WebServiceRefAp.javaAPI DocGlassfish v2 API7276Fri May 04 22:36:14 BST 2007com.sun.enterprise.webservice.apt

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package com.sun.enterprise.webservice.apt;

import java.lang.Runtime;
import java.lang.Process;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import java.util.logging.Level;

import com.sun.mirror.declaration.TypeDeclaration;
import com.sun.mirror.declaration.ClassDeclaration;
import com.sun.mirror.declaration.FieldDeclaration;
import com.sun.mirror.apt.AnnotationProcessorEnvironment;
import com.sun.mirror.apt.AnnotationProcessor;
import com.sun.mirror.util.SimpleDeclarationVisitor;

import static com.sun.mirror.util.DeclarationVisitors.*;

import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.backend.ProcessWatcher;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.backend.DeploymentLogger;

 * @author dochez
public class WebServiceRefAp implements AnnotationProcessor {
    private final AnnotationProcessorEnvironment env;
    // should be set in the context of the appserver, but not in the 
    // apt context

    //let's make this private and see if anyone tries to set it.
    //if we see a linkage error somewhere, the caller will have
    //to use the setLogger method.
    private static Logger logger = null;
    public synchronized static void setLogger(Logger l) {
	logger = l;
    public WebServiceRefAp(AnnotationProcessorEnvironment env) {
        this.env = env;
    public void process() {
        for (TypeDeclaration typeDecl : env.getSpecifiedTypeDeclarations())
            typeDecl.accept(getDeclarationScanner(new ServiceRefVisitor(),
    private class ServiceRefVisitor extends SimpleDeclarationVisitor {
        public void visitClassDeclaration(ClassDeclaration d) {
            if (logger!=null) {
                logger.fine("Processing " + d.getQualifiedName());
        public void visitFieldDeclaration(FieldDeclaration f) {
            WebServiceRef ref = f.getAnnotation(WebServiceRef.class);
            if (ref==null) {
            } else {
                if (logger!=null && logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
                    logger.fine("Found " + f.getSimpleName() + " annotated with WebServiceRef");
                    logger.fine("Name is " +;
                    logger.fine("WSDL is " + ref.wsdlLocation());
                    logger.fine("of type " + f.getType().toString());  
            // no wsdl specified, nothing we can do at this point...
            if (ref.wsdlLocation()==null || ref.wsdlLocation().length()==0) 
            File server = new File(System.getProperty("com.sun.aas.installRoot"));
            server = new File(server, "bin");
            File wsimport = new File(server, "wsimport");
            if (wsimport.exists()) {
                File classesDir = new File(System.getProperty("user.dir"));
                String outputDir = env.getOptions().get("-d");
                if (outputDir!=null) {
                    if (!(new File(outputDir).isAbsolute())) {
                        classesDir = new File(classesDir, outputDir);
                String wsc = wsimport.getAbsolutePath();
                String wscompileArgs = 
                        " -keep -d " + classesDir.getAbsolutePath() +
                        " " + ref.wsdlLocation();    
                if (logger!=null) {
                    logger.log(Level.INFO, "Invoking wsimport with " + ref.wsdlLocation());
                } else {
                    System.out.println("Invoking " + wsimport.getAbsolutePath() + " with " + ref.wsdlLocation() + "in " + classesDir.getAbsolutePath());
                String command = wsc + " " + wscompileArgs;
                if (logger!=null && logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) 
                    logger.fine("Command " + command);
                int exitValue=-1;
                try {
                    Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(command);
                    ProcessWatcher pw = new ProcessWatcher(p);
                    exitValue =;
                } catch(Exception e) {
                if (exitValue==0) {
                    if (logger!=null)
                        logger.log(Level.INFO, "wsimport successful");
                } else {
                    if (logger!=null)
                        logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "wsimport failed");
            } else {
                if (logger!=null) {
                    logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Cannot find wsimport tool");
                } else {
                     System.out.println("Cannot find wsimport");