PiecePickerImpl.javaAPI DocAzureus Aug 14 22:27:08 BST 2007com.aelitis.azureus.core.peermanager.piecepicker.impl


public class PiecePickerImpl extends Object implements PiecePicker

Fields Summary
private static final boolean
private static final LogIDs
private static final long
min ms for recalculating availability - reducing this has serious ramifications
private static final long
min ms for recalculating base priorities
private static final long
min ms for forced availability rebuild
private static final int
user select prioritize first/last
private static final long
min # pieces in file for first/last prioritization
private static final int
user sets file as "High"
private static final int
Additional boost for more completed High priority
private static final int
priority boost due to being too old
private static final int
ms a block is expected to complete in
private static final int
ms since last write
private static final int
finish pieces already almost done
private static final int
keep working on same piece
private static final int
currently webseeds + other explicit priorities are around 10000 or more - at this point we ignore rarity
private static final int
private static final int
priority at and above which pieces require real-time scheduling
private static final int
Min number of requests sent to a peer
private static final int
Max number of request sent to a peer
private static final int
Default number of requests sent to a peer, (for each X B/s another request will be used)
private static final long
private static final long
protected static volatile boolean
protected static volatile boolean
protected static volatile long
event # of user settings controlling priority changes
private static final int
private static final int
private final DiskManager
private final PEPeerControl
private final DiskManagerListenerImpl
protected final Map
private final PEPeerManagerListener
protected final int
protected final DiskManagerPiece[]
protected final PEPiece[]
protected final AEMonitor
private final AEMonitor
protected volatile int
protected volatile int[]
asyncronously updated availability
protected volatile long
indicates availability needs to be recomputed due to detected drift
private long
protected volatile int[]
periodically updated consistent view of availability for calculating
private long
protected volatile long
private volatile long
private long
private long
private float
private float
private int
private int
private int
private volatile int
The rarest availability level of pieces that we affirmatively want to try to request from others soonest ie; our prime targets for requesting rarest pieces
protected volatile long
event # of user file priority settings changes
private volatile long
last user parameter settings event # when priority bases were calculated
private volatile long
last user priority event # when priority bases were calculated
private volatile long
last availability event # when priority bases were calculated
private boolean
private long
time that base priorities were last computed
private int[]
the priority for starting each piece/base priority for resuming
protected volatile boolean
protected volatile long
private volatile boolean
A flag to indicate when we're in endgame mode
private volatile boolean
private volatile long
private List
The list of chunks needing to be downloaded (the mechanism change when entering end-game mode)
private long
private com.aelitis.azureus.core.util.CopyOnWriteList
private long[]
private com.aelitis.azureus.core.util.CopyOnWriteList
private long[]
private int
private static boolean
private com.aelitis.azureus.core.util.CopyOnWriteList
Constructors Summary
public PiecePickerImpl(PEPeerControl pc)

		class ParameterListenerImpl
		implements ParameterListener
			public final void parameterChanged(final String parameterName)
				if (parameterName.equals("Prioritize Most Completed Files"))
					completionPriority =COConfigurationManager.getBooleanParameter(parameterName);
					paramPriorityChange++;	// this is a user's priority change event
				} else if (parameterName.equals("Prioritize First Piece"))
					firstPiecePriority =COConfigurationManager.getBooleanParameter(parameterName);
					paramPriorityChange++;	// this is a user's priority change event
			    }else if ( parameterName.equals( "Piece Picker Request Hint Enabled" )){
			    	enable_request_hints = COConfigurationManager.getBooleanParameter(parameterName);

		final ParameterListenerImpl	parameterListener =new ParameterListenerImpl();

		COConfigurationManager.addParameterListener("Prioritize Most Completed Files", parameterListener);
		COConfigurationManager.addAndFireParameterListener("Prioritize First Piece", parameterListener);
		COConfigurationManager.addAndFireParameterListener("Piece Picker Request Hint Enabled", parameterListener);

		// class administration first

		peerControl	= pc;
		diskManager = peerControl.getDiskManager();
		dmPieces =diskManager.getPieces();
		nbPieces =diskManager.getNbPieces();
		nbPiecesDone =0;

		pePieces = pc.getPieces();

		// now do stuff related to availability
		availability =new int[nbPieces];  //always needed

		hasNeededUndonePiece =false;
		neededUndonePieceChange =Long.MIN_VALUE;

		// ensure all periodic calculaters perform operations at least once
		time_last_avail =Long.MIN_VALUE;
		availabilityChange =Long.MIN_VALUE +1;
		availabilityComputeChange =Long.MIN_VALUE;
		availabilityDrift =nbPieces;

		// initialize each piece; on going changes will use event driven tracking
		for (int i =0; i <nbPieces; i++)
			if (dmPieces[i].isDone()){
				hasNeededUndonePiece |=dmPieces[i].calcNeeded();
		if (hasNeededUndonePiece)


		// with availability charged and primed, ready for peer messages
		peerListeners =new HashMap();
		peerManagerListener =new PEPeerManagerListenerImpl();

		// now do stuff related to starting/continuing pieces
//		startPriorities =new long[nbPieces];
		filePriorityChange =Long.MIN_VALUE;

		priorityParamChange =Long.MIN_VALUE;
		priorityFileChange =Long.MIN_VALUE;
		priorityAvailChange =Long.MIN_VALUE;

		timeLastPriorities =Long.MIN_VALUE;

		endGameMode =false;
		endGameModeAbandoned =false;
		timeEndGameModeEntered =0;

//		computeBasePriorities();

		// with priorities charged and primed, ready for dm messages
		diskManagerListener =new DiskManagerListenerImpl();
Methods Summary
public final voidaddEndGameBlocks(PEPiece pePiece)
adds blocks from the piece that are neither downloaded nor written to the list of chuncks to be selected for egm requesting

		if (!endGameMode ||pePiece ==null)
		final DiskManagerPiece dmPiece =pePiece.getDMPiece();
		final int nbChunks =pePiece.getNbBlocks();
			for (int i =0; i <nbChunks; i++ )
				if (!pePiece.isDownloaded(i) &&!dmPiece.isWritten(i))
					endGameModeChunks.add(new EndGameModeChunk(pePiece, i));
		} finally
public final voidaddEndGameChunks(PEPiece pePiece)
adds every block from the piece to the list of chuncks to be selected for egm requesting

		if (!endGameMode)
			final int nbChunks =pePiece.getNbBlocks();
			for (int i =0; i <nbChunks; i++ )
				endGameModeChunks.add(new EndGameModeChunk(pePiece, i));
		} finally
public final voidaddHavePiece(PEPeer peer, int pieceNumber)

		// peer is null if called from disk-manager callback
		{	availabilityMon.enter();
		if ( availabilityAsynch == null ){
			availabilityAsynch = (int[])availability.clone();
		} finally {availabilityMon.exit();}

