BinaryTree.javaAPI DocApache Poi 3.0.169962Mon Jan 01 12:39:42 GMT 2007org.apache.poi.util


public final class BinaryTree extends AbstractMap
Red-Black tree-based implementation of Map. This class guarantees that the map will be in both ascending key order and ascending value order, sorted according to the natural order for the key's and value's classes.

This Map is intended for applications that need to be able to look up a key-value pairing by either key or value, and need to do so with equal efficiency.

While that goal could be accomplished by taking a pair of TreeMaps and redirecting requests to the appropriate TreeMap (e.g., containsKey would be directed to the TreeMap that maps values to keys, containsValue would be directed to the TreeMap that maps keys to values), there are problems with that implementation, particularly when trying to keep the two TreeMaps synchronized with each other. And if the data contained in the TreeMaps is large, the cost of redundant storage becomes significant.

This solution keeps the data properly synchronized and minimizes the data storage. The red-black algorithm is based on TreeMap's, but has been modified to simultaneously map a tree node by key and by value. This doubles the cost of put operations (but so does using two TreeMaps), and nearly doubles the cost of remove operations (there is a savings in that the lookup of the node to be removed only has to be performed once). And since only one node contains the key and value, storage is significantly less than that required by two TreeMaps.

There are some limitations placed on data kept in this Map. The biggest one is this:

When performing a put operation, neither the key nor the value may already exist in the Map. In the java.util Map implementations (HashMap, TreeMap), you can perform a put with an already mapped key, and neither cares about duplicate values at all ... but this implementation's put method with throw an IllegalArgumentException if either the key or the value is already in the Map.

Obviously, that same restriction (and consequence of failing to heed that restriction) applies to the putAll method.

The Map.Entry instances returned by the appropriate methods will not allow setValue() and will throw an UnsupportedOperationException on attempts to call that method.

New methods are added to take advantage of the fact that values are kept sorted independently of their keys:

Object getKeyForValue(Object value) is the opposite of get; it takes a value and returns its key, if any.

Object removeValue(Object value) finds and removes the specified value and returns the now un-used key.

Set entrySetByValue() returns the Map.Entry's in a Set whose iterator will iterate over the Map.Entry's in ascending order by their corresponding values.

Set keySetByValue() returns the keys in a Set whose iterator will iterate over the keys in ascending order by their corresponding values.

Collection valuesByValue() returns the values in a Collection whose iterator will iterate over the values in ascending order.

Marc Johnson (mjohnson at apache dot org)

Fields Summary
private Node[]
private int
private int
private Set[]
private Set[]
private Collection[]
private static final int
private static final int
private static final int
private static final int
private static final int
private static final String[]
Constructors Summary
public BinaryTree()
Construct a new BinaryTree


public BinaryTree(Map map)
Constructs a new BinaryTree from an existing Map, with keys and values sorted

map the map whose mappings are to be placed in this map.
ClassCastException if the keys in the map are not Comparable, or are not mutually comparable; also if the values in the map are not Comparable, or are not mutually Comparable
NullPointerException if any key or value in the map is null
IllegalArgumentException if there are duplicate keys or duplicate values in the map

Methods Summary
private static voidcheckKey(java.lang.Object key)
check a key for validity (non-null and implements Comparable)

key the key to be checked
NullPointerException if key is null
ClassCastException if key is not Comparable

        checkNonNullComparable(key, _KEY);
private static voidcheckKeyAndValue(java.lang.Object key, java.lang.Object value)
check a key and a value for validity (non-null and implements Comparable)

key the key to be checked
value the value to be checked
NullPointerException if key or value is null
ClassCastException if key or value is not Comparable

private static voidcheckNonNullComparable(java.lang.Object o, int index)
check if an object is fit to be proper input ... has to be Comparable and non-null

o the object being checked
index _KEY or _VALUE (used to put the right word in the exception message)
NullPointerException if o is null
ClassCastException if o is not Comparable

        if (o == null)
            throw new NullPointerException(_data_name[ index ]
                                           + " cannot be null");
        if (!(o instanceof Comparable))
            throw new ClassCastException(_data_name[ index ]
                                         + " must be Comparable");
private static voidcheckValue(java.lang.Object value)
check a value for validity (non-null and implements Comparable)

value the value to be checked
NullPointerException if value is null
ClassCastException if value is not Comparable

        checkNonNullComparable(value, _VALUE);
public voidclear()
Removes all mappings from this map

