ServerInstanceStatus.javaAPI DocGlassfish v2 API7049Fri May 04 22:33:18 BST 2007com.sun.enterprise.admin.common

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package com.sun.enterprise.admin.common;

// i18n import 
import com.sun.enterprise.admin.util.SOMLocalStringsManager;

	A class that represents the status of a Server Instance.
public class ServerInstanceStatus extends Status
    /* javac 1.3 generated serialVersionUID */
    public static final long serialVersionUID	=  7309765796199182533L;	

    private boolean mDebug = false;
    private int     mDebugPort = -1;
	// i18n SOMLocalStringsManager
	private static SOMLocalStringsManager localizedStrMgr =
		SOMLocalStringsManager.getManager( ServerInstanceStatus.class );

        Creates new Status that represents state of a running Server Instance.
    public ServerInstanceStatus ()
        super(Status.kInstanceRunningCode, Status.kInstanceRunningMsg);

     * Create new status that represents specified status. If specified status
     * code is invalid the method throws an IllegalArgumentException
     * @param statusCode status code, one of <code>Status.kInstanceStartingCode,
     *     Status.kInstanceRunningCode, Status.kInstanceStoppingCode and
     *     Status.kInstanceNotRunningCode</code>.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if specified status code is invalid.
    public ServerInstanceStatus (int statusCode)

    public ServerInstanceStatus(int code, String str)
        super(code, str);

    public boolean isRunning ()
        return (mStatusCode == Status.kInstanceRunningCode);

     * Convenience method for setting the current status code
     * to running.
    public void setRunning()
        mStatusCode     = kInstanceRunningCode;
        mStatusString   = kInstanceRunningMsg;

     * Returns true if the status code is set to kInstanceStartingCode, 
     * false otherwise.
    public boolean isStarting()
        return (mStatusCode == kInstanceStartingCode);

     * Convenience method for setting the current status code
     * to starting.
    public void setStarting()
        mStatusCode     = kInstanceStartingCode;
        mStatusString   = kInstanceStartingMsg;

     * Returns true if the status code is set to kInstanceStoppingCode, 
     * false otherwise.
    public boolean isStopping()
        return (mStatusCode == kInstanceStoppingCode);

     * Convenience method for setting the current status code
     * to stopping.
    public void setStopping()
        mStatusCode     = kInstanceStoppingCode;
        mStatusString   = kInstanceStoppingMsg;

     * Returns true if the status code is set to kInstanceNotRunning, false
     * otherwise.
    public boolean isNotRunning()
        return (mStatusCode == Status.kInstanceNotRunningCode);

     * Convenience method for setting the current status code
     * to not running.
    public void setNotRunning()
        mStatusCode     = kInstanceNotRunningCode;
        mStatusString   = kInstanceNotRunningMsg;

     * Returns true if the instance is set to run in debug mode, 
     * false otherwise.
    public boolean isDebug()
        return mDebug;

    public void setDebug(boolean debug)
        mDebug = debug;
     * Returns the port on which JPDA port in admin-server JVM listens.
     * Returns -1 in case the debug flag is not enabled.
    public int getDebugPort()
        return ( mDebugPort );
     * Sets the JPDA debugger port. This is the port to which the debuggers can
     * connect in case the JVM is to be debugged.
     * @param port integer representing port
    public void setDebugPort(int port)
        mDebugPort = port;

     * Set status code and string to appropriate values using specified status
     * code. An IllegalArgumentException is thrown if status code is invalid
     * for server instance.
    private void setStatusCodeAndStr(int statusCode) {
        switch (statusCode) {
          case Status.kInstanceStartingCode:
            this.mStatusCode = statusCode;
            this.mStatusString = Status.kInstanceStartingMsg;
          case Status.kInstanceRunningCode:
            this.mStatusCode = statusCode;
            this.mStatusString = Status.kInstanceRunningMsg;
          case Status.kInstanceStoppingCode:
            this.mStatusCode = statusCode;
            this.mStatusString = Status.kInstanceStoppingMsg;
          case Status.kInstanceNotRunningCode:
            this.mStatusCode = statusCode;
            this.mStatusString = Status.kInstanceNotRunningMsg;
			String msg = localizedStrMgr.getString( "admin.common.invalid_server_instance_status_code", new String( statusCode + "" ) );
            throw new IllegalArgumentException( msg );