DeploymentFacility.javaAPI DocGlassfish v2 API6627Fri May 04 22:34:36 BST 2007com.sun.enterprise.deployment.client

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package com.sun.enterprise.deployment.client;

import java.util.Map;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.deploy.shared.Archive;

import javax.enterprise.deploy.spi.status.ProgressObject;
import javax.enterprise.deploy.spi.Target;
import javax.enterprise.deploy.spi.TargetModuleID;

import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.backend.DeploymentStatus;

 * This interface defines basic deployment related facilities 
 * such as deploying any j2ee modules on a Domain Admin Server
 * or target servers as well as retrieving non portable artifacts
 * for successful runs in a client mode configuration.
 * @author Jerome Dochez
public interface DeploymentFacility {

    final static String STUBS_JARFILENAME = "clientstubs.jar";
     * Connects to a particular instance of the domain adminstration 
     * server using the provided connection information
    public boolean connect(ServerConnectionIdentifier targetDAS);
     * @return true if we are connected to a domain adminstration 
     * server
    public boolean isConnected();
     * Disconnects from a domain administration server and releases
     * all associated resouces.
    public boolean disconnect();
     * Initiates a deployment operation on the server, using a source 
     * archive abstraction and an optional deployment plan if the 
     * server specific information is not embedded in the source 
     * archive. The deploymentOptions is a key-value pair map of 
     * deployment options for this operations. Once the deployment 
     * is successful, the targets server instances 
     * @param source is the j2ee module abstraction (with or without 
     * the server specific artifacts). 
     * @param deploymenPlan is the optional deployment plan is the source 
     * archive is portable.
     * @param the deployment options
     * @return a JESProgressObject to receive deployment events.
    public JESProgressObject deploy(Target[] targets, Archive source, 
        Archive deploymentPlan, Map deploymentOptions);
     * Initiates a undeployment operation on the server 
     * @param module ID for the component to undeploy
     * @return a JESProgress to receive undeployment events
    // FIXME : This will go once admin-cli changes its code
    public JESProgressObject undeploy(Target[] targets, String moduleID);

    public JESProgressObject undeploy(Target[] targets, String moduleID, Map options);
     * Enables a deployed component on the provided list of targets.
    public JESProgressObject enable(Target[] targets, String moduleID);

     * Disables a deployed component on the provided list of targets
    public JESProgressObject disable(Target[] targets, String moduleID);
     * Add an application ref on the selected targets
    public JESProgressObject createAppRef(Target[] targets, String moduleID, Map options);

     * remove the application ref for the provided list of targets.
    public JESProgressObject deleteAppRef(Target[] targets, String moduleID, Map options);    

     * list all application refs that are present in the provided list of targets
    public TargetModuleID[] listAppRefs(String[] targets) throws IOException;
     * Downloads a particular file from the server repository. 
     * The filePath is a relative path from the root directory of the 
     * deployed component identified with the moduleID parameter. 
     * The resulting downloaded file should be placed in the 
     * location directory keeping the relative path constraint. 
     * @param location is the root directory where to place the 
     * downloaded file
     * @param moduleID is the moduleID of the deployed component 
     * to download the file from
     * @param moduleURI is the relative path to the file in the repository 
     * or STUBS_JARFILENAME to download the appclient jar file.
     * @return the downloaded local file absolute path.
    public String downloadFile(File location, String moduleID, 
            String moduleURI) throws IOException;
     * Wait for a progress object to be in a completed state 
     * (sucessful or failed) and return the DeploymentStatus for 
     * this progress object.
     * @param the progress object to wait for completion
     * @return the deployment status
    public DeploymentStatus waitFor(JESProgressObject po);
    public Target[] createTargets(String[] targets );