        _size           = 0;
        _root[ _KEY ]   = null;
        _root[ _VALUE ] = null;
private static intcompare(java.lang.Comparable o1, java.lang.Comparable o2)
Compare two objects

o1 the first object
o2 the second object
negative value if o1 < o2; 0 if o1 == o2; positive value if o1 > o2

        return (( Comparable ) o1).compareTo(o2);
public booleancontainsKey(java.lang.Object key)
Returns true if this map contains a mapping for the specified key.

key key whose presence in this map is to be tested.
true if this map contains a mapping for the specified key.
ClassCastException if the key is of an inappropriate type for this map.
NullPointerException if the key is null

        return lookup(( Comparable ) key, _KEY) != null;
public booleancontainsValue(java.lang.Object value)
Returns true if this map maps one or more keys to the specified value.

value value whose presence in this map is to be tested.
true if this map maps one or more keys to the specified value.

        return lookup(( Comparable ) value, _VALUE) != null;
private static voidcopyColor(org.apache.poi.util.BinaryTree$Node from, org.apache.poi.util.BinaryTree$Node to, int index)
copy the color from one node to another, dealing with the fact that one or both nodes may, in fact, be null

from the node whose color we're copying; may be null
to the node whose color we're changing; may be null
index _KEY or _VALUE

        if (to != null)
            if (from == null)

                // by default, make it black
                to.copyColor(from, index);
private java.lang.ObjectdoGet(java.lang.Comparable o, int index)
common get logic, used to get by key or get by value

o the key or value that we're looking for
index _KEY or _VALUE
the key (if the value was mapped) or the value (if the key was mapped); null if we couldn't find the specified object

        checkNonNullComparable(o, index);
        Node node = lookup(o, index);

        return ((node == null) ? null
                               : node.getData(oppositeIndex(index)));
private voiddoRedBlackDelete(org.apache.poi.util.BinaryTree$Node deleted_node)
complicated red-black delete stuff. Based on Sun's TreeMap implementation, though it's barely recognizeable any more

deleted_node the node to be deleted

        for (int index = _MINIMUM_INDEX; index < _INDEX_COUNT; index++)

            // if deleted node has both left and children, swap with
            // the next greater node
            if ((deleted_node.getLeft(index) != null)
                    && (deleted_node.getRight(index) != null))
                swapPosition(nextGreater(deleted_node, index), deleted_node,
            Node replacement = ((deleted_node.getLeft(index) != null)
                                ? deleted_node.getLeft(index)
                                : deleted_node.getRight(index));

            if (replacement != null)
                replacement.setParent(deleted_node.getParent(index), index);
                if (deleted_node.getParent(index) == null)
                    _root[ index ] = replacement;
                else if (deleted_node
                         == deleted_node.getParent(index).getLeft(index))
                    deleted_node.getParent(index).setLeft(replacement, index);
                deleted_node.setLeft(null, index);
                deleted_node.setRight(null, index);
                deleted_node.setParent(null, index);
                if (isBlack(deleted_node, index))
                    doRedBlackDeleteFixup(replacement, index);

                // replacement is null
                if (deleted_node.getParent(index) == null)

                    // empty tree
                    _root[ index ] = null;

                    // deleted node had no children
                    if (isBlack(deleted_node, index))
                        doRedBlackDeleteFixup(deleted_node, index);
                    if (deleted_node.getParent(index) != null)
                        if (deleted_node
                                == deleted_node.getParent(index)
                        deleted_node.setParent(null, index);
private voiddoRedBlackDeleteFixup(org.apache.poi.util.BinaryTree$Node replacement_node, int index)
complicated red-black delete stuff. Based on Sun's TreeMap implementation, though it's barely recognizeable any more. This rebalances the tree (somewhat, as red-black trees are not perfectly balanced -- perfect balancing takes longer)

replacement_node the node being replaced
index _KEY or _VALUE

        Node current_node = replacement_node;

        while ((current_node != _root[ index ])
                && (isBlack(current_node, index)))
            if (isLeftChild(current_node, index))
                Node sibling_node =
                    getRightChild(getParent(current_node, index), index);

