InheritanceTestCase.javaAPI DocApache Axis 1.47588Sat Apr 22 18:57:28 BST 2006test.wsdl.inheritance


public class InheritanceTestCase extends TestCase
This class contains the methods necessary for testing that the use inherited methods function in the Java2WSDL tool works as specified. When using the Java2WSDL tool with the use inherited methods switch on, the tool should generate the appropriate classes to include all of the inherited methods of the specified interface (in addition to the actual methods in the interface).
1.00 21 Jan 2002
Brent Ulbricht

Fields Summary
Constructors Summary
public InheritanceTestCase(String name)
Constructor used in all tests utilizing the Junit Framework.

Methods Summary
public voidtestInheritanceTest()
This method insures that two methods (getLastTradePrice and getRealtimeLastTradePrice) can be called, and they return the expected stock values. The main goal is to verify that the getLastTradePrice method does not cause any compile errors and returns the expected stock value. The getLastTradePrice method originates from the test/wsdl/inheritance/StockQuoteProvider interface. The InheritancePortType interface extends the StockQuoteProvider interface. When the WSDL is generated for the InheritancePortType interface and the use inherited methods switch is used, all methods from the StockQuoteProvider and InheritancePortType interfaces should be available for service.

        test.wsdl.inheritance.InheritancePortType binding;
        try {
            binding = new InheritancePortTypeServiceLocator().getInheritanceTest();
        } catch (ServiceException jre) {
            throw new junit.framework.AssertionFailedError("JAX-RPC ServiceException caught: " + jre);
        assertTrue("binding is null", binding != null);

        // The getLastTradePrice method should return a value of 20.25 when sent the tickerSymbol
        // "SOAP".
        try {
            float expected = 20.25F;
            float actual = binding.getLastTradePrice(new java.lang.String("SOAP"));
            float delta = 0.0F;
            assertEquals("The actual and expected values did not match.", expected, actual, delta);
        } catch (java.rmi.RemoteException re) {
            throw new junit.framework.AssertionFailedError("Remote Exception caught: " + re);

        // The getRealtimeLastTradePrice method should return a value of 21.75 when sent the 
        // tickerSymbol "AXIS".
        try {
            float expected = 21.75F;
            float actual = binding.getRealtimeLastTradePrice(new java.lang.String("AXIS"));
            float delta = 0.0F;
            assertEquals("The actual and expected values did not match.", expected, actual, delta);
        } catch (java.rmi.RemoteException re) {
            throw new junit.framework.AssertionFailedError("Remote Exception caught: " + re);

public voidtestStopClasses()
This test validates the WSDL generated by Java2WSDL

        String path = "build" + File.separator + "work" + File.separator +
                "test" + File.separator + "wsdl" + File.separator +
                "inheritance" + File.separator + "StopExclude.wsdl";
        Document doc = null;
        Definition def = null;
        try {
            doc = XMLUtils.newDocument(path);
            assertNotNull("Unable to locate WSDL file: " + path, doc);
            WSDLReader reader = WSDLFactory.newInstance().newWSDLReader();
            //reader.setFeature("javax.wsdl.verbose", true);
            def = reader.readWSDL(path, doc);
            assertNotNull("unable to generate WSDL definition from document: " + path, def);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new junit.framework.AssertionFailedError("Exception caught: " + e);
        // Now check parts of the definition
        // types
        // The complex types Baby_bean and Child_bean should exist
        // The type Parent_bean should NOT exist
        NodeList typeList = doc.getElementsByTagName("wsdl:types");
        Node typeNode = typeList.item(0);
        assertNotNull("types section of the WSDL document", typeNode);
        Element typeElem = (Element) typeNode;

        boolean babyFound = false;
        boolean childFound = false;
        NodeList nodeList = typeElem.getElementsByTagName("complexType");
        for (int i = 0; i < nodeList.getLength(); i++) {
            Node n = nodeList.item(i);
            String name = nodeList.item(i).getAttributes().getNamedItem("name").getNodeValue();
            if (name.equals("Baby_bean"))
                babyFound = true;
            else if (name.equals("Child_bean"))
                childFound = true;
            else if (name.equals("Parent_bean"))
                assertTrue("Parent_bean found in WSDL types section", false);
                assertTrue("Unknown node found in types section: " + name, false);
        assertTrue("Baby_bean not found in WSDL types section", babyFound);
        assertTrue("Child_bean not found in WSDL types section", childFound);
        // operations
        // The only ones we shold find are baby_method and child_method
        boolean babyOpFound = false;
        boolean childOpFound = false;
        // we iterate the portTypes, but we check to make sure there is only one
        Iterator ip = def.getPortTypes().values().iterator();
        PortType portType = (PortType);
        List operationList = portType.getOperations();
        for (int i = 0; i < operationList.size(); ++i) {
            String opName = ((Operation) operationList.get(i)).getName();
            if (opName.equals("baby_method"))
                babyOpFound = true;
            else if (opName.equals("child_method"))
                childOpFound = true;
            else if (opName.equals("parent_method"))
                assertTrue("parent_method operation found in WSDL", false);
                assertTrue("Invalid operation found in WSDL: " + opName, false);
        assertTrue("WSDL has more than one portType", !ip.hasNext());
        assertTrue("baby_method operation not found in WSDL", babyOpFound);
        assertTrue("child_method operation not found in WSDL ", childOpFound);