TRTrackerServerTorrentImpl.javaAPI DocAzureus Jul 31 17:36:10 BST 2007org.gudy.azureus2.core3.tracker.server.impl

 * File    :
 * Created : 26-Oct-2003
 * By      : stuff
 * Azureus - a Java Bittorrent client
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details ( see the LICENSE file ).
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

package org.gudy.azureus2.core3.tracker.server.impl;

 * @author parg

import java.util.*;

import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.logging.*;
import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.tracker.server.*;
import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.*;

import com.aelitis.azureus.core.dht.netcoords.DHTNetworkPosition;

public class 
	implements TRTrackerServerTorrent
	private static final LogIDs LOGID = LogIDs.TRACKER;
		// no point in caching replies smaller than that below
	public static final int	MIN_CACHE_ENTRY_SIZE		= 10;
	public static final int MAX_UPLOAD_BYTES_PER_SEC	= 3*1024*1024;  //3MBs
	public static final boolean	USE_LIGHTWEIGHT_SEEDS	= true;

	public static final int		MAX_IP_OVERRIDE_PEERS	= 64;
	public static final byte	COMPACT_MODE_NONE		= 0;
	public static final byte	COMPACT_MODE_NORMAL		= 1;
	public static final byte	COMPACT_MODE_AZ			= 2;
	public static final byte	COMPACT_MODE_AZ_2		= 3;
	public static final byte	COMPACT_MODE_XML		= 16;
	private static final int	QUEUED_PEERS_MAX_SWARM_SIZE	= 32;
	private static final int	QUEUED_PEERS_MAX			= 32;
	private static final int	QUEUED_PEERS_ADD_MAX		= 3;
	private TRTrackerServerImpl	server;
	private HashWrapper			hash;

	private Map				peer_map 		= new HashMap();
	private Map				peer_reuse_map	= new HashMap();
	private List			peer_list		= new ArrayList();
	private int				peer_list_hole_count;
	private boolean			peer_list_compaction_suspended;
	private List			biased_peers			= null;
	private int				min_biased_peers		= 0;
	private Map				lightweight_seed_map	= new HashMap();
	private int				seed_count;
	private int				removed_count;
	private int				ip_override_count;
	private int				bad_NAT_count;	// calculated periodically
	private Random			random		= new Random( SystemTime.getCurrentTime());
	private long			last_scrape_calc_time;
	private Map				last_scrape;
	private LinkedHashMap		announce_cache	= new LinkedHashMap();
	private TRTrackerServerTorrentStatsImpl	stats;
	private List			listeners	= new ArrayList();
	private List			peer_listeners;
	private boolean			deleted;
	private boolean			enabled;
	private boolean			map_size_diff_reported;
	private boolean			ip_override_limit_exceeded_reported;
	private byte			duplicate_peer_checker_index	= 0;
	private byte[]			duplicate_peer_checker			= new byte[0];
	private URL[]			redirects;
	private boolean			caching_enabled	= true;
	private LinkedList		queued_peers;
	protected AEMonitor this_mon 	= new AEMonitor( "TRTrackerServerTorrent" );

	private static String[]	EXPLICIT_PEERS = {

	private static final int		EXPLICIT_PORT	= 20001;
	private static final int	EXPLICIT_PEERS_TO_ADD	= 1;
	private static final byte[]	EXPLICIT_HASH	= ByteFormatter.decodeString( "07A4750F3CAA588E6963EB66B1E3713B4F3ED172" );
	private static int explicit_next_peer;
	private final boolean	add_explicit_peers;
		TRTrackerServerImpl		_server,
		HashWrapper				_hash,
		boolean					_enabled )
		server		= _server;
		hash		= _hash;
		enabled		= _enabled;
		stats		= new TRTrackerServerTorrentStatsImpl( this );
		add_explicit_peers = Arrays.equals( hash.getBytes(), EXPLICIT_HASH );
		if ( add_explicit_peers ){
			System.out.println( "Adding explicit peers for " + ByteFormatter.encodeString( EXPLICIT_HASH ));
	public void
		boolean		_enabled )
		enabled	= _enabled;
	public boolean
		return( enabled );
	public void
		int	num )
		min_biased_peers	= num;
	public TRTrackerServerPeerImpl
		String				url_parameters,
		String				event,
		HashWrapper			peer_id,
		int					tcp_port,
		int					udp_port,
		int					http_port,
		byte				crypto_level,
		byte				az_ver,
		String				original_address,
		String				ip_address,
		boolean				ip_override,
		boolean				loopback,
		String				tracker_key,
		long				uploaded,
		long				downloaded,
		long				left,
		long				interval_requested,
		int					up_speed,
		DHTNetworkPosition	network_position )
		throws TRTrackerServerException
		if ( !enabled ){
			throw( new TRTrackerServerException( "Torrent temporarily disabled" ));
			// we can safely resolve the client_ip_address here as it is either already resolved or that of
			// the tracker. We need it resolved so we canonically store peers, otherwise we can get two 
			// entries for a dns name and the corresponding ip

		if ( !HostNameToIPResolver.isNonDNSName( ip_address )){
				ip_address	= HostNameToIPResolver.syncResolve( ip_address ).getHostAddress();
			}catch( UnknownHostException e ){
		TRTrackerServerException	deferred_failure = null;
			handleRedirects( url_parameters, ip_address, false  );

			// System.out.println( "TRTrackerServerTorrent: peerContact, ip = " + ip_address );
			int	event_type = TRTrackerServerTorrentPeerListener.ET_UPDATED;
			if ( event != null && event.length() > 2){
				char	c = event.charAt(2);
				if ( c == 'm' ){	// "coMpleted"
					event_type	= TRTrackerServerTorrentPeerListener.ET_COMPLETE;
				}else if ( c == 'o' ){	// "stOpped"
					event_type = TRTrackerServerTorrentPeerListener.ET_STOPPED;
					event_type = TRTrackerServerTorrentPeerListener.ET_STARTED;
			long	now = SystemTime.getCurrentTime();
			int		tracker_key_hash_code	= tracker_key==null?0:tracker_key.hashCode();
			TRTrackerServerPeerImpl	peer = (TRTrackerServerPeerImpl)peer_map.get( peer_id );
			boolean		new_peer 				= false;
			boolean		peer_already_removed	= false;
			boolean		already_completed	= false;
			long		last_contact_time	= 0;
			long	ul_diff = 0;
			long	dl_diff	= 0;
			long	le_diff = 0;
			byte[]	ip_address_bytes = ip_address.getBytes( Constants.BYTE_ENCODING );
			if ( peer == null ){
				String	reuse_key = new String( ip_address_bytes, Constants.BYTE_ENCODING ) + ":" + tcp_port;
				byte	last_NAT_status	= loopback?TRTrackerServerPeer.NAT_CHECK_OK:TRTrackerServerPeer.NAT_CHECK_UNKNOWN;
				new_peer	= true;
				// check to see if this peer already has an entry against this torrent
				// and if so delete it (assumption is that the client has quit and
				// restarted with new peer id
				//System.out.println( "new peer" );
				TRTrackerServerPeerImpl old_peer	= (TRTrackerServerPeerImpl)peer_reuse_map.get( reuse_key );
				if ( old_peer != null ){
						// don't allow an ip_override to grab a non-override entry as this is a way for 
						// a malicious client to remove, say, a seed (simply send in a "stopped" command
						// with override set to the seed you want to remove)
					if ( ip_override && !old_peer.isIPOverride()){
						throw( new TRTrackerServerException( "IP Override denied" ));
					last_contact_time	= old_peer.getLastContactTime();
					already_completed	= old_peer.getDownloadCompleted();
					removePeer( old_peer,  TRTrackerServerTorrentPeerListener.ET_REPLACED, null );
					lightweight_seed_map.remove( old_peer.getPeerId());
					lightweightSeed lws = (lightweightSeed)lightweight_seed_map.remove( peer_id );
					if ( lws != null ){
						last_contact_time	= lws.getLastContactTime();
						ul_diff	= uploaded - lws.getUploaded();
						if ( ul_diff < 0 ){
							ul_diff	= 0;
						last_NAT_status = lws.getNATStatus();
						last_contact_time	= now;
				if ( event_type != TRTrackerServerTorrentPeerListener.ET_STOPPED ){			
					Set	biased_peer_set = server.getBiasedPeers();
					boolean biased = biased_peer_set != null && biased_peer_set.contains( ip_address );

