DeploymentFacility.javaAPI DocGlassfish v2 API6627Fri May 04 22:34:36 BST 2007com.sun.enterprise.deployment.client


public interface DeploymentFacility
This interface defines basic deployment related facilities such as deploying any j2ee modules on a Domain Admin Server or target servers as well as retrieving non portable artifacts for successful runs in a client mode configuration.
Jerome Dochez

Fields Summary
static final String
Constructors Summary
Methods Summary
public booleanconnect(ServerConnectionIdentifier targetDAS)
Connects to a particular instance of the domain adminstration server using the provided connection information

public JESProgressObjectcreateAppRef(javax.enterprise.deploy.spi.Target[] targets, java.lang.String moduleID, java.util.Map options)
Add an application ref on the selected targets

public javax.enterprise.deploy.spi.Target[]createTargets(java.lang.String[] targets)

public JESProgressObjectdeleteAppRef(javax.enterprise.deploy.spi.Target[] targets, java.lang.String moduleID, java.util.Map options)
remove the application ref for the provided list of targets.

public JESProgressObjectdeploy(javax.enterprise.deploy.spi.Target[] targets, com.sun.enterprise.deployment.deploy.shared.Archive source, com.sun.enterprise.deployment.deploy.shared.Archive deploymentPlan, java.util.Map deploymentOptions)
Initiates a deployment operation on the server, using a source archive abstraction and an optional deployment plan if the server specific information is not embedded in the source archive. The deploymentOptions is a key-value pair map of deployment options for this operations. Once the deployment is successful, the targets server instances

source is the j2ee module abstraction (with or without the server specific artifacts).
deploymenPlan is the optional deployment plan is the source archive is portable.
the deployment options
a JESProgressObject to receive deployment events.

public JESProgressObjectdisable(javax.enterprise.deploy.spi.Target[] targets, java.lang.String moduleID)
Disables a deployed component on the provided list of targets

public booleandisconnect()
Disconnects from a domain administration server and releases all associated resouces.

public java.lang.StringdownloadFile( location, java.lang.String moduleID, java.lang.String moduleURI)
Downloads a particular file from the server repository. The filePath is a relative path from the root directory of the deployed component identified with the moduleID parameter. The resulting downloaded file should be placed in the location directory keeping the relative path constraint.

location is the root directory where to place the downloaded file
moduleID is the moduleID of the deployed component to download the file from
moduleURI is the relative path to the file in the repository or STUBS_JARFILENAME to download the appclient jar file.
the downloaded local file absolute path.

public JESProgressObjectenable(javax.enterprise.deploy.spi.Target[] targets, java.lang.String moduleID)
Enables a deployed component on the provided list of targets.

public booleanisConnected()

true if we are connected to a domain adminstration server

public javax.enterprise.deploy.spi.TargetModuleID[]listAppRefs(java.lang.String[] targets)
list all application refs that are present in the provided list of targets

public JESProgressObjectundeploy(javax.enterprise.deploy.spi.Target[] targets, java.lang.String moduleID)
Initiates a undeployment operation on the server

module ID for the component to undeploy
a JESProgress to receive undeployment events

public JESProgressObjectundeploy(javax.enterprise.deploy.spi.Target[] targets, java.lang.String moduleID, java.util.Map options)

public com.sun.enterprise.deployment.backend.DeploymentStatuswaitFor(JESProgressObject po)
Wait for a progress object to be in a completed state (sucessful or failed) and return the DeploymentStatus for this progress object.

the progress object to wait for completion
the deployment status