		// if this is an interesting piece then clear any record of "no requests" so the peer gets
		// scheduled next loop

		if ( peer != null && dmPieces[pieceNumber].isDownloadable()){
public voidaddListener(PiecePickerListener listener)

		listeners.add( listener );

		Iterator	it = rta_providers.iterator();

		while( it.hasNext()){

public voidaddPriorityProvider(PiecePriorityProvider provider)

		priority_providers.add( provider );

		Iterator	it = listeners.iterator();

		while( it.hasNext()){

				((PiecePickerListener) provider );

			}catch( Throwable e ){

public voidaddRTAProvider(PieceRTAProvider provider)

		rta_providers.add( provider );

		Iterator	it = listeners.iterator();

		while( it.hasNext()){

				((PiecePickerListener) provider );

			}catch( Throwable e ){

public final voidallocateRequests()
one reason requests don't stem from the individual peers is so the connections can be sorted by best uploaders, providing some ooprtunity to download the most important (ie; rarest and/or highest priority) pieces faster and more reliably

		if (!hasNeededUndonePiece){


		final List peers =peerControl.getPeers();
		final int peersSize =peers.size();

		final long[] upRates =new long[peersSize];
		final ArrayList bestUploaders =new ArrayList( peersSize );

		for (int i =0; i <peersSize; i++){

			final PEPeerTransport peer =(PEPeerTransport) peers.get(i);

			if (peer.isDownloadPossible())

				int	no_req_count 	= peer.getConsecutiveNoRequestCount();

				if ( 	no_req_count == 0 || 
						allocate_request_loop_count % ( no_req_count + 1 ) == 0 )

					final long upRate =peer.getStats().getSmoothDataReceiveRate();
					UnchokerUtil.updateLargestValueFirstSort(upRate, upRates, peer, bestUploaders, 0);

		final int uploadersSize =bestUploaders.size();

		if ( uploadersSize ==0 ){

			// no usable peers, bail out early

		boolean	done_priorities = false;

		if ( priorityRTAexists ){

			LinkedList	block_time_order_peers = new LinkedList();

			block_time_order_peers.addAll( bestUploaders );

					new Comparator()
						public int 
								Object arg1, 
								Object arg2) 
							PEPeerTransport pt1	= (PEPeerTransport)arg1;
							PEPeerTransport pt2	= (PEPeerTransport)arg2;

							return( getNextBlockETAFromNow( pt1 ) - getNextBlockETAFromNow( pt2 ));

			PEPeerTransport	best_uploader = (PEPeerTransport)bestUploaders.get(0);

			// give priority pieces the first look-in
			// we need to sort by how quickly the peer can get a block, not just its base speed

			boolean	allocated_request = true;

			Set	allocations_started	= new HashSet();

				while( allocated_request && priorityRTAexists ){

					allocated_request = false;

					Iterator	it = block_time_order_peers.iterator();

					while( it.hasNext()){

						final PEPeerTransport pt =(PEPeerTransport);

						if ( !pt.isDownloadPossible() || pt.isSnubbed()){



						// ignore request number advice from peers in RTA mode, we gotta do what we can

						int maxRequests = REQUESTS_MIN +(int)( pt.getStats().getDataReceiveRate() /SLOPE_REQUESTS );

						if ( maxRequests > REQUESTS_MAX || maxRequests < 0 ){

							maxRequests = REQUESTS_MAX;

						if ( pt.getNbRequests() <= maxRequests ){

							if ( !done_priorities ){

								done_priorities	= true;


								if ( !priorityRTAexists ){

									// might have stopped RTA as this is calculated in computeBasePriorities


							if ( !allocations_started.contains( pt )){

								pt.requestAllocationStarts( startPriorities );

								allocations_started.add( pt );

							if ( findRTAPieceToDownload( pt, pt == best_uploader )){

								allocated_request = true;




				Iterator	it = allocations_started.iterator();

				while( it.hasNext()){



		for (int i =0; i <uploadersSize; i++){

			final PEPeerTransport pt =(PEPeerTransport) bestUploaders.get(i);
			// can we transfer something?
			if (pt.isDownloadPossible()){

				int	peer_request_num = pt.getMaxNbRequests();

				// If request queue is too low, enqueue another request

				int maxRequests;

				if ( peer_request_num != -1 ){

					maxRequests = peer_request_num;

					if (!pt.isSnubbed()){

						if (!endGameMode){
							maxRequests =REQUESTS_MIN +(int) (pt.getStats().getDataReceiveRate() /SLOPE_REQUESTS);
							if (maxRequests >REQUESTS_MAX ||maxRequests <0)
								maxRequests =REQUESTS_MAX;
							maxRequests =2;
						maxRequests =1;

				// Only loop when 3/5 of the queue is empty, in order to make more consecutive requests,
				// and improve cache efficiency

				if ( pt.getNbRequests() <=(maxRequests *3) /5){

					if ( !done_priorities ){

						done_priorities	= true;


					int	total_allocated = 0;

						boolean	peer_managing_requests = pt.requestAllocationStarts( startPriorities );

						while ( pt.isDownloadPossible() && pt.getNbRequests() < maxRequests ){

							// is there anything else to download?

							int	allocated;

							if ( peer_managing_requests || !endGameMode ){

								allocated = findPieceToDownload(pt, maxRequests );


								allocated = findPieceInEndGameMode(pt, maxRequests);

							if ( allocated == 0 ){	                		



								total_allocated += allocated;


					if ( total_allocated == 0 ){

						// there are various reasons that we might not allocate any requests to a peer
						// such as them not having any pieces we're interested in. Keep track of the 
						// number of consecutive "no requests" outcomes so we can reduce the scheduling
						// frequency of such peers

						int	no_req_count = pt.getConsecutiveNoRequestCount();

						if ( no_req_count < NO_REQUEST_BACKOFF_MAX_LOOPS ){

							pt.setConsecutiveNoRequestCount( no_req_count + 2 );

