PduPersister.javaAPI DocAndroid 5.1 API66264Thu Mar 12 22:22:54 GMT


public class PduPersister extends Object
This class is the high-level manager of PDU storage.

Fields Summary
private static final String
private static final boolean
private static final boolean
private static final long
public static final String
The uri of temporary drm objects.
public static final int
Indicate that we transiently failed to process a MM.
public static final int
Indicate that we permanently failed to process a MM.
public static final int
Indicate that we have successfully processed a MM.
private static PduPersister
private static final
private static final int[]
private static final String[]
private static final int
private static final int
private static final int
private static final int
private static final int
private static final int
private static final int
private static final int
private static final int
private static final int
private static final int
private static final int
private static final int
private static final int
private static final int
private static final int
private static final int
private static final int
private static final int
private static final int
private static final int
private static final int
private static final int
private static final int
private static final int
private static final int
private static final int
private static final String[]
private static final int
private static final int
private static final int
private static final int
private static final int
private static final int
private static final int
private static final int
private static final int
private static final HashMap
private static final HashMap
private static final HashMap
private static final HashMap
private static final HashMap
private static final HashMap
private static final HashMap
private static final HashMap
private static final HashMap
private static final HashMap
private static final HashMap
private final android.content.Context
private final android.content.ContentResolver
private final android.drm.DrmManagerClient
private final android.telephony.TelephonyManager
Constructors Summary
private PduPersister(android.content.Context context)

        mContext = context;
        mContentResolver = context.getContentResolver();
        mDrmManagerClient = new DrmManagerClient(context);
        mTelephonyManager = (TelephonyManager)context
Methods Summary
public static java.lang.StringconvertUriToPath(android.content.Context context, uri)
This method expects uri in the following format content://media// (or) file://sdcard/test.mp4 Here shall be "video" or "audio" or "images" the index of the content in given table

        String path = null;
        if (null != uri) {
            String scheme = uri.getScheme();
            if (null == scheme || scheme.equals("") ||
                    scheme.equals(ContentResolver.SCHEME_FILE)) {
                path = uri.getPath();

            } else if (scheme.equals("http")) {
                path = uri.toString();

            } else if (scheme.equals(ContentResolver.SCHEME_CONTENT)) {
                String[] projection = new String[] {MediaStore.MediaColumns.DATA};
                Cursor cursor = null;
                try {
                    cursor = context.getContentResolver().query(uri, projection, null,
                            null, null);
                    if (null == cursor || 0 == cursor.getCount() || !cursor.moveToFirst()) {
                        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Given Uri could not be found" +
                                " in media store");
                    int pathIndex = cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(MediaStore.MediaColumns.DATA);
                    path = cursor.getString(pathIndex);
                } catch (SQLiteException e) {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Given Uri is not formatted in a way " +
                            "so that it can be found in media store.");
                } finally {
                    if (null != cursor) {
            } else {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Given Uri scheme is not supported");
        return path;
private byte[]getByteArrayFromPartColumn(android.database.Cursor c, int columnIndex)

        if (!c.isNull(columnIndex)) {
            return getBytes(c.getString(columnIndex));
        return null;
public static byte[]getBytes(java.lang.String data)
Unpack a given String into a byte[].

        try {
            return data.getBytes(CharacterSets.MIMENAME_ISO_8859_1);
        } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
            // Impossible to reach here!
            Log.e(TAG, "ISO_8859_1 must be supported!", e);
            return new byte[0];
private java.lang.IntegergetIntegerFromPartColumn(android.database.Cursor c, int columnIndex)

        if (!c.isNull(columnIndex)) {
            return c.getInt(columnIndex);
        return null;
private static java.lang.StringgetPartContentType(PduPart part)

        return part.getContentType() == null ? null : toIsoString(part.getContentType());
public static context)
Get(or create if not exist) an instance of PduPersister

        if ((sPersister == null)) {
            sPersister = new PduPersister(context);
        } else if (!context.equals(sPersister.mContext)) {
            sPersister = new PduPersister(context);

        return sPersister;
public android.database.CursorgetPendingMessages(long dueTime)
Find all messages to be sent or downloaded before certain time.

        Uri.Builder uriBuilder = PendingMessages.CONTENT_URI.buildUpon();
        uriBuilder.appendQueryParameter("protocol", "mms");

        String selection = PendingMessages.ERROR_TYPE + " < ?"
                + " AND " + PendingMessages.DUE_TIME + " <= ?";

        String[] selectionArgs = new String[] {

        return SqliteWrapper.query(mContext, mContentResolver,
      , null, selection, selectionArgs,
public GenericPduload( uri)
Load a PDU from storage by given Uri.

uri The Uri of the PDU to be loaded.
A generic PDU object, it may be cast to dedicated PDU.
MmsException Failed to load some fields of a PDU.