					if ( ip_override && ip_override_count >= MAX_IP_OVERRIDE_PEERS && !( loopback || biased )){
							// bail out - the peer will still get an announce response but we don't
							// want too many override peers on a torrent as these can be spoofed
							// to cause trouble
						if ( !ip_override_limit_exceeded_reported ){
							ip_override_limit_exceeded_reported	= true;
							Debug.out( "Too many ip-override peers for " + ByteFormatter.encodeString( hash.getBytes()));
						return( null );
					peer = new TRTrackerServerPeerImpl( 
									network_position );
					if ( ip_override ){
							// never allow an ip-override to take on the guise of a biased peer
						if ( biased ){
								// UNLESS the originating IP is biased too 
							if ( !biased_peer_set.contains( original_address )){
								throw( new TRTrackerServerException( "IP Override denied" ));
					peer_map.put( peer_id, peer );
					peer_list.add( peer );
					peer_reuse_map.put( reuse_key, peer );
					if ( biased ){
						peer.setBiased( true );
						if ( biased_peers == null ){
							biased_peers = new ArrayList();
						biased_peers.add( peer );
					if ( queued_peers != null ){
						if ( peer_map.size() > QUEUED_PEERS_MAX_SWARM_SIZE ){
							queued_peers = null;
								// peer has become active, remove the queued peer info
							Iterator	it = queued_peers.iterator();
							while( it.hasNext()){
								QueuedPeer	qp = (QueuedPeer);
								if ( qp.sameAs( peer )){
				int	existing_tracker_key_hash_code = peer.getKeyHashCode();
				// System.out.println( "tracker_key:" + existing_tracker_key + "/" + tracker_key );
				if ( existing_tracker_key_hash_code != tracker_key_hash_code ){
					throw( new TRTrackerServerException( "Unauthorised: key mismatch "));
				if ( ip_override ){
						// biased peers are never ip-override
					if ( peer.isBiased()){
							// UNLESS the originating IP is biased too 
						Set	biased_peer_set = server.getBiasedPeers();

						if ( biased_peer_set == null || !biased_peer_set.contains( original_address )){

							throw( new TRTrackerServerException( "IP Override denied" ));
						// prevent an ip_override peer from affecting a non-override entry
					if ( !peer.isIPOverride()){
						throw( new TRTrackerServerException( "IP Override denied" ));

				already_completed	= peer.getDownloadCompleted();
				last_contact_time	= peer.getLastContactTime();
				if ( event_type == TRTrackerServerTorrentPeerListener.ET_STOPPED ){
					removePeer( peer, event_type, url_parameters );
					peer_already_removed	= true;
						// IP may have changed - update if required
						// it is possible for two az clients to have the same peer id. Unlikely but possible
						// or indeed some hacked versions could do it on purpose. If this is the case then all we
						// will see here is address/port changes as each peer announces
					byte[]	old_ip 		= peer.getIPAsRead();
					int		old_port	= peer.getTCPPort();
					if ( peer.update( ip_address_bytes, tcp_port, udp_port, http_port, crypto_level, az_ver, up_speed, network_position )){
							// same peer id so same port
						String 	old_key = new String( old_ip, Constants.BYTE_ENCODING ) + ":" + old_port;
						String	new_key = new String( ip_address_bytes, Constants.BYTE_ENCODING ) + ":" + tcp_port;
							// it is possible, on address change, that the target address already exists and is
							// (was) being used by another peer. Given that this peer has taken over its address
							// the assumption is that the other peer has also had an address change and has yet
							// to report it. The only action here is to delete the other peer
						TRTrackerServerPeerImpl old_peer = (TRTrackerServerPeerImpl)peer_reuse_map.get( new_key );
						if ( old_peer != null ){
							removePeer( old_peer, TRTrackerServerTorrentPeerListener.ET_REPLACED, null );
							// now swap the keys
						if ( peer_reuse_map.remove( old_key ) == null ){
							Debug.out( "TRTrackerServerTorrent: IP address change: '" + old_key + "' -> '" + new_key + "': old key not found" );
						peer_reuse_map.put( new_key, peer );
				// a null peer here signifies a new peer whose first state was "stopped"
			long	new_timeout = now + ( interval_requested * 1000 * TRTrackerServerImpl.CLIENT_TIMEOUT_MULTIPLIER );
			if ( peer != null ){
				peer.setTimeout( now, new_timeout );
					// if this is the first time we've heard from this peer then we don't want to
					// use existing ul/dl value diffs as they will have been reported previously
					// (either the client's changed peer id by stop/start (in which case the values 
					// should be 0 anyway as its a per-session total), or the tracker's been 
					// stopped and started).
				if ( !new_peer ){	
					ul_diff = uploaded 		- peer.getUploaded();
					dl_diff = downloaded 	- peer.getDownloaded();
					// simple rate control
				long	elapsed_time	= now - last_contact_time;
				if ( elapsed_time == 0 ){
					elapsed_time = SystemTime.TIME_GRANULARITY_MILLIS;
				long	ul_rate = (ul_diff*1000)/elapsed_time;	// bytes per second
				long	dl_rate	= (dl_diff*1000)/elapsed_time;
				if ( ul_rate > MAX_UPLOAD_BYTES_PER_SEC ){
					if (Logger.isEnabled())
						Logger.log(new LogEvent(LOGID, "TRTrackerPeer: peer "
								+ peer.getIPRaw() + "/"
								+ new String(peer.getPeerId().getHash())
								+ " reported an upload rate of " + ul_rate / 1024
								+ " KiB/s per second"));
					ul_diff	= 0;
				if ( dl_rate > MAX_DOWNLOAD_BYTES_PER_SEC ){
					if (Logger.isEnabled())
						Logger.log(new LogEvent(LOGID, "TRTrackerPeer: peer "
								+ peer.getIPRaw() + "/"
								+ new String(peer.getPeerId().getHash())
								+ " reported a download rate of " + dl_rate / 1024
								+ " KiB/s per second"));
					dl_diff	= 0;
						// when the peer is removed its "left" amount will dealt with
				le_diff = (event_type==TRTrackerServerTorrentPeerListener.ET_STOPPED)?0:(left - peer.getAmountLeft());
				boolean	was_seed 	= new_peer?false:peer.isSeed();
				peer.setStats( uploaded, downloaded, left );
				boolean	is_seed		= peer.isSeed();
				if (!(event_type == TRTrackerServerTorrentPeerListener.ET_STOPPED || was_seed || !is_seed )){
					// report event *after* updating totals above so listeners get a valid initial
					// view of the peer (e.g. is it a seed)
					// if the peer has already been removed above then it will have reported the
					// event already

				if ( !peer_already_removed ){

						peerEvent( peer, event_type, url_parameters );

