PiecePickerImpl.javaAPI DocAzureus Aug 14 22:27:08 BST 2007com.aelitis.azureus.core.peermanager.piecepicker.impl

 * Created by Joseph Bridgewater
 * Created on Jan 2, 2006
 * Copyright (C) 2005, 2006 Aelitis, All Rights Reserved.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
 * AELITIS, SAS au capital de 46,603.30 euros
 * 8 Allee Lenotre, La Grille Royale, 78600 Le Mesnil le Roi, France.

package com.aelitis.azureus.core.peermanager.piecepicker.impl;

import java.util.*;

import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.config.*;
import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.disk.*;
import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.disk.impl.DiskManagerFileInfoImpl;
import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.disk.impl.piecemapper.DMPieceList;
import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.logging.*;
import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.peer.*;
import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.peer.impl.*;
import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.*;

import com.aelitis.azureus.core.peermanager.control.PeerControlScheduler;
import com.aelitis.azureus.core.peermanager.piecepicker.*;
import com.aelitis.azureus.core.peermanager.piecepicker.util.BitFlags;
import com.aelitis.azureus.core.peermanager.unchoker.UnchokerUtil;
import com.aelitis.azureus.core.util.CopyOnWriteList;

 * @author MjrTom

public class PiecePickerImpl
implements PiecePicker
	private static final boolean	LOG_RTA	= false;

	private static final LogIDs LOGID = LogIDs.PIECES;

	/** min ms for recalculating availability - reducing this has serious ramifications */
	private static final long TIME_MIN_AVAILABILITY	=974;
	/** min ms for recalculating base priorities */
	private static final long TIME_MIN_PRIORITIES	=999;
	/** min ms for forced availability rebuild */
	private static final long TIME_AVAIL_REBUILD	=5*60*1000 -24; 

	// The following are added to the base User setting based priorities (for all inspected pieces)
	/** user select prioritize first/last */
	private static final int PRIORITY_W_FIRSTLAST	=1300;
	/** min # pieces in file for first/last prioritization */
	private static final long FIRST_PIECE_MIN_NB	=4;
	/** number of pieces for first pieces prioritization */
	// private static final int FIRST_PIECE_RANGE_PERCENT= 10;
	/** user sets file as "High" */
	private static final int PRIORITY_W_FILE		=1000;
	/** Additional boost for more completed High priority */
	private static final int PRIORITY_W_COMPLETION	=2000;

	// The following are only used when resuming already running pieces
	/** priority boost due to being too old */
	private static final int PRIORITY_W_AGE		=900;
	/** ms a block is expected to complete in */
	private static final int PRIORITY_DW_AGE		=60 *1000;
	/** ms since last write */
	private static final int PRIORITY_DW_STALE		=120 *1000;
	/** finish pieces already almost done */
	private static final int PRIORITY_W_PIECE_DONE	=900;
	/** keep working on same piece */
	private static final int PRIORITY_W_SAME_PIECE	=700;

	/** currently webseeds + other explicit priorities are around 10000 or more - at this point we ignore rarity */

	private static final int PRIORITY_OVERRIDES_RAREST	= 9000;
    private static final int PRIORITY_REQUEST_HINT	= 3000;

	/** priority at and above which pieces require real-time scheduling */

	private static final int PRIORITY_REALTIME		= 9999999;

	/** Min number of requests sent to a peer */
	private static final int REQUESTS_MIN	=2;
	/** Max number of request sent to a peer */
	private static final int REQUESTS_MAX	=256;
	/** Default number of requests sent to a peer, (for each X B/s another request will be used) */
	private static final int SLOPE_REQUESTS	=4 *1024;

	private static final long END_GAME_MODE_SIZE_TRIGGER	= 20 *1024 *1024;
	private static final long END_GAME_MODE_TIMEOUT			=60 *END_GAME_MODE_SIZE_TRIGGER /16384;

	protected static volatile boolean	firstPiecePriority	=COConfigurationManager.getBooleanParameter("Prioritize First Piece" );
	protected static volatile boolean	completionPriority	=COConfigurationManager.getBooleanParameter("Prioritize Most Completed Files");
	/** event # of user settings controlling priority changes */
	protected static volatile long		paramPriorityChange =Long.MIN_VALUE;

	private static final int	NO_REQUEST_BACKOFF_MAX_MILLIS	= 5*1000;

	private final DiskManager			diskManager;
	private final PEPeerControl			peerControl;

	private final DiskManagerListenerImpl	diskManagerListener;

	protected final Map					peerListeners;
	private final PEPeerManagerListener	peerManagerListener;

	protected final int			nbPieces;
	protected final DiskManagerPiece[]	dmPieces;
	protected final PEPiece[]			pePieces;

	protected final AEMonitor availabilityMon = new AEMonitor("PiecePicker:avail");
	private final AEMonitor endGameModeChunks_mon =new AEMonitor("PiecePicker:EGM");

	protected volatile int	nbPiecesDone;

	/** asyncronously updated availability */
	protected volatile int[]	availabilityAsynch;
	/** indicates availability needs to be recomputed due to detected drift */
	protected volatile long		availabilityDrift;
	private long				timeAvailRebuild =TIME_AVAIL_REBUILD;

	/** periodically updated consistent view of availability for calculating */
	protected volatile int[]	availability;

	private long				time_last_avail;
	protected volatile long	availabilityChange;
	private volatile long		availabilityComputeChange;
	private long			time_last_rebuild;

	private long	timeAvailLessThanOne;
	private float	globalAvail;
	private float	globalAvgAvail;
	private int		nbRarestActive;
	private int		globalMin;
	private int		globalMax;
	 * The rarest availability level of pieces that we affirmatively want to try to request from others soonest
	 * ie; our prime targets for requesting rarest pieces
	private volatile int		globalMinOthers;

	/** event # of user file priority settings changes */
	protected volatile long		filePriorityChange;

	/** last user parameter settings event # when priority bases were calculated */
	private volatile long		priorityParamChange;
	/** last user priority event # when priority bases were calculated */
	private volatile long		priorityFileChange;
	/** last availability event # when priority bases were calculated */
	private volatile long		priorityAvailChange;

	private boolean 			priorityRTAexists;

	/** time that base priorities were last computed */
	private long				timeLastPriorities;

	/** the priority for starting each piece/base priority for resuming */
	private int[]				startPriorities;

	protected volatile boolean	hasNeededUndonePiece;
	protected volatile long		neededUndonePieceChange;

	/** A flag to indicate when we're in endgame mode */
	private volatile boolean	endGameMode;
	private volatile boolean	endGameModeAbandoned;
	private volatile long		timeEndGameModeEntered;
	/** The list of chunks needing to be downloaded (the mechanism change when entering end-game mode) */
	private List 				endGameModeChunks;

	private long				lastProviderRecalcTime;
	private CopyOnWriteList		rta_providers = new CopyOnWriteList();
	private long[]				provider_piece_rtas;
	private CopyOnWriteList		priority_providers = new CopyOnWriteList();
	private long[]				provider_piece_priorities;

	private int					allocate_request_loop_count;

	private static boolean		enable_request_hints;
	private CopyOnWriteList		listeners = new CopyOnWriteList();

		class ParameterListenerImpl
		implements ParameterListener
			public final void parameterChanged(final String parameterName)
				if (parameterName.equals("Prioritize Most Completed Files"))
					completionPriority =COConfigurationManager.getBooleanParameter(parameterName);
					paramPriorityChange++;	// this is a user's priority change event
				} else if (parameterName.equals("Prioritize First Piece"))
					firstPiecePriority =COConfigurationManager.getBooleanParameter(parameterName);
					paramPriorityChange++;	// this is a user's priority change event
			    }else if ( parameterName.equals( "Piece Picker Request Hint Enabled" )){
			    	enable_request_hints = COConfigurationManager.getBooleanParameter(parameterName);

		final ParameterListenerImpl	parameterListener =new ParameterListenerImpl();