        GenericPdu pdu = null;
        PduCacheEntry cacheEntry = null;
        int msgBox = 0;
        long threadId = -1;
        try {
            synchronized(PDU_CACHE_INSTANCE) {
                if (PDU_CACHE_INSTANCE.isUpdating(uri)) {
                    if (LOCAL_LOGV) {
                        Log.v(TAG, "load: " + uri + " blocked by isUpdating()");
                    try {
                    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                        Log.e(TAG, "load: ", e);
                    cacheEntry = PDU_CACHE_INSTANCE.get(uri);
                    if (cacheEntry != null) {
                        return cacheEntry.getPdu();
                // Tell the cache to indicate to other callers that this item
                // is currently being updated.
                PDU_CACHE_INSTANCE.setUpdating(uri, true);

            Cursor c = SqliteWrapper.query(mContext, mContentResolver, uri,
                    PDU_PROJECTION, null, null, null);
            PduHeaders headers = new PduHeaders();
            Set<Entry<Integer, Integer>> set;
            long msgId = ContentUris.parseId(uri);

            try {
                if ((c == null) || (c.getCount() != 1) || !c.moveToFirst()) {
                    throw new MmsException("Bad uri: " + uri);

                msgBox = c.getInt(PDU_COLUMN_MESSAGE_BOX);
                threadId = c.getLong(PDU_COLUMN_THREAD_ID);

                set = ENCODED_STRING_COLUMN_INDEX_MAP.entrySet();
                for (Entry<Integer, Integer> e : set) {
                            c, e.getValue(), headers, e.getKey());

                set = TEXT_STRING_COLUMN_INDEX_MAP.entrySet();
                for (Entry<Integer, Integer> e : set) {
                            c, e.getValue(), headers, e.getKey());

                set = OCTET_COLUMN_INDEX_MAP.entrySet();
                for (Entry<Integer, Integer> e : set) {
                            c, e.getValue(), headers, e.getKey());

                set = LONG_COLUMN_INDEX_MAP.entrySet();
                for (Entry<Integer, Integer> e : set) {
                            c, e.getValue(), headers, e.getKey());
            } finally {
                if (c != null) {

            // Check whether 'msgId' has been assigned a valid value.
            if (msgId == -1L) {
                throw new MmsException("Error! ID of the message: -1.");

            // Load address information of the MM.
            loadAddress(msgId, headers);

            int msgType = headers.getOctet(PduHeaders.MESSAGE_TYPE);
            PduBody body = new PduBody();

            // For PDU which type is M_retrieve.conf or Send.req, we should
            // load multiparts and put them into the body of the PDU.
            if ((msgType == PduHeaders.MESSAGE_TYPE_RETRIEVE_CONF)
                    || (msgType == PduHeaders.MESSAGE_TYPE_SEND_REQ)) {
                PduPart[] parts = loadParts(msgId);
                if (parts != null) {
                    int partsNum = parts.length;
                    for (int i = 0; i < partsNum; i++) {

            switch (msgType) {
            case PduHeaders.MESSAGE_TYPE_NOTIFICATION_IND:
                pdu = new NotificationInd(headers);
            case PduHeaders.MESSAGE_TYPE_DELIVERY_IND:
                pdu = new DeliveryInd(headers);
            case PduHeaders.MESSAGE_TYPE_READ_ORIG_IND:
                pdu = new ReadOrigInd(headers);
            case PduHeaders.MESSAGE_TYPE_RETRIEVE_CONF:
                pdu = new RetrieveConf(headers, body);
            case PduHeaders.MESSAGE_TYPE_SEND_REQ:
                pdu = new SendReq(headers, body);
            case PduHeaders.MESSAGE_TYPE_ACKNOWLEDGE_IND:
                pdu = new AcknowledgeInd(headers);
            case PduHeaders.MESSAGE_TYPE_NOTIFYRESP_IND:
                pdu = new NotifyRespInd(headers);
            case PduHeaders.MESSAGE_TYPE_READ_REC_IND:
                pdu = new ReadRecInd(headers);
            case PduHeaders.MESSAGE_TYPE_SEND_CONF:
            case PduHeaders.MESSAGE_TYPE_FORWARD_REQ:
            case PduHeaders.MESSAGE_TYPE_FORWARD_CONF:
            case PduHeaders.MESSAGE_TYPE_MBOX_STORE_REQ:
            case PduHeaders.MESSAGE_TYPE_MBOX_STORE_CONF:
            case PduHeaders.MESSAGE_TYPE_MBOX_VIEW_REQ:
            case PduHeaders.MESSAGE_TYPE_MBOX_VIEW_CONF:
            case PduHeaders.MESSAGE_TYPE_MBOX_UPLOAD_REQ:
            case PduHeaders.MESSAGE_TYPE_MBOX_UPLOAD_CONF:
            case PduHeaders.MESSAGE_TYPE_MBOX_DELETE_REQ:
            case PduHeaders.MESSAGE_TYPE_MBOX_DELETE_CONF:
            case PduHeaders.MESSAGE_TYPE_MBOX_DESCR:
            case PduHeaders.MESSAGE_TYPE_DELETE_REQ:
            case PduHeaders.MESSAGE_TYPE_DELETE_CONF:
            case PduHeaders.MESSAGE_TYPE_CANCEL_REQ:
            case PduHeaders.MESSAGE_TYPE_CANCEL_CONF:
                throw new MmsException(
                        "Unsupported PDU type: " + Integer.toHexString(msgType));

                throw new MmsException(
                        "Unrecognized PDU type: " + Integer.toHexString(msgType));
        } finally {
            synchronized(PDU_CACHE_INSTANCE) {
                if (pdu != null) {
                    assert(PDU_CACHE_INSTANCE.get(uri) == null);
                    // Update the cache entry with the real info
                    cacheEntry = new PduCacheEntry(pdu, msgBox, threadId);
                    PDU_CACHE_INSTANCE.put(uri, cacheEntry);
                PDU_CACHE_INSTANCE.setUpdating(uri, false);
                PDU_CACHE_INSTANCE.notifyAll(); // tell anybody waiting on this entry to go ahead
        return pdu;
private voidloadAddress(long msgId, PduHeaders headers)