					}catch( TRTrackerServerException	e ){

						deferred_failure = e;
			stats.addAnnounce( ul_diff, dl_diff, le_diff, peer != null && peer.isBiased());
			if ( event_type==TRTrackerServerTorrentPeerListener.ET_COMPLETE && !already_completed ){
			if ( peer != null && peer.isSeed()){
				int	seed_limit		= TRTrackerServerImpl.getSeedLimit();
				if ( seed_limit != 0 && seed_count > seed_limit && !loopback ){
					if ( !peer_already_removed ){
						removePeer( peer, TRTrackerServerTorrentPeerListener.ET_TOO_MANY_PEERS, null );
						// this is picked up by AZ client removal rules and causes the torrent to
						// be removed
					throw( new TRTrackerServerException( "too many seeds" ));
				int	seed_retention = TRTrackerServerImpl.getMaxSeedRetention();
				if ( seed_retention != 0 && seed_count > seed_retention ){
						// remove 5% of the seeds
					int	to_remove = (seed_retention/20)+1;
						peer_list_compaction_suspended	= true;
							// remove bad NAT ones in preference to others
						for (int bad_nat_loop=TRTrackerServerNATChecker.getSingleton().isEnabled()?0:1;bad_nat_loop<2;bad_nat_loop++){
							for (int i=0;i<peer_list.size();i++){
								TRTrackerServerPeerImpl	this_peer = (TRTrackerServerPeerImpl)peer_list.get(i);
								if ( this_peer != null && this_peer.isSeed() && !this_peer.isBiased()){
									boolean	bad_nat = this_peer.isNATStatusBad();
									if ( 	( bad_nat_loop == 0 && bad_nat ) ||
											( bad_nat_loop == 1 )){
										if ( USE_LIGHTWEIGHT_SEEDS ){
													new lightweightSeed( 
										removePeer( this_peer, i, TRTrackerServerTorrentPeerListener.ET_TOO_MANY_PEERS, null );
										if ( --to_remove == 0 ){
							if ( to_remove == 0 ){
						peer_list_compaction_suspended	= false;
					checkForPeerListCompaction( false );
			if ( deferred_failure != null ){
				if ( peer != null && !peer_already_removed ){
					removePeer( peer, TRTrackerServerTorrentPeerListener.ET_FAILED, url_parameters );
				throw( deferred_failure );
			return( peer );
		}catch( UnsupportedEncodingException e ){
			throw( new TRTrackerServerException( "Encoding fails", e ));
				// note we can bail out here through a return when there are too many IP overrides
	public void
		String		ip,
		int			tcp_port,
		int			udp_port,
		int			http_port,
		byte		crypto_level,
		byte		az_ver,
		long		timeout_secs,
		boolean		seed )
		// System.out.println( "peerQueued: " + ip + "/" + tcp_port + "/" + udp_port + "/" + crypto_level );
		if ( peer_map.size() >= QUEUED_PEERS_MAX_SWARM_SIZE || tcp_port == 0 ){
			Set	biased_peer_set = server.getBiasedPeers();
			boolean biased = biased_peer_set != null && biased_peer_set.contains( ip );

			QueuedPeer	new_qp = 
				new QueuedPeer( ip, tcp_port, udp_port, http_port, crypto_level, 
						az_ver, (int)timeout_secs, seed, biased );
			String	reuse_key = new_qp.getIP() + ":" + tcp_port;

				// if still active then drop it
			if ( peer_reuse_map.containsKey( reuse_key )){
			boolean	add = true;
			if ( queued_peers != null ){
				Iterator	it = queued_peers.iterator();
				while( it.hasNext()){
					QueuedPeer	qp = (QueuedPeer);
					if ( qp.sameAs( new_qp )){
						queued_peers.add( new_qp );
				if ( queued_peers.size() >= QUEUED_PEERS_MAX ){
					QueuedPeer	oldest = null;
					it = queued_peers.iterator();
					while( it.hasNext()){
						QueuedPeer	qp = (QueuedPeer);
							// never drop biased peers
						if ( qp.isBiased()){
						if ( oldest == null ){
							oldest = qp;
							if ( qp.getCreateTime() < oldest.getCreateTime()){
								oldest	= qp;
					if ( oldest == null ){
						add = false;
						queued_peers.remove( oldest );
				queued_peers = new LinkedList();
			if ( add ){
				queued_peers.addFirst( new_qp );
	public void
		TRTrackerServerPeerBase		peer )

			if ( peer instanceof TRTrackerServerPeerImpl ){
				TRTrackerServerPeerImpl	pi = (TRTrackerServerPeerImpl)peer;
				if ( peer_map.containsKey( pi.getPeerId())){
					int	index = peer_list.indexOf( pi );
					if ( index != -1 ){
						removePeer( pi, index, TRTrackerServerTorrentPeerListener.ET_FAILED, null );
				if ( queued_peers != null ){
					queued_peers.remove( peer );
					if ( queued_peers.size() == 0 ){
						queued_peers = null;
	protected void
		TRTrackerServerPeerImpl	peer,
		int						reason,
		String					url_parameters )
		removePeer( peer, -1, reason, url_parameters );
	protected void
		TRTrackerServerPeerImpl	peer,
		int						peer_list_index,
		int						reason,
		String					url_parameters )	// -1 if not known
			if ( peer.isIPOverride()){
			stats.removeLeft( peer.getAmountLeft());
			if ( peer_map.size() != peer_reuse_map.size()){
				if ( !map_size_diff_reported ){
					map_size_diff_reported	= true;
					Debug.out( "TRTrackerServerTorrent::removePeer: maps size different ( " + peer_map.size() + "/" + peer_reuse_map.size() +")");
				Object o = peer_map.remove( peer.getPeerId());
				if ( o == null ){
					Debug.out(" TRTrackerServerTorrent::removePeer: peer_map doesn't contain peer");
						peerEvent( peer, reason, url_parameters );
					}catch( TRTrackerServerException e ){
						// ignore during peer removal
			if ( peer_list_index == -1 ){
				int	peer_index = peer_list.indexOf( peer );
				if ( peer_index == -1){
					Debug.out(" TRTrackerServerTorrent::removePeer: peer_list doesn't contain peer");
					peer_list.set( peer_index, null );
				if ( peer_list.get( peer_list_index ) == peer ){
					peer_list.set( peer_list_index, null );
					Debug.out(" TRTrackerServerTorrent::removePeer: peer_list doesn't contain peer at index");
			checkForPeerListCompaction( false );
				Object o = peer_reuse_map.remove( new String( peer.getIPAsRead(), Constants.BYTE_ENCODING ) + ":" + peer.getTCPPort());
				if ( o == null ){
					Debug.out(" TRTrackerServerTorrent::removePeer: peer_reuse_map doesn't contain peer");
			}catch( UnsupportedEncodingException e ){
			if ( biased_peers != null ){
				biased_peers.remove( peer );
			if ( peer.isSeed()){
	protected void
		Set	biased_peers_set )
			Iterator it = peer_list.iterator();
			if ( it.hasNext() && biased_peers == null ){
				biased_peers = new ArrayList();
			while( it.hasNext()){
				TRTrackerServerPeerImpl	this_peer = (TRTrackerServerPeerImpl);

				if ( this_peer != null ){
					 boolean	biased = biased_peers_set.contains( this_peer.getIPRaw());
					 this_peer.setBiased( biased );
					 if ( biased ){
						 if ( !biased_peers.contains( this_peer )){
							 biased_peers.add( this_peer );
						 biased_peers.remove( this_peer );
			if ( queued_peers != null ){
				it = queued_peers.iterator();
				while( it.hasNext()){
					QueuedPeer	peer = (QueuedPeer);