		COConfigurationManager.addParameterListener("Prioritize Most Completed Files", parameterListener);
		COConfigurationManager.addAndFireParameterListener("Prioritize First Piece", parameterListener);
		COConfigurationManager.addAndFireParameterListener("Piece Picker Request Hint Enabled", parameterListener);


	public PiecePickerImpl(final PEPeerControl pc)
		// class administration first

		peerControl	= pc;
		diskManager = peerControl.getDiskManager();
		dmPieces =diskManager.getPieces();
		nbPieces =diskManager.getNbPieces();
		nbPiecesDone =0;

		pePieces = pc.getPieces();

		// now do stuff related to availability
		availability =new int[nbPieces];  //always needed

		hasNeededUndonePiece =false;
		neededUndonePieceChange =Long.MIN_VALUE;

		// ensure all periodic calculaters perform operations at least once
		time_last_avail =Long.MIN_VALUE;
		availabilityChange =Long.MIN_VALUE +1;
		availabilityComputeChange =Long.MIN_VALUE;
		availabilityDrift =nbPieces;

		// initialize each piece; on going changes will use event driven tracking
		for (int i =0; i <nbPieces; i++)
			if (dmPieces[i].isDone()){
				hasNeededUndonePiece |=dmPieces[i].calcNeeded();
		if (hasNeededUndonePiece)


		// with availability charged and primed, ready for peer messages
		peerListeners =new HashMap();
		peerManagerListener =new PEPeerManagerListenerImpl();

		// now do stuff related to starting/continuing pieces
//		startPriorities =new long[nbPieces];
		filePriorityChange =Long.MIN_VALUE;

		priorityParamChange =Long.MIN_VALUE;
		priorityFileChange =Long.MIN_VALUE;
		priorityAvailChange =Long.MIN_VALUE;

		timeLastPriorities =Long.MIN_VALUE;

		endGameMode =false;
		endGameModeAbandoned =false;
		timeEndGameModeEntered =0;

//		computeBasePriorities();

		// with priorities charged and primed, ready for dm messages
		diskManagerListener =new DiskManagerListenerImpl();

	public final void addHavePiece(final PEPeer peer, final int pieceNumber)
		// peer is null if called from disk-manager callback
		{	availabilityMon.enter();
		if ( availabilityAsynch == null ){
			availabilityAsynch = (int[])availability.clone();
		} finally {availabilityMon.exit();}

		// if this is an interesting piece then clear any record of "no requests" so the peer gets
		// scheduled next loop

		if ( peer != null && dmPieces[pieceNumber].isDownloadable()){

	 * This methd will compute the pieces' overall availability (including ourself)
	 * and the _globalMinOthers & _globalAvail
	public final void updateAvailability()
		final long now =SystemTime.getCurrentTime();
		if (now >=time_last_avail &&now <time_last_avail +TIME_MIN_AVAILABILITY)
		if (availabilityDrift >0 || now < time_last_rebuild ||  (now - time_last_rebuild) > timeAvailRebuild){
			{	availabilityMon.enter();

			time_last_rebuild	= now;
			final int[]	new_availability = recomputeAvailability();

			if (Constants.isCVSVersion())
				final int[]   old_availability =availabilityAsynch ==null ?availability :availabilityAsynch;
				int	errors	= 0;

				for (int i=0;i<new_availability.length;i++){
					if ( new_availability[i] != old_availability[i]){
				if (errors >0 &&errors !=nbPieces)
					if (Logger.isEnabled())
						Logger.log(new LogEvent(peerControl, LOGID, LogEvent.LT_ERROR,
								"updateAvailability(): availability rebuild errors = " +errors
								+" timeAvailRebuild =" +timeAvailRebuild
					timeAvailRebuild -=errors;
				} else

			availabilityAsynch	= new_availability;

			availabilityDrift =0;
			} finally {availabilityMon.exit();}

		}else if (availabilityComputeChange >=availabilityChange){

		{	availabilityMon.enter();
		time_last_avail =now;
		availabilityComputeChange =availabilityChange;

		// take a snapshot of availabilityAsynch
		if ( availabilityAsynch != null ){
			availability 		= availabilityAsynch;
			availabilityAsynch	= null;
		} finally {availabilityMon.exit();}

		int i;
		int allMin =Integer.MAX_VALUE;
		int allMax =0;
		int rarestMin =Integer.MAX_VALUE;
		for (i =0; i <nbPieces; i++)
			final int avail =availability[i];
			final DiskManagerPiece dmPiece =dmPieces[i];
			final PEPiece	pePiece = pePieces[i];

			if (avail >0 &&avail <rarestMin && dmPiece.isDownloadable() && (pePiece == null || pePiece.isRequestable())) 
				rarestMin =avail;	// most important targets for near future requests from others

			if (avail <allMin)
				allMin =avail;
			if (avail > allMax)
				allMax =avail;
		// copy updated local variables into globals
		globalMin =allMin;
		globalMax =allMax;
		globalMinOthers =rarestMin;

		int total =0;
		int rarestActive =0;
		long totalAvail =0;
		for (i =0; i <nbPieces; i++ )
			final int avail =availability[i];
			final DiskManagerPiece dmPiece =dmPieces[i];
			final PEPiece	pePiece = pePieces[i];

			if (avail >0)
				if (avail >allMin)
				if (avail <=rarestMin &&dmPiece.isDownloadable() && pePiece != null && !pePiece.isRequested())
				totalAvail +=avail;
		// copy updated local variables into globals
		float newGlobalAvail = (total /(float) nbPieces) +allMin;
		if ( globalAvail >= 1.0 &&  newGlobalAvail < 1.0 ){
			timeAvailLessThanOne = now;
		}else if ( newGlobalAvail >= 1.0 ){
			timeAvailLessThanOne= 0;
		globalAvail = newGlobalAvail;
		nbRarestActive =rarestActive;
		globalAvgAvail =totalAvail /(float)(nbPieces)
		/(1 +peerControl.getNbSeeds() +peerControl.getNbPeers());

	private final int[] recomputeAvailability()
		if (availabilityDrift >0 &&availabilityDrift !=nbPieces &&Logger.isEnabled())
			Logger.log(new LogEvent(diskManager.getTorrent(), LOGID, LogEvent.LT_INFORMATION,
					"Recomputing availabiliy. Drift="+availabilityDrift+":"+peerControl.getDisplayName()));
		final List peers =peerControl.getPeers();

		final int[]	newAvailability = new int[nbPieces];
		int j;
		int i;
		// first our pieces
		for (j =0; j <nbPieces; j++)
			newAvailability[j] =dmPieces[j].isDone() ?1 :0;
		//for all peers
		final int peersSize =peers.size();
		for (i =0; i <peersSize; i++)
		{	//get the peer connection
			final PEPeer peer =(PEPeerTransport)peers.get(i);
			if (peer !=null &&peer.getPeerState() ==PEPeer.TRANSFERING)
				//cycle trhough the pieces they actually have
				final BitFlags peerHavePieces =peer.getAvailable();
				if (peerHavePieces !=null &&peerHavePieces.nbSet >0)
					for (j =peerHavePieces.start; j <=peerHavePieces.end; j++)
						if (peerHavePieces.flags[j])
		return newAvailability;

	public int
		return( nbPieces );

	public final int[] getAvailability()
		return availability;

	public final int getAvailability(final int pieceNumber)
		return availability[pieceNumber];

	//this only gets called when the My Torrents view is displayed
	public final float getMinAvailability()
		return globalAvail;
	public final long getAvailWentBadTime()
	public final int getMaxAvailability()
		return globalMax;

	public final float getAvgAvail()
		return globalAvgAvail;

	public int getNbPiecesDone()
		return nbPiecesDone;

	 * Early-outs when finds a downloadable piece
	 * Either way sets hasNeededUndonePiece and neededUndonePieceChange if necessary 
	protected final void checkDownloadablePiece()
		for (int i =0; i <nbPieces; i++)
			if (dmPieces[i].isInteresting())
				if (!hasNeededUndonePiece)
					hasNeededUndonePiece =true;
		if (hasNeededUndonePiece)
			hasNeededUndonePiece =false;

