DottedNameAliasedQuery.javaAPI DocGlassfish v2 API6425Fri May 04 22:24:08 BST 2007com.sun.enterprise.admin.dottedname

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 * $Header: /cvs/glassfish/admin/mbeans/src/java/com/sun/enterprise/admin/dottedname/,v 1.4 2007/05/05 05:24:07 tcfujii Exp $
 * $Revision: 1.4 $
 * $Date: 2007/05/05 05:24:07 $
package com.sun.enterprise.admin.dottedname;

import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;


	Implements DottedNameQuery over config dotted names by presenting a view
	of user-visible dotted names even though the underlying dotted names are
	in fact not user-visible.  For PE, this means that dotted names start with
	the server name "server", but in actuality they are registered starting
	with the config name.  This class hides that detail.
	Additionally, domain.* is also aliased into server
public class DottedNameAliasedQuery implements DottedNameQuery
	protected final DottedNameQuery				mSrcQuery;
	protected final DottedNameServerInfo			mServerInfo;
	final DottedNameResolverForAliases	mAliasResolver;
	DottedNameAliasedQuery( final DottedNameQuery srcQuery, final DottedNameServerInfo serverInfo )
		mSrcQuery	= srcQuery;
		mServerInfo	= serverInfo;
		mAliasResolver	= new DottedNameResolverForAliases( srcQuery, serverInfo );
		public ObjectName
	dottedNameToObjectName( final String	dottedName )
		return( mAliasResolver.resolveDottedName( dottedName ) );
		public Set
	allDottedNameStrings(  )
		Set	result	= Collections.EMPTY_SET;
			result	= allDottedNameStringsThrow();
		catch( DottedNameServerInfo.UnavailableException e )
			DottedNameLogger.logException( e );
		return( result );
		Return a set of all dotted names *as visible to the user*.
		This means that we convert any dotted names beginning with a config name
		to dotted names beginning with its corresponding server name.
		Certain domain names are also aliased into the server name.
		protected java.util.Set
	allDottedNameStringsThrow(  )
		throws DottedNameServerInfo.UnavailableException
		final Set		srcSet	= mSrcQuery.allDottedNameStrings();
		final Iterator	iter	= srcSet.iterator();
		final HashSet	destSet	= new HashSet();
		final Set	configNames	= mServerInfo.getConfigNames();
		while ( iter.hasNext() )
			final String		dottedName	= (String);
			final DottedName	dn	= DottedNameFactory.getInstance().get( dottedName );
			final String	scope	= dn.getScope();
			if ( DottedNameAliasSupport.scopeIsDomain( scope ) )
				if ( DottedNameAliasSupport.isAliasedDomain( dn ) )
					destSet.add (dottedName);
                    addAllNamesForDomain( dn, destSet );
				if ( configNames.contains( scope ) )
					addAllNamesForConfig( dn, destSet );
					// not a config name.
					destSet.add( dottedName );
		return( destSet );
		Given a config dotted name, generate and add all corresponding dotted
		names that start with the server name (just one in PE).  (In SE/EE there
		could be more than one server using the same config).
    protected void
	addAllNamesForDomain( final DottedName domainDN, final Set outSet )
		throws DottedNameServerInfo.UnavailableException
		final Iterator iter	= mServerInfo.getServerNames().iterator();
		// there may be none if no servers refer to the config--that's OK
		while ( iter.hasNext() )
			final String	serverName	= (String);
			final String		dottedNameString	=
					DottedName.toString( domainDN.getDomain(), serverName, domainDN.getParts() );
			final DottedName	newName	= DottedNameFactory.getInstance().get( dottedNameString );
			outSet.add( newName.toString() );
		Given a config dotted name, generate and add all corresponding dotted
		names that start with the server name (just one in PE).  (In SE/EE there
		could be more than one server using the same config).
    protected void
	addAllNamesForConfig( final DottedName configDN, final Set outSet )
		throws DottedNameServerInfo.UnavailableException
		final String []	serverNames	= mServerInfo.getServerNamesForConfig( configDN.getScope() );
		// there may be none if no servers refer to the config--that's OK
		for( int i = 0; i < serverNames.length; ++i )
			final String		newName	=
					DottedName.toString( configDN.getDomain(), serverNames[ i ], configDN.getParts() );

			outSet.add( newName );