					peer.setBiased( biased_peers_set.contains(  peer.getIP()));
	public TRTrackerServerTorrent
		String	link )
		return( server.addLink( link, this ));
	public void
		String	link )
		server.removeLink( link, this );
	public Map
		String						ip_address,
		HashMap						preprocess_map,
		TRTrackerServerPeerImpl		requesting_peer,		// maybe null for an initial announce from a stopped peer
		boolean						include_seeds,
		int							num_want,
		long						interval,
		long						min_interval,
		boolean						no_peer_id,
		byte						compact_mode,
		byte						crypto_level,
		DHTNetworkPosition			network_position )
			long	now = SystemTime.getCurrentTime();
			// we have to force non-caching for nat_warnings responses as they include
			// peer-specific data
			boolean	nat_warning = requesting_peer != null && requesting_peer.getNATStatus() == TRTrackerServerPeerImpl.NAT_CHECK_FAILED;
			int		total_peers			= peer_map.size();
			int		cache_millis	 	= TRTrackerServerImpl.getAnnounceCachePeriod();
			boolean	send_peer_ids 		= TRTrackerServerImpl.getSendPeerIds();
				// override if client has explicitly not requested them
			if ( no_peer_id || compact_mode != COMPACT_MODE_NONE ){
				send_peer_ids	= false;
			boolean	add_to_cache	= false;
			int		max_peers	= TRTrackerServerImpl.getMaxPeersToSend();
				// num_want < 0 -> not supplied so give them max
			if ( num_want < 0 ){
				num_want = total_peers;
				// trim back to max_peers if specified
			if ( max_peers > 0 && num_want > max_peers ){
				num_want	= max_peers;
				// if set this list contains the only peers that are to be returned. It allows a manual
				// external peer selection algorithm
			List	explicit_limited_peers 	= null;
			List	explicit_biased_peers 	= null;
			Set		remove_ips				= null;
			if ( requesting_peer != null ){
				if ( peer_listeners != null ){
					for (int i=0;i<peer_listeners.size();i++){
							Map reply = ((TRTrackerServerTorrentPeerListener)peer_listeners.get(i)).eventOccurred( this, requesting_peer, TRTrackerServerTorrentPeerListener.ET_ANNOUNCE, null );
							if ( reply != null ){
								List	limited_peers = (List)reply.get( "limited_peers" );
								if ( limited_peers != null ){
									if ( explicit_limited_peers == null ){
										explicit_limited_peers = new ArrayList();
									for (int j=0;j<limited_peers.size();j++){
										Map peer_map = (Map)limited_peers.get(j);
										String	ip 		= (String)peer_map.get("ip");
										int		port 	= ((Long)peer_map.get( "port")).intValue();
										String	reuse_key = ip + ":" + port;

										TRTrackerServerPeerImpl peer	= (TRTrackerServerPeerImpl)peer_reuse_map.get( reuse_key );

										if ( peer != null && !explicit_limited_peers.contains( peer )){
											explicit_limited_peers.add( peer );
								List	biased_peers = (List)reply.get( "biased_peers" );
								if ( biased_peers != null ){
									if ( explicit_biased_peers == null ){
										explicit_biased_peers = new ArrayList();
									for (int j=0;j<biased_peers.size();j++){
										Map peer_map = (Map)biased_peers.get(j);
										String	ip 		= (String)peer_map.get("ip");
										int		port 	= ((Long)peer_map.get( "port")).intValue();
										String	reuse_key = ip + ":" + port;

										TRTrackerServerPeerImpl peer	= (TRTrackerServerPeerImpl)peer_reuse_map.get( reuse_key );

										if ( peer != null && !explicit_biased_peers.contains( peer )){
											explicit_biased_peers.add( peer );
								remove_ips = (Set)reply.get( "remove_ips" );
						}catch( Throwable e ){
			boolean	requester_is_biased;
			if ( requesting_peer == null ){
				Set bp = server.getBiasedPeers();
				if ( bp == null ){
					requester_is_biased = false;
					requester_is_biased = bp.contains( ip_address );
				requester_is_biased = requesting_peer.isBiased();
			if ( 	caching_enabled &&
					explicit_limited_peers == null &&
					explicit_biased_peers == null &&
					!requester_is_biased && 
					remove_ips == null && 
					(!nat_warning) &&
					preprocess_map.size() == 0 &&	// don't cache if we've got pre-process stuff to add
					cache_millis > 0 &&
					num_want >= MIN_CACHE_ENTRY_SIZE &&
					total_peers >= TRTrackerServerImpl.getAnnounceCachePeerThreshold() &&
					crypto_level != TRTrackerServerPeer.CRYPTO_REQUIRED ){	// no cache for crypto required peers
					// too busy to bother with network position stuff
				network_position = null;
					// note that we've got to select a cache entry that is somewhat 
					// relevant to the num_want param (but NOT greater than it)
					// remove stuff that's too old
				Iterator	it = announce_cache.keySet().iterator();
				while( it.hasNext() ){
					Integer	key = (Integer);
					announceCacheEntry	entry = (announceCacheEntry)announce_cache.get( key );
					if ( now - entry.getTime() > cache_millis ){
					// look for an entry with a reasonable num_want
					// e.g. for 100 look between 50 and 100
				for (int i=num_want/10;i>num_want/20;i--){
					announceCacheEntry	entry = (announceCacheEntry)announce_cache.get(new Integer(i));
					if( entry != null ){
						if ( now - entry.getTime() > cache_millis ){
							announce_cache.remove( new Integer(i));
								// make sure this is compatible
							if ( 	entry.getSendPeerIds() == send_peer_ids &&
									entry.getCompactMode() == compact_mode ){
								return( entry.getData());
				add_to_cache	= true;
			LinkedList	rep_peers = new LinkedList();
			// System.out.println( "exportPeersToMap: num_want = " + num_want + ", max = " + max_peers );
				// if they want them all simply give them the set
			if ( num_want > 0 && explicit_limited_peers == null ){
				if ( num_want >= total_peers){
						// if they want them all simply give them the set
					for (int i=0;i<peer_list.size();i++){
						TRTrackerServerPeerImpl	peer = (TRTrackerServerPeerImpl)peer_list.get(i);
						if ( peer == null || peer == requesting_peer ){
						}else if ( now > peer.getTimeout()){
								// System.out.println( "removing timed out client '" + peer.getString());
							removePeer( peer, i, TRTrackerServerTorrentPeerListener.ET_TIMEOUT, null );									
						}else if ( peer.getTCPPort() == 0 ){
							// a port of 0 means that the peer definitely can't accept incoming connections

						}else if ( crypto_level == TRTrackerServerPeer.CRYPTO_NONE && peer.getCryptoLevel() == TRTrackerServerPeer.CRYPTO_REQUIRED ){
							// don't return "crypto required" peers to those that can't correctly connect to them
						}else if ( 	explicit_biased_peers != null &&
								// if we have an explicit biased peer list and this peer is biased 
								// skip here as we add them later
						}else if ( remove_ips != null && remove_ips.contains( new String( peer.getIP()))){

								// skippy skippy
						}else if ( include_seeds || !peer.isSeed()){
							Map rep_peer = new HashMap(3);
							if ( send_peer_ids ){
								rep_peer.put( "peer id", peer.getPeerId().getHash());
							if ( compact_mode != COMPACT_MODE_NONE ){
								byte[]	peer_bytes = peer.getIPAddressBytes();
								if ( peer_bytes == null ){
								rep_peer.put( "ip", peer_bytes );
								if ( compact_mode >= COMPACT_MODE_AZ ){
									rep_peer.put( "azver", new Long( peer.getAZVer()));
									rep_peer.put( "azudp", new Long( peer.getUDPPort()));
									if ( peer.isSeed()){
										rep_peer.put( "azhttp", new Long( peer.getHTTPPort()));
									if ( compact_mode >= COMPACT_MODE_XML ){
										rep_peer.put( "ip", peer.getIPAsRead() );

										rep_peer.put( "azup", new Long( peer.getUpSpeed()));
										if ( peer.isBiased()){
											rep_peer.put( "azbiased", "" );
										if ( network_position != null ){
											DHTNetworkPosition	peer_pos = peer.getNetworkPosition();
											if ( peer_pos != null && network_position.getPositionType() == peer_pos.getPositionType()){
												rep_peer.put( "azrtt", new Long( (long)peer_pos.estimateRTT(network_position )));
								rep_peer.put( "ip", peer.getIPAsRead() );
							rep_peer.put( "port", new Long( peer.getTCPPort()));
							if ( crypto_level != TRTrackerServerPeer.CRYPTO_NONE ){
								rep_peer.put( "crypto_flag", new Long( peer.getCryptoLevel() == TRTrackerServerPeer.CRYPTO_REQUIRED?1:0));
							if ( peer.isBiased()){
								rep_peers.addFirst( rep_peer );
								rep_peers.addLast( rep_peer );
					int	peer_list_size	= peer_list.size();
						// to avoid returning duplicates when doing the two-loop check
						// for nat selection we maintain an array of markers
					if ( duplicate_peer_checker.length < peer_list_size ){
						duplicate_peer_checker	= new byte[peer_list_size*2];
						duplicate_peer_checker_index	= 1;
					}else if ( duplicate_peer_checker.length > (peer_list_size*2)){
						duplicate_peer_checker	= new byte[(3*peer_list_size)/2];
						duplicate_peer_checker_index	= 1;
						if ( duplicate_peer_checker_index == 0 ){
							Arrays.fill( duplicate_peer_checker, (byte)0);
							duplicate_peer_checker_index	= 1;
					boolean	peer_removed	= false;
							// got to suspend peer list compaction as we rely on the
							// list staying the same size during processing below
						peer_list_compaction_suspended	= true;
							// too costly to randomise as below. use more efficient but slightly less accurate
							// approach
							// two pass process if bad nat detection enabled
						int	added			= 0;
						//int	bad_nat_added	= 0;