                if (isRed(sibling_node, index))
                    makeBlack(sibling_node, index);
                    makeRed(getParent(current_node, index), index);
                    rotateLeft(getParent(current_node, index), index);
                    sibling_node =
                        getRightChild(getParent(current_node, index), index);
                if (isBlack(getLeftChild(sibling_node, index), index)
                        && isBlack(getRightChild(sibling_node, index), index))
                    makeRed(sibling_node, index);
                    current_node = getParent(current_node, index);
                    if (isBlack(getRightChild(sibling_node, index), index))
                        makeBlack(getLeftChild(sibling_node, index), index);
                        makeRed(sibling_node, index);
                        rotateRight(sibling_node, index);
                        sibling_node =
                            getRightChild(getParent(current_node, index),
                    copyColor(getParent(current_node, index), sibling_node,
                    makeBlack(getParent(current_node, index), index);
                    makeBlack(getRightChild(sibling_node, index), index);
                    rotateLeft(getParent(current_node, index), index);
                    current_node = _root[ index ];
                Node sibling_node =
                    getLeftChild(getParent(current_node, index), index);

                if (isRed(sibling_node, index))
                    makeBlack(sibling_node, index);
                    makeRed(getParent(current_node, index), index);
                    rotateRight(getParent(current_node, index), index);
                    sibling_node =
                        getLeftChild(getParent(current_node, index), index);
                if (isBlack(getRightChild(sibling_node, index), index)
                        && isBlack(getLeftChild(sibling_node, index), index))
                    makeRed(sibling_node, index);
                    current_node = getParent(current_node, index);
                    if (isBlack(getLeftChild(sibling_node, index), index))
                        makeBlack(getRightChild(sibling_node, index), index);
                        makeRed(sibling_node, index);
                        rotateLeft(sibling_node, index);
                        sibling_node =
                            getLeftChild(getParent(current_node, index),
                    copyColor(getParent(current_node, index), sibling_node,
                    makeBlack(getParent(current_node, index), index);
                    makeBlack(getLeftChild(sibling_node, index), index);
                    rotateRight(getParent(current_node, index), index);
                    current_node = _root[ index ];
        makeBlack(current_node, index);
private voiddoRedBlackInsert(org.apache.poi.util.BinaryTree$Node inserted_node, int index)
complicated red-black insert stuff. Based on Sun's TreeMap implementation, though it's barely recognizeable any more

inserted_node the node to be inserted
index _KEY or _VALUE

        Node current_node = inserted_node;

        makeRed(current_node, index);
        while ((current_node != null) && (current_node != _root[ index ])
                && (isRed(current_node.getParent(index), index)))
            if (isLeftChild(getParent(current_node, index), index))
                Node y = getRightChild(getGrandParent(current_node, index),

                if (isRed(y, index))
                    makeBlack(getParent(current_node, index), index);
                    makeBlack(y, index);
                    makeRed(getGrandParent(current_node, index), index);
                    current_node = getGrandParent(current_node, index);
                    if (isRightChild(current_node, index))
                        current_node = getParent(current_node, index);
                        rotateLeft(current_node, index);
                    makeBlack(getParent(current_node, index), index);
                    makeRed(getGrandParent(current_node, index), index);
                    if (getGrandParent(current_node, index) != null)
                        rotateRight(getGrandParent(current_node, index),

                // just like clause above, except swap left for right
                Node y = getLeftChild(getGrandParent(current_node, index),

                if (isRed(y, index))
                    makeBlack(getParent(current_node, index), index);
                    makeBlack(y, index);
                    makeRed(getGrandParent(current_node, index), index);
                    current_node = getGrandParent(current_node, index);
                    if (isLeftChild(current_node, index))
                        current_node = getParent(current_node, index);
                        rotateRight(current_node, index);
                    makeBlack(getParent(current_node, index), index);
                    makeRed(getGrandParent(current_node, index), index);
                    if (getGrandParent(current_node, index) != null)
                        rotateLeft(getGrandParent(current_node, index),
        makeBlack(_root[ index ], index);
private java.lang.ObjectdoRemove(java.lang.Comparable o, int index)
common remove logic (remove by key or remove by value)

o the key, or value, that we're looking for
index _KEY or _VALUE
the key, if remove by value, or the value, if remove by key. null if the specified key or value could not be found

        Node   node = lookup(o, index);
        Object rval = null;

        if (node != null)
            rval = node.getData(oppositeIndex(index));
        return rval;
public java.util.SetentrySet()
Returns a set view of the mappings contained in this map. Each element in the returned set is a Map.Entry. The set is backed by the map, so changes to the map are reflected in the set, and vice-versa. If the map is modified while an iteration over the set is in progress, the results of the iteration are undefined. The set supports element removal, which removes the corresponding mapping from the map, via the Iterator.remove, Set.remove, removeAll, retainAll and clear operations. It does not support the add or addAll operations.

