Average.javaAPI DocAzureus Jun 29 13:28:42 BST 2007org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util

 * Created on june 12th, 2003
 * Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Aelitis, All Rights Reserved.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
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 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
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 * AELITIS, SAS au capital de 46,603.30 euros
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package org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util;

 * This class is used to compute average (mostly for speed transfer).
 * @author Olivier
public class Average {
  * It uses a simple array of longs to store values in a cycling way.
  * The array has 2 more elements than really needed to compute the average.
  * One is the next one to be filled, and its value is always 0,
  * and the other one is the one currently filled,
  * which value is not taken into account for the average.

  //The refresh rate of the average (ms)
  private int refreshRate;

  //the period (in ms)
  private int period;

  //The number of elements in the average
  private int nbElements;

  //The time the average was last updated (divided by the refreshRate).
  private long lastUpdate;

  //The values
  private long values[];

   * Private constructor for an Average
   * @param _refreshRate the refresh rate in ms
   * @param _period the period in s
  protected Average(int _refreshRate, int _period) {
    this.refreshRate = _refreshRate;
    this.period = _period;

    this.nbElements = (_period * 1000) / _refreshRate + 2;
    this.lastUpdate = getEffectiveTime() / _refreshRate;
    this.values = new long[this.nbElements];

   * The way to get a new Average Object, it does some parameter checking.
   * refreshRate must be greater than 100,
   * and period*1000 must be greater than refreshRate
   * @param refreshRate in ms
   * @param period in s
   * @return the newlly created Average, or null if parameters are wrong
  public static Average getInstance(int refreshRate, int period) {
    if (refreshRate < 100)
      return null;
    if ((period * 1000) < refreshRate)
      return null;
    return new Average(refreshRate, period);

   * This method is used to update the buffer tha stores the values,
   * in fact it mostly does clean-up over this buffer,
   * erasing all values that have not been updated.
   * @param timeFactor which is the currentTime divided by the refresh Rate
  private synchronized void update(long timeFactor) {
    //If we have a really OLD lastUpdate, we could erase the buffer a 
    //huge number of time, so if it's really old, we change it so we'll only
    //erase the buffer once.
    if (lastUpdate < timeFactor - nbElements)
      lastUpdate = timeFactor - nbElements - 1;

    //For all values between lastUpdate + 1 (next value than last updated)
    //and timeFactor (which is the new value insertion position) 
    for (long i = lastUpdate + 1; i <= timeFactor; i++) {
      //We set the value to 0.
      values[(int) (i % nbElements)] = 0;
    //We also clear the next value to be inserted (so on next time change...)
    values[(int) ((timeFactor + 1) % nbElements)] = 0;

    //And we update lastUpdate.
    lastUpdate = timeFactor;

   * Public method to add a value to the average,
   * the time it is added is the time this method is called.
   * @param value the value to be added to the Average
  public void addValue(long value) {
    //We get the current time factor.
    long timeFactor = getEffectiveTime() / refreshRate;
    //We first update the buffer.
    //And then we add our value to current element
    values[(int) (timeFactor % nbElements)] += value;

   * This method can be called to get the current average value.
   * @return the current Average computed.
  public long getAverage() {
	  return( getSum() / period );
  public double getDoubleAverage() {
	  return( (double)getSum() / period );
  public String getDoubleAverageAsString( int precision ) {
	  return( DisplayFormatters.formatDecimal( getDoubleAverage(), precision ));
  public long getAverage(int average_period )
	  int	slots = average_period<=0?(nbElements - 2):(average_period / refreshRate);
	  if ( slots <= 0 ){
		  slots = 1;
	  }else if ( slots > nbElements - 2 ){
		  slots = nbElements - 2;
	  if ( slots == 1 ){
		  return( getPointValue());
	  long res = getSum(slots) / ( period * slots / ( nbElements - 2 ));
	  return( res );
  public long
	  long timeFactor = getEffectiveTime() / refreshRate;
	  //We first update the buffer

	  return(values[(int)((timeFactor-1)% nbElements)]);
  protected final long getSum() {
    //We get the current timeFactor
    long timeFactor = getEffectiveTime() / refreshRate;
    //We first update the buffer

    //The sum of all elements used for the average.
    long sum = 0;

    //Starting on oldest one (the one after the next one)
    //Ending on last one fully updated (the one previous current one)
    for (long i = timeFactor + 2; i < timeFactor + nbElements; i++) {
      //Simple addition
      sum += values[(int) (i % nbElements)];

    //We return the sum divided by the period
  protected final long getSum(int slots) {
	    //We get the current timeFactor
	    long timeFactor = getEffectiveTime() / refreshRate;
	    //We first update the buffer

	    //The sum of all elements used for the average.
	    long sum = 0;
	    if ( slots < 1 ){
	    	slots = 1;
	    }else if ( slots > nbElements-2 ){
	    	slots = nbElements-2;
	    //Starting on oldest one (the one after the next one)
	    //Ending on last one fully updated (the one previous current one)
	    long end_slot 	= timeFactor + nbElements;
	    long start_slot = end_slot - slots;
	    for (long i = start_slot; i< end_slot;i++ ){
	      sum += values[(int) (i % nbElements)];

	    //We return the sum divided by the period
  protected long
	  return( SystemTime.getCurrentTime());