						for (int bad_nat_loop=TRTrackerServerNATChecker.getSingleton().isEnabled()?0:1;bad_nat_loop<2;bad_nat_loop++){
							int	limit 	= num_want*2;	// some entries we find might not be usable
														// so in the limit search for more
							if ( num_want*3 > total_peers ){
							int	biased_peers_count = 0;
							if ( biased_peers != null && explicit_biased_peers == null ){
								if ( biased_peers.size() > 1 ){
										// juggle things a bit
									Object	x = biased_peers.remove(0);
									biased_peers.add( random.nextInt( biased_peers.size() + 1 ), x);
								biased_peers_count = Math.min( min_biased_peers, biased_peers.size());
							for (int i=0;i<limit && added < num_want;i++){
								int	peer_index;
								TRTrackerServerPeerImpl	peer;
									// deal with bias up front
								if ( bad_nat_loop == 1 && i < biased_peers_count ){
									peer = (TRTrackerServerPeerImpl)biased_peers.get(i);
									peer_index = -1;	// don't know actual index and don't need to as biased peers processed separately
									peer_index = random.nextInt(peer_list_size);
									peer = (TRTrackerServerPeerImpl)peer_list.get(peer_index);
									if ( peer == null || peer.isBiased()){
								if ( now > peer.getTimeout()){
									removePeer( peer, TRTrackerServerTorrentPeerListener.ET_TIMEOUT, null );
									peer_removed	= true;
								}else if ( requesting_peer == peer || peer.getTCPPort() == 0 ){
										// a port of 0 means that the peer definitely can't accept incoming connections
								}else if ( crypto_level == TRTrackerServerPeer.CRYPTO_NONE && peer.getCryptoLevel() == TRTrackerServerPeer.CRYPTO_REQUIRED ){
									// don't return "crypto required" peers to those that can't correctly connect to them

								}else if ( remove_ips != null && remove_ips.contains( new String( peer.getIP()))){

									// skippy skippy

								}else if ( include_seeds || !peer.isSeed()){
									boolean	bad_nat = peer.isNATStatusBad();
									if ( 	( bad_nat_loop == 0 && !bad_nat ) ||
											( bad_nat_loop == 1 )){
										if ( peer_index == -1 || duplicate_peer_checker[peer_index] != duplicate_peer_checker_index ){
											if ( peer_index != -1 ){
												duplicate_peer_checker[peer_index] = duplicate_peer_checker_index;
											//if ( bad_nat ){
											//	bad_nat_added++;
											Map rep_peer = new HashMap(3);
											if ( send_peer_ids ){
												rep_peer.put( "peer id", peer.getPeerId().getHash());
											if ( compact_mode != COMPACT_MODE_NONE ){
												byte[]	peer_bytes = peer.getIPAddressBytes();
												if ( peer_bytes == null ){
												rep_peer.put( "ip", peer_bytes );
												if ( compact_mode >= COMPACT_MODE_AZ ){
													rep_peer.put( "azver", new Long( peer.getAZVer()));
													rep_peer.put( "azudp", new Long( peer.getUDPPort()));
													if ( peer.isSeed()){
														rep_peer.put( "azhttp", new Long( peer.getHTTPPort()));
													if ( compact_mode >= COMPACT_MODE_XML ){
														rep_peer.put( "ip", peer.getIPAsRead() );

														rep_peer.put( "azup", new Long( peer.getUpSpeed()));
														if ( peer.isBiased()){
															rep_peer.put( "azbiased", "" );
														if ( network_position != null ){
															DHTNetworkPosition	peer_pos = peer.getNetworkPosition();
															if ( peer_pos != null && network_position.getPositionType() == peer_pos.getPositionType()){
																rep_peer.put( "azrtt", new Long( (long)peer_pos.estimateRTT(network_position )));
												rep_peer.put( "ip", peer.getIPAsRead() );
											rep_peer.put( "port", new Long( peer.getTCPPort()));	
											if ( crypto_level != TRTrackerServerPeer.CRYPTO_NONE ){
												rep_peer.put( "crypto_flag", new Long( peer.getCryptoLevel() == TRTrackerServerPeer.CRYPTO_REQUIRED?1:0));

											if ( peer.isBiased()){
												rep_peers.addFirst( rep_peer );
												rep_peers.addLast( rep_peer );
						// System.out.println( "num_want = " + num_want + ", added = " + added + ", bad_nat = " + bad_nat_added );
						peer_list_compaction_suspended	= false;
						if ( peer_removed ){
							checkForPeerListCompaction( false );
						// given up on this approach for the moment as too costly
						// randomly select the peers to return
					LinkedList	peers = new LinkedList( peer_map.keySet());
					int	added = 0;
					while( added < num_want && peers.size() > 0 ){
						String	key = (String)peers.remove(random.nextInt(peers.size()));
						TRTrackerServerPeerImpl	peer = (TRTrackerServerPeerImpl)peer_map.get(key);
						if ( now > peer.getTimeout()){
							removePeer( peer, TRTrackerServerTorrentPeerListener.ET_TIMEOUT, null );
						}else if ( peer.getTCPPort() == 0 ){
								// a port of 0 means that the peer definitely can't accept incoming connections
						}else if ( crypto_level == TRTrackerServerPeer.CRYPTO_NONE && peer.getCryptoLevel() == TRTrackerServerPeer.CRYPTO_REQUIRED ){
							// don't return "crypto required" peers to those that can't correctly connect to them

						}else if ( include_seeds || !peer.isSeed()){
							Map rep_peer = new HashMap(3);	// don't use TreeMap as default is "compact"
															// so we never actually encode anyway
							if ( send_peer_ids ){
								rep_peer.put( "peer id", peer.getPeerId().getHash());
							if ( compact_mode != COMPACT_MODE_NONE ){
								byte[]	peer_bytes = peer.getIPBytes();
								if ( peer_bytes == null ){
								rep_peer.put( "ip", peer_bytes );
								if ( compact_mode >= COMPACT_MODE_AZ ){
									rep_peer.put( "azver", new Long( peer.getAZVer()));
									rep_peer.put( "azudp", new Long( peer.getUDPPort()));
									if ( peer.isSeed()){
										rep_peer.put( "azhttp", new Long( peer.getHTTPPort()));
								rep_peer.put( "ip", peer.getIPAsRead() );
							rep_peer.put( "port", new Long( peer.getTCPPort()));
							if ( crypto_level != TRTrackerServerPeer.CRYPTO_NONE ){
								rep_peer.put( "crypto_flag", new Long( peer.getCryptoLevel() == TRTrackerServerPeer.CRYPTO_REQUIRED?1:0));