        Cursor c = SqliteWrapper.query(mContext, mContentResolver,
                Uri.parse("content://mms/" + msgId + "/addr"),
                new String[] { Addr.ADDRESS, Addr.CHARSET, Addr.TYPE },
                null, null, null);

        if (c != null) {
            try {
                while (c.moveToNext()) {
                    String addr = c.getString(0);
                    if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(addr)) {
                        int addrType = c.getInt(2);
                        switch (addrType) {
                            case PduHeaders.FROM:
                                        new EncodedStringValue(c.getInt(1), getBytes(addr)),
                            case PduHeaders.TO:
                            case PduHeaders.CC:
                            case PduHeaders.BCC:
                                        new EncodedStringValue(c.getInt(1), getBytes(addr)),
                                Log.e(TAG, "Unknown address type: " + addrType);
            } finally {
private PduPart[]loadParts(long msgId)

        Cursor c = SqliteWrapper.query(mContext, mContentResolver,
                Uri.parse("content://mms/" + msgId + "/part"),
                PART_PROJECTION, null, null, null);

        PduPart[] parts = null;

        try {
            if ((c == null) || (c.getCount() == 0)) {
                if (LOCAL_LOGV) {
                    Log.v(TAG, "loadParts(" + msgId + "): no part to load.");
                return null;

            int partCount = c.getCount();
            int partIdx = 0;
            parts = new PduPart[partCount];
            while (c.moveToNext()) {
                PduPart part = new PduPart();
                Integer charset = getIntegerFromPartColumn(
                        c, PART_COLUMN_CHARSET);
                if (charset != null) {

                byte[] contentDisposition = getByteArrayFromPartColumn(
                        c, PART_COLUMN_CONTENT_DISPOSITION);
                if (contentDisposition != null) {

                byte[] contentId = getByteArrayFromPartColumn(
                        c, PART_COLUMN_CONTENT_ID);
                if (contentId != null) {

                byte[] contentLocation = getByteArrayFromPartColumn(
                        c, PART_COLUMN_CONTENT_LOCATION);
                if (contentLocation != null) {

                byte[] contentType = getByteArrayFromPartColumn(
                        c, PART_COLUMN_CONTENT_TYPE);
                if (contentType != null) {
                } else {
                    throw new MmsException("Content-Type must be set.");

                byte[] fileName = getByteArrayFromPartColumn(
                        c, PART_COLUMN_FILENAME);
                if (fileName != null) {

                byte[] name = getByteArrayFromPartColumn(
                        c, PART_COLUMN_NAME);
                if (name != null) {

                // Construct a Uri for this part.
                long partId = c.getLong(PART_COLUMN_ID);
                Uri partURI = Uri.parse("content://mms/part/" + partId);

                // For images/audio/video, we won't keep their data in Part
                // because their renderer accept Uri as source.
                String type = toIsoString(contentType);
                if (!ContentType.isImageType(type)
                        && !ContentType.isAudioType(type)
                        && !ContentType.isVideoType(type)) {
                    ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
                    InputStream is = null;

                    // Store simple string values directly in the database instead of an
                    // external file.  This makes the text searchable and retrieval slightly
                    // faster.
                    if (ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN.equals(type) || ContentType.APP_SMIL.equals(type)
                            || ContentType.TEXT_HTML.equals(type)) {
                        String text = c.getString(PART_COLUMN_TEXT);
                        byte [] blob = new EncodedStringValue(text != null ? text : "")
                        baos.write(blob, 0, blob.length);
                    } else {

                        try {
                            is = mContentResolver.openInputStream(partURI);

                            byte[] buffer = new byte[256];
                            int len =;
                            while (len >= 0) {
                                baos.write(buffer, 0, len);
                                len =;
                        } catch (IOException e) {
                            Log.e(TAG, "Failed to load part data", e);
                            throw new MmsException(e);
                        } finally {
                            if (is != null) {
                                try {
                                } catch (IOException e) {
                                    Log.e(TAG, "Failed to close stream", e);
                                } // Ignore
                parts[partIdx++] = part;
        } finally {
            if (c != null) {

        return parts;
private voidloadRecipients(int addressType, java.util.HashSet recipients, java.util.HashMap addressMap, boolean excludeMyNumber)
For a given address type, extract the recipients from the headers.

addressType can be PduHeaders.FROM, PduHeaders.TO or PduHeaders.CC
recipients a HashSet that is loaded with the recipients from the FROM, TO or CC headers
addressMap a HashMap of the addresses from the ADDRESS_FIELDS header
excludeMyNumber if true, the number of this phone will be excluded from recipients

        EncodedStringValue[] array = addressMap.get(addressType);
        if (array == null) {
        // If the TO recipients is only a single address, then we can skip loadRecipients when
        // we're excluding our own number because we know that address is our own.
        if (excludeMyNumber && array.length == 1) {
        String myNumber = excludeMyNumber ? mTelephonyManager.getLine1Number() : null;
        for (EncodedStringValue v : array) {
            if (v != null) {
                String number = v.getString();
                if ((myNumber == null || !, myNumber)) &&
                        !recipients.contains(number)) {
                    // Only add numbers which aren't my own number.
public from, to)
Move a PDU object from one location to another.

from Specify the PDU object to be moved.
to The destination location, should be one of the following: "content://mms/inbox", "content://mms/sent", "content://mms/drafts", "content://mms/outbox", "content://mms/trash".
New Uri of the moved PDU.
MmsException Error occurred while moving the message.

