AnnotationItem.javaAPI DocAndroid 1.5 API7160Wed May 06 22:41:02 BST


public final class AnnotationItem extends OffsettedItem
Single annotation, which consists of a type and a set of name-value element pairs.

Fields Summary
private static final int
annotation visibility constant: visible at build time only
private static final int
annotation visibility constant: visible at runtime
private static final int
annotation visibility constant: visible at runtime only to system
private static final int
the required alignment for instances of this class
private static final TypeIdSorter
non-null; unique instance of {@link #TypeIdSorter}
private final
non-null; the annotation to represent
private TypeIdItem
null-ok; type reference for the annotation type; set during {@link #addContents}
private byte[]
null-ok; encoded form, ready for writing to a file; set during {@link #place0}
Constructors Summary
public AnnotationItem( annotation)
Constructs an instance.

annotation non-null; annotation to represent

         * The write size isn't known up-front because (the variable-lengthed)
         * leb128 type is used to represent some things.
        super(ALIGNMENT, -1);

        if (annotation == null) {
            throw new NullPointerException("annotation == null");

        this.annotation = annotation;
        this.type = null;
        this.encodedForm = null;
Methods Summary
public voidaddContents(DexFile file)

        type = file.getTypeIds().intern(annotation.getType());
        ValueEncoder.addContents(file, annotation);
public voidannotateTo( out, java.lang.String prefix)
Write a (listing file) annotation for this instance to the given output, that consumes no bytes of output. This is for annotating a reference to this instance at the point of the reference.

out non-null; where to output to
prefix non-null; prefix for each line of output

        out.annotate(0, prefix + "visibility: " +
        out.annotate(0, prefix + "type: " + annotation.getType().toHuman());

        for (NameValuePair pair : annotation.getNameValuePairs()) {
            CstUtf8 name = pair.getName();
            Constant value = pair.getValue();

            out.annotate(0, prefix + name.toHuman() + ": " +
protected intcompareTo0(OffsettedItem other)

        AnnotationItem otherAnnotation = (AnnotationItem) other;

        return annotation.compareTo(otherAnnotation.annotation);
public inthashCode()

        return annotation.hashCode();
public ItemTypeitemType()

        return ItemType.TYPE_ANNOTATION_ITEM;
protected voidplace0(Section addedTo, int offset)

        // Encode the data and note the size.

        ByteArrayAnnotatedOutput out = new ByteArrayAnnotatedOutput();
        ValueEncoder encoder = new ValueEncoder(addedTo.getFile(), out);

        encoder.writeAnnotation(annotation, false);
        encodedForm = out.toByteArray();

        // Add one for the visibility byte in front of the encoded annotation.
        setWriteSize(encodedForm.length + 1);
public static voidsortByTypeIdIndex([] array)
Sorts an array of instances, in place, by type id index, ignoring all other aspects of the elements. This is only valid to use after type id indices are known.

array non-null; array to sort

        Arrays.sort(array, TYPE_ID_SORTER);
public java.lang.StringtoHuman()

        return annotation.toHuman();
protected voidwriteTo0(DexFile file, out)

        boolean annotates = out.annotates();
        AnnotationVisibility visibility = annotation.getVisibility();

        if (annotates) {
            out.annotate(0, offsetString() + " annotation");
            out.annotate(1, "  visibility: VISBILITY_" + visibility);

        switch (visibility) {
            case BUILD:   out.writeByte(VISIBILITY_BUILD); break;
            case RUNTIME: out.writeByte(VISIBILITY_RUNTIME); break;
            case SYSTEM:  out.writeByte(VISIBILITY_SYSTEM); break;
            default: {
                // EMBEDDED shouldn't appear at the top level.
                throw new RuntimeException("shouldn't happen");
        if (annotates) {
             * The output is to be annotated, so redo the work previously
             * done by place0(), except this time annotations will actually
             * get emitted.
            ValueEncoder encoder = new ValueEncoder(file, out);
            encoder.writeAnnotation(annotation, true);
        } else {