						// System.out.println( pt.getIp() + ": nb=" + pt.getNbRequests() + ",max=" + maxRequests + ",nrc=" + no_req_count +",loop=" + allocate_request_loop_count); 


						pt.setConsecutiveNoRequestCount( 0 );
protected final voidcheckDownloadablePiece()
Early-outs when finds a downloadable piece Either way sets hasNeededUndonePiece and neededUndonePieceChange if necessary

		for (int i =0; i <nbPieces; i++)
			if (dmPieces[i].isInteresting())
				if (!hasNeededUndonePiece)
					hasNeededUndonePiece =true;
		if (hasNeededUndonePiece)
			hasNeededUndonePiece =false;
private final voidcheckEndGameMode()

		if (peerControl.getNbSeeds() +peerControl.getNbPeers() <3)
		final long now =SystemTime.getCurrentTime();
		// We can't come back from end-game mode
		if (endGameMode ||endGameModeAbandoned)
			if (!endGameModeAbandoned)
				if (now -timeEndGameModeEntered >END_GAME_MODE_TIMEOUT)
					endGameModeAbandoned =true;

					if (Logger.isEnabled())
						Logger.log(new LogEvent(diskManager.getTorrent(), LOGID, "Abandoning end-game mode: "

		int active_pieces =0;

		for (int i =0; i <nbPieces; i++)
			final DiskManagerPiece dmPiece =dmPieces[i];
			// If the piece isn't even Needed, or doesn't need more downloading, simply continue
			if (!dmPiece.isDownloadable())

			final PEPiece pePiece = pePieces[i];

			if ( pePiece != null && pePiece.isDownloaded()){

			// If the piece is being downloaded (fully requested), count it and continue
			if ( pePiece != null && pePiece.isRequested() && dmPiece.isNeeded())
				active_pieces++ ;

			// Else, some piece is Needed, not downloaded/fully requested; this isn't end game mode

		// only flick into end-game mode if < trigger size left
		if (active_pieces *diskManager.getPieceLength() <=END_GAME_MODE_SIZE_TRIGGER)
			endGameModeChunks =new ArrayList();

			timeEndGameModeEntered =now;
			endGameMode =true;
			if (Logger.isEnabled())
				Logger.log(new LogEvent(diskManager.getTorrent(), LOGID, "Entering end-game mode: "
			// System.out.println("End-Game Mode activated");
public final voidclearEndGameChunks()

		if (!endGameMode)
			endGameMode =false;
		} finally
private final voidcomputeBasePriorities()
This computes the base priority for all pieces that need requesting if there's been any availability change or user priority setting changes since the last call, which will be most of the time since availability changes so dynamicaly It will change startPriorities[] (unless there was nothing to do)

		final long now =SystemTime.getCurrentTime();

		if ( now < lastProviderRecalcTime || now - lastProviderRecalcTime > 1000 ){

			lastProviderRecalcTime = now;

			priorityRTAexists = computeProviderPriorities();

		if ( !priorityRTAexists ){
			if (startPriorities !=null &&((now >timeLastPriorities &&now <time_last_avail +TIME_MIN_PRIORITIES)
					||(priorityParamChange >=paramPriorityChange &&priorityFileChange >=filePriorityChange
							&&priorityAvailChange >=availabilityChange)))
				return;		// *somehow* nothing changed, so nothing to do

		// store the latest change indicators before we start making dependent calculations so that a
		// further change while computing stuff doesn't get lost

		timeLastPriorities =now;
		priorityParamChange =paramPriorityChange;
		priorityFileChange =filePriorityChange;
		priorityAvailChange =availabilityChange;

		boolean			foundPieceToDownload =false;
		final int[]		newPriorities   =new int[nbPieces];

		// locals are a tiny bit faster
		final boolean firstPiecePriorityL =firstPiecePriority;
		final boolean completionPriorityL =completionPriority;

            final boolean rarestOverride =isRarestOverride();
			// calculate all base (starting) priorities for all pieces needing requesting
			final int nbConnects =peerControl.getNbPeers() +peerControl.getNbSeeds();
			for (int i =0; i <nbPieces; i++)
				final DiskManagerPiece dmPiece =dmPieces[i];
				if (dmPiece.isDone())
					continue;	// nothing to do for pieces not needing requesting

				int priority =Integer.MIN_VALUE;
				int startPriority =Integer.MIN_VALUE;

				final DMPieceList pieceList =diskManager.getPieceList(dmPiece.getPieceNumber());
				final int pieceListSize =pieceList.size();
				for (int j =0; j <pieceListSize; j++)
					final DiskManagerFileInfoImpl fileInfo =pieceList.get(j).getFile();
					final long downloaded =fileInfo.getDownloaded();
					final long length =fileInfo.getLength();
					if (length >0 &&downloaded <length &&!fileInfo.isSkipped())
						priority =0;
						// user option "prioritize first and last piece"
						// TODO: should prioritize ~10% from edges of file
						if (firstPiecePriorityL &&fileInfo.getNbPieces() >FIRST_PIECE_MIN_NB)
							/* backed out for the moment - reverting to old first/last piece only
                        	int lastFirstPiece = fileInfo.getFirstPieceNumber() + FIRST_PIECE_RANGE_PERCENT * (fileInfo.getLastPieceNumber() - fileInfo.getFirstPieceNumber()) / 100;

                        	if ( (i >=fileInfo.getFirstPieceNumber() && i<= lastFirstPiece ) ) {
                                priority +=PRIORITY_W_FIRSTLAST + 10 * (lastFirstPiece - i) ;

                            if( i ==fileInfo.getLastPieceNumber() ) {
                            	priority +=PRIORITY_W_FIRSTLAST;
							if (i == fileInfo.getFirstPieceNumber() ||i == fileInfo.getLastPieceNumber())
								priority +=PRIORITY_W_FIRSTLAST;
						// if the file is high-priority
						// startPriority +=(1000 *fileInfo.getPriority()) /255;
						if (fileInfo.isPriority())
							priority +=PRIORITY_W_FILE;
							if (completionPriorityL)
								final long percent =(1000 *downloaded) /length;
								if (percent >=900)
									priority +=(PRIORITY_W_COMPLETION *downloaded) /diskManager.getTotalLength();
						if (priority >startPriority)
							startPriority =priority;

				if (startPriority >=0)
					foundPieceToDownload =true;
					final int avail =availability[i];
					// nbconnects is async calculate so may be wrong - make sure we don't decrease pri by accident
					if (avail >0 && nbConnects > avail )
					{   // boost priority for rarity
						startPriority +=nbConnects -avail;
//						startPriority +=(PRIORITY_W_RARE +peerControl.getNbPeers()) /avail;
						// Boost priority even a little more if it's a globally rarest piece
						if (!rarestOverride &&avail <=globalMinOthers)
							startPriority +=nbConnects /avail;

					if ( provider_piece_rtas != null ){

						if ( provider_piece_rtas[i] > 0 ){

							startPriority 	= PRIORITY_REALTIME;
					}else if ( provider_piece_priorities != null ){

						startPriority += provider_piece_priorities[i];


				newPriorities[i] =startPriority;
		} catch (Throwable e)

		if (foundPieceToDownload !=hasNeededUndonePiece)
			hasNeededUndonePiece =foundPieceToDownload;

		startPriorities =newPriorities;
private final voidcomputeEndGameModeChunks()


			for (int i =0; i <nbPieces; i++ )
				final DiskManagerPiece dmPiece =dmPieces[i];
				// Pieces not Needed or not needing more downloading are of no interest
				if (!dmPiece.isInteresting())

