SelectionDemo.javaAPI DocExample6691Tue Dec 12 18:59:06 GMT 2000None

 * 1.1 Swing version.

import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.border.Border;
import javax.swing.event.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;

 * This displays a framed area.  When the user drags within
 * the area, this program displays a rectangle and a string
 * indicating the bounds of the rectangle.
public class SelectionDemo extends JApplet {
    JLabel label;
    static String starFile = "images/starfield.gif";

    //Called only when this is run as an applet.
    public void init() {
        ImageIcon image = new ImageIcon(getImage(getCodeBase(),
        buildUI(getContentPane(), image);

    void buildUI(Container container, ImageIcon image) {
        container.setLayout(new BoxLayout(container,

        JPanel framedArea = frameItUp(new SelectionArea(image, this));

        label = new JLabel("Drag within the framed area.");

        //Align the left edges of the components.
        label.setAlignmentX(LEFT_ALIGNMENT); //redundant

    JPanel frameItUp(Component insides) {
        Border raisedBevel, loweredBevel, compound;
        raisedBevel = BorderFactory.createRaisedBevelBorder();
        loweredBevel = BorderFactory.createLoweredBevelBorder();
        compound = BorderFactory.createCompoundBorder
                        (raisedBevel, loweredBevel);

        JPanel framedArea = new JPanel();
        framedArea.setLayout(new GridLayout(1,0));

        return framedArea;

    public void updateLabel(Rectangle rect) {
        int width = rect.width;
        int height = rect.height;

        //Make the coordinates look OK if a dimension is 0.
        if (width == 0) {
            width = 1;
        if (height == 0) {
            height = 1;

        label.setText("Rectangle goes from ("
                      + rect.x + ", " + rect.y + ") to ("
                      + (rect.x + width - 1) + ", "
                      + (rect.y + height - 1) + ").");

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        JFrame f = new JFrame("SelectionDemo");
        f.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
            public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {
        SelectionDemo controller = new SelectionDemo();
                           new ImageIcon(starFile));

class SelectionArea extends JLabel {
    Rectangle currentRect = null;
    Rectangle rectToDraw = null;
    Rectangle previousRectDrawn = new Rectangle();
    SelectionDemo controller;

    public SelectionArea(ImageIcon image, SelectionDemo controller) {
        super(image); //This component displays an image.
        this.controller = controller;
        setMinimumSize(new Dimension(10,10)); //don't hog space

        MyListener myListener = new MyListener();

    class MyListener extends MouseInputAdapter {
        public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) {
            int x = e.getX();
            int y = e.getY();
            currentRect = new Rectangle(x, y, 0, 0);
            updateDrawableRect(getWidth(), getHeight());

        public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e) {

        public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) {

         * Update the size of the current rectangle
         * and call repaint.  Because currentRect
         * always has the same origin, translate it
         * if the width or height is negative.
         * For efficiency (though
         * that isn't an issue for this program),
         * specify the painting region using arguments
         * to the repaint() call.
        void updateSize(MouseEvent e) {
            int x = e.getX();
            int y = e.getY();
            currentRect.setSize(x - currentRect.x,
                                y - currentRect.y);
            updateDrawableRect(getWidth(), getHeight());
            Rectangle totalRepaint = rectToDraw.union(previousRectDrawn);
            repaint(totalRepaint.x, totalRepaint.y,
                    totalRepaint.width, totalRepaint.height);

    public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
        super.paintComponent(g); //paints the background and image

        //If currentRect exists, paint a box on top.
        if (currentRect != null) {
            //Draw a rectangle on top of the image.
// XXX: We used to use XOR mode, but in 1.2, due to bugs 4188795
// XXX: and 4219548, that causes an off-by-one error.
            //g.setXORMode(Color.white); //Color of line varies
                                         //depending on image colors
            g.drawRect(rectToDraw.x, rectToDraw.y, 
                       rectToDraw.width - 1, rectToDraw.height - 1);


    void updateDrawableRect(int compWidth, int compHeight) {
        int x = currentRect.x;
        int y = currentRect.y;
        int width = currentRect.width;
        int height = currentRect.height;

        //Make the width and height positive, if necessary.
        if (width < 0) {
            width = 0 - width;
            x = x - width + 1; 
            if (x < 0) {
                width += x; 
                x = 0;
        if (height < 0) {
            height = 0 - height;
            y = y - height + 1; 
            if (y < 0) {
                height += y; 
                y = 0;

        //The rectangle shouldn't extend past the drawing area.
        if ((x + width) > compWidth) {
            width = compWidth - x;
        if ((y + height) > compHeight) {
            height = compHeight - y;
        //Update rectToDraw after saving old value.
        if (rectToDraw != null) {
                        rectToDraw.x, rectToDraw.y, 
                        rectToDraw.width, rectToDraw.height);
            rectToDraw.setBounds(x, y, width, height);
        } else {
            rectToDraw = new Rectangle(x, y, width, height);