							rep_peers.add( rep_peer );
			if ( 	include_seeds && 
					explicit_limited_peers == null &&
					!send_peer_ids &&
					seed_count < 3 && 
					queued_peers != null ){
				Iterator	it = queued_peers.iterator();
				List	added = new ArrayList( QUEUED_PEERS_ADD_MAX );
				while( it.hasNext() && num_want > rep_peers.size() && added.size() < QUEUED_PEERS_ADD_MAX ){
					QueuedPeer	peer = (QueuedPeer);
					if ( peer.isTimedOut( now )){
					}else if ( crypto_level == TRTrackerServerPeer.CRYPTO_NONE && peer.getCryptoLevel() == TRTrackerServerPeer.CRYPTO_REQUIRED ){
							// don't return "crypto required" peers to those that can't correctly connect to them
					}else if ( remove_ips != null && remove_ips.contains( peer.getIP())){
							// skippy skippy
						Map rep_peer = new HashMap(3);
						if ( compact_mode != COMPACT_MODE_NONE ){
							byte[]	peer_bytes = peer.getIPAddressBytes();
							if ( peer_bytes == null ){
							rep_peer.put( "ip", peer_bytes );
							if ( compact_mode >= COMPACT_MODE_AZ ){
								rep_peer.put( "azver", new Long( peer.getAZVer()));
								rep_peer.put( "azudp", new Long( peer.getUDPPort()));
								if ( peer.isSeed()){
									rep_peer.put( "azhttp", new Long( peer.getHTTPPort()));
								if ( compact_mode >= COMPACT_MODE_XML ){
									rep_peer.put( "ip", peer.getIPAsRead());
							rep_peer.put( "ip", peer.getIPAsRead());
						rep_peer.put( "port", new Long( peer.getTCPPort()));
						if ( crypto_level != TRTrackerServerPeer.CRYPTO_NONE ){
							rep_peer.put( "crypto_flag", new Long( peer.getCryptoLevel() == TRTrackerServerPeer.CRYPTO_REQUIRED?1:0));
						// System.out.println( "added queued peer " + peer.getString());
						rep_peers.addLast( rep_peer );
						added.add( peer );
							// it'll be added back in below, don't worry!
				for (int i=0;i<added.size();i++){
					queued_peers.add( added.get(i));
			Map	root = new TreeMap();	// user TreeMap to pre-sort so encoding quicker
			if ( preprocess_map.size() > 0 ){
				root.putAll( preprocess_map );
			if ( explicit_limited_peers != null ){
				for (int i=0;i<explicit_limited_peers.size();i++){
					TRTrackerServerPeerImpl peer = (TRTrackerServerPeerImpl)explicit_limited_peers.get(i);
					exportPeer(rep_peers, peer, send_peer_ids, compact_mode, crypto_level, network_position);
			if ( explicit_biased_peers != null ){
				for (int i=0;i<explicit_biased_peers.size();i++){
					TRTrackerServerPeerImpl peer = (TRTrackerServerPeerImpl)explicit_biased_peers.get(i);
					exportPeer(rep_peers, peer, send_peer_ids, compact_mode, crypto_level, network_position);
			if ( add_explicit_peers && num_want > 0 ){
				if ( requesting_peer != null && !requesting_peer.isSeed()){
					for (int i=0;i<EXPLICIT_PEERS_TO_ADD;i++){
						String	cl_peer = EXPLICIT_PEERS[explicit_next_peer++];
						if ( explicit_next_peer == EXPLICIT_PEERS.length ){
							explicit_next_peer = 0;
						Map rep_peer = new HashMap(3);
						if ( send_peer_ids ){
							byte[]	peer_id = new byte[20];
							random.nextBytes( peer_id );
							rep_peer.put( "peer id", peer_id );
						if ( compact_mode != COMPACT_MODE_NONE ){
							byte[]	peer_bytes = HostNameToIPResolver.hostAddressToBytes( cl_peer );
							if ( peer_bytes == null ){
							rep_peer.put( "ip", peer_bytes );
							if ( compact_mode >= COMPACT_MODE_AZ ){
								rep_peer.put( "azver", new Long( 0 ));	// non-az
								rep_peer.put( "azudp", new Long( 0 ));
								rep_peer.put( "azup", new Long( 0 ));
								rep_peer.put( "azbiased", "" );
							rep_peer.put( "ip", cl_peer.getBytes());
						rep_peer.put( "port", new Long( EXPLICIT_PORT ));	
						if ( crypto_level != TRTrackerServerPeer.CRYPTO_NONE ){
							rep_peer.put( "crypto_flag", new Long( 0 ));
						rep_peers.addFirst( rep_peer );
			int			num_peers_returned	= rep_peers.size();
			Iterator	it					= rep_peers.iterator();
			if ( compact_mode == COMPACT_MODE_AZ ){

				byte[]	compact_peers = new byte[num_peers_returned*9];
				int	index = 0;
				while( it.hasNext()){
					Map	rep_peer = (Map);
					byte[] 	ip 				= (byte[])rep_peer.get( "ip" );
					int		tcp_port		= ((Long)rep_peer.get( "port" )).intValue();
					int		udp_port		= ((Long)rep_peer.get( "azudp" )).intValue();
					Long	crypto_flag_l	= (Long)rep_peer.get( "crypto_flag" );
					byte	crypto_flag		= crypto_flag_l==null?0:crypto_flag_l.byteValue();
					int	pos = index*9;
					System.arraycopy( ip, 0, compact_peers, pos, 4 );
					pos += 4;
					compact_peers[pos++] = (byte)(tcp_port>>8);
					compact_peers[pos++] = (byte)(tcp_port&0xff);
					compact_peers[pos++] = (byte)(udp_port>>8);
					compact_peers[pos++] = (byte)(udp_port&0xff);
					compact_peers[pos++] = crypto_flag;
				root.put( "peers", compact_peers );
				root.put( "azcompact", new Long(1));
			}else if ( compact_mode == COMPACT_MODE_AZ_2 ){
				List	compact_peers = new ArrayList( num_peers_returned );
				while( it.hasNext()){
					Map	rep_peer = (Map);
					Map	peer = new HashMap();
					compact_peers.add( peer );
					byte[] 	ip 				= (byte[])rep_peer.get( "ip" );
					peer.put( "i", ip );
					int		tcp_port		= ((Long)rep_peer.get( "port" )).intValue();
					peer.put( "t", new byte[]{ (byte)(tcp_port>>8), (byte)(tcp_port&0xff) });
					int		udp_port		= ((Long)rep_peer.get( "azudp" )).intValue();
					if ( udp_port != 0 ){
						if ( udp_port == tcp_port ){
							peer.put( "u", new byte[0] );
							peer.put( "u", new byte[]{ (byte)(udp_port>>8), (byte)(udp_port&0xff) });
					Long	http_port_l	= (Long)rep_peer.get( "azhttp" );
					if ( http_port_l != null ){
						int	http_port = http_port_l.intValue();
						if ( http_port != 0 ){
							peer.put( "h", new byte[]{ (byte)(http_port>>8), (byte)(http_port&0xff) });
					Long	crypto_flag_l	= (Long)rep_peer.get( "crypto_flag" );
					byte	crypto_flag		= crypto_flag_l==null?0:crypto_flag_l.byteValue();
					if ( crypto_flag != 0 ){
						peer.put( "c", new byte[]{ crypto_flag } );
					Long	az_ver_l	= (Long)rep_peer.get( "azver" );
					byte	az_ver		= az_ver_l==null?0:az_ver_l.byteValue();
					if ( az_ver != 0 ){
						peer.put( "v", new Long(az_ver));
					Long up_speed = (Long)rep_peer.get( "azup" );
					if ( up_speed != null && up_speed.longValue() != 0 ){
						peer.put( "s", up_speed );
					Long rtt = (Long)rep_peer.get( "azrtt" );
					if ( rtt != null ){
						peer.put( "r", rtt );
					if ( rep_peer.containsKey("azbiased")){
						peer.put( "b", new Long(1));
				root.put( "peers", compact_peers );
				root.put( "azcompact", new Long(2));
			}else if ( compact_mode == COMPACT_MODE_XML ){
				List	xml_peers = new ArrayList( num_peers_returned );
				while( it.hasNext()){
					Map	rep_peer = (Map);
					Map	peer = new HashMap();
					xml_peers.add( peer );
					peer.put( "ip", rep_peer.get( "ip" ) );
					peer.put( "tcp", rep_peer.get( "port" ));
					int		udp_port	= ((Long)rep_peer.get( "azudp" )).intValue();
					if ( udp_port != 0 ){
						peer.put( "udp", new Long( udp_port ));
					Long	http_port_l	= (Long)rep_peer.get( "azhttp" );
					if ( http_port_l != null ){
						int	http_port = http_port_l.intValue();
						if ( http_port != 0 ){
							peer.put( "http", new Long( http_port ));
				root.put( "peers", xml_peers );
				byte[]	crypto_flags = null;
				if ( crypto_level != TRTrackerServerPeer.CRYPTO_NONE ){
					crypto_flags = new byte[num_peers_returned];
				if ( compact_mode == COMPACT_MODE_NORMAL ){
					byte[]	compact_peers = new byte[num_peers_returned*6];
					int	index = 0;
					while( it.hasNext()){
						Map	rep_peer = (Map);
						byte[] 	ip 		= (byte[])rep_peer.get( "ip" );
						int		port	= ((Long)rep_peer.get( "port" )).intValue();
						int	pos = index*6;
						System.arraycopy( ip, 0, compact_peers, pos, 4 );
						pos += 4;
						compact_peers[pos++] = (byte)(port>>8);
						compact_peers[pos++] = (byte)(port&0xff);
						if ( crypto_flags != null ){
							Long	crypto_flag = (Long)rep_peer.remove( "crypto_flag" );
							crypto_flags[index] = crypto_flag.byteValue();
					root.put( "peers", compact_peers );
					int	index = 0;
					while( it.hasNext()){
						Map	rep_peer = (Map);
						if ( crypto_flags != null ){
							Long	crypto_flag = (Long)rep_peer.remove( "crypto_flag" );
							crypto_flags[index] = crypto_flag.byteValue();
					root.put( "peers", rep_peers );
				if ( crypto_flags != null ){
					root.put( "crypto_flags", crypto_flags );
			root.put( "interval", new Long( interval ));
			root.put( "min interval", new Long( min_interval ));
			if ( nat_warning ){
				requesting_peer.setNATStatus( TRTrackerServerPeerImpl.NAT_CHECK_FAILED_AND_REPORTED );
						"warning message", 
						("Unable to connect to your incoming data port (" + requesting_peer.getIP() + ":" + requesting_peer.getTCPPort() +"). " +
						 "This will result in slow downloads. Please check your firewall/router settings").getBytes());
				// also include scrape details
			root.put( "complete", new Long( getSeedCountForScrape( requester_is_biased )));
			root.put( "incomplete", new Long( getLeecherCount() ));
			root.put( "downloaded", new Long(stats.getCompletedCount()));
			if ( add_to_cache ){
				announce_cache.put( new Integer((num_peers_returned+9)/10), new announceCacheEntry( root, send_peer_ids, compact_mode ));
			return( root );
	private void
		LinkedList				rep_peers,
		TRTrackerServerPeerImpl	peer,
		boolean					send_peer_ids,
		byte					compact_mode,
		byte					crypto_level,
		DHTNetworkPosition		network_position )
		Map rep_peer = new HashMap(3);
		if ( send_peer_ids ){
			rep_peer.put( "peer id", peer.getPeerId().getHash());
		if ( compact_mode != COMPACT_MODE_NONE ){
			byte[]	peer_bytes = peer.getIPAddressBytes();
			if ( peer_bytes == null ){
			rep_peer.put( "ip", peer_bytes );
			if ( compact_mode >= COMPACT_MODE_AZ ){
				rep_peer.put( "azver", new Long( peer.getAZVer()));
				rep_peer.put( "azudp", new Long( peer.getUDPPort()));
				if ( peer.isSeed()){
					rep_peer.put( "azhttp", new Long( peer.getHTTPPort()));
				if ( compact_mode >= COMPACT_MODE_XML ){
					rep_peer.put( "ip", peer.getIPAsRead() );