	 * one reason requests don't stem from the individual peers is so the connections can be
	 * sorted by best uploaders, providing some ooprtunity to download the most important
	 * (ie; rarest and/or highest priority) pieces faster and more reliably
	public final void allocateRequests()
		if (!hasNeededUndonePiece){


		final List peers =peerControl.getPeers();
		final int peersSize =peers.size();

		final long[] upRates =new long[peersSize];
		final ArrayList bestUploaders =new ArrayList( peersSize );

		for (int i =0; i <peersSize; i++){

			final PEPeerTransport peer =(PEPeerTransport) peers.get(i);

			if (peer.isDownloadPossible())

				int	no_req_count 	= peer.getConsecutiveNoRequestCount();

				if ( 	no_req_count == 0 || 
						allocate_request_loop_count % ( no_req_count + 1 ) == 0 )

					final long upRate =peer.getStats().getSmoothDataReceiveRate();
					UnchokerUtil.updateLargestValueFirstSort(upRate, upRates, peer, bestUploaders, 0);

		final int uploadersSize =bestUploaders.size();

		if ( uploadersSize ==0 ){

			// no usable peers, bail out early

		boolean	done_priorities = false;

		if ( priorityRTAexists ){

			LinkedList	block_time_order_peers = new LinkedList();

			block_time_order_peers.addAll( bestUploaders );

					new Comparator()
						public int 
								Object arg1, 
								Object arg2) 
							PEPeerTransport pt1	= (PEPeerTransport)arg1;
							PEPeerTransport pt2	= (PEPeerTransport)arg2;

							return( getNextBlockETAFromNow( pt1 ) - getNextBlockETAFromNow( pt2 ));

			PEPeerTransport	best_uploader = (PEPeerTransport)bestUploaders.get(0);

			// give priority pieces the first look-in
			// we need to sort by how quickly the peer can get a block, not just its base speed

			boolean	allocated_request = true;

			Set	allocations_started	= new HashSet();

				while( allocated_request && priorityRTAexists ){

					allocated_request = false;

					Iterator	it = block_time_order_peers.iterator();

					while( it.hasNext()){

						final PEPeerTransport pt =(PEPeerTransport);

						if ( !pt.isDownloadPossible() || pt.isSnubbed()){



						// ignore request number advice from peers in RTA mode, we gotta do what we can

						int maxRequests = REQUESTS_MIN +(int)( pt.getStats().getDataReceiveRate() /SLOPE_REQUESTS );

						if ( maxRequests > REQUESTS_MAX || maxRequests < 0 ){

							maxRequests = REQUESTS_MAX;

						if ( pt.getNbRequests() <= maxRequests ){

							if ( !done_priorities ){

								done_priorities	= true;


								if ( !priorityRTAexists ){

									// might have stopped RTA as this is calculated in computeBasePriorities


							if ( !allocations_started.contains( pt )){

								pt.requestAllocationStarts( startPriorities );

								allocations_started.add( pt );

							if ( findRTAPieceToDownload( pt, pt == best_uploader )){

								allocated_request = true;




				Iterator	it = allocations_started.iterator();

				while( it.hasNext()){



		for (int i =0; i <uploadersSize; i++){

			final PEPeerTransport pt =(PEPeerTransport) bestUploaders.get(i);
			// can we transfer something?
			if (pt.isDownloadPossible()){

				int	peer_request_num = pt.getMaxNbRequests();

				// If request queue is too low, enqueue another request

				int maxRequests;

				if ( peer_request_num != -1 ){

					maxRequests = peer_request_num;

					if (!pt.isSnubbed()){

						if (!endGameMode){
							maxRequests =REQUESTS_MIN +(int) (pt.getStats().getDataReceiveRate() /SLOPE_REQUESTS);
							if (maxRequests >REQUESTS_MAX ||maxRequests <0)
								maxRequests =REQUESTS_MAX;
							maxRequests =2;
						maxRequests =1;

				// Only loop when 3/5 of the queue is empty, in order to make more consecutive requests,
				// and improve cache efficiency

				if ( pt.getNbRequests() <=(maxRequests *3) /5){

					if ( !done_priorities ){

						done_priorities	= true;


					int	total_allocated = 0;

						boolean	peer_managing_requests = pt.requestAllocationStarts( startPriorities );

						while ( pt.isDownloadPossible() && pt.getNbRequests() < maxRequests ){

							// is there anything else to download?

							int	allocated;

							if ( peer_managing_requests || !endGameMode ){

								allocated = findPieceToDownload(pt, maxRequests );


								allocated = findPieceInEndGameMode(pt, maxRequests);

							if ( allocated == 0 ){	                		



								total_allocated += allocated;


					if ( total_allocated == 0 ){

						// there are various reasons that we might not allocate any requests to a peer
						// such as them not having any pieces we're interested in. Keep track of the 
						// number of consecutive "no requests" outcomes so we can reduce the scheduling
						// frequency of such peers

						int	no_req_count = pt.getConsecutiveNoRequestCount();

						if ( no_req_count < NO_REQUEST_BACKOFF_MAX_LOOPS ){

							pt.setConsecutiveNoRequestCount( no_req_count + 2 );

						// System.out.println( pt.getIp() + ": nb=" + pt.getNbRequests() + ",max=" + maxRequests + ",nrc=" + no_req_count +",loop=" + allocate_request_loop_count); 


						pt.setConsecutiveNoRequestCount( 0 );

	protected int
			PEPeerTransport	pt )
		long upRate = pt.getStats().getDataReceiveRate();

		if ( upRate < 1 ){

			upRate = 1;

		int	next_block_bytes = ( pt.getNbRequests() + 1 ) * DiskManager.BLOCK_SIZE;

		return((int)(( next_block_bytes * 1000 )/ upRate));

	/** This computes the base priority for all pieces that need requesting if there's
	 * been any availability change or user priority setting changes since the last
	 * call, which will be most of the time since availability changes so dynamicaly
	 * It will change startPriorities[] (unless there was nothing to do)
	private final void 
		final long now =SystemTime.getCurrentTime();

		if ( now < lastProviderRecalcTime || now - lastProviderRecalcTime > 1000 ){

			lastProviderRecalcTime = now;

			priorityRTAexists = computeProviderPriorities();

		if ( !priorityRTAexists ){
			if (startPriorities !=null &&((now >timeLastPriorities &&now <time_last_avail +TIME_MIN_PRIORITIES)
					||(priorityParamChange >=paramPriorityChange &&priorityFileChange >=filePriorityChange
							&&priorityAvailChange >=availabilityChange)))
				return;		// *somehow* nothing changed, so nothing to do

		// store the latest change indicators before we start making dependent calculations so that a
		// further change while computing stuff doesn't get lost

		timeLastPriorities =now;
		priorityParamChange =paramPriorityChange;
		priorityFileChange =filePriorityChange;
		priorityAvailChange =availabilityChange;

		boolean			foundPieceToDownload =false;
		final int[]		newPriorities   =new int[nbPieces];

		// locals are a tiny bit faster
		final boolean firstPiecePriorityL =firstPiecePriority;
		final boolean completionPriorityL =completionPriority;

            final boolean rarestOverride =isRarestOverride();
			// calculate all base (starting) priorities for all pieces needing requesting
			final int nbConnects =peerControl.getNbPeers() +peerControl.getNbSeeds();
			for (int i =0; i <nbPieces; i++)
				final DiskManagerPiece dmPiece =dmPieces[i];
				if (dmPiece.isDone())
					continue;	// nothing to do for pieces not needing requesting

				int priority =Integer.MIN_VALUE;
				int startPriority =Integer.MIN_VALUE;

				final DMPieceList pieceList =diskManager.getPieceList(dmPiece.getPieceNumber());
				final int pieceListSize =pieceList.size();
				for (int j =0; j <pieceListSize; j++)
					final DiskManagerFileInfoImpl fileInfo =pieceList.get(j).getFile();
					final long downloaded =fileInfo.getDownloaded();
					final long length =fileInfo.getLength();
					if (length >0 &&downloaded <length &&!fileInfo.isSkipped())
						priority =0;
						// user option "prioritize first and last piece"
						// TODO: should prioritize ~10% from edges of file
						if (firstPiecePriorityL &&fileInfo.getNbPieces() >FIRST_PIECE_MIN_NB)
							/* backed out for the moment - reverting to old first/last piece only
                        	int lastFirstPiece = fileInfo.getFirstPieceNumber() + FIRST_PIECE_RANGE_PERCENT * (fileInfo.getLastPieceNumber() - fileInfo.getFirstPieceNumber()) / 100;