        // Check whether the 'msgId' has been assigned a valid value.
        long msgId = ContentUris.parseId(from);
        if (msgId == -1L) {
            throw new MmsException("Error! ID of the message: -1.");

        // Get corresponding int value of destination box.
        Integer msgBox = MESSAGE_BOX_MAP.get(to);
        if (msgBox == null) {
            throw new MmsException(
                    "Bad destination, must be one of "
                    + "content://mms/inbox, content://mms/sent, "
                    + "content://mms/drafts, content://mms/outbox, "
                    + "content://mms/temp.");

        ContentValues values = new ContentValues(1);
        values.put(Mms.MESSAGE_BOX, msgBox);
        SqliteWrapper.update(mContext, mContentResolver, from, values, null, null);
        return ContentUris.withAppendedId(to, msgId);
public pdu, uri, boolean createThreadId, boolean groupMmsEnabled, java.util.HashMap preOpenedFiles)
Persist a PDU object to specific location in the storage.

pdu The PDU object to be stored.
uri Where to store the given PDU object.
createThreadId if true, this function may create a thread id for the recipients
groupMmsEnabled if true, all of the recipients addressed in the PDU will be used to create the associated thread. When false, only the sender will be used in finding or creating the appropriate thread or conversation.
preOpenedFiles if not null, a map of preopened InputStreams for the parts.
A Uri which can be used to access the stored PDU.

        if (uri == null) {
            throw new MmsException("Uri may not be null.");
        long msgId = -1;
        try {
            msgId = ContentUris.parseId(uri);
        } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
            // the uri ends with "inbox" or something else like that
        boolean existingUri = msgId != -1;

        if (!existingUri && MESSAGE_BOX_MAP.get(uri) == null) {
            throw new MmsException(
                    "Bad destination, must be one of "
                    + "content://mms/inbox, content://mms/sent, "
                    + "content://mms/drafts, content://mms/outbox, "
                    + "content://mms/temp.");
        synchronized(PDU_CACHE_INSTANCE) {
            // If the cache item is getting updated, wait until it's done updating before
            // purging it.
            if (PDU_CACHE_INSTANCE.isUpdating(uri)) {
                if (LOCAL_LOGV) {
                    Log.v(TAG, "persist: " + uri + " blocked by isUpdating()");
                try {
                } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                    Log.e(TAG, "persist1: ", e);

        PduHeaders header = pdu.getPduHeaders();
        PduBody body = null;
        ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
        Set<Entry<Integer, String>> set;

        set = ENCODED_STRING_COLUMN_NAME_MAP.entrySet();
        for (Entry<Integer, String> e : set) {
            int field = e.getKey();
            EncodedStringValue encodedString = header.getEncodedStringValue(field);
            if (encodedString != null) {
                String charsetColumn = CHARSET_COLUMN_NAME_MAP.get(field);
                values.put(e.getValue(), toIsoString(encodedString.getTextString()));
                values.put(charsetColumn, encodedString.getCharacterSet());

        set = TEXT_STRING_COLUMN_NAME_MAP.entrySet();
        for (Entry<Integer, String> e : set){
            byte[] text = header.getTextString(e.getKey());
            if (text != null) {
                values.put(e.getValue(), toIsoString(text));

        set = OCTET_COLUMN_NAME_MAP.entrySet();
        for (Entry<Integer, String> e : set){
            int b = header.getOctet(e.getKey());
            if (b != 0) {
                values.put(e.getValue(), b);

        set = LONG_COLUMN_NAME_MAP.entrySet();
        for (Entry<Integer, String> e : set){
            long l = header.getLongInteger(e.getKey());
            if (l != -1L) {
                values.put(e.getValue(), l);

        HashMap<Integer, EncodedStringValue[]> addressMap =
                new HashMap<Integer, EncodedStringValue[]>(ADDRESS_FIELDS.length);
        // Save address information.
        for (int addrType : ADDRESS_FIELDS) {
            EncodedStringValue[] array = null;
            if (addrType == PduHeaders.FROM) {
                EncodedStringValue v = header.getEncodedStringValue(addrType);
                if (v != null) {
                    array = new EncodedStringValue[1];
                    array[0] = v;
            } else {
                array = header.getEncodedStringValues(addrType);
            addressMap.put(addrType, array);

