AutoDeployer.javaAPI DocGlassfish v2 API6852Fri May 04 22:35:40 BST 2007com.sun.enterprise.server

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package com.sun.enterprise.server;


import com.sun.enterprise.instance.InstanceEnvironment;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.backend.DeploymentRequest;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.backend.DeploymentCommand;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.backend.DeployableObjectType;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.backend.Deployer;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.backend.DeployerFactory;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.backend.IASDeploymentException;

import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import com.sun.logging.LogDomains;

 * This class is a listener implementation of the auto deploy callbacks.
 * When auto deploy monitor detects a new archive under the auto deploy 
 * directory, this class handles the callback from the monitor.
 * @author  Nazrul Islam
 * @since   JDK1.4
class AutoDeployer implements MonitorListener { 

    /** logger for this auto deployer */
    static Logger _logger=LogDomains.getLogger(LogDomains.CORE_LOGGER);

    // ---- START OF MonitorListener METHOD -----------------------------------

     * No-op. 
     * @param    entry    monitored entry with a change in time stamp
     * @return   no-op; returns false
    public boolean reload(MonitorableEntry entry) { 
        return false;

     * Handles the callbacks from the auto deploy monitor. 
     * @param    entry    entry thats being monitored
     * @param    archive  newly detected archive under the auto deploy directory
     * @return   true if deployed successfully
    public boolean deploy(MonitorableEntry entry, File archive) {

        boolean status = false;

        try {
            DeploymentRequest req = deploy(archive);

            // load/reload deployed application/stand alone module

            // update the config context in server runtime

            // notify admin server if necessary

            status = true;
        } catch (IASDeploymentException de) {
            _logger.log(Level.WARNING, "core.exception", de);
            status = false;

        return status;

    // ---- END OF MonitorListener METHOD -------------------------------------

     * Deploys the given archive. If it is already been deployed, this 
     * redeploys the application.
     * @param    archive    archive to be deployed
     * @return   deployment request after the deployment; this provides 
     *           information about the type of deployment being executed
     * @throws   IASDeploymentException    if an error while deploying
    private DeploymentRequest deploy(File archive) 
            throws IASDeploymentException {

        // instance environment for this server
        InstanceEnvironment env = 

        // sets the type of the archive being deployed
        DeployableObjectType type = null;
        if ( FileUtils.isEar(archive) ) {
            type = DeployableObjectType.APP;
        } else if ( FileUtils.isJar(archive) ) {
            type = DeployableObjectType.EJB;
        } else if ( FileUtils.isWar(archive) ) {
            type = DeployableObjectType.WEB;
        } else if ( FileUtils.isRar(archive) ) {
            type = DeployableObjectType.CONN;

        // constructs a deploy request with the given type
        DeploymentRequest req = 
            new DeploymentRequest(env, type, DeploymentCommand.DEPLOY);

        // sets the archive that needs to be deployed

        // application is registered with the name of the 
        // archive without extension
        String fileName  = archive.getName();
        int dotIdx       = fileName.indexOf(fileName);
        String regName   = fileName.substring(0, dotIdx); 

        // sets the web context root
        if (type.isWEB()) {

        // redeploys the app if already deployed

        // does the actual deployment
        Deployer deployer = DeployerFactory.getDeployer(req);

        // any clean up other than cleaner thread invocation

        return req;