a set view of the mappings contained in this map.

        if (_entry_set[ _KEY ] == null)
            _entry_set[ _KEY ] = new AbstractSet()
                public Iterator iterator()
                    return new BinaryTreeIterator(_KEY)
                        protected Object doGetNext()
                            return _last_returned_node;

                public boolean contains(Object o)
                    if (!(o instanceof Map.Entry))
                        return false;
                    Map.Entry entry = ( Map.Entry ) o;
                    Object    value = entry.getValue();
                    Node      node  = lookup(( Comparable ) entry.getKey(),

                    return (node != null)
                           && node.getData(_VALUE).equals(value);

                public boolean remove(Object o)
                    if (!(o instanceof Map.Entry))
                        return false;
                    Map.Entry entry = ( Map.Entry ) o;
                    Object    value = entry.getValue();
                    Node      node  = lookup(( Comparable ) entry.getKey(),

                    if ((node != null) && node.getData(_VALUE).equals(value))
                        return true;
                    return false;

                public int size()
                    return BinaryTree.this.size();

                public void clear()
        return _entry_set[ _KEY ];
public java.util.SetentrySetByValue()
Returns a set view of the mappings contained in this map. Each element in the returned set is a Map.Entry. The set is backed by the map, so changes to the map are reflected in the set, and vice-versa. If the map is modified while an iteration over the set is in progress, the results of the iteration are undefined. The set supports element removal, which removes the corresponding mapping from the map, via the Iterator.remove, Set.remove, removeAll, retainAll and clear operations. It does not support the add or addAll operations.

The difference between this method and entrySet is that entrySet's iterator() method returns an iterator that iterates over the mappings in ascending order by key. This method's iterator method iterates over the mappings in ascending order by value.

a set view of the mappings contained in this map.

        if (_entry_set[ _VALUE ] == null)
            _entry_set[ _VALUE ] = new AbstractSet()
                public Iterator iterator()
                    return new BinaryTreeIterator(_VALUE)
                        protected Object doGetNext()
                            return _last_returned_node;

                public boolean contains(Object o)
                    if (!(o instanceof Map.Entry))
                        return false;
                    Map.Entry entry = ( Map.Entry ) o;
                    Object    key   = entry.getKey();
                    Node      node  = lookup(( Comparable ) entry.getValue(),

                    return (node != null) && node.getData(_KEY).equals(key);

                public boolean remove(Object o)
                    if (!(o instanceof Map.Entry))
                        return false;
                    Map.Entry entry = ( Map.Entry ) o;
                    Object    key   = entry.getKey();
                    Node      node  = lookup(( Comparable ) entry.getValue(),

                    if ((node != null) && node.getData(_KEY).equals(key))
                        return true;
                    return false;

                public int size()
                    return BinaryTree.this.size();

                public void clear()
        return _entry_set[ _VALUE ];
public java.lang.Objectget(java.lang.Object key)
Returns the value to which this map maps the specified key. Returns null if the map contains no mapping for this key.

key key whose associated value is to be returned.
the value to which this map maps the specified key, or null if the map contains no mapping for this key.
ClassCastException if the key is of an inappropriate type for this map.
NullPointerException if the key is null

        return doGet(( Comparable ) key, _KEY);
private static org.apache.poi.util.BinaryTree$NodegetGrandParent(org.apache.poi.util.BinaryTree$Node node, int index)
get a node's grandparent. mind you, the node, its parent, or its grandparent may not exist. no problem

node the node (may be null) in question
index _KEY or _VALUE

        return getParent(getParent(node, index), index);
public java.lang.ObjectgetKeyForValue(java.lang.Object value)
Returns the key to which this map maps the specified value. Returns null if the map contains no mapping for this value.