                        	if ( (i >=fileInfo.getFirstPieceNumber() && i<= lastFirstPiece ) ) {
                                priority +=PRIORITY_W_FIRSTLAST + 10 * (lastFirstPiece - i) ;

                            if( i ==fileInfo.getLastPieceNumber() ) {
                            	priority +=PRIORITY_W_FIRSTLAST;
							if (i == fileInfo.getFirstPieceNumber() ||i == fileInfo.getLastPieceNumber())
								priority +=PRIORITY_W_FIRSTLAST;
						// if the file is high-priority
						// startPriority +=(1000 *fileInfo.getPriority()) /255;
						if (fileInfo.isPriority())
							priority +=PRIORITY_W_FILE;
							if (completionPriorityL)
								final long percent =(1000 *downloaded) /length;
								if (percent >=900)
									priority +=(PRIORITY_W_COMPLETION *downloaded) /diskManager.getTotalLength();
						if (priority >startPriority)
							startPriority =priority;

				if (startPriority >=0)
					foundPieceToDownload =true;
					final int avail =availability[i];
					// nbconnects is async calculate so may be wrong - make sure we don't decrease pri by accident
					if (avail >0 && nbConnects > avail )
					{   // boost priority for rarity
						startPriority +=nbConnects -avail;
//						startPriority +=(PRIORITY_W_RARE +peerControl.getNbPeers()) /avail;
						// Boost priority even a little more if it's a globally rarest piece
						if (!rarestOverride &&avail <=globalMinOthers)
							startPriority +=nbConnects /avail;

					if ( provider_piece_rtas != null ){

						if ( provider_piece_rtas[i] > 0 ){

							startPriority 	= PRIORITY_REALTIME;
					}else if ( provider_piece_priorities != null ){

						startPriority += provider_piece_priorities[i];


				newPriorities[i] =startPriority;
		} catch (Throwable e)

		if (foundPieceToDownload !=hasNeededUndonePiece)
			hasNeededUndonePiece =foundPieceToDownload;

		startPriorities =newPriorities;

	private final boolean isRarestOverride()
		final int nbSeeds =peerControl.getNbSeeds();
		final int nbPeers =peerControl.getNbPeers();
		final int nbMost =(nbPeers >nbSeeds ?nbPeers :nbSeeds);
		final int nbActive =peerControl.getNbActivePieces();

		// Dont seek rarest under a few circumstances, so that other factors work better
		// never seek rarest when bootstrapping torrent
		boolean rarestOverride =nbPiecesDone <4 ||endGameMode
		||(globalMinOthers >1 &&(nbRarestActive >=nbMost ||nbActive >=nbMost));
		if (!rarestOverride &&nbRarestActive >1 &&globalMinOthers >1)
			// if already getting some rarest, dont get more if swarm is healthy or too many pieces running
			rarestOverride =globalMinOthers >globalMin
			||(globalMinOthers >=(2 *nbSeeds) &&(2 *globalMinOthers) >=nbPeers);
			// Interest in Rarest pieces (compared to user priority settings) could be influenced by several factors;
			// less demand closer to 0% and 100% of torrent completion/farther from 50% of torrent completion
			// less demand closer to 0% and 100% of peers interestd in us/farther from 50% of peers interested in us
			// less demand the more pieces are in progress (compared to swarm size)
			// less demand the farther ahead from absolute global minimum we're at already
			// less demand the healthier a swarm is (rarity compared to # seeds and # peers)
		return rarestOverride;

	 * @param pt the PEPeerTransport we're working on
	 * @return int # of blocks that were requested (0 if no requests were made)
	protected final int findPieceToDownload(PEPeerTransport pt, final int nbWanted)
		final int pieceNumber =getRequestCandidate(pt);
		if (pieceNumber <0)
			// probaly should have found something since chose to try; probably not interested anymore
			// (or maybe Needed but not Done pieces are otherwise not requestable)
			// pt.checkInterested();
			return 0;

		final int peerSpeed =(int) pt.getStats().getDataReceiveRate() /1000;

		PEPiece pePiece = pePieces[pieceNumber];
		if ( pePiece==null ){

			int[]	peer_priority_offsets = pt.getPriorityOffsets();

			int	this_offset = peer_priority_offsets==null?0:peer_priority_offsets[pieceNumber];

			//create piece manually

			pePiece =new PEPieceImpl(pt.getManager(), dmPieces[pieceNumber], peerSpeed >>1);

			// Assign the created piece to the pieces array.
			peerControl.addPiece(pePiece, pieceNumber);
			if (startPriorities !=null){
				pePiece.setResumePriority(startPriorities[pieceNumber] + this_offset);
				pePiece.setResumePriority( this_offset );
			if (availability[pieceNumber] <=globalMinOthers)

		final int[] blocksFound =pePiece.getAndMarkBlocks(pt, nbWanted,enable_request_hints  );
		final int blockNumber =blocksFound[0];
		final int nbBlocks =blocksFound[1];

		if (nbBlocks <=0)
			return 0;

		int requested =0;
		// really try to send the request to the peer
		for (int i =0; i <nbBlocks; i++)
			final int thisBlock =blockNumber +i;
			if (pt.request(pieceNumber, thisBlock *DiskManager.BLOCK_SIZE, pePiece.getBlockSize(thisBlock)) != null )

				pePiece.setLastRequestedPeerSpeed( peerSpeed );
				// have requested a block
		return requested;

	protected final boolean 
			PEPeerTransport pt,
			boolean			best_uploader )
		if ( pt == null || pt.getPeerState() != PEPeer.TRANSFERING ){

			return( false );

		final BitFlags  peerHavePieces =pt.getAvailable();

		if ( peerHavePieces ==null || peerHavePieces.nbSet <=0 ){

			return( false );

		final int       peerSpeed =(int) pt.getStats().getDataReceiveRate() /1000;  // how many KB/s has the peer has been sending

		final int	startI 	= peerHavePieces.start;
		final int	endI 	= peerHavePieces.end;

		int	piece_min_rta_index	= -1;
		int piece_min_rta_block	= 0;
		long piece_min_rta_time	= Long.MAX_VALUE;

		long	now = SystemTime.getCurrentTime();

		long	my_next_block_eta = now + getNextBlockETAFromNow( pt );

		for ( int i=startI; i <=endI; i++){

			long piece_rta = provider_piece_rtas[i];

			if ( peerHavePieces.flags[i] && startPriorities[i] == PRIORITY_REALTIME && piece_rta > 0 ){

				if ( LOG_RTA ){
					System.out.println( "findPiece: " + i + "/" + (piece_rta - now));

				final DiskManagerPiece dmPiece =dmPieces[i];

				if ( !dmPiece.isDownloadable()){


				final PEPiece pePiece = pePieces[i];

				if ( pePiece != null && pePiece.isDownloaded()){


				Object realtime_data = null;

				if ( piece_rta >= piece_min_rta_time  ){

					if ( LOG_RTA ){
						System.out.println( "    less urgent" );
					// piece is less urgent than an already found one

				}else if ( my_next_block_eta > piece_rta && !best_uploader ){

					// only allocate if we have a chance of getting this block in time or we're
					// the best uploader we've got

					if ( LOG_RTA ){
						System.out.println( "    we're not fast enough" );

