SnmpParameters.javaAPI DocJava SE 5 API7549Fri Aug 26 14:55:04 BST 2005com.sun.jmx.snmp


public class SnmpParameters extends SnmpParams implements Serializable, Cloneable
Contains a set of resources that are used by while sending or receiving packets to and from an SnmpPeer. An SnmpPeer can be configured explicitly to use a specific SnmpParameter. A number of SnmpPeer objects can share a single parameter object.

Note: Changing values for an SnmpParameter object affects all SnmpPeer objects that share the parameter object.

4.17 12/19/03
Sun Microsystems, Inc
Cisco Systems, Inc.

This API is a Sun Microsystems internal API and is subject to change without notice.

Fields Summary
static final String
Specify the default community string to use for get operations. By default, the value is "public".
private int
The protocol version. By default, the value is SNMP version 1.
private String
The community to be used when issuing get operations.
private String
The community to be used when issuing set operations.
private String
The community to be used when issuing inform requests.
Constructors Summary
public SnmpParameters()
Creates an SnmpParameters object with defaults set up. By default, set operations are not allowed, the read community and the inform community strings to use is "public" and the SNMP version is V1.

        _readCommunity = defaultRdCommunity ;
        _informCommunity = defaultRdCommunity ;
public SnmpParameters(String rdc, String wrc)
Creates an SnmpParameters object. This constructor allows the specification of the read/write community strings. The inform community string to use is "public".

rdc community string to use for get operations.
wrc community string to use for set operations.

        _readCommunity = rdc ;
        _writeCommunity = wrc ;
        _informCommunity = defaultRdCommunity ;
public SnmpParameters(String rdc, String wrc, String inform)
Creates an SnmpParameters object. This constructor allows the specification of the read/write/inform community strings.

rdc community string to use for get operations.
wrc community string to use for set operations.
inform community string to use for inform requests.

        _readCommunity = rdc ;
        _writeCommunity = wrc ;
        _informCommunity = inform ;
Methods Summary
public booleanallowSnmpSets()
Checks whether parameters are in place for an SNMP set operation.

true if parameters are in place, false otherwise.

        return _writeCommunity != null ;
public synchronized java.lang.Objectclone()
Clones the object and its content.

The object clone.

        SnmpParameters par = null ;
        try {
            par = (SnmpParameters) super.clone() ;
            //par._retryPolicy = _retryPolicy ;
            par._readCommunity = _readCommunity ;
            par._writeCommunity = _writeCommunity ;
            par._informCommunity = _informCommunity ;
        } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
            throw new InternalError() ; // VM bug.
        return par ;
public byte[]encodeAuthentication(int snmpCmd)
For SNMP Runtime internal use only.

        // Returns the community string associated to the specified command.
        try {
            if (snmpCmd == pduSetRequestPdu) 
                return _writeCommunity.getBytes("8859_1");
            else if (snmpCmd == pduInformRequestPdu)
                return _informCommunity.getBytes("8859_1") ;
                return _readCommunity.getBytes("8859_1") ;
        }catch(UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
            throw new SnmpStatusException(e.getMessage());
public synchronized booleanequals(java.lang.Object obj)
Compares two objects. Two SnmpParameters are equal if they correspond to the same protocol version, read community and write community.

obj The object to compare this with.
true if this and the specified object are equal, false otherwise.

        if (!( obj instanceof SnmpParameters))
            return false;

        if (this == obj)
            return true ;
        SnmpParameters param = (SnmpParameters) obj ;
        if (_protocolVersion == param._protocolVersion)
            if (_readCommunity.equals(param._readCommunity))
                return true ;
        return false ;
public java.lang.StringgetInformCommunity()
Gets the community to be used when issuing inform requests.

The community string.

        return _informCommunity ;
public java.lang.StringgetRdCommunity()
Gets the community to be used when issuing get operations.

The community string.

        return _readCommunity ;
public java.lang.StringgetWrCommunity()
Gets the community to be used when issuing set operations.

The community string.

        return _writeCommunity ;
public voidsetInformCommunity(java.lang.String inform)
Sets the community string to use when performing inform requests.

inform The community string.

        if (inform == null)
            _informCommunity = defaultRdCommunity ;
            _informCommunity = inform ;
public synchronized voidsetRdCommunity(java.lang.String read)
Sets the community string to use when performing get operations.

read The community string.

        if (read == null)
            _readCommunity = defaultRdCommunity ;
            _readCommunity = read ;
public voidsetWrCommunity(java.lang.String write)
Sets the community to be used when issuing set operations.

write The community string.

        _writeCommunity = write;