					rep_peer.put( "azup", new Long( peer.getUpSpeed()));
					if ( peer.isBiased()){
						rep_peer.put( "azbiased", "" );

					if ( network_position != null ){
						DHTNetworkPosition	peer_pos = peer.getNetworkPosition();
						if ( peer_pos != null && network_position.getPositionType() == peer_pos.getPositionType()){
							rep_peer.put( "azrtt", new Long( (long)peer_pos.estimateRTT(network_position )));
			rep_peer.put( "ip", peer.getIPAsRead() );
		rep_peer.put( "port", new Long( peer.getTCPPort()));	
		if ( crypto_level != TRTrackerServerPeer.CRYPTO_NONE ){
			rep_peer.put( "crypto_flag", new Long( peer.getCryptoLevel() == TRTrackerServerPeer.CRYPTO_REQUIRED?1:0));

		if ( peer.isBiased()){
			rep_peers.addFirst( rep_peer );
			rep_peers.addLast( rep_peer );
	public Map
		String		url_parameters,
		String		ip_address,
		boolean		allow_cache )
		throws TRTrackerServerException
			handleRedirects( url_parameters, ip_address, true );

			long now = SystemTime.getCurrentTime();
            long diff = now - last_scrape_calc_time;
			if( allow_cache && last_scrape != null && diff < TRTrackerServerImpl.getScrapeCachePeriod() && !(diff < 0) ){
			  return( last_scrape );
			last_scrape 			= new TreeMap();
			last_scrape_calc_time	= now;
			boolean requester_is_biased;
			Set bp = server.getBiasedPeers();
			if ( bp == null ){
				requester_is_biased = false;
				requester_is_biased = bp.contains( ip_address );
			last_scrape.put( "complete", new Long( getSeedCountForScrape( requester_is_biased )));
			last_scrape.put( "incomplete", new Long( getLeecherCount()));
			last_scrape.put( "downloaded", new Long(stats.getCompletedCount()));
			return( last_scrape );
	protected void
			long	now = SystemTime.getCurrentTime();
			int	new_bad_NAT_count	= 0;
				peer_list_compaction_suspended	= true;
				for (int i=0;i<peer_list.size();i++){
					TRTrackerServerPeerImpl	peer = (TRTrackerServerPeerImpl)peer_list.get(i);
					if ( peer == null ){
					if ( now > peer.getTimeout()){
						removePeer( peer, i, TRTrackerServerTorrentPeerListener.ET_TIMEOUT, null );
						if ( peer.isNATStatusBad()){
				peer_list_compaction_suspended	= false;
			bad_NAT_count	= new_bad_NAT_count;
			if ( removed_count > 1000 ){
				removed_count = 0;
				checkForPeerListCompaction( true );
					// rehash
				HashMap	new_peer_map 		= new HashMap(peer_map);
				HashMap	new_peer_reuse_map	= new HashMap(peer_reuse_map);
				peer_map 		= new_peer_map;
				peer_reuse_map	= new_peer_reuse_map;
				checkForPeerListCompaction( false );
			Iterator	it = lightweight_seed_map.values().iterator();
			while( it.hasNext()){
				lightweightSeed	lws = (lightweightSeed);
				if ( now > lws.getTimeout()){
	protected void
		boolean	force )
		if ( peer_list_hole_count > 0 && !peer_list_compaction_suspended ){
			if ( force || peer_list_hole_count > peer_map.size()/10 ){
				ArrayList	new_peer_list = new ArrayList( peer_list.size() - (peer_list_hole_count/2));
				int	holes_found = 0;
				for (int i=0;i<peer_list.size();i++){
					Object	obj = peer_list.get(i);
					if ( obj == null ){
						new_peer_list.add( obj );
				if( holes_found != peer_list_hole_count ){
					Debug.out( "TRTrackerTorrent:compactHoles: count mismatch" );
				peer_list	= new_peer_list;
				peer_list_hole_count	= 0;
	protected void
		int		bytes_in,
		int		bytes_out )
		stats.addXferStats( bytes_in, bytes_out );
	public TRTrackerServerTorrentStats
		return( stats );
	protected int
		return( peer_map.size() + lightweight_seed_map.size());
	protected int
		if ( seed_count < 0 ){
			Debug.out( "seed count negative" );
		return( seed_count + lightweight_seed_map.size());
	protected int
		boolean	requester_is_biased )
		int seeds	= getSeedCount();
		if ( biased_peers != null && !requester_is_biased ){
			int	bpc = 0;
			Iterator it = biased_peers.iterator();
			while( it.hasNext()){
				TRTrackerServerPeerImpl bp = (TRTrackerServerPeerImpl);
				if ( bp.isSeed()){
			if ( seeds < 0 ){
				seeds = 0;
				// retain at least one biased seed
			if ( bpc > 0 ){
		return( seeds );
	protected int
			// this isn't synchronised so could possible end up negative
		int	res = peer_map.size() - seed_count;
		return( res<0?0:res );
	public TRTrackerServerPeer[]
			TRTrackerServerPeer[]	res = new TRTrackerServerPeer[peer_map.size()];
			peer_map.values().toArray( res );
			return( res );
	protected int
		List	l = queued_peers;
		if ( l == null ){
			return( 0 );
		return( l.size());
	public TRTrackerServerPeerBase[]