				}else if ( pePiece == null || ( realtime_data = pePiece.getRealTimeData()) == null ){

					if ( LOG_RTA ){
						System.out.println( "    alloc new" );

					// no real-time block allocated yet

					piece_min_rta_time 	= piece_rta;
					piece_min_rta_index = i;


					RealTimeData	rtd = (RealTimeData)realtime_data;

					// check the blocks to see if any are now lagging behind their ETA given current peer speed

					List[]	peer_requests = rtd.getRequests();

					for (int j=0;j<peer_requests.length;j++){

						if ( LOG_RTA ){
							System.out.println( "    block " + j );

						if ( pePiece.isDownloaded( j ) || pePiece.isWritten( j )){

							// this block is already downloaded, ignore


						List	block_peer_requests = peer_requests[j];

						long best_eta = Long.MAX_VALUE;

						boolean	pt_already_present  = false;

						// tidy up existing request data

						Iterator	it = block_peer_requests.iterator();

						while( it.hasNext()){

							RealTimePeerRequest	pr = (RealTimePeerRequest);

							PEPeerTransport	this_pt = pr.getPeer();

							if ( this_pt.getPeerState() != PEPeer.TRANSFERING ){

								if ( LOG_RTA ){
									System.out.println( "        peer dead" );

								// peer's dead




							DiskManagerReadRequest	this_request = pr.getRequest();

							int	request_index = this_pt.getRequestIndex( this_request );

							if ( request_index == -1 ){

								if ( LOG_RTA ){
									System.out.println( "        request lost" );

								// request's gone



							if ( this_pt == pt ){

								if ( LOG_RTA ){
									System.out.println( "        already req" );

								pt_already_present	= true;


							long this_up_bps = this_pt.getStats().getDataReceiveRate();

							if ( this_up_bps < 1 ){

								this_up_bps = 1;

							int	next_block_bytes = ( request_index + 1 ) * DiskManager.BLOCK_SIZE;

							long	this_peer_eta = now + (( next_block_bytes * 1000 ) / this_up_bps );

							best_eta = Math.min( best_eta, this_peer_eta );

							if ( LOG_RTA ){
								System.out.println( "        best_eta = " + ( best_eta - now ));


						// if we've not already requested this piece

						if ( !pt_already_present ){

							// and there are no outstanding requests or outstanding requests are lagging

							if ( block_peer_requests.size() == 0 ){

								if ( LOG_RTA ){
									System.out.println( "            block has no requests and is better rta" );

								piece_min_rta_time 	= piece_rta;
								piece_min_rta_index = i;
								piece_min_rta_block = j;

								break;	// earlier blocks always have priority

							}else if ( best_eta > piece_rta ){

								if ( LOG_RTA ){
									System.out.println( "        block is lagging" );

								// if we can do better than existing best effort allocate

								if ( my_next_block_eta < best_eta ){

									if ( LOG_RTA ){
										System.out.println( "            I can do better!" );

									piece_min_rta_time 	= piece_rta;
									piece_min_rta_index = i;
									piece_min_rta_block = j;

									break;	// earlier blocks always have priority

		if ( piece_min_rta_index != -1 ){

			PEPiece pePiece = pePieces[piece_min_rta_index];

			if ( pePiece == null ){

				// create piece manually

				pePiece = new PEPieceImpl( pt.getManager(), dmPieces[piece_min_rta_index], peerSpeed >>1 );

				// Assign the created piece to the pieces array.

				peerControl.addPiece(pePiece, piece_min_rta_index);

				pePiece.setResumePriority( PRIORITY_REALTIME );

				if ( availability[piece_min_rta_index] <=globalMinOthers ){


			RealTimeData	rtd = (RealTimeData)pePiece.getRealTimeData();

			if ( rtd == null ){

				rtd = new RealTimeData( pePiece );

				pePiece.setRealTimeData( rtd );

			pePiece.getAndMarkBlock( pt, piece_min_rta_block );

			DiskManagerReadRequest	request = pt.request(piece_min_rta_index, piece_min_rta_block *DiskManager.BLOCK_SIZE, pePiece.getBlockSize(piece_min_rta_block));

			if ( request != null ){

				List	real_time_requests = rtd.getRequests()[piece_min_rta_block];

				real_time_requests.add( new RealTimePeerRequest( pt, request ));

				if ( LOG_RTA ){

					System.out.println( "RT Request: " + piece_min_rta_index + "/" + piece_min_rta_block + " -> " + pt.getIp() + "[tot=" + real_time_requests.size() + "]" );


				pePiece.setLastRequestedPeerSpeed( peerSpeed );

			return( true );


			return( false );

	 * This method is the downloading core. It decides, for a given peer,
	 * which block should be requested. Here is the overall algorithm :
	 * 0. If there a FORCED_PIECE or reserved piece, that will be started/resumed if possible
	 * 1. Scan all the active pieces and find the rarest piece (and highest priority among equally rarest)
	 *	that can possibly be continued by this peer, if any
	 * 2. While scanning the active pieces, develop a list of equally highest priority pieces
	 *	(and equally rarest among those) as candidates for starting a new piece
	 * 3. If it can't find any piece, this means all pieces are
	 *	already downloaded/full requested
	 * 4. Returns int[] pieceNumber, blockNumber if a request to be made is found,
	 *	or null if none could be found
	 * @param pc PEPeerTransport to work with
	 * @return int with pieceNumberto be requested or -1 if no request could be found
    private final int getRequestCandidate(final PEPeerTransport pt )
        if (pt ==null ||pt.getPeerState() !=PEPeer.TRANSFERING)
            return -1;
        final BitFlags  peerHavePieces =pt.getAvailable();
        if (peerHavePieces ==null ||peerHavePieces.nbSet <=0)
            return -1;
        	// piece number and its block number that we'll try to DL
        int reservedPieceNumber = pt.getReservedPieceNumber();

        	// If there's a piece seserved to this peer resume it and only it (if possible)
        if ( reservedPieceNumber >=0 ){
            PEPiece pePiece = pePieces[reservedPieceNumber];

            if ( pePiece != null ){
            	String peerReserved = pePiece.getReservedBy();
            	if ( peerReserved != null && peerReserved.equals( pt.getIp())){
            		if ( peerHavePieces.flags[reservedPieceNumber] &&pePiece.isRequestable()){
            			return reservedPieceNumber;
            	// reserved piece is no longer valid, dump it
            	// clear the reservation if the piece is still allocated to the peer
            if ( pePiece != null ){
            	String peerReserved = pePiece.getReservedBy();
            	if ( peerReserved != null ){
            		if ( peerReserved.equals(pt.getIp())){
            			pePiece.setReservedBy( null );

            	// note, pieces reserved to peers that get disconnected are released in pepeercontrol
            reservedPieceNumber	= -1;

        final int       peerSpeed =(int) pt.getStats().getDataReceiveRate() /1000;  // how many KB/s has the peer has been sending
        final int       lastPiece =pt.getLastPiece();
        final boolean   globalRarestOverride =isRarestOverride();
        final int		nbSnubbed =peerControl.getNbPeersSnubbed();

        long        resumeMinAvail =Long.MAX_VALUE;
        int         resumeMaxPriority =Integer.MIN_VALUE;
        boolean     resumeIsRarest =false; // can the peer continuea piece with lowest avail of all pieces we want

