
	// For testing non-ASCII values, the string @@non-ascii gets
	// converted internally to '\u1111'
	if ("@@non-ascii".equals (str)) {
	  str = "\u1111";

	pOut.println ("Attribute value: " + str);
	try {
	  String result = Evaluator.parseAndRender (str);
	  pOut.println ("Parses to: " + result);
	catch (JspException exc) {
	  pOut.println ("Causes an error: " + exc.getMessage ());

public static voidrunTests( pInputFile, pOutputFile)
Runs the tests, reading from the given input file and writing to the given output file.

    FileInputStream fin = null;
    FileOutputStream fout = null;
    try {
      fin = new FileInputStream (pInputFile);
      BufferedInputStream bin = new BufferedInputStream (fin);
      DataInputStream din = new DataInputStream (bin);

      try {
	fout = new FileOutputStream (pOutputFile);
	BufferedOutputStream bout = new BufferedOutputStream (fout);
	PrintStream pout = new PrintStream (bout);

	runTests (din, pout);

	pout.flush ();
      finally {
	if (fout != null) {
	  fout.close ();
    finally {
      if (fin != null) {
	fin.close ();
static voidusage()

    System.err.println ("usage: java org.apache.taglibs.standard.lang.jstl.test.ParserTest {input file} {output file} [{compare file}]");