InterfaceMatchMethodException.javaAPI DocGlassfish v2 API7219Fri May 04 22:33:54 BST


public abstract class InterfaceMatchMethodException extends InterfaceMethodTest
Local/remote interface/business matching methods exceptions test. Verify the following: For each method defined in the local/remote interface, there must be a matching method in the enterprise Bean's class. The matching method must have: . All the exceptions defined in the throws clause of the matching method of the enterprise Bean class must be defined in the throws clause of the method of the local/remote interface.

Fields Summary
Constructors Summary
Methods Summary
private java.lang.StringgetClassName(com.sun.enterprise.deployment.EjbDescriptor descriptor)

        return getInterfaceName(descriptor);
protected booleanrunIndividualMethodTest(com.sun.enterprise.deployment.EjbDescriptor descriptor, java.lang.reflect.Method method, result)

run an individual verifier test against a declared method of the local/remote interface.

descriptor the deployment descriptor for the bean
method the method to run the test on
true if the test passes

        boolean businessMethodFound, exceptionsMatch;
        ComponentNameConstructor compName = null;
        try {	  
            compName = getVerifierContext().getComponentNameConstructor();
            // retrieve the EJB Class Methods
            ClassLoader jcl = getVerifierContext().getClassLoader();            
            Class EJBClass = Class.forName(descriptor.getEjbClassName(), false, jcl);
            Class[] methodExceptionTypes = method.getExceptionTypes();
            // start do while loop here....
            do {
                Method [] businessMethods = EJBClass.getDeclaredMethods();
                // try and find the business method in the EJB Class Methods
                businessMethodFound = false;
                exceptionsMatch = false;
                for (Method businessMethod : businessMethods) {
                    if (method.getName().equals(businessMethod.getName())) {
                        businessMethodFound = true;
                        // check the rest of the exceptions
                        Class[] businessMethodExceptionTypes = businessMethod.getExceptionTypes();
                        if (RmiIIOPUtils.isEjbFindMethodExceptionsSubsetOfFindMethodExceptions(businessMethodExceptionTypes,methodExceptionTypes)) {
                            exceptionsMatch = true;
                        } // if the bean & local interface method exceptions match
                    } else {
                }  // for all the bean class business methods
                // now display the appropriate results for this particular business
                // method
                if (businessMethodFound && exceptionsMatch) {
                    addGoodDetails(result, compName);
                            (getClass().getName() + ".passed",
                            "The corresponding business method with matching " +
                            "exceptions was found."));
                    return true;
                } else if (businessMethodFound && !exceptionsMatch) {                    
                    logger.log(Level.FINE, getClass().getName() + ".debug1",
                            new Object[] {method.getDeclaringClass().getName(),method.getName()});
                    logger.log(Level.FINE, getClass().getName() + ".debug3",
                            new Object[] {method.getName()});
                    logger.log(Level.FINE, getClass().getName() + ".debug2");
            } while (((EJBClass = EJBClass.getSuperclass()) != null) && (!(businessMethodFound && exceptionsMatch)));
            if (!exceptionsMatch) {
                addErrorDetails(result, compName);
                        (getClass().getName() + ".failed",
                                "Error: No corresponding business method with matching exceptions was found for method [ {0} ].",
                                new Object[] {method.getName()}));
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
            addErrorDetails(result, compName);
                    (getClass().getName() + ".failedException",
                    "Error: "+ getInterfaceType() +"interface [ {0} ] does not " +
                    "exist or is not loadable within bean [ {1} ]",
                    new Object[] {getClassName(descriptor),descriptor.getName()}));
        return false;