value value whose associated key is to be returned.
the key to which this map maps the specified value, or null if the map contains no mapping for this value.
ClassCastException if the value is of an inappropriate type for this map.
NullPointerException if the value is null

        return doGet(( Comparable ) value, _VALUE);
private static org.apache.poi.util.BinaryTree$NodegetLeftChild(org.apache.poi.util.BinaryTree$Node node, int index)
get a node's left child. mind you, the node may not exist. no problem

node the node (may be null) in question
index _KEY or _VALUE

        return (node == null) ? null
                              : node.getLeft(index);
private static org.apache.poi.util.BinaryTree$NodegetParent(org.apache.poi.util.BinaryTree$Node node, int index)
get a node's parent. mind you, the node, or its parent, may not exist. no problem

node the node (may be null) in question
index _KEY or _VALUE

        return ((node == null) ? null
                               : node.getParent(index));
private static org.apache.poi.util.BinaryTree$NodegetRightChild(org.apache.poi.util.BinaryTree$Node node, int index)
get a node's right child. mind you, the node may not exist. no problem

node the node (may be null) in question
index _KEY or _VALUE

        return (node == null) ? null
                              : node.getRight(index);
private voidgrow()
bump up the size and note that the map has changed

private voidinsertValue(org.apache.poi.util.BinaryTree$Node newNode)
insert a node by its value

newNode the node to be inserted
IllegalArgumentException if the node already exists in the value mapping

        Node node = _root[ _VALUE ];

        while (true)
            int cmp = compare(newNode.getData(_VALUE), node.getData(_VALUE));

            if (cmp == 0)
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "Cannot store a duplicate value (\""
                    + newNode.getData(_VALUE) + "\") in this Map");
            else if (cmp < 0)
                if (node.getLeft(_VALUE) != null)
                    node = node.getLeft(_VALUE);
                    node.setLeft(newNode, _VALUE);
                    newNode.setParent(node, _VALUE);
                    doRedBlackInsert(newNode, _VALUE);
            {   // cmp > 0
                if (node.getRight(_VALUE) != null)
                    node = node.getRight(_VALUE);
                    node.setRight(newNode, _VALUE);
                    newNode.setParent(node, _VALUE);
                    doRedBlackInsert(newNode, _VALUE);
private static booleanisBlack(org.apache.poi.util.BinaryTree$Node node, int index)
is the specified black red? if the node does not exist, sure, it's black, thank you

node the node (may be null) in question
index _KEY or _VALUE

        return ((node == null) ? true
                               : node.isBlack(index));
private static booleanisLeftChild(org.apache.poi.util.BinaryTree$Node node, int index)
is this node its parent's left child? mind you, the node, or its parent, may not exist. no problem. if the node doesn't exist ... it's its non-existent parent's left child. If the node does exist but has no parent ... no, we're not the non-existent parent's left child. Otherwise (both the specified node AND its parent exist), check.

node the node (may be null) in question
index _KEY or _VALUE

        return (node == null) ? true
                              : ((node.getParent(index) == null) ? false
                                                                 : (node
                                                                    == node.getParent(
private static booleanisRed(org.apache.poi.util.BinaryTree$Node node, int index)
is the specified node red? if the node does not exist, no, it's black, thank you

node the node (may be null) in question
index _KEY or _VALUE

        return ((node == null) ? false
                               : node.isRed(index));
private static booleanisRightChild(org.apache.poi.util.BinaryTree$Node node, int index)
is this node its parent's right child? mind you, the node, or its parent, may not exist. no problem. if the node doesn't exist ... it's its non-existent parent's right child. If the node does exist but has no parent ... no, we're not the non-existent parent's right child. Otherwise (both the specified node AND its parent exist), check.

node the node (may be null) in question
index _KEY or _VALUE

        return (node == null) ? true
                              : ((node.getParent(index) == null) ? false
                                                                 : (node
                                                                    == node.getParent(
public java.util.SetkeySet()
Returns a set view of the keys contained in this map. The set is backed by the map, so changes to the map are reflected in the set, and vice-versa. If the map is modified while an iteration over the set is in progress, the results of the iteration are undefined. The set supports element removal, which removes the corresponding mapping from the map, via the Iterator.remove, Set.remove, removeAll, retainAll, and clear operations. It does not support the add or addAll operations.

a set view of the keys contained in this map.

        if (_key_set[ _KEY ] == null)
            _key_set[ _KEY ] = new AbstractSet()
                public Iterator iterator()
                    return new BinaryTreeIterator(_KEY)
                        protected Object doGetNext()
                            return _last_returned_node.getData(_KEY);

                public int size()
                    return BinaryTree.this.size();

                public boolean contains(Object o)
                    return containsKey(o);

                public boolean remove(Object o)
                    int old_size = _size;

                    return _size != old_size;

                public void clear()
        return _key_set[ _KEY ];
public java.util.SetkeySetByValue()
Returns a set view of the keys contained in this map. The set is backed by the map, so changes to the map are reflected in the set, and vice-versa. If the map is modified while an iteration over the set is in progress, the results of the iteration are undefined. The set supports element removal, which removes the corresponding mapping from the map, via the Iterator.remove, Set.remove, removeAll, retainAll, and clear operations. It does not support the add or addAll operations.