				PEPiece pePiece = pePieces[i];
				if (pePiece ==null)
					pePiece = new PEPieceImpl(peerControl,dmPiece,0);

				final boolean written[] =dmPiece.getWritten();
				if (written ==null)
					if (!dmPiece.isDone())
						for (int j =0; j <pePiece.getNbBlocks(); j++ )
							endGameModeChunks.add(new EndGameModeChunk(pePiece, j));
				} else
					for (int j =0; j <written.length; j++ )
						if (!written[j])
							endGameModeChunks.add(new EndGameModeChunk(pePiece, j));
		} finally
private booleancomputeProviderPriorities()

		List	p_ps = priority_providers.getList();

		if ( p_ps.size() == 0 ){

			if ( provider_piece_priorities != null ){


				provider_piece_priorities = null;


			provider_piece_priorities = new long[nbPieces];

			for (int i=0;i<p_ps.size();i++){

				PiecePriorityProvider	shaper = (PiecePriorityProvider)p_ps.get(i);

				final long[] priorities = shaper.updatePriorities( this );

				if ( priorities == null ){


				for (int j=0;j<priorities.length;j++){

					long priority = priorities[j];

					if ( priority != 0 ){

						provider_piece_priorities[j] += priority;

		List	rta_ps = rta_providers.getList();

		if ( rta_ps.size() == 0 ){

			if ( provider_piece_rtas != null ){

				// coming out of real-time mode - clear down 

				for (int i=0;i<pePieces.length;i++){

					PEPiece	piece = pePieces[i];

					if ( piece != null ){


				provider_piece_rtas = null;

			return( false );


			boolean	has_rta = false;

			// prolly more efficient to reallocate than reset to 0

			provider_piece_rtas = new long[nbPieces];

			for (int i=0;i<rta_ps.size();i++){

				PieceRTAProvider	shaper = (PieceRTAProvider)rta_ps.get(i);

				final long[]	offsets = shaper.updateRTAs( this );

				if ( offsets == null ){


				for (int j=0;j<offsets.length;j++){

					long rta = offsets[j];

					if ( rta > 0 ){

						if ( provider_piece_rtas[j] == 0 ){

							provider_piece_rtas[j] = rta;


							provider_piece_rtas[j] = Math.min( provider_piece_rtas[j], rta );

						has_rta	= true;

			return( has_rta );
public voiddestroy()

protected final intfindPieceInEndGameMode(PEPeerTransport pt, int wants)

		if (pt ==null ||wants <=0 ||pt.getPeerState() !=PEPeer.TRANSFERING)
			return 0;
		// Ok, we try one, if it doesn't work, we'll try another next time

			final int nbChunks =endGameModeChunks.size();
			if (nbChunks >0)
				final int random =RandomUtils.generateRandomIntUpto(nbChunks);
				final EndGameModeChunk chunk =(EndGameModeChunk) endGameModeChunks.get(random);
				final int pieceNumber =chunk.getPieceNumber();
				if (dmPieces[pieceNumber].isWritten(chunk.getBlockNumber()))
					return 0;
				final PEPiece	pePiece = pePieces[pieceNumber];
				if (pt.isPieceAvailable(pieceNumber)
						&&pePiece != null 
						&&(!pt.isSnubbed() ||availability[pieceNumber] <=peerControl.getNbPeersSnubbed())
						&&pt.request(pieceNumber, chunk.getOffset(), chunk.getLength()) != null )
					pePiece.setRequested(pt, chunk.getBlockNumber());
					return 1;
			// we're here because there are no endgame mode chunks left
			// either the torrent is done or something unusual happened
			// cleanup anyway and allow a proper re-entry into endgame mode if neccessary
			endGameMode = false;
			timeEndGameModeEntered = 0;
		} finally

		return 0;
protected final intfindPieceToDownload(PEPeerTransport pt, int nbWanted)

pt the PEPeerTransport we're working on
int # of blocks that were requested (0 if no requests were made)

		final int pieceNumber =getRequestCandidate(pt);
		if (pieceNumber <0)
			// probaly should have found something since chose to try; probably not interested anymore
			// (or maybe Needed but not Done pieces are otherwise not requestable)
			// pt.checkInterested();
			return 0;

		final int peerSpeed =(int) pt.getStats().getDataReceiveRate() /1000;

		PEPiece pePiece = pePieces[pieceNumber];
		if ( pePiece==null ){

			int[]	peer_priority_offsets = pt.getPriorityOffsets();

			int	this_offset = peer_priority_offsets==null?0:peer_priority_offsets[pieceNumber];

			//create piece manually

			pePiece =new PEPieceImpl(pt.getManager(), dmPieces[pieceNumber], peerSpeed >>1);

			// Assign the created piece to the pieces array.
			peerControl.addPiece(pePiece, pieceNumber);
			if (startPriorities !=null){
				pePiece.setResumePriority(startPriorities[pieceNumber] + this_offset);
				pePiece.setResumePriority( this_offset );
			if (availability[pieceNumber] <=globalMinOthers)

		final int[] blocksFound =pePiece.getAndMarkBlocks(pt, nbWanted,enable_request_hints  );
		final int blockNumber =blocksFound[0];
		final int nbBlocks =blocksFound[1];

		if (nbBlocks <=0)
			return 0;

		int requested =0;
		// really try to send the request to the peer
		for (int i =0; i <nbBlocks; i++)
			final int thisBlock =blockNumber +i;
			if (pt.request(pieceNumber, thisBlock *DiskManager.BLOCK_SIZE, pePiece.getBlockSize(thisBlock)) != null )

				pePiece.setLastRequestedPeerSpeed( peerSpeed );
				// have requested a block
		return requested;
protected final booleanfindRTAPieceToDownload(PEPeerTransport pt, boolean best_uploader)

		if ( pt == null || pt.getPeerState() != PEPeer.TRANSFERING ){

			return( false );

		final BitFlags  peerHavePieces =pt.getAvailable();

		if ( peerHavePieces ==null || peerHavePieces.nbSet <=0 ){

			return( false );

		final int       peerSpeed =(int) pt.getStats().getDataReceiveRate() /1000;  // how many KB/s has the peer has been sending

		final int	startI 	= peerHavePieces.start;
		final int	endI 	= peerHavePieces.end;

		int	piece_min_rta_index	= -1;
		int piece_min_rta_block	= 0;
		long piece_min_rta_time	= Long.MAX_VALUE;

		long	now = SystemTime.getCurrentTime();

		long	my_next_block_eta = now + getNextBlockETAFromNow( pt );

		for ( int i=startI; i <=endI; i++){

			long piece_rta = provider_piece_rtas[i];

			if ( peerHavePieces.flags[i] && startPriorities[i] == PRIORITY_REALTIME && piece_rta > 0 ){

				if ( LOG_RTA ){
					System.out.println( "findPiece: " + i + "/" + (piece_rta - now));

				final DiskManagerPiece dmPiece =dmPieces[i];

				if ( !dmPiece.isDownloadable()){


				final PEPiece pePiece = pePieces[i];

				if ( pePiece != null && pePiece.isDownloaded()){


				Object realtime_data = null;

				if ( piece_rta >= piece_min_rta_time  ){

					if ( LOG_RTA ){
						System.out.println( "    less urgent" );
					// piece is less urgent than an already found one