        BitFlags    startCandidates =null;
        int         startMaxPriority =Integer.MIN_VALUE;
        int         startMinAvail =Integer.MAX_VALUE;
        boolean     startIsRarest =false;
        boolean		forceStart=false;
        int         priority;   // aggregate priority of piece under inspection (start priority or resume priority for pieces to be resumed)
        int         avail =0;   // the swarm-wide availability level of the piece under inspection
        long        pieceAge;   // how long since the PEPiece first started downloading (requesting, actually)
        final int	startI =peerHavePieces.start;
        final int	endI =peerHavePieces.end;
        int         i;

        final int[]		peerPriorities	= pt.getPriorityOffsets();
        final long  now =SystemTime.getCurrentTime();
        int[] 	request_hint = pt.getRequestHint();
        int		request_hint_piece_number;
        if ( request_hint != null ){
        	request_hint_piece_number = request_hint[0];
        	if ( dmPieces[request_hint_piece_number].isDone()){
        		request_hint_piece_number	= -1;
        	request_hint_piece_number = -1;
        // Try to continue a piece already loaded, according to priority
        for (i =startI; i <=endI; i++)
            // is the piece available from this peer?
            if (peerHavePieces.flags[i])
                priority = startPriorities[i];
                if( priority < 0 ){
                		// not required
                final DiskManagerPiece dmPiece =dmPieces[i];

                if ( !dmPiece.isDownloadable()){
                if ( peerPriorities != null ){
                	priority += peerPriorities[i];
                if ( enable_request_hints && i == request_hint_piece_number ){
	               	priority += PRIORITY_REQUEST_HINT;
	               	PEPiece pePiece = pePieces[i];
	               	if ( pePiece == null ){
	               		forceStart	= true;
	               		if ( reservedPieceNumber != i ){
	               			pePiece.setReservedBy( pt.getIp());
	               			pt.setReservedPieceNumber( i );
                if ( priority >= 0 ){
                    final PEPiece pePiece = pePieces[i];
               			// if we are considering realtime pieces then don't bother with non-realtime ones
                    if (( pePiece == null || pePiece.isRequestable())){
                   			// if this priority exceeds the priority-override threshold then  we override rarity
                    	boolean	pieceRarestOverride = priority>=PRIORITY_OVERRIDES_RAREST?true:globalRarestOverride;
                        	// piece is: Needed, not fully: Requested, Downloaded, Written, hash-Checking or Done
                        avail =availability[i];
                        if (avail ==0 )
                        {   // maybe we didn't know we could get it before
                            availability[i] =1;    // but the peer says s/he has it
                            avail =1;
                        // is the piece active
                        if (pePiece !=null)
                        	if ( priority != startPriorities[i]){
                        		pePiece.setResumePriority( priority );	// maintained for display purposes only
                            // How many requests can still be made on this piece?
                            final int freeReqs =pePiece.getNbUnrequested();
                            if (freeReqs <=0)
                            // Don't touch pieces reserved for others
                            final String peerReserved =pePiece.getReservedBy();
                            if (peerReserved !=null)
                                if (!peerReserved.equals(pt.getIp()))
                                    continue;   //reserved to somebody else
                                // the peer forgot this is reserved to him; re-associate it
                                return i;
                            final int pieceSpeed =pePiece.getSpeed();
                        	final long timeSinceLastActivity =pePiece.getTimeSinceLastActivity();
                            // Snubbed peers or peers slower than the piece can only request on the piece if;
                            // they're the sole source OR
                            // it's the same as the last piece they were on AND there's enough free blocks
                            // TODO: instead of 3, should count how many peers are snubbed and use that
                            if (avail >1 &&(freeReqs <3 ||pieceSpeed -1 >=freeReqs *peerSpeed))
                            	// unless the piece has been inactive too long,
                            	//  don't request from snubbed peers UNLESS;
                            	//   it's possible all sources for the piece are snubbed,
                            	//  don't request from slow peers UNLESS;
                            	//   it was the last piece requested from them already
                                if (timeSinceLastActivity < 10 *60*1000 
                                	&&(avail >nbSnubbed &&pt.isSnubbed()) ||(peerSpeed <pieceSpeed &&i !=lastPiece))
                            if (avail <=resumeMinAvail)
                                priority +=pieceSpeed;
                                priority +=(i ==lastPiece) ?PRIORITY_W_SAME_PIECE :0;
                                // Adjust priority for purpose of continuing pieces
                                // how long since last written to (if written to)
                                priority +=timeSinceLastActivity /PRIORITY_DW_STALE;
                                // how long since piece was started
                                pieceAge =now -pePiece.getCreationTime();
                                if (pieceAge >0)
                                    priority +=PRIORITY_W_AGE *pieceAge /(PRIORITY_DW_AGE *dmPiece.getNbBlocks());
                                // how much is already written to disk
                                priority +=(PRIORITY_W_PIECE_DONE *dmPiece.getNbWritten()) /dmPiece.getNbBlocks();
                                if (avail <resumeMinAvail &&(!pieceRarestOverride ||priority >=resumeMaxPriority)
                                    ||(priority >resumeMaxPriority &&(!resumeIsRarest ||pieceRarestOverride)))
                                {   // this piece seems like best choice for resuming
                                    // Verify it's still possible to get a block to request from this piece
                                    if (pePiece.hasUnrequestedBlock())
                                    {   // change the different variables to reflect interest in this block
                                        reservedPieceNumber =i;
                                        resumeMinAvail =avail;
                                        resumeMaxPriority =priority;
                                        resumeIsRarest =avail <=globalMinOthers; // only going to try to resume one
                        } else if (avail <=globalMinOthers &&!pieceRarestOverride) 
                        {   // rarest pieces only from now on
                            if (!startIsRarest)
                            {   // 1st rarest piece
                                if (startCandidates ==null)
                                    startCandidates =new BitFlags(nbPieces);
                                startMaxPriority =priority;
                                startMinAvail =avail;
                                startIsRarest =avail <=globalMinOthers;
                                startCandidates.setOnly(i); // clear the non-rarest bits in favor of only rarest
                            } else if (priority >startMaxPriority)
                            {   // continuing rarest, higher priority level
                                if (startCandidates ==null)
                                    startCandidates =new BitFlags(nbPieces);
                                startMaxPriority =priority;
                            } else if (priority ==startMaxPriority)
                            {   // continuing rares, same priority level
                        } else if (!startIsRarest ||pieceRarestOverride)
                        {   // not doing rarest pieces
                            if (priority >startMaxPriority)
                            {   // new priority level
                                if (startCandidates ==null)
                                    startCandidates =new BitFlags(nbPieces);
                                startMaxPriority =priority;
                                startMinAvail =avail;
                                startIsRarest =avail <=globalMinOthers;
                            } else if (priority ==startMaxPriority)
                            {   // continuing same priority level
                                if (avail <startMinAvail)
                                {   // same priority, new availability level
                                    startMinAvail =avail;
                                    startIsRarest =avail <=globalMinOthers;
                                } else if (avail ==startMinAvail)
                                {   // same priority level, same availability level
        if ( !forceStart ){
	        // can & should or must resume a piece?
	        if (reservedPieceNumber >=0 &&(resumeIsRarest ||!startIsRarest ||globalRarestOverride ||startCandidates ==null ||startCandidates.nbSet <=0))
	            return reservedPieceNumber;
	// this would allow more non-rarest pieces to be resumed so they get completed so they can be re-shared,
	// which can make us intersting to more peers, and generally improve the speed of the swarm,
	// however, it can sometimes be hard to get the rarest pieces, such as when a holder unchokes very infrequently
	// 20060312[MjrTom] this can lead to TOO many active pieces, so do the extra check with arbitrary # of active pieces
	        final boolean resumeIsBetter;
	        if (reservedPieceNumber >=0 &&globalMinOthers >0 &&peerControl.getNbActivePieces() >32)	// check at arbitrary figure of 32 pieces 
	            resumeIsBetter =(resumeMaxPriority /resumeMinAvail) >(startMaxPriority /globalMinOthers);
	            if (Constants.isCVSVersion() &&Logger.isEnabled())
	                Logger.log(new LogEvent(new Object[] {pt, peerControl}, LOGID, 
	                    "Start/resume choice; piece #:" +reservedPieceNumber +" resumeIsBetter:" +resumeIsBetter
	                    +" globalMinOthers=" +globalMinOthers
	                    +" startMaxPriority=" +startMaxPriority +" startMinAvail=" +startMinAvail
	                    +" resumeMaxPriority=" +resumeMaxPriority +" resumeMinAvail=" +resumeMinAvail
	                    +" : " +pt));
	            if (resumeIsBetter)
	                return reservedPieceNumber;
        // start a new piece; select piece from start candidates bitfield
        return getPieceToStart(startCandidates);