The difference between this method and keySet is that keySet's iterator() method returns an iterator that iterates over the keys in ascending order by key. This method's iterator method iterates over the keys in ascending order by value.

a set view of the keys contained in this map.

        if (_key_set[ _VALUE ] == null)
            _key_set[ _VALUE ] = new AbstractSet()
                public Iterator iterator()
                    return new BinaryTreeIterator(_VALUE)
                        protected Object doGetNext()
                            return _last_returned_node.getData(_KEY);

                public int size()
                    return BinaryTree.this.size();

                public boolean contains(Object o)
                    return containsKey(o);

                public boolean remove(Object o)
                    int old_size = _size;

                    return _size != old_size;

                public void clear()
        return _key_set[ _VALUE ];
private static org.apache.poi.util.BinaryTree$NodeleastNode(org.apache.poi.util.BinaryTree$Node node, int index)
find the least node from a given node. very useful for starting a sorting iterator ...

node the node from which we will start searching
index _KEY or _VALUE
the smallest node, from the specified node, in the specified mapping

        Node rval = node;

        if (rval != null)
            while (rval.getLeft(index) != null)
                rval = rval.getLeft(index);
        return rval;
private org.apache.poi.util.BinaryTree$Nodelookup(java.lang.Comparable data, int index)
do the actual lookup of a piece of data

data the key or value to be looked up
index _KEY or _VALUE
the desired Node, or null if there is no mapping of the specified data

        Node rval = null;
        Node node = _root[ index ];

        while (node != null)
            int cmp = compare(data, node.getData(index));

            if (cmp == 0)
                rval = node;
                node = (cmp < 0) ? node.getLeft(index)
                                 : node.getRight(index);
        return rval;
private static voidmakeBlack(org.apache.poi.util.BinaryTree$Node node, int index)
force a node (if it exists) black

node the node (may be null) in question
index _KEY or _VALUE

        if (node != null)
private static voidmakeRed(org.apache.poi.util.BinaryTree$Node node, int index)
force a node (if it exists) red

node the node (may be null) in question
index _KEY or _VALUE

        if (node != null)
private voidmodify()
increment the modification count -- used to check for concurrent modification of the map through the map and through an Iterator from one of its Set or Collection views

private org.apache.poi.util.BinaryTree$NodenextGreater(org.apache.poi.util.BinaryTree$Node node, int index)
get the next larger node from the specified node

node the node to be searched from
index _KEY or _VALUE
the specified node

        Node rval = null;

        if (node == null)
            rval = null;
        else if (node.getRight(index) != null)

            // everything to the node's right is larger. The least of
            // the right node's descendents is the next larger node
            rval = leastNode(node.getRight(index), index);

            // traverse up our ancestry until we find an ancestor that
            // is null or one whose left child is our ancestor. If we
            // find a null, then this node IS the largest node in the
            // tree, and there is no greater node. Otherwise, we are
            // the largest node in the subtree on that ancestor's left
            // ... and that ancestor is the next greatest node
            Node parent = node.getParent(index);
            Node child  = node;

            while ((parent != null) && (child == parent.getRight(index)))
                child  = parent;
                parent = parent.getParent(index);
            rval = parent;
        return rval;
private intoppositeIndex(int index)
Get the opposite index of the specified index

index _KEY or _VALUE
_VALUE (if _KEY was specified), else _KEY

        // old trick ... to find the opposite of a value, m or n,
        // subtract the value from the sum of the two possible
        // values. (m + n) - m = n; (m + n) - n = m
        return _INDEX_SUM - index;
public java.lang.Objectput(java.lang.Object key, java.lang.Object value)
Associates the specified value with the specified key in this map.

key key with which the specified value is to be associated.
value value to be associated with the specified key.
ClassCastException if the class of the specified key or value prevents it from being stored in this map.
NullPointerException if the specified key or value is null
IllegalArgumentException if the key duplicates an existing key, or if the value duplicates an existing value

        checkKeyAndValue(key, value);
        Node node = _root[ _KEY ];

        if (node == null)
            Node root = new Node(( Comparable ) key, ( Comparable ) value);