				}else if ( my_next_block_eta > piece_rta && !best_uploader ){

					// only allocate if we have a chance of getting this block in time or we're
					// the best uploader we've got

					if ( LOG_RTA ){
						System.out.println( "    we're not fast enough" );

				}else if ( pePiece == null || ( realtime_data = pePiece.getRealTimeData()) == null ){

					if ( LOG_RTA ){
						System.out.println( "    alloc new" );

					// no real-time block allocated yet

					piece_min_rta_time 	= piece_rta;
					piece_min_rta_index = i;


					RealTimeData	rtd = (RealTimeData)realtime_data;

					// check the blocks to see if any are now lagging behind their ETA given current peer speed

					List[]	peer_requests = rtd.getRequests();

					for (int j=0;j<peer_requests.length;j++){

						if ( LOG_RTA ){
							System.out.println( "    block " + j );

						if ( pePiece.isDownloaded( j ) || pePiece.isWritten( j )){

							// this block is already downloaded, ignore


						List	block_peer_requests = peer_requests[j];

						long best_eta = Long.MAX_VALUE;

						boolean	pt_already_present  = false;

						// tidy up existing request data

						Iterator	it = block_peer_requests.iterator();

						while( it.hasNext()){

							RealTimePeerRequest	pr = (RealTimePeerRequest);

							PEPeerTransport	this_pt = pr.getPeer();

							if ( this_pt.getPeerState() != PEPeer.TRANSFERING ){

								if ( LOG_RTA ){
									System.out.println( "        peer dead" );

								// peer's dead




							DiskManagerReadRequest	this_request = pr.getRequest();

							int	request_index = this_pt.getRequestIndex( this_request );

							if ( request_index == -1 ){

								if ( LOG_RTA ){
									System.out.println( "        request lost" );

								// request's gone



							if ( this_pt == pt ){

								if ( LOG_RTA ){
									System.out.println( "        already req" );

								pt_already_present	= true;


							long this_up_bps = this_pt.getStats().getDataReceiveRate();

							if ( this_up_bps < 1 ){

								this_up_bps = 1;

							int	next_block_bytes = ( request_index + 1 ) * DiskManager.BLOCK_SIZE;

							long	this_peer_eta = now + (( next_block_bytes * 1000 ) / this_up_bps );

							best_eta = Math.min( best_eta, this_peer_eta );

							if ( LOG_RTA ){
								System.out.println( "        best_eta = " + ( best_eta - now ));


						// if we've not already requested this piece

						if ( !pt_already_present ){

							// and there are no outstanding requests or outstanding requests are lagging

							if ( block_peer_requests.size() == 0 ){

								if ( LOG_RTA ){
									System.out.println( "            block has no requests and is better rta" );

								piece_min_rta_time 	= piece_rta;
								piece_min_rta_index = i;
								piece_min_rta_block = j;

								break;	// earlier blocks always have priority

							}else if ( best_eta > piece_rta ){

								if ( LOG_RTA ){
									System.out.println( "        block is lagging" );

								// if we can do better than existing best effort allocate

								if ( my_next_block_eta < best_eta ){

									if ( LOG_RTA ){
										System.out.println( "            I can do better!" );

									piece_min_rta_time 	= piece_rta;
									piece_min_rta_index = i;
									piece_min_rta_block = j;

									break;	// earlier blocks always have priority

		if ( piece_min_rta_index != -1 ){

			PEPiece pePiece = pePieces[piece_min_rta_index];

			if ( pePiece == null ){

				// create piece manually

				pePiece = new PEPieceImpl( pt.getManager(), dmPieces[piece_min_rta_index], peerSpeed >>1 );

				// Assign the created piece to the pieces array.

				peerControl.addPiece(pePiece, piece_min_rta_index);

				pePiece.setResumePriority( PRIORITY_REALTIME );

				if ( availability[piece_min_rta_index] <=globalMinOthers ){


			RealTimeData	rtd = (RealTimeData)pePiece.getRealTimeData();

			if ( rtd == null ){

				rtd = new RealTimeData( pePiece );

				pePiece.setRealTimeData( rtd );

			pePiece.getAndMarkBlock( pt, piece_min_rta_block );

			DiskManagerReadRequest	request = pt.request(piece_min_rta_index, piece_min_rta_block *DiskManager.BLOCK_SIZE, pePiece.getBlockSize(piece_min_rta_block));

			if ( request != null ){

				List	real_time_requests = rtd.getRequests()[piece_min_rta_block];

				real_time_requests.add( new RealTimePeerRequest( pt, request ));

				if ( LOG_RTA ){

					System.out.println( "RT Request: " + piece_min_rta_index + "/" + piece_min_rta_block + " -> " + pt.getIp() + "[tot=" + real_time_requests.size() + "]" );


				pePiece.setLastRequestedPeerSpeed( peerSpeed );

			return( true );


			return( false );
public voidgenerateEvidence(IndentWriter writer)

		writer.println( "Piece Picker" );


			writer.println( "globalAvail: " + globalAvail );
			writer.println( "globalAvgAvail: " + globalAvgAvail );
			writer.println( "nbRarestActive: " + nbRarestActive );
			writer.println( "globalMin: " + globalMin );
			writer.println( "globalMinOthers: " + globalMinOthers );
			writer.println( "hasNeededUndonePiece: " + hasNeededUndonePiece );
			writer.println( "endGameMode: " + endGameMode );
			writer.println( "endGameModeAbandoned: " + endGameModeAbandoned );
			writer.println( "endGameModeChunks: " + endGameModeChunks );			


public final longgetAvailWentBadTime()

public final int[]getAvailability()

		return availability;
public final intgetAvailability(int pieceNumber)

		return availability[pieceNumber];
public final floatgetAvgAvail()

		return globalAvgAvail;
public final intgetMaxAvailability()

		return globalMax;
public final floatgetMinAvailability()

		return globalAvail;
public intgetNbPiecesDone()

		return nbPiecesDone;
public final longgetNeededUndonePieceChange()

		return neededUndonePieceChange;
protected intgetNextBlockETAFromNow(PEPeerTransport pt)

		long upRate = pt.getStats().getDataReceiveRate();

		if ( upRate < 1 ){

			upRate = 1;

		int	next_block_bytes = ( pt.getNbRequests() + 1 ) * DiskManager.BLOCK_SIZE;

		return((int)(( next_block_bytes * 1000 )/ upRate));
public intgetNumberOfPieces()

		return( nbPieces );
public java.lang.StringgetPieceString(int piece_number)