        HashSet<String> recipients = new HashSet<String>();
        int msgType = pdu.getMessageType();
        // Here we only allocate thread ID for M-Notification.ind,
        // M-Retrieve.conf and M-Send.req.
        // Some of other PDU types may be allocated a thread ID outside
        // this scope.
        if ((msgType == PduHeaders.MESSAGE_TYPE_NOTIFICATION_IND)
                || (msgType == PduHeaders.MESSAGE_TYPE_RETRIEVE_CONF)
                || (msgType == PduHeaders.MESSAGE_TYPE_SEND_REQ)) {
            switch (msgType) {
                case PduHeaders.MESSAGE_TYPE_NOTIFICATION_IND:
                case PduHeaders.MESSAGE_TYPE_RETRIEVE_CONF:
                    loadRecipients(PduHeaders.FROM, recipients, addressMap, false);

                    // For received messages when group MMS is enabled, we want to associate this
                    // message with the thread composed of all the recipients -- all but our own
                    // number, that is. This includes the person who sent the
                    // message or the FROM field (above) in addition to the other people the message
                    // was addressed to or the TO field. Our own number is in that TO field and
                    // we have to ignore it in loadRecipients.
                    if (groupMmsEnabled) {
                        loadRecipients(PduHeaders.TO, recipients, addressMap, true);

                        // Also load any numbers in the CC field to address group messaging
                        // compatibility issues with devices that place numbers in this field
                        // for group messages.
                        loadRecipients(PduHeaders.CC, recipients, addressMap, true);
                case PduHeaders.MESSAGE_TYPE_SEND_REQ:
                    loadRecipients(PduHeaders.TO, recipients, addressMap, false);
            long threadId = 0;
            if (createThreadId && !recipients.isEmpty()) {
                // Given all the recipients associated with this message, find (or create) the
                // correct thread.
                threadId = Threads.getOrCreateThreadId(mContext, recipients);
            values.put(Mms.THREAD_ID, threadId);

        // Save parts first to avoid inconsistent message is loaded
        // while saving the parts.
        long dummyId = System.currentTimeMillis(); // Dummy ID of the msg.

        // Figure out if this PDU is a text-only message
        boolean textOnly = true;

        // Sum up the total message size
        int messageSize = 0;

        // Get body if the PDU is a RetrieveConf or SendReq.
        if (pdu instanceof MultimediaMessagePdu) {
            body = ((MultimediaMessagePdu) pdu).getBody();
            // Start saving parts if necessary.
            if (body != null) {
                int partsNum = body.getPartsNum();
                if (partsNum > 2) {
                    // For a text-only message there will be two parts: 1-the SMIL, 2-the text.
                    // Down a few lines below we're checking to make sure we've only got SMIL or
                    // text. We also have to check then we don't have more than two parts.
                    // Otherwise, a slideshow with two text slides would be marked as textOnly.
                    textOnly = false;
                for (int i = 0; i < partsNum; i++) {
                    PduPart part = body.getPart(i);
                    messageSize += part.getDataLength();
                    persistPart(part, dummyId, preOpenedFiles);

                    // If we've got anything besides text/plain or SMIL part, then we've got
                    // an mms message with some other type of attachment.
                    String contentType = getPartContentType(part);
                    if (contentType != null && !ContentType.APP_SMIL.equals(contentType)
                            && !ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN.equals(contentType)) {
                        textOnly = false;
        // Record whether this mms message is a simple plain text or not. This is a hint for the
        // UI.
        values.put(Mms.TEXT_ONLY, textOnly ? 1 : 0);
        // The message-size might already have been inserted when parsing the
        // PDU header. If not, then we insert the message size as well.
        if (values.getAsInteger(Mms.MESSAGE_SIZE) == null) {
            values.put(Mms.MESSAGE_SIZE, messageSize);

        Uri res = null;
        if (existingUri) {
            res = uri;
            SqliteWrapper.update(mContext, mContentResolver, res, values, null, null);
        } else {
            res = SqliteWrapper.insert(mContext, mContentResolver, uri, values);
            if (res == null) {
                throw new MmsException("persist() failed: return null.");
            // Get the real ID of the PDU and update all parts which were
            // saved with the dummy ID.
            msgId = ContentUris.parseId(res);

        values = new ContentValues(1);
        values.put(Part.MSG_ID, msgId);
        SqliteWrapper.update(mContext, mContentResolver,
                             Uri.parse("content://mms/" + dummyId + "/part"),
                             values, null, null);
        // We should return the longest URI of the persisted PDU, for
        // example, if input URI is "content://mms/inbox" and the _ID of
        // persisted PDU is '8', we should return "content://mms/inbox/8"
        // instead of "content://mms/8".
        // FIXME: Should the MmsProvider be responsible for this???
        if (!existingUri) {
            res = Uri.parse(uri + "/" + msgId);

        // Save address information.
        for (int addrType : ADDRESS_FIELDS) {
            EncodedStringValue[] array = addressMap.get(addrType);
            if (array != null) {
                persistAddress(msgId, addrType, array);

        return res;
private voidpersistAddress(long msgId, int type,[] array)

        ContentValues values = new ContentValues(3);

        for (EncodedStringValue addr : array) {
            values.clear(); // Clear all values first.
            values.put(Addr.ADDRESS, toIsoString(addr.getTextString()));
            values.put(Addr.CHARSET, addr.getCharacterSet());
            values.put(Addr.TYPE, type);

            Uri uri = Uri.parse("content://mms/" + msgId + "/addr");
            SqliteWrapper.insert(mContext, mContentResolver, uri, values);
private voidpersistData(PduPart part, uri, java.lang.String contentType, java.util.HashMap preOpenedFiles)
Save data of the part into storage. The source data may be given by a byte[] or a Uri. If it's a byte[], directly save it into storage, otherwise load source data from the dataUri and then save it. If the data is an image, we may scale down it according to user preference.

part The PDU part which contains data to be saved.
uri The URI of the part.
contentType The MIME type of the part.
preOpenedFiles if not null, a map of preopened InputStreams for the parts.
MmsException Cannot find source data or error occurred while saving the data.