	 * @param startCandidates BitFlags of potential candidates to choose from
	 * @return int the piece number that was chosen to be started. Note it's possible for
	 * the chosen piece to have been started already (by another thread).
	 * This method considers that potential to not be relevant.
	protected final int getPieceToStart(final BitFlags startCandidates)
		if (startCandidates ==null ||startCandidates.nbSet <=0)
			return -1;
		if (startCandidates.nbSet ==1)
			return startCandidates.start;

		final int direction =RandomUtils.generateRandomPlusMinus1();
		final int startI;
		if (direction ==1)
			startI =startCandidates.start;
			startI =startCandidates.end;

		// randomly select a bit flag to be the one
		final int targetNb =RandomUtils.generateRandomIntUpto(startCandidates.nbSet);

		// figure out the piece number of that selected bitflag
		int foundNb =-1;
		for (int i =startI; i <=startCandidates.end &&i >=startCandidates.start; i +=direction)
			// is piece flagged
			if (startCandidates.flags[i])
				if (foundNb >=targetNb)
					return i;
		return -1;

	public final boolean hasDownloadablePiece()
		return hasNeededUndonePiece;

	public final long getNeededUndonePieceChange()
		return neededUndonePieceChange;

	private final void checkEndGameMode()
		if (peerControl.getNbSeeds() +peerControl.getNbPeers() <3)
		final long now =SystemTime.getCurrentTime();
		// We can't come back from end-game mode
		if (endGameMode ||endGameModeAbandoned)
			if (!endGameModeAbandoned)
				if (now -timeEndGameModeEntered >END_GAME_MODE_TIMEOUT)
					endGameModeAbandoned =true;

					if (Logger.isEnabled())
						Logger.log(new LogEvent(diskManager.getTorrent(), LOGID, "Abandoning end-game mode: "

		int active_pieces =0;

		for (int i =0; i <nbPieces; i++)
			final DiskManagerPiece dmPiece =dmPieces[i];
			// If the piece isn't even Needed, or doesn't need more downloading, simply continue
			if (!dmPiece.isDownloadable())

			final PEPiece pePiece = pePieces[i];

			if ( pePiece != null && pePiece.isDownloaded()){

			// If the piece is being downloaded (fully requested), count it and continue
			if ( pePiece != null && pePiece.isRequested() && dmPiece.isNeeded())
				active_pieces++ ;

			// Else, some piece is Needed, not downloaded/fully requested; this isn't end game mode

		// only flick into end-game mode if < trigger size left
		if (active_pieces *diskManager.getPieceLength() <=END_GAME_MODE_SIZE_TRIGGER)
			endGameModeChunks =new ArrayList();

			timeEndGameModeEntered =now;
			endGameMode =true;
			if (Logger.isEnabled())
				Logger.log(new LogEvent(diskManager.getTorrent(), LOGID, "Entering end-game mode: "
			// System.out.println("End-Game Mode activated");

	private final void computeEndGameModeChunks()

			for (int i =0; i <nbPieces; i++ )
				final DiskManagerPiece dmPiece =dmPieces[i];
				// Pieces not Needed or not needing more downloading are of no interest
				if (!dmPiece.isInteresting())

				PEPiece pePiece = pePieces[i];
				if (pePiece ==null)
					pePiece = new PEPieceImpl(peerControl,dmPiece,0);

				final boolean written[] =dmPiece.getWritten();
				if (written ==null)
					if (!dmPiece.isDone())
						for (int j =0; j <pePiece.getNbBlocks(); j++ )
							endGameModeChunks.add(new EndGameModeChunk(pePiece, j));
				} else
					for (int j =0; j <written.length; j++ )
						if (!written[j])
							endGameModeChunks.add(new EndGameModeChunk(pePiece, j));
		} finally

	public final boolean isInEndGameMode()
		return endGameMode;

    public boolean
    	return( endGameModeAbandoned );
	/** adds every block from the piece to the list of chuncks to be selected for egm requesting
	public final void addEndGameChunks(final PEPiece pePiece)
		if (!endGameMode)
			final int nbChunks =pePiece.getNbBlocks();
			for (int i =0; i <nbChunks; i++ )
				endGameModeChunks.add(new EndGameModeChunk(pePiece, i));
		} finally

	/** adds blocks from the piece that are neither downloaded nor written to the list
	 * of  chuncks to be selected for egm requesting
	public final void addEndGameBlocks(final PEPiece pePiece)
		if (!endGameMode ||pePiece ==null)
		final DiskManagerPiece dmPiece =pePiece.getDMPiece();
		final int nbChunks =pePiece.getNbBlocks();
			for (int i =0; i <nbChunks; i++ )
				if (!pePiece.isDownloaded(i) &&!dmPiece.isWritten(i))
					endGameModeChunks.add(new EndGameModeChunk(pePiece, i));
		} finally

	protected final int findPieceInEndGameMode(final PEPeerTransport pt, final int wants)
		if (pt ==null ||wants <=0 ||pt.getPeerState() !=PEPeer.TRANSFERING)
			return 0;
		// Ok, we try one, if it doesn't work, we'll try another next time

			final int nbChunks =endGameModeChunks.size();
			if (nbChunks >0)
				final int random =RandomUtils.generateRandomIntUpto(nbChunks);
				final EndGameModeChunk chunk =(EndGameModeChunk) endGameModeChunks.get(random);
				final int pieceNumber =chunk.getPieceNumber();
				if (dmPieces[pieceNumber].isWritten(chunk.getBlockNumber()))
					return 0;
				final PEPiece	pePiece = pePieces[pieceNumber];
				if (pt.isPieceAvailable(pieceNumber)
						&&pePiece != null 
						&&(!pt.isSnubbed() ||availability[pieceNumber] <=peerControl.getNbPeersSnubbed())
						&&pt.request(pieceNumber, chunk.getOffset(), chunk.getLength()) != null )
					pePiece.setRequested(pt, chunk.getBlockNumber());
					return 1;
			// we're here because there are no endgame mode chunks left
			// either the torrent is done or something unusual happened
			// cleanup anyway and allow a proper re-entry into endgame mode if neccessary
			endGameMode = false;
			timeEndGameModeEntered = 0;
		} finally

		return 0;

	public final void removeFromEndGameModeChunks(final int pieceNumber, final int offset)
		if (!endGameMode)

			final Iterator iter =endGameModeChunks.iterator();
			while (iter.hasNext())
				EndGameModeChunk chunk =(EndGameModeChunk);
				if ( chunk.equals(pieceNumber, offset))
		} finally

	public final void clearEndGameChunks()
		if (!endGameMode)
			endGameMode =false;
		} finally

	private boolean
		List	p_ps = priority_providers.getList();

		if ( p_ps.size() == 0 ){

			if ( provider_piece_priorities != null ){


				provider_piece_priorities = null;


			provider_piece_priorities = new long[nbPieces];

			for (int i=0;i<p_ps.size();i++){

				PiecePriorityProvider	shaper = (PiecePriorityProvider)p_ps.get(i);

				final long[] priorities = shaper.updatePriorities( this );

				if ( priorities == null ){


				for (int j=0;j<priorities.length;j++){

					long priority = priorities[j];

					if ( priority != 0 ){

						provider_piece_priorities[j] += priority;

		List	rta_ps = rta_providers.getList();

		if ( rta_ps.size() == 0 ){

			if ( provider_piece_rtas != null ){

				// coming out of real-time mode - clear down 

				for (int i=0;i<pePieces.length;i++){

					PEPiece	piece = pePieces[i];

					if ( piece != null ){


				provider_piece_rtas = null;

			return( false );


			boolean	has_rta = false;

