RegistrationForm.javaAPI DocExample6926Thu Jul 08 09:28:08 BST 2004org.apache.struts.webapp.example


public final class RegistrationForm extends org.apache.struts.validator.ValidatorForm
Form bean for the user registration page. This form has the following fields, with default values in square brackets:
  • action - The maintenance action we are performing (Create, Delete, or Edit).
  • fromAddress - The EMAIL address of the sender, to be included on sent messages. [REQUIRED]
  • fullName - The full name of the sender, to be included on sent messages. [REQUIRED]
  • password - The password used by this user to log on.
  • password2 - The confirmation password, which must match the password when changing or setting.
  • replyToAddress - The "Reply-To" address to be included on sent messages. [Same as from address]
  • username - The registered username, which must be unique. [REQUIRED]
$Revision: 1.12 $ $Date: 2004/03/14 06:23:44 $

Fields Summary
private String
The maintenance action we are performing (Create or Edit).
private String
The from address.
private String
The full name.
private String
The password.
private String
The confirmation password.
private String
The reply to address.
private String
The username.
Constructors Summary
Methods Summary
public java.lang.StringgetAction()
Return the maintenance action.

    // ----------------------------------------------------------- Properties


	return (this.action);

public java.lang.StringgetFromAddress()
Return the from address.

	return (this.fromAddress);

public java.lang.StringgetFullName()
Return the full name.

	return (this.fullName);

public java.lang.StringgetPassword()
Return the password.

	return (this.password);

public java.lang.StringgetPassword2()
Return the confirmation password.

	return (this.password2);

public java.lang.StringgetReplyToAddress()
Return the reply to address.

	return (this.replyToAddress);

public java.lang.StringgetUsername()
Return the username.

	return (this.username);

public voidreset(org.apache.struts.action.ActionMapping mapping, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
Reset all properties to their default values.

mapping The mapping used to select this instance
request The servlet request we are processing

        this.action = "Create";
        this.fromAddress = null;
        this.fullName = null;
        this.password = null;
        this.password2 = null;
        this.replyToAddress = null;
        this.username = null;

public voidsetAction(java.lang.String action)
Set the maintenance action.

action The new maintenance action.

        this.action = action;

public voidsetFromAddress(java.lang.String fromAddress)
Set the from address.

fromAddress The new from address

        this.fromAddress = fromAddress;

public voidsetFullName(java.lang.String fullName)
Set the full name.

fullName The new full name

        this.fullName = fullName;

public voidsetPassword(java.lang.String password)
Set the password.

password The new password

        this.password = password;

public voidsetPassword2(java.lang.String password2)
Set the confirmation password.

password2 The new confirmation password

        this.password2 = password2;

public voidsetReplyToAddress(java.lang.String replyToAddress)
Set the reply to address.

replyToAddress The new reply to address

        this.replyToAddress = replyToAddress;

public voidsetUsername(java.lang.String username)
Set the username.

username The new username

        this.username = username;

public org.apache.struts.action.ActionErrorsvalidate(org.apache.struts.action.ActionMapping mapping, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
Validate the properties that have been set from this HTTP request, and return an ActionErrors object that encapsulates any validation errors that have been found. If no errors are found, return null or an ActionErrors object with no recorded error messages.

mapping The mapping used to select this instance
request The servlet request we are processing

        // Perform validator framework validations
        ActionErrors errors = super.validate(mapping, request);

        // Only need crossfield validations here
        if (!password.equals(password2)) {
                       new ActionMessage("error.password.match"));
        return errors;