        OutputStream os = null;
        InputStream is = null;
        DrmConvertSession drmConvertSession = null;
        Uri dataUri = null;
        String path = null;

        try {
            byte[] data = part.getData();
            if (ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN.equals(contentType)
                    || ContentType.APP_SMIL.equals(contentType)
                    || ContentType.TEXT_HTML.equals(contentType)) {
                ContentValues cv = new ContentValues();
                if (data == null) {
                    data = new String("").getBytes(CharacterSets.DEFAULT_CHARSET_NAME);
                cv.put(Telephony.Mms.Part.TEXT, new EncodedStringValue(data).getString());
                if (mContentResolver.update(uri, cv, null, null) != 1) {
                    throw new MmsException("unable to update " + uri.toString());
            } else {
                boolean isDrm = DownloadDrmHelper.isDrmConvertNeeded(contentType);
                if (isDrm) {
                    if (uri != null) {
                        try {
                            path = convertUriToPath(mContext, uri);
                            if (LOCAL_LOGV) {
                                Log.v(TAG, "drm uri: " + uri + " path: " + path);
                            File f = new File(path);
                            long len = f.length();
                            if (LOCAL_LOGV) {
                                Log.v(TAG, "drm path: " + path + " len: " + len);
                            if (len > 0) {
                                // we're not going to re-persist and re-encrypt an already
                                // converted drm file
                        } catch (Exception e) {
                            Log.e(TAG, "Can't get file info for: " + part.getDataUri(), e);
                    // We haven't converted the file yet, start the conversion
                    drmConvertSession =, contentType);
                    if (drmConvertSession == null) {
                        throw new MmsException("Mimetype " + contentType +
                                " can not be converted.");
                // uri can look like:
                // content://mms/part/98
                os = mContentResolver.openOutputStream(uri);
                if (data == null) {
                    dataUri = part.getDataUri();
                    if ((dataUri == null) || (dataUri == uri)) {
                        Log.w(TAG, "Can't find data for this part.");
                    // dataUri can look like:
                    // content://
                    if (preOpenedFiles != null && preOpenedFiles.containsKey(dataUri)) {
                        is = preOpenedFiles.get(dataUri);
                    if (is == null) {
                        is = mContentResolver.openInputStream(dataUri);

                    if (LOCAL_LOGV) {
                        Log.v(TAG, "Saving data to: " + uri);

                    byte[] buffer = new byte[8192];
                    for (int len = 0; (len = != -1; ) {
                        if (!isDrm) {
                            os.write(buffer, 0, len);
                        } else {
                            byte[] convertedData = drmConvertSession.convert(buffer, len);
                            if (convertedData != null) {
                                os.write(convertedData, 0, convertedData.length);
                            } else {
                                throw new MmsException("Error converting drm data.");
                } else {
                    if (LOCAL_LOGV) {
                        Log.v(TAG, "Saving data to: " + uri);
                    if (!isDrm) {
                    } else {
                        dataUri = uri;
                        byte[] convertedData = drmConvertSession.convert(data, data.length);
                        if (convertedData != null) {
                            os.write(convertedData, 0, convertedData.length);
                        } else {
                            throw new MmsException("Error converting drm data.");
        } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
            Log.e(TAG, "Failed to open Input/Output stream.", e);
            throw new MmsException(e);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            Log.e(TAG, "Failed to read/write data.", e);
            throw new MmsException(e);
        } finally {
            if (os != null) {
                try {
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    Log.e(TAG, "IOException while closing: " + os, e);
                } // Ignore
            if (is != null) {
                try {
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    Log.e(TAG, "IOException while closing: " + is, e);
                } // Ignore
            if (drmConvertSession != null) {

                // Reset the permissions on the encrypted part file so everyone has only read
                // permission.
                File f = new File(path);
                ContentValues values = new ContentValues(0);
                SqliteWrapper.update(mContext, mContentResolver,
                                     Uri.parse("content://mms/resetFilePerm/" + f.getName()),
                                     values, null, null);
public part, long msgId, java.util.HashMap preOpenedFiles)

        Uri uri = Uri.parse("content://mms/" + msgId + "/part");
        ContentValues values = new ContentValues(8);

        int charset = part.getCharset();
        if (charset != 0 ) {
            values.put(Part.CHARSET, charset);

        String contentType = getPartContentType(part);
        if (contentType != null) {
            // There is no "image/jpg" in Android (and it's an invalid mimetype).
            // Change it to "image/jpeg"
            if (ContentType.IMAGE_JPG.equals(contentType)) {
                contentType = ContentType.IMAGE_JPEG;

            values.put(Part.CONTENT_TYPE, contentType);
            // To ensure the SMIL part is always the first part.
            if (ContentType.APP_SMIL.equals(contentType)) {
                values.put(Part.SEQ, -1);
        } else {
            throw new MmsException("MIME type of the part must be set.");

        if (part.getFilename() != null) {
            String fileName = new String(part.getFilename());
            values.put(Part.FILENAME, fileName);

        if (part.getName() != null) {
            String name = new String(part.getName());
            values.put(Part.NAME, name);