			// prolly more efficient to reallocate than reset to 0

			provider_piece_rtas = new long[nbPieces];

			for (int i=0;i<rta_ps.size();i++){

				PieceRTAProvider	shaper = (PieceRTAProvider)rta_ps.get(i);

				final long[]	offsets = shaper.updateRTAs( this );

				if ( offsets == null ){


				for (int j=0;j<offsets.length;j++){

					long rta = offsets[j];

					if ( rta > 0 ){

						if ( provider_piece_rtas[j] == 0 ){

							provider_piece_rtas[j] = rta;


							provider_piece_rtas[j] = Math.min( provider_piece_rtas[j], rta );

						has_rta	= true;

			return( has_rta );

	public void
			PieceRTAProvider		provider )
		rta_providers.add( provider );

		Iterator	it = listeners.iterator();

		while( it.hasNext()){

				((PiecePickerListener) provider );

			}catch( Throwable e ){


	public void
			PieceRTAProvider		provider )
		rta_providers.remove( provider );

		Iterator	it = listeners.iterator();

		while( it.hasNext()){

				((PiecePickerListener) provider );

			}catch( Throwable e ){


	public List
		return( rta_providers.getList());

	public void 
			PiecePriorityProvider		provider )
		priority_providers.add( provider );

		Iterator	it = listeners.iterator();

		while( it.hasNext()){

				((PiecePickerListener) provider );

			}catch( Throwable e ){


	public void
			PiecePriorityProvider		provider )
		priority_providers.remove( provider );

		Iterator	it = listeners.iterator();

		while( it.hasNext()){

				((PiecePickerListener) provider );

			}catch( Throwable e ){


	public List
		return( rta_providers.getList());

	public void 
			PiecePickerListener		listener )
		listeners.add( listener );

		Iterator	it = rta_providers.iterator();

		while( it.hasNext()){


	public void 
			PiecePickerListener		listener )
		listeners.remove( listener );

	 * An instance of this listener is registered with peerControl
	 * Through this, we learn of peers joining and leaving
	 * and attach/detach listeners to them
	private class PEPeerManagerListenerImpl
	implements PEPeerManagerListener
		public final void peerAdded(final PEPeerManager manager, PEPeer peer )
			PEPeerListenerImpl peerListener;
			peerListener =(PEPeerListenerImpl)peerListeners.get(peer);
			if (peerListener ==null)
				peerListener =new PEPeerListenerImpl();
				peerListeners.put(peer, peerListener);

		public final void peerRemoved(final PEPeerManager manager, PEPeer peer)
			// remove this listener from list of listeners and from the peer
			final PEPeerListenerImpl peerListener =(PEPeerListenerImpl)peerListeners.remove(peer);

		public void

	 * An instance of this listener is registered with each peer
	private class PEPeerListenerImpl
	implements PEPeerListener
		public final void stateChanged(PEPeer peer, final int newState)
			switch (newState)
			case PEPeer.CONNECTING:



			case PEPeer.CLOSING:


		public final void sentBadChunk(final PEPeer peer, final int piece_num, final int total_bad_chunks )
			/* nothing to do here */

		public final void addAvailability(final PEPeer peer, final BitFlags peerHavePieces)
			if (peerHavePieces ==null ||peerHavePieces.nbSet <=0)
			{	availabilityMon.enter();
			if ( availabilityAsynch == null ){
				availabilityAsynch = (int[])availability.clone();
			for (int i =peerHavePieces.start; i <=peerHavePieces.end; i++)
				if ( peerHavePieces.flags[i] ){
			} finally {availabilityMon.exit();}

		 * Takes away the given pieces from global availability
		 * @param PEPeer peer this is about
		 * @param peerHasPieces BitFlags of the pieces
		public final void removeAvailability(final PEPeer peer, final BitFlags peerHavePieces)
			if (peerHavePieces ==null ||peerHavePieces.nbSet <=0)
			{	availabilityMon.enter();
			if (availabilityAsynch ==null)
				availabilityAsynch = (int[])availability.clone();
			for (int i =peerHavePieces.start; i <=peerHavePieces.end; i++)
				if (peerHavePieces.flags[i])
					if (availabilityAsynch[i] >(dmPieces[i].isDone() ?1 :0))
			} finally {availabilityMon.exit();}

	 * An instance of this listener is registered with peerControl
	 * @author MjrTom
	private class DiskManagerListenerImpl
	implements DiskManagerListener
		public final void stateChanged(int oldState, int newState)
			//starting torrent

		public final void filePriorityChanged(DiskManagerFileInfo file)
			// record that user-based priorities changed
			filePriorityChange++;	// this is a user's priority change event

			// only need to re-calc Needed on file's pieces; priority is calculated seperatly
			boolean foundPieceToDownload =false;
			// if didn't have anything to do before, now only need to check if we need
			// to DL from this file, but if had something to do before,
			// must rescan all pieces to see if now nothing to do
			final int startI;
			final int endI;
			if (hasNeededUndonePiece)
				startI =0;
				endI =nbPieces;
			} else
				startI =file.getFirstPieceNumber();
				endI =file.getLastPieceNumber() +1;
			for (int i =startI; i <endI; i++)
				final DiskManagerPiece dmPiece =dmPieces[i];
				if (!dmPiece.isDone())
					foundPieceToDownload |=dmPiece.calcNeeded();
			if (foundPieceToDownload ^hasNeededUndonePiece)
				hasNeededUndonePiece =foundPieceToDownload;

		public final void pieceDoneChanged(DiskManagerPiece dmPiece)
			final int pieceNumber =dmPiece.getPieceNumber();
			if (dmPiece.isDone())
				if (nbPiecesDone >=nbPieces)
				{   availabilityMon.enter();
				if ( availabilityAsynch == null ){
					availabilityAsynch = (int[])availability.clone();
				if (availabilityAsynch[pieceNumber] >0)
				} finally {availabilityMon.exit();}
				if (dmPiece.calcNeeded() &&!hasNeededUndonePiece)
					hasNeededUndonePiece =true;

		public final void fileAccessModeChanged(DiskManagerFileInfo file, int old_mode, int new_mode)
			//file done (write to read)
			//starting to upload from the file (read to write)

	public void
	public String
			int	piece_number )
		String	str;
		long priority = startPriorities==null?0:startPriorities[piece_number];
		if  ( priority == PRIORITY_REALTIME ){
			long[]	rta = provider_piece_rtas;
			str = "pri=rta:" + (rta==null?"?":("" + (rta[piece_number] - SystemTime.getCurrentTime())));
			str = "pri=" + priority;
		long[] exts = provider_piece_priorities;
		if ( exts != null ){
			str += ",ext=" + exts[piece_number];

		return( str );

	public void
			IndentWriter	writer )
		writer.println( "Piece Picker" );


			writer.println( "globalAvail: " + globalAvail );
			writer.println( "globalAvgAvail: " + globalAvgAvail );
			writer.println( "nbRarestActive: " + nbRarestActive );
			writer.println( "globalMin: " + globalMin );
			writer.println( "globalMinOthers: " + globalMinOthers );
			writer.println( "hasNeededUndonePiece: " + hasNeededUndonePiece );
			writer.println( "endGameMode: " + endGameMode );
			writer.println( "endGameModeAbandoned: " + endGameModeAbandoned );
			writer.println( "endGameModeChunks: " + endGameModeChunks );			



	protected class
		private List[]	peer_requests;

				PEPiece		piece )
			int	nb = piece.getNbBlocks();

			peer_requests 	= new List[nb];

			for (int i=0;i<peer_requests.length;i++){
				peer_requests[i] = new ArrayList(1);

		public final List[]
			return( peer_requests );

	protected class
		private PEPeerTransport			peer;
		private DiskManagerReadRequest	request;

				PEPeerTransport			_peer,
				DiskManagerReadRequest	_request )
			peer		= _peer;
			request		= _request;

		protected PEPeerTransport
			return( peer );

		protected DiskManagerReadRequest
			return( request );