SampleFlags.javaAPI Docmp4parser 1.0-RC-176723Wed Dec 19 20:10:38 GMT 2012com.coremedia.iso.boxes.fragment


public class SampleFlags extends Object
bit(6) reserved=0; unsigned int(2) sample_depends_on; unsigned int(2) sample_is_depended_on; unsigned int(2) sample_has_redundancy; bit(3) sample_padding_value; bit(1) sample_is_difference_sample; // i.e. when 1 signals a non-key or non-sync sample unsigned int(16) sample_degradation_priority;

Fields Summary
private int
private int
private int
private int
private int
private boolean
private int
Constructors Summary
public SampleFlags()

public SampleFlags(ByteBuffer bb)

        BitReaderBuffer brb = new BitReaderBuffer(bb);
        reserved = brb.readBits(6);
        sampleDependsOn = brb.readBits(2);
        sampleIsDependedOn = brb.readBits(2);
        sampleHasRedundancy = brb.readBits(2);
        samplePaddingValue = brb.readBits(3);
        sampleIsDifferenceSample = brb.readBits(1) == 1;
        sampleDegradationPriority = brb.readBits(16);
Methods Summary
public booleanequals(java.lang.Object o)

        if (this == o) return true;
        if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;

        SampleFlags that = (SampleFlags) o;

        if (reserved != that.reserved) return false;
        if (sampleDegradationPriority != that.sampleDegradationPriority) return false;
        if (sampleDependsOn != that.sampleDependsOn) return false;
        if (sampleHasRedundancy != that.sampleHasRedundancy) return false;
        if (sampleIsDependedOn != that.sampleIsDependedOn) return false;
        if (sampleIsDifferenceSample != that.sampleIsDifferenceSample) return false;
        if (samplePaddingValue != that.samplePaddingValue) return false;

        return true;
public voidgetContent(java.nio.ByteBuffer os)

        BitWriterBuffer bitWriterBuffer = new BitWriterBuffer(os);
        bitWriterBuffer.writeBits(reserved, 6);
        bitWriterBuffer.writeBits(sampleDependsOn, 2);
        bitWriterBuffer.writeBits(sampleIsDependedOn, 2);
        bitWriterBuffer.writeBits(sampleHasRedundancy, 2);
        bitWriterBuffer.writeBits(samplePaddingValue, 3);
        bitWriterBuffer.writeBits(this.sampleIsDifferenceSample ? 1 : 0, 1);
        bitWriterBuffer.writeBits(sampleDegradationPriority, 16);
public intgetReserved()

        return reserved;
public intgetSampleDegradationPriority()

        return sampleDegradationPriority;
public intgetSampleDependsOn()


        return sampleDependsOn;
public intgetSampleHasRedundancy()


        return sampleHasRedundancy;
public intgetSampleIsDependedOn()


        return sampleIsDependedOn;
public intgetSamplePaddingValue()

        return samplePaddingValue;
public inthashCode()

        int result = reserved;
        result = 31 * result + sampleDependsOn;
        result = 31 * result + sampleIsDependedOn;
        result = 31 * result + sampleHasRedundancy;
        result = 31 * result + samplePaddingValue;
        result = 31 * result + (sampleIsDifferenceSample ? 1 : 0);
        result = 31 * result + sampleDegradationPriority;
        return result;
public booleanisSampleIsDifferenceSample()

        return sampleIsDifferenceSample;
public voidsetReserved(int reserved)

        this.reserved = reserved;
public voidsetSampleDegradationPriority(int sampleDegradationPriority)

        this.sampleDegradationPriority = sampleDegradationPriority;
public voidsetSampleDependsOn(int sampleDependsOn)
sample_depends_on takes one of the following four values:
0: the dependency of this sample is unknown;
1: this sample does depend on others (not an I picture);
2: this sample does not depend on others (I picture);
3: reserved

        this.sampleDependsOn = sampleDependsOn;
public voidsetSampleHasRedundancy(int sampleHasRedundancy)
sample_has_redundancy takes one of the following four values:
0: it is unknown whether there is redundant coding in this sample;
1: there is redundant coding in this sample;
2: there is no redundant coding in this sample;
3: reserved

        this.sampleHasRedundancy = sampleHasRedundancy;
public voidsetSampleIsDependedOn(int sampleIsDependedOn)
sample_is_depended_on takes one of the following four values:
0: the dependency of other samples on this sample is unknown;
1: other samples may depend on this one (not disposable);
2: no other sample depends on this one (disposable);
3: reserved

        this.sampleIsDependedOn = sampleIsDependedOn;
public voidsetSampleIsDifferenceSample(boolean sampleIsDifferenceSample)

        this.sampleIsDifferenceSample = sampleIsDifferenceSample;
public voidsetSamplePaddingValue(int samplePaddingValue)

        this.samplePaddingValue = samplePaddingValue;
public java.lang.StringtoString()

        return "SampleFlags{" +
                "reserved=" + reserved +
                ", sampleDependsOn=" + sampleDependsOn +
                ", sampleHasRedundancy=" + sampleHasRedundancy +
                ", samplePaddingValue=" + samplePaddingValue +
                ", sampleIsDifferenceSample=" + sampleIsDifferenceSample +
                ", sampleDegradationPriority=" + sampleDegradationPriority +