        Object value = null;
        if (part.getContentDisposition() != null) {
            value = toIsoString(part.getContentDisposition());
            values.put(Part.CONTENT_DISPOSITION, (String) value);

        if (part.getContentId() != null) {
            value = toIsoString(part.getContentId());
            values.put(Part.CONTENT_ID, (String) value);

        if (part.getContentLocation() != null) {
            value = toIsoString(part.getContentLocation());
            values.put(Part.CONTENT_LOCATION, (String) value);

        Uri res = SqliteWrapper.insert(mContext, mContentResolver, uri, values);
        if (res == null) {
            throw new MmsException("Failed to persist part, return null.");

        persistData(part, res, contentType, preOpenedFiles);
        // After successfully store the data, we should update
        // the dataUri of the part.

        return res;
public voidrelease()
Remove all objects in the temporary path.

        Uri uri = Uri.parse(TEMPORARY_DRM_OBJECT_URI);
        SqliteWrapper.delete(mContext, mContentResolver, uri, null, null);
private voidsetEncodedStringValueToHeaders(android.database.Cursor c, int columnIndex, PduHeaders headers, int mapColumn)

        String s = c.getString(columnIndex);
        if ((s != null) && (s.length() > 0)) {
            int charsetColumnIndex = CHARSET_COLUMN_INDEX_MAP.get(mapColumn);
            int charset = c.getInt(charsetColumnIndex);
            EncodedStringValue value = new EncodedStringValue(
                    charset, getBytes(s));
            headers.setEncodedStringValue(value, mapColumn);
private voidsetLongToHeaders(android.database.Cursor c, int columnIndex, PduHeaders headers, int mapColumn)

        if (!c.isNull(columnIndex)) {
            long l = c.getLong(columnIndex);
            headers.setLongInteger(l, mapColumn);
private voidsetOctetToHeaders(android.database.Cursor c, int columnIndex, PduHeaders headers, int mapColumn)

        if (!c.isNull(columnIndex)) {
            int b = c.getInt(columnIndex);
            headers.setOctet(b, mapColumn);
private voidsetTextStringToHeaders(android.database.Cursor c, int columnIndex, PduHeaders headers, int mapColumn)

        String s = c.getString(columnIndex);
        if (s != null) {
            headers.setTextString(getBytes(s), mapColumn);
public static java.lang.StringtoIsoString(byte[] bytes)
Wrap a byte[] into a String.

        try {
            return new String(bytes, CharacterSets.MIMENAME_ISO_8859_1);
        } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
            // Impossible to reach here!
            Log.e(TAG, "ISO_8859_1 must be supported!", e);
            return "";
private voidupdateAddress(long msgId, int type,[] array)

        // Delete old address information and then insert new ones.
        SqliteWrapper.delete(mContext, mContentResolver,
                Uri.parse("content://mms/" + msgId + "/addr"),
                Addr.TYPE + "=" + type, null);

        persistAddress(msgId, type, array);
public voidupdateHeaders( uri, SendReq sendReq)
Update headers of a SendReq.

uri The PDU which need to be updated.
pdu New headers.
MmsException Bad URI or updating failed.

        synchronized(PDU_CACHE_INSTANCE) {
            // If the cache item is getting updated, wait until it's done updating before
            // purging it.
            if (PDU_CACHE_INSTANCE.isUpdating(uri)) {
                if (LOCAL_LOGV) {
                    Log.v(TAG, "updateHeaders: " + uri + " blocked by isUpdating()");
                try {
                } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                    Log.e(TAG, "updateHeaders: ", e);

        ContentValues values = new ContentValues(10);
        byte[] contentType = sendReq.getContentType();
        if (contentType != null) {
            values.put(Mms.CONTENT_TYPE, toIsoString(contentType));

        long date = sendReq.getDate();
        if (date != -1) {
            values.put(Mms.DATE, date);

        int deliveryReport = sendReq.getDeliveryReport();
        if (deliveryReport != 0) {
            values.put(Mms.DELIVERY_REPORT, deliveryReport);

        long expiry = sendReq.getExpiry();
        if (expiry != -1) {
            values.put(Mms.EXPIRY, expiry);

        byte[] msgClass = sendReq.getMessageClass();
        if (msgClass != null) {
            values.put(Mms.MESSAGE_CLASS, toIsoString(msgClass));

        int priority = sendReq.getPriority();
        if (priority != 0) {
            values.put(Mms.PRIORITY, priority);

        int readReport = sendReq.getReadReport();
        if (readReport != 0) {
            values.put(Mms.READ_REPORT, readReport);

        byte[] transId = sendReq.getTransactionId();
        if (transId != null) {
            values.put(Mms.TRANSACTION_ID, toIsoString(transId));

        EncodedStringValue subject = sendReq.getSubject();
        if (subject != null) {
            values.put(Mms.SUBJECT, toIsoString(subject.getTextString()));
            values.put(Mms.SUBJECT_CHARSET, subject.getCharacterSet());
        } else {
            values.put(Mms.SUBJECT, "");

        long messageSize = sendReq.getMessageSize();
        if (messageSize > 0) {
            values.put(Mms.MESSAGE_SIZE, messageSize);

