UiListAttributeNode.javaAPI DocAndroid 1.5 API7534Wed May 06 22:41:10 BST


public class UiListAttributeNode extends UiAbstractTextAttributeNode
Represents an XML attribute which has possible built-in values, and can be modified by an editable Combo box.

See {@link UiTextAttributeNode} for more information.

Fields Summary
protected org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Combo
Constructors Summary
public UiListAttributeNode( attributeDescriptor, UiElementNode uiParent)

        super(attributeDescriptor, uiParent);
Methods Summary
public final voidcreateUiControl(org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite parent, org.eclipse.ui.forms.IManagedForm managedForm)

        FormToolkit toolkit = managedForm.getToolkit();
        TextAttributeDescriptor desc = (TextAttributeDescriptor) getDescriptor();

        Label label = toolkit.createLabel(parent, desc.getUiName());
        label.setLayoutData(new TableWrapData(TableWrapData.LEFT, TableWrapData.MIDDLE));
        SectionHelper.addControlTooltip(label, DescriptorsUtils.formatTooltip(desc.getTooltip()));

        int style = SWT.DROP_DOWN;
        mCombo = new Combo(parent, style); 
        TableWrapData twd = new TableWrapData(TableWrapData.FILL_GRAB, TableWrapData.MIDDLE);
        twd.maxWidth = 100;
        mCombo.addModifyListener(new ModifyListener() {
             * Sent when the text is modified, whether by the user via manual
             * input or programmatic input via setText().
             * <p/>
             * Simply mark the attribute as dirty if it really changed.
             * The container SectionPart will collect these flag and manage them.
            public void modifyText(ModifyEvent e) {
                if (!isInInternalTextModification() &&
                        !isDirty() &&
                        mCombo != null &&
                        getCurrentValue() != null &&
                        !mCombo.getText().equals(getCurrentValue())) {

        // Remove self-reference when the widget is disposed
        mCombo.addDisposeListener(new DisposeListener() {
            public void widgetDisposed(DisposeEvent e) {
                mCombo = null;
protected voidfillCombo()

        String[] values = getPossibleValues(null);

        if (values == null) {
                    "FrameworkResourceManager did not provide values yet for %1$s",
        } else {
            for (String value : values) {
public java.lang.String[]getPossibleValues(java.lang.String prefix)
Get the list values, either from the initial values set in the attribute or by querying the framework resource parser. {@inheritDoc}

        AttributeDescriptor descriptor = getDescriptor();
        UiElementNode uiParent = getUiParent();

        String attr_name = descriptor.getXmlLocalName();
        String element_name = uiParent.getDescriptor().getXmlName();
        // FrameworkResourceManager expects a specific prefix for the attribute.
        String nsPrefix = "";
        if (SdkConstants.NS_RESOURCES.equals(descriptor.getNamespaceUri())) {
            nsPrefix = "android:"; //$NON-NLS-1$
        } else if (XmlnsAttributeDescriptor.XMLNS_URI.equals(descriptor.getNamespaceUri())) {
            nsPrefix = "xmlns:"; //$NON-NLS-1$
        attr_name = nsPrefix + attr_name;
        String[] values = null;
        if (descriptor instanceof ListAttributeDescriptor &&
                ((ListAttributeDescriptor) descriptor).getValues() != null) {
            // Get enum values from the descriptor
            values = ((ListAttributeDescriptor) descriptor).getValues();

        if (values == null) {
            // or from the AndroidTargetData
            UiElementNode uiNode = getUiParent();
            AndroidEditor editor = uiNode.getEditor();
            AndroidTargetData data = editor.getTargetData();
            if (data != null) {
                // get the great-grand-parent descriptor.
                // the parent should always exist.
                UiElementNode grandParentNode = uiParent.getUiParent();
                String greatGrandParentNodeName = null;
                if (grandParentNode != null) {
                    UiElementNode greatGrandParentNode = grandParentNode.getUiParent();
                    if (greatGrandParentNode != null) {
                        greatGrandParentNodeName =
                values = data.getAttributeValues(element_name, attr_name, greatGrandParentNodeName);
        return values;
public java.lang.StringgetTextWidgetValue()

        if (mCombo != null) {
            return mCombo.getText();
        return null;
public final booleanisValid()

        return mCombo != null;
public voidsetTextWidgetValue(java.lang.String value)

        if (mCombo != null) {