		String	str;
		long priority = startPriorities==null?0:startPriorities[piece_number];
		if  ( priority == PRIORITY_REALTIME ){
			long[]	rta = provider_piece_rtas;
			str = "pri=rta:" + (rta==null?"?":("" + (rta[piece_number] - SystemTime.getCurrentTime())));
			str = "pri=" + priority;
		long[] exts = provider_piece_priorities;
		if ( exts != null ){
			str += ",ext=" + exts[piece_number];

		return( str );
protected final intgetPieceToStart(com.aelitis.azureus.core.peermanager.piecepicker.util.BitFlags startCandidates)

startCandidates BitFlags of potential candidates to choose from
int the piece number that was chosen to be started. Note it's possible for the chosen piece to have been started already (by another thread). This method considers that potential to not be relevant.

		if (startCandidates ==null ||startCandidates.nbSet <=0)
			return -1;
		if (startCandidates.nbSet ==1)
			return startCandidates.start;

		final int direction =RandomUtils.generateRandomPlusMinus1();
		final int startI;
		if (direction ==1)
			startI =startCandidates.start;
			startI =startCandidates.end;

		// randomly select a bit flag to be the one
		final int targetNb =RandomUtils.generateRandomIntUpto(startCandidates.nbSet);

		// figure out the piece number of that selected bitflag
		int foundNb =-1;
		for (int i =startI; i <=startCandidates.end &&i >=startCandidates.start; i +=direction)
			// is piece flagged
			if (startCandidates.flags[i])
				if (foundNb >=targetNb)
					return i;
		return -1;
public java.util.ListgetPriorityProviders()

		return( rta_providers.getList());
public java.util.ListgetRTAProviders()

		return( rta_providers.getList());
private final intgetRequestCandidate(PEPeerTransport pt)
This method is the downloading core. It decides, for a given peer, which block should be requested. Here is the overall algorithm : 0. If there a FORCED_PIECE or reserved piece, that will be started/resumed if possible 1. Scan all the active pieces and find the rarest piece (and highest priority among equally rarest) that can possibly be continued by this peer, if any 2. While scanning the active pieces, develop a list of equally highest priority pieces (and equally rarest among those) as candidates for starting a new piece 3. If it can't find any piece, this means all pieces are already downloaded/full requested 4. Returns int[] pieceNumber, blockNumber if a request to be made is found, or null if none could be found

pc PEPeerTransport to work with
int with pieceNumberto be requested or -1 if no request could be found

        if (pt ==null ||pt.getPeerState() !=PEPeer.TRANSFERING)
            return -1;
        final BitFlags  peerHavePieces =pt.getAvailable();
        if (peerHavePieces ==null ||peerHavePieces.nbSet <=0)
            return -1;
        	// piece number and its block number that we'll try to DL
        int reservedPieceNumber = pt.getReservedPieceNumber();

        	// If there's a piece seserved to this peer resume it and only it (if possible)
        if ( reservedPieceNumber >=0 ){
            PEPiece pePiece = pePieces[reservedPieceNumber];

            if ( pePiece != null ){
            	String peerReserved = pePiece.getReservedBy();
            	if ( peerReserved != null && peerReserved.equals( pt.getIp())){
            		if ( peerHavePieces.flags[reservedPieceNumber] &&pePiece.isRequestable()){
            			return reservedPieceNumber;
            	// reserved piece is no longer valid, dump it
            	// clear the reservation if the piece is still allocated to the peer
            if ( pePiece != null ){
            	String peerReserved = pePiece.getReservedBy();
            	if ( peerReserved != null ){
            		if ( peerReserved.equals(pt.getIp())){
            			pePiece.setReservedBy( null );

            	// note, pieces reserved to peers that get disconnected are released in pepeercontrol
            reservedPieceNumber	= -1;

        final int       peerSpeed =(int) pt.getStats().getDataReceiveRate() /1000;  // how many KB/s has the peer has been sending
        final int       lastPiece =pt.getLastPiece();
        final boolean   globalRarestOverride =isRarestOverride();
        final int		nbSnubbed =peerControl.getNbPeersSnubbed();

        long        resumeMinAvail =Long.MAX_VALUE;
        int         resumeMaxPriority =Integer.MIN_VALUE;
        boolean     resumeIsRarest =false; // can the peer continuea piece with lowest avail of all pieces we want

        BitFlags    startCandidates =null;
        int         startMaxPriority =Integer.MIN_VALUE;
        int         startMinAvail =Integer.MAX_VALUE;
        boolean     startIsRarest =false;
        boolean		forceStart=false;
        int         priority;   // aggregate priority of piece under inspection (start priority or resume priority for pieces to be resumed)
        int         avail =0;   // the swarm-wide availability level of the piece under inspection
        long        pieceAge;   // how long since the PEPiece first started downloading (requesting, actually)
        final int	startI =peerHavePieces.start;
        final int	endI =peerHavePieces.end;
        int         i;

        final int[]		peerPriorities	= pt.getPriorityOffsets();
        final long  now =SystemTime.getCurrentTime();
        int[] 	request_hint = pt.getRequestHint();
        int		request_hint_piece_number;
        if ( request_hint != null ){
        	request_hint_piece_number = request_hint[0];
        	if ( dmPieces[request_hint_piece_number].isDone()){
        		request_hint_piece_number	= -1;
        	request_hint_piece_number = -1;
        // Try to continue a piece already loaded, according to priority
        for (i =startI; i <=endI; i++)
            // is the piece available from this peer?
            if (peerHavePieces.flags[i])
                priority = startPriorities[i];
                if( priority < 0 ){
                		// not required
                final DiskManagerPiece dmPiece =dmPieces[i];