            _root[ _KEY ]   = root;
            _root[ _VALUE ] = root;
            while (true)
                int cmp = compare(( Comparable ) key, node.getData(_KEY));

                if (cmp == 0)
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                        "Cannot store a duplicate key (\"" + key
                        + "\") in this Map");
                else if (cmp < 0)
                    if (node.getLeft(_KEY) != null)
                        node = node.getLeft(_KEY);
                        Node newNode = new Node(( Comparable ) key,
                                                ( Comparable ) value);

                        node.setLeft(newNode, _KEY);
                        newNode.setParent(node, _KEY);
                        doRedBlackInsert(newNode, _KEY);
                {   // cmp > 0
                    if (node.getRight(_KEY) != null)
                        node = node.getRight(_KEY);
                        Node newNode = new Node(( Comparable ) key,
                                                ( Comparable ) value);

                        node.setRight(newNode, _KEY);
                        newNode.setParent(node, _KEY);
                        doRedBlackInsert(newNode, _KEY);
        return null;
public java.lang.Objectremove(java.lang.Object key)
Removes the mapping for this key from this map if present

key key whose mapping is to be removed from the map.
previous value associated with specified key, or null if there was no mapping for key.

        return doRemove(( Comparable ) key, _KEY);
public java.lang.ObjectremoveValue(java.lang.Object value)
Removes the mapping for this value from this map if present

value value whose mapping is to be removed from the map.
previous key associated with specified value, or null if there was no mapping for value.

        return doRemove(( Comparable ) value, _VALUE);
private voidrotateLeft(org.apache.poi.util.BinaryTree$Node node, int index)
do a rotate left. standard fare in the world of balanced trees

node the node to be rotated
index _KEY or _VALUE

        Node right_child = node.getRight(index);

        node.setRight(right_child.getLeft(index), index);
        if (right_child.getLeft(index) != null)
            right_child.getLeft(index).setParent(node, index);
        right_child.setParent(node.getParent(index), index);
        if (node.getParent(index) == null)

            // node was the root ... now its right child is the root
            _root[ index ] = right_child;
        else if (node.getParent(index).getLeft(index) == node)
            node.getParent(index).setLeft(right_child, index);
            node.getParent(index).setRight(right_child, index);
        right_child.setLeft(node, index);
        node.setParent(right_child, index);
private voidrotateRight(org.apache.poi.util.BinaryTree$Node node, int index)
do a rotate right. standard fare in the world of balanced trees

node the node to be rotated
index _KEY or _VALUE

        Node left_child = node.getLeft(index);

        node.setLeft(left_child.getRight(index), index);
        if (left_child.getRight(index) != null)
            left_child.getRight(index).setParent(node, index);
        left_child.setParent(node.getParent(index), index);
        if (node.getParent(index) == null)

            // node was the root ... now its left child is the root
            _root[ index ] = left_child;
        else if (node.getParent(index).getRight(index) == node)
            node.getParent(index).setRight(left_child, index);
            node.getParent(index).setLeft(left_child, index);
        left_child.setRight(node, index);
        node.setParent(left_child, index);
private voidshrink()
decrement the size and note that the map has changed

public intsize()
Returns the number of key-value mappings in this map. If the map contains more than Integer.MAX_VALUE elements, returns Integer.MAX_VALUE.

the number of key-value mappings in this map.

        return _size;
private voidswapPosition(org.apache.poi.util.BinaryTree$Node x, org.apache.poi.util.BinaryTree$Node y, int index)
swap two nodes (except for their content), taking care of special cases where one is the other's parent ... hey, it happens.

x one node
y another node
index _KEY or _VALUE

        // Save initial values.
        Node    x_old_parent      = x.getParent(index);
        Node    x_old_left_child  = x.getLeft(index);
        Node    x_old_right_child = x.getRight(index);
        Node    y_old_parent      = y.getParent(index);
        Node    y_old_left_child  = y.getLeft(index);
        Node    y_old_right_child = y.getRight(index);
        boolean x_was_left_child  =
            (x.getParent(index) != null)
            && (x == x.getParent(index).getLeft(index));
        boolean y_was_left_child  =
            (y.getParent(index) != null)
            && (y == y.getParent(index).getLeft(index));