			if ( queued_peers == null ){
				return( new TRTrackerServerPeerBase[0] );
			TRTrackerServerPeerBase[]	res = new TRTrackerServerPeerBase[queued_peers.size()];
			queued_peers.toArray( res );
			return( res );

	public HashWrapper
		return( hash );
	public void
		URL[]		urls )
			redirects	= urls;
	public URL[]
		return( redirects );
	protected void
		String	url_parameters,
		String	real_ip_address,
		boolean	scrape )
		throws TRTrackerServerException
		if ( redirects != null ){
			if ( url_parameters.indexOf("permredirect") != -1 ){
				Debug.out( "redirect recursion" );
				throw( new TRTrackerServerException( "redirection recursion not supported" ));
			URL	redirect = redirects[real_ip_address.hashCode()%redirects.length];
			Map	headers = new HashMap();
			String	redirect_str = redirect.toString();
			if ( scrape ){
				int	pos = redirect_str.indexOf( "/announce" );
				if ( pos == -1 ){
				redirect_str	= redirect_str.substring( 0, pos ) + "/scrape" + redirect_str.substring( pos + 9 );
			if ( redirect_str.indexOf('?' ) == -1 ){
				redirect_str += "?";
				redirect_str += "&";
			redirect_str += "permredirect=1";
			if ( url_parameters.length() > 0 ){
				redirect_str += "&" + url_parameters;
			System.out.println( "redirect -> " + redirect_str );
			headers.put( "Location", redirect_str);
			throw( new TRTrackerServerException(301, "Moved Permanently", headers ));
	public void
		TRTrackerServerTorrentListener	l )
		if ( deleted ){
	public void
		TRTrackerServerTorrentListener	l )
	protected void
		TRTrackerServerPeer		peer,
		int						event,
		String					url_parameters )
		throws TRTrackerServerException
		if ( peer_listeners != null ){
			for (int i=0;i<peer_listeners.size();i++){
					((TRTrackerServerTorrentPeerListener)peer_listeners.get(i)).eventOccurred( this, peer, event, url_parameters );
				}catch( TRTrackerServerException e ){
					throw( e );
				}catch( Throwable e ){
	public void
		TRTrackerServerTorrentPeerListener	l )
		if ( peer_listeners == null ){
			peer_listeners = new ArrayList();
		peer_listeners.add( l );
	public void
		TRTrackerServerTorrentPeerListener	l )
		if ( peer_listeners != null ){

	public void
		caching_enabled	= false;
	public boolean
		return( caching_enabled );
	public int
		return( bad_NAT_count );
	protected void
		deleted	= true;
		for (int i=0;i<listeners.size();i++){
	static class
		protected Map		data;
		protected boolean	send_peer_ids;
		protected byte		compact_mode;
		protected long		time;
			Map		_data,
			boolean	_send_peer_ids,
			byte	_compact_mode )
			data			= _data;
			send_peer_ids	= _send_peer_ids;
			compact_mode	= _compact_mode;
			time			= SystemTime.getCurrentTime();
		protected boolean
			return( send_peer_ids );
		protected byte
			return( compact_mode );
		protected long
			return( time );
		protected Map
			return( data );
	protected static class
		long	timeout;
		long	last_contact_time;
		long	uploaded;
		byte	nat_status;
			long	_now,
			long	_timeout,
			long	_uploaded,
			byte	_nat_status )
			last_contact_time	= _now;
			timeout				= _timeout;
			uploaded			= _uploaded;
			nat_status			= _nat_status;
		protected long
			return( timeout );
		protected long
			return( last_contact_time );
		protected long
			return( uploaded );
		protected byte
			return( nat_status );
	protected static class
		implements TRTrackerServerPeerBase
		private static final byte	FLAG_SEED			= 0x01;
		private static final byte	FLAG_BIASED			= 0x02;
		private short	tcp_port;
		private short	udp_port;
		private short	http_port;
		private byte[]	ip;
		private byte	crypto_level;
		private byte	az_ver;
		private int		create_time_secs;
		private int		timeout_secs;
		private byte	flags;
			String		_ip_str,
			int			_tcp_port,
			int			_udp_port,
			int			_http_port,
			byte		_crypto_level,
			byte		_az_ver,
			int			_timeout_secs,
			boolean		_seed,
			boolean		_biased )
				ip = _ip_str.getBytes( Constants.BYTE_ENCODING );
			}catch( UnsupportedEncodingException e  ){
			tcp_port	= (short)_tcp_port;
			udp_port	= (short)_udp_port;
			http_port	= (short)_http_port;
			crypto_level	= _crypto_level;
			az_ver			= _az_ver;
			setFlag( FLAG_SEED, 		_seed );
			setFlag( FLAG_BIASED, 		_biased );
			create_time_secs 	= (int)( SystemTime.getCurrentTime()/1000 );
			timeout_secs		= _timeout_secs * TRTrackerServerImpl.CLIENT_TIMEOUT_MULTIPLIER;
		protected boolean
			TRTrackerServerPeerImpl	peer )
			return( tcp_port == peer.getTCPPort() &&
					Arrays.equals( ip, peer.getIPAsRead()) &&
					isIPOverride() == peer.isIPOverride());
		protected boolean
			QueuedPeer	other )
			return( tcp_port == other.tcp_port &&
					Arrays.equals( ip,other.ip ));
		protected byte[]
			return( ip );
		public String
				return( new String( ip, Constants.BYTE_ENCODING ));
			}catch( UnsupportedEncodingException e ){
				return( new String( ip ));
		protected boolean
			return( getFlag( FLAG_SEED ));
		protected void
			boolean	_biased )
			setFlag( FLAG_BIASED, _biased );
		protected boolean
			return( getFlag( FLAG_BIASED ));
		protected boolean
				// we never allow IP override queued peers
			return( false );
		protected void
			byte		flag,
			boolean		value )
			if ( value ){
				flags |= flag;
				flags &= ~flag;
		protected boolean
			byte		flag )
			return((flags & flag ) != 0 );
		protected byte[]
				return( HostNameToIPResolver.hostAddressToBytes( new String( ip, Constants.BYTE_ENCODING )));
			}catch( UnsupportedEncodingException e  ){
				return( null );
		public int
			return( tcp_port & 0xffff );
		protected int
			return( udp_port & 0xffff );
		protected int
			return( http_port & 0xffff );
		protected byte
			return( crypto_level );
		protected byte
			return( az_ver );
		protected int
			return( create_time_secs );
		protected boolean
			long	now_millis )
			int	now_secs = (int)(now_millis/1000);
			if ( now_secs < create_time_secs ){
				create_time_secs = now_secs;
			return( create_time_secs + timeout_secs < now_secs );
		public int
			int	now_secs = (int)(SystemTime.getCurrentTime()/1000);
			if ( now_secs < create_time_secs ){
				create_time_secs = now_secs;
			return(( create_time_secs + timeout_secs ) - now_secs );
		protected String
			return( new String(ip) + ":" + getTCPPort() + "/" + getUDPPort() + "/" + getCryptoLevel());
	public String
		String	redirect;
		if ( redirects == null ){
			redirect = "none";
			redirect	= "";
			for (int i=0;i<redirects.length;i++){
				redirect += (i==0?"":",") + redirects[i];
		return( "seeds=" + getSeedCount() + ",leechers=" + getLeecherCount() + ", redirect=" + redirect );