        PduHeaders headers = sendReq.getPduHeaders();
        HashSet<String> recipients = new HashSet<String>();
        for (int addrType : ADDRESS_FIELDS) {
            EncodedStringValue[] array = null;
            if (addrType == PduHeaders.FROM) {
                EncodedStringValue v = headers.getEncodedStringValue(addrType);
                if (v != null) {
                    array = new EncodedStringValue[1];
                    array[0] = v;
            } else {
                array = headers.getEncodedStringValues(addrType);

            if (array != null) {
                long msgId = ContentUris.parseId(uri);
                updateAddress(msgId, addrType, array);
                if (addrType == PduHeaders.TO) {
                    for (EncodedStringValue v : array) {
                        if (v != null) {
        if (!recipients.isEmpty()) {
            long threadId = Threads.getOrCreateThreadId(mContext, recipients);
            values.put(Mms.THREAD_ID, threadId);

        SqliteWrapper.update(mContext, mContentResolver, uri, values, null, null);
private voidupdatePart( uri, PduPart part, java.util.HashMap preOpenedFiles)

        ContentValues values = new ContentValues(7);

        int charset = part.getCharset();
        if (charset != 0 ) {
            values.put(Part.CHARSET, charset);

        String contentType = null;
        if (part.getContentType() != null) {
            contentType = toIsoString(part.getContentType());
            values.put(Part.CONTENT_TYPE, contentType);
        } else {
            throw new MmsException("MIME type of the part must be set.");

        if (part.getFilename() != null) {
            String fileName = new String(part.getFilename());
            values.put(Part.FILENAME, fileName);

        if (part.getName() != null) {
            String name = new String(part.getName());
            values.put(Part.NAME, name);

        Object value = null;
        if (part.getContentDisposition() != null) {
            value = toIsoString(part.getContentDisposition());
            values.put(Part.CONTENT_DISPOSITION, (String) value);

        if (part.getContentId() != null) {
            value = toIsoString(part.getContentId());
            values.put(Part.CONTENT_ID, (String) value);

        if (part.getContentLocation() != null) {
            value = toIsoString(part.getContentLocation());
            values.put(Part.CONTENT_LOCATION, (String) value);

        SqliteWrapper.update(mContext, mContentResolver, uri, values, null, null);

        // Only update the data when:
        // 1. New binary data supplied or
        // 2. The Uri of the part is different from the current one.
        if ((part.getData() != null)
                || (uri != part.getDataUri())) {
            persistData(part, uri, contentType, preOpenedFiles);
public voidupdateParts( uri, PduBody body, java.util.HashMap preOpenedFiles)
Update all parts of a PDU.

uri The PDU which need to be updated.
body New message body of the PDU.
preOpenedFiles if not null, a map of preopened InputStreams for the parts.
MmsException Bad URI or updating failed.

        try {
            PduCacheEntry cacheEntry;
            synchronized(PDU_CACHE_INSTANCE) {
                if (PDU_CACHE_INSTANCE.isUpdating(uri)) {
                    if (LOCAL_LOGV) {
                        Log.v(TAG, "updateParts: " + uri + " blocked by isUpdating()");
                    try {
                    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                        Log.e(TAG, "updateParts: ", e);
                    cacheEntry = PDU_CACHE_INSTANCE.get(uri);
                    if (cacheEntry != null) {
                        ((MultimediaMessagePdu) cacheEntry.getPdu()).setBody(body);
                // Tell the cache to indicate to other callers that this item
                // is currently being updated.
                PDU_CACHE_INSTANCE.setUpdating(uri, true);

            ArrayList<PduPart> toBeCreated = new ArrayList<PduPart>();
            HashMap<Uri, PduPart> toBeUpdated = new HashMap<Uri, PduPart>();

            int partsNum = body.getPartsNum();
            StringBuilder filter = new StringBuilder().append('(");
            for (int i = 0; i < partsNum; i++) {
                PduPart part = body.getPart(i);
                Uri partUri = part.getDataUri();
                if ((partUri == null) || !partUri.getAuthority().startsWith("mms")) {
                } else {
                    toBeUpdated.put(partUri, part);

                    // Don't use 'i > 0' to determine whether we should append
                    // 'AND' since 'i = 0' may be skipped in another branch.
                    if (filter.length() > 1) {
                        filter.append(" AND ");

                    DatabaseUtils.appendEscapedSQLString(filter, partUri.getLastPathSegment());

            long msgId = ContentUris.parseId(uri);

            // Remove the parts which doesn't exist anymore.
            SqliteWrapper.delete(mContext, mContentResolver,
                    Uri.parse(Mms.CONTENT_URI + "/" + msgId + "/part"),
                    filter.length() > 2 ? filter.toString() : null, null);

            // Create new parts which didn't exist before.
            for (PduPart part : toBeCreated) {
                persistPart(part, msgId, preOpenedFiles);

            // Update the modified parts.
            for (Map.Entry<Uri, PduPart> e : toBeUpdated.entrySet()) {
                updatePart(e.getKey(), e.getValue(), preOpenedFiles);
        } finally {
            synchronized(PDU_CACHE_INSTANCE) {
                PDU_CACHE_INSTANCE.setUpdating(uri, false);