        // Swap, handling special cases of one being the other's parent.
        if (x == y_old_parent)
        {   // x was y's parent
            x.setParent(y, index);
            if (y_was_left_child)
                y.setLeft(x, index);
                y.setRight(x_old_right_child, index);
                y.setRight(x, index);
                y.setLeft(x_old_left_child, index);
            x.setParent(y_old_parent, index);
            if (y_old_parent != null)
                if (y_was_left_child)
                    y_old_parent.setLeft(x, index);
                    y_old_parent.setRight(x, index);
            y.setLeft(x_old_left_child, index);
            y.setRight(x_old_right_child, index);
        if (y == x_old_parent)
        {   // y was x's parent
            y.setParent(x, index);
            if (x_was_left_child)
                x.setLeft(y, index);
                x.setRight(y_old_right_child, index);
                x.setRight(y, index);
                x.setLeft(y_old_left_child, index);
            y.setParent(x_old_parent, index);
            if (x_old_parent != null)
                if (x_was_left_child)
                    x_old_parent.setLeft(y, index);
                    x_old_parent.setRight(y, index);
            x.setLeft(y_old_left_child, index);
            x.setRight(y_old_right_child, index);

        // Fix children's parent pointers
        if (x.getLeft(index) != null)
            x.getLeft(index).setParent(x, index);
        if (x.getRight(index) != null)
            x.getRight(index).setParent(x, index);
        if (y.getLeft(index) != null)
            y.getLeft(index).setParent(y, index);
        if (y.getRight(index) != null)
            y.getRight(index).setParent(y, index);
        x.swapColors(y, index);

        // Check if _root changed
        if (_root[ index ] == x)
            _root[ index ] = y;
        else if (_root[ index ] == y)
            _root[ index ] = x;
public java.util.Collectionvalues()
Returns a collection view of the values contained in this map. The collection is backed by the map, so changes to the map are reflected in the collection, and vice-versa. If the map is modified while an iteration over the collection is in progress, the results of the iteration are undefined. The collection supports element removal, which removes the corresponding mapping from the map, via the Iterator.remove, Collection.remove, removeAll, retainAll and clear operations. It does not support the add or addAll operations.

a collection view of the values contained in this map.

        if (_value_collection[ _KEY ] == null)
            _value_collection[ _KEY ] = new AbstractCollection()
                public Iterator iterator()
                    return new BinaryTreeIterator(_KEY)
                        protected Object doGetNext()
                            return _last_returned_node.getData(_VALUE);

                public int size()
                    return BinaryTree.this.size();

                public boolean contains(Object o)
                    return containsValue(o);

                public boolean remove(Object o)
                    int old_size = _size;

                    return _size != old_size;

                public boolean removeAll(Collection c)
                    boolean  modified = false;
                    Iterator iter     = c.iterator();

                    while (iter.hasNext())
                        if (removeValue( != null)
                            modified = true;
                    return modified;

                public void clear()
        return _value_collection[ _KEY ];
public java.util.CollectionvaluesByValue()
Returns a collection view of the values contained in this map. The collection is backed by the map, so changes to the map are reflected in the collection, and vice-versa. If the map is modified while an iteration over the collection is in progress, the results of the iteration are undefined. The collection supports element removal, which removes the corresponding mapping from the map, via the Iterator.remove, Collection.remove, removeAll, retainAll and clear operations. It does not support the add or addAll operations.

The difference between this method and values is that values's iterator() method returns an iterator that iterates over the values in ascending order by key. This method's iterator method iterates over the values in ascending order by key.

a collection view of the values contained in this map.

        if (_value_collection[ _VALUE ] == null)
            _value_collection[ _VALUE ] = new AbstractCollection()
                public Iterator iterator()
                    return new BinaryTreeIterator(_VALUE)
                        protected Object doGetNext()
                            return _last_returned_node.getData(_VALUE);

                public int size()
                    return BinaryTree.this.size();

                public boolean contains(Object o)
                    return containsValue(o);

                public boolean remove(Object o)
                    int old_size = _size;

                    return _size != old_size;

                public boolean removeAll(Collection c)
                    boolean  modified = false;
                    Iterator iter     = c.iterator();

                    while (iter.hasNext())
                        if (removeValue( != null)
                            modified = true;
                    return modified;

                public void clear()
        return _value_collection[ _VALUE ];