                if ( !dmPiece.isDownloadable()){
                if ( peerPriorities != null ){
                	priority += peerPriorities[i];
                if ( enable_request_hints && i == request_hint_piece_number ){
	               	priority += PRIORITY_REQUEST_HINT;
	               	PEPiece pePiece = pePieces[i];
	               	if ( pePiece == null ){
	               		forceStart	= true;
	               		if ( reservedPieceNumber != i ){
	               			pePiece.setReservedBy( pt.getIp());
	               			pt.setReservedPieceNumber( i );
                if ( priority >= 0 ){
                    final PEPiece pePiece = pePieces[i];
               			// if we are considering realtime pieces then don't bother with non-realtime ones
                    if (( pePiece == null || pePiece.isRequestable())){
                   			// if this priority exceeds the priority-override threshold then  we override rarity
                    	boolean	pieceRarestOverride = priority>=PRIORITY_OVERRIDES_RAREST?true:globalRarestOverride;
                        	// piece is: Needed, not fully: Requested, Downloaded, Written, hash-Checking or Done
                        avail =availability[i];
                        if (avail ==0 )
                        {   // maybe we didn't know we could get it before
                            availability[i] =1;    // but the peer says s/he has it
                            avail =1;
                        // is the piece active
                        if (pePiece !=null)
                        	if ( priority != startPriorities[i]){
                        		pePiece.setResumePriority( priority );	// maintained for display purposes only
                            // How many requests can still be made on this piece?
                            final int freeReqs =pePiece.getNbUnrequested();
                            if (freeReqs <=0)
                            // Don't touch pieces reserved for others
                            final String peerReserved =pePiece.getReservedBy();
                            if (peerReserved !=null)
                                if (!peerReserved.equals(pt.getIp()))
                                    continue;   //reserved to somebody else
                                // the peer forgot this is reserved to him; re-associate it
                                return i;
                            final int pieceSpeed =pePiece.getSpeed();
                        	final long timeSinceLastActivity =pePiece.getTimeSinceLastActivity();
                            // Snubbed peers or peers slower than the piece can only request on the piece if;
                            // they're the sole source OR
                            // it's the same as the last piece they were on AND there's enough free blocks
                            // TODO: instead of 3, should count how many peers are snubbed and use that
                            if (avail >1 &&(freeReqs <3 ||pieceSpeed -1 >=freeReqs *peerSpeed))
                            	// unless the piece has been inactive too long,
                            	//  don't request from snubbed peers UNLESS;
                            	//   it's possible all sources for the piece are snubbed,
                            	//  don't request from slow peers UNLESS;
                            	//   it was the last piece requested from them already
                                if (timeSinceLastActivity < 10 *60*1000 
                                	&&(avail >nbSnubbed &&pt.isSnubbed()) ||(peerSpeed <pieceSpeed &&i !=lastPiece))
                            if (avail <=resumeMinAvail)
                                priority +=pieceSpeed;
                                priority +=(i ==lastPiece) ?PRIORITY_W_SAME_PIECE :0;
                                // Adjust priority for purpose of continuing pieces
                                // how long since last written to (if written to)
                                priority +=timeSinceLastActivity /PRIORITY_DW_STALE;
                                // how long since piece was started
                                pieceAge =now -pePiece.getCreationTime();
                                if (pieceAge >0)
                                    priority +=PRIORITY_W_AGE *pieceAge /(PRIORITY_DW_AGE *dmPiece.getNbBlocks());
                                // how much is already written to disk
                                priority +=(PRIORITY_W_PIECE_DONE *dmPiece.getNbWritten()) /dmPiece.getNbBlocks();
                                if (avail <resumeMinAvail &&(!pieceRarestOverride ||priority >=resumeMaxPriority)
                                    ||(priority >resumeMaxPriority &&(!resumeIsRarest ||pieceRarestOverride)))
                                {   // this piece seems like best choice for resuming
                                    // Verify it's still possible to get a block to request from this piece
                                    if (pePiece.hasUnrequestedBlock())
                                    {   // change the different variables to reflect interest in this block
                                        reservedPieceNumber =i;
                                        resumeMinAvail =avail;
                                        resumeMaxPriority =priority;
                                        resumeIsRarest =avail <=globalMinOthers; // only going to try to resume one
                        } else if (avail <=globalMinOthers &&!pieceRarestOverride) 
                        {   // rarest pieces only from now on
                            if (!startIsRarest)
                            {   // 1st rarest piece
                                if (startCandidates ==null)
                                    startCandidates =new BitFlags(nbPieces);
                                startMaxPriority =priority;
                                startMinAvail =avail;
                                startIsRarest =avail <=globalMinOthers;
                                startCandidates.setOnly(i); // clear the non-rarest bits in favor of only rarest
                            } else if (priority >startMaxPriority)
                            {   // continuing rarest, higher priority level
                                if (startCandidates ==null)
                                    startCandidates =new BitFlags(nbPieces);
                                startMaxPriority =priority;
                            } else if (priority ==startMaxPriority)
                            {   // continuing rares, same priority level
                        } else if (!startIsRarest ||pieceRarestOverride)
                        {   // not doing rarest pieces
                            if (priority >startMaxPriority)
                            {   // new priority level
                                if (startCandidates ==null)
                                    startCandidates =new BitFlags(nbPieces);
                                startMaxPriority =priority;
                                startMinAvail =avail;
                                startIsRarest =avail <=globalMinOthers;
                            } else if (priority ==startMaxPriority)
                            {   // continuing same priority level
                                if (avail <startMinAvail)
                                {   // same priority, new availability level
                                    startMinAvail =avail;
                                    startIsRarest =avail <=globalMinOthers;
                                } else if (avail ==startMinAvail)
                                {   // same priority level, same availability level
        if ( !forceStart ){
	        // can & should or must resume a piece?
	        if (reservedPieceNumber >=0 &&(resumeIsRarest ||!startIsRarest ||globalRarestOverride ||startCandidates ==null ||startCandidates.nbSet <=0))
	            return reservedPieceNumber;
	// this would allow more non-rarest pieces to be resumed so they get completed so they can be re-shared,
	// which can make us intersting to more peers, and generally improve the speed of the swarm,
	// however, it can sometimes be hard to get the rarest pieces, such as when a holder unchokes very infrequently
	// 20060312[MjrTom] this can lead to TOO many active pieces, so do the extra check with arbitrary # of active pieces
	        final boolean resumeIsBetter;
	        if (reservedPieceNumber >=0 &&globalMinOthers >0 &&peerControl.getNbActivePieces() >32)	// check at arbitrary figure of 32 pieces 
	            resumeIsBetter =(resumeMaxPriority /resumeMinAvail) >(startMaxPriority /globalMinOthers);
	            if (Constants.isCVSVersion() &&Logger.isEnabled())
	                Logger.log(new LogEvent(new Object[] {pt, peerControl}, LOGID, 
	                    "Start/resume choice; piece #:" +reservedPieceNumber +" resumeIsBetter:" +resumeIsBetter
	                    +" globalMinOthers=" +globalMinOthers
	                    +" startMaxPriority=" +startMaxPriority +" startMinAvail=" +startMinAvail
	                    +" resumeMaxPriority=" +resumeMaxPriority +" resumeMinAvail=" +resumeMinAvail
	                    +" : " +pt));
	            if (resumeIsBetter)
	                return reservedPieceNumber;
        // start a new piece; select piece from start candidates bitfield
        return getPieceToStart(startCandidates);
public final booleanhasDownloadablePiece()

		return hasNeededUndonePiece;
public booleanhasEndGameModeBeenAbandoned()

    	return( endGameModeAbandoned );
public final booleanisInEndGameMode()

		return endGameMode;
private final booleanisRarestOverride()

		final int nbSeeds =peerControl.getNbSeeds();
		final int nbPeers =peerControl.getNbPeers();
		final int nbMost =(nbPeers >nbSeeds ?nbPeers :nbSeeds);
		final int nbActive =peerControl.getNbActivePieces();

		// Dont seek rarest under a few circumstances, so that other factors work better
		// never seek rarest when bootstrapping torrent
		boolean rarestOverride =nbPiecesDone <4 ||endGameMode
		||(globalMinOthers >1 &&(nbRarestActive >=nbMost ||nbActive >=nbMost));
		if (!rarestOverride &&nbRarestActive >1 &&globalMinOthers >1)
			// if already getting some rarest, dont get more if swarm is healthy or too many pieces running
			rarestOverride =globalMinOthers >globalMin
			||(globalMinOthers >=(2 *nbSeeds) &&(2 *globalMinOthers) >=nbPeers);
			// Interest in Rarest pieces (compared to user priority settings) could be influenced by several factors;
			// less demand closer to 0% and 100% of torrent completion/farther from 50% of torrent completion
			// less demand closer to 0% and 100% of peers interestd in us/farther from 50% of peers interested in us
			// less demand the more pieces are in progress (compared to swarm size)
			// less demand the farther ahead from absolute global minimum we're at already
			// less demand the healthier a swarm is (rarity compared to # seeds and # peers)
		return rarestOverride;
private final int[]recomputeAvailability()

		if (availabilityDrift >0 &&availabilityDrift !=nbPieces &&Logger.isEnabled())
			Logger.log(new LogEvent(diskManager.getTorrent(), LOGID, LogEvent.LT_INFORMATION,
					"Recomputing availabiliy. Drift="+availabilityDrift+":"+peerControl.getDisplayName()));
		final List peers =peerControl.getPeers();

		final int[]	newAvailability = new int[nbPieces];
		int j;
		int i;
		// first our pieces
		for (j =0; j <nbPieces; j++)
			newAvailability[j] =dmPieces[j].isDone() ?1 :0;
		//for all peers
		final int peersSize =peers.size();
		for (i =0; i <peersSize; i++)
		{	//get the peer connection
			final PEPeer peer =(PEPeerTransport)peers.get(i);
			if (peer !=null &&peer.getPeerState() ==PEPeer.TRANSFERING)
				//cycle trhough the pieces they actually have
				final BitFlags peerHavePieces =peer.getAvailable();
				if (peerHavePieces !=null &&peerHavePieces.nbSet >0)
					for (j =peerHavePieces.start; j <=peerHavePieces.end; j++)
						if (peerHavePieces.flags[j])
		return newAvailability;
public final voidremoveFromEndGameModeChunks(int pieceNumber, int offset)

		if (!endGameMode)

			final Iterator iter =endGameModeChunks.iterator();
			while (iter.hasNext())
				EndGameModeChunk chunk =(EndGameModeChunk);
				if ( chunk.equals(pieceNumber, offset))
		} finally
public voidremoveListener(PiecePickerListener listener)

		listeners.remove( listener );
public voidremovePriorityProvider(PiecePriorityProvider provider)

		priority_providers.remove( provider );

		Iterator	it = listeners.iterator();

		while( it.hasNext()){

				((PiecePickerListener) provider );

			}catch( Throwable e ){

public voidremoveRTAProvider(PieceRTAProvider provider)

		rta_providers.remove( provider );

		Iterator	it = listeners.iterator();

		while( it.hasNext()){

				((PiecePickerListener) provider );

			}catch( Throwable e ){

public final voidupdateAvailability()
This methd will compute the pieces' overall availability (including ourself) and the _globalMinOthers & _globalAvail

		final long now =SystemTime.getCurrentTime();
		if (now >=time_last_avail &&now <time_last_avail +TIME_MIN_AVAILABILITY)
		if (availabilityDrift >0 || now < time_last_rebuild ||  (now - time_last_rebuild) > timeAvailRebuild){
			{	availabilityMon.enter();

			time_last_rebuild	= now;
			final int[]	new_availability = recomputeAvailability();

			if (Constants.isCVSVersion())
				final int[]   old_availability =availabilityAsynch ==null ?availability :availabilityAsynch;
				int	errors	= 0;

				for (int i=0;i<new_availability.length;i++){
					if ( new_availability[i] != old_availability[i]){
				if (errors >0 &&errors !=nbPieces)
					if (Logger.isEnabled())
						Logger.log(new LogEvent(peerControl, LOGID, LogEvent.LT_ERROR,
								"updateAvailability(): availability rebuild errors = " +errors
								+" timeAvailRebuild =" +timeAvailRebuild
					timeAvailRebuild -=errors;
				} else

			availabilityAsynch	= new_availability;

			availabilityDrift =0;
			} finally {availabilityMon.exit();}

		}else if (availabilityComputeChange >=availabilityChange){

		{	availabilityMon.enter();
		time_last_avail =now;
		availabilityComputeChange =availabilityChange;

		// take a snapshot of availabilityAsynch
		if ( availabilityAsynch != null ){
			availability 		= availabilityAsynch;
			availabilityAsynch	= null;
		} finally {availabilityMon.exit();}

		int i;
		int allMin =Integer.MAX_VALUE;
		int allMax =0;
		int rarestMin =Integer.MAX_VALUE;
		for (i =0; i <nbPieces; i++)
			final int avail =availability[i];
			final DiskManagerPiece dmPiece =dmPieces[i];
			final PEPiece	pePiece = pePieces[i];

			if (avail >0 &&avail <rarestMin && dmPiece.isDownloadable() && (pePiece == null || pePiece.isRequestable())) 
				rarestMin =avail;	// most important targets for near future requests from others

			if (avail <allMin)
				allMin =avail;
			if (avail > allMax)
				allMax =avail;
		// copy updated local variables into globals
		globalMin =allMin;
		globalMax =allMax;
		globalMinOthers =rarestMin;

		int total =0;
		int rarestActive =0;
		long totalAvail =0;
		for (i =0; i <nbPieces; i++ )
			final int avail =availability[i];
			final DiskManagerPiece dmPiece =dmPieces[i];
			final PEPiece	pePiece = pePieces[i];

			if (avail >0)
				if (avail >allMin)
				if (avail <=rarestMin &&dmPiece.isDownloadable() && pePiece != null && !pePiece.isRequested())
				totalAvail +=avail;
		// copy updated local variables into globals
		float newGlobalAvail = (total /(float) nbPieces) +allMin;
		if ( globalAvail >= 1.0 &&  newGlobalAvail < 1.0 ){
			timeAvailLessThanOne = now;
		}else if ( newGlobalAvail >= 1.0 ){
			timeAvailLessThanOne= 0;
		globalAvail = newGlobalAvail;
		nbRarestActive =rarestActive;
		globalAvgAvail =totalAvail /(float)(nbPieces)
		/(1 +peerControl.getNbSeeds() +peerControl.getNbPeers());