JUnitTestRunnerTest.javaAPI DocApache Ant 1.706417Wed Dec 13 06:16:22 GMT

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import junit.framework.*;

 * Small testcase for the runner, tests are very very very basics.
 * They must be enhanced with time.
public class JUnitTestRunnerTest extends TestCase {

    // mandatory constructor
    public JUnitTestRunnerTest(String name){

    // check that having no suite generates no errors
    public void testNoSuite(){
        TestRunner runner = createRunner(NoSuiteTestCase.class);;
        assertEquals(runner.getFormatter().getError(), JUnitTestRunner.SUCCESS, runner.getRetCode());

    // check that a suite generates no errors
    public void testSuite(){
        TestRunner runner = createRunner(SuiteTestCase.class);;
        assertEquals(runner.getFormatter().getError(), JUnitTestRunner.SUCCESS, runner.getRetCode());

    // check that an invalid suite generates an error.
    public void testInvalidSuite(){
        TestRunner runner = createRunner(InvalidSuiteTestCase.class);;
        String error = runner.getFormatter().getError();
        assertEquals(error, JUnitTestRunner.ERRORS, runner.getRetCode());
        assertTrue(error, error.indexOf("thrown on purpose") != -1);

    // check that something which is not a testcase generates no errors
    // at first even though this is incorrect.
    public void testNoTestCase(){
        TestRunner runner = createRunner(NoTestCase.class);;
        // On junit3 this is a FAILURE, on junit4 this is an ERROR
        int ret = runner.getRetCode();
        if (ret != JUnitTestRunner.FAILURES && ret != JUnitTestRunner.ERRORS) {
            fail("Unexpected result " + ret + " from junit runner");
        // JUnit3 test
        //assertEquals(runner.getFormatter().getError(), JUnitTestRunner.FAILURES, runner.getRetCode());

    // check that an exception in the constructor is noticed
    public void testInvalidTestCase(){
        TestRunner runner = createRunner(InvalidTestCase.class);;
        // On junit3 this is a FAILURE, on junit4 this is an ERROR
        int ret = runner.getRetCode();
        if (ret != JUnitTestRunner.FAILURES && ret != JUnitTestRunner.ERRORS) {
            fail("Unexpected result " + ret + " from junit runner");
        // JUNIT3 test
        //assertEquals(error, JUnitTestRunner.FAILURES, runner.getRetCode());
        //@fixme as of now does not report the original stacktrace.
        //assertTrue(error, error.indexOf("thrown on purpose") != -1);

    protected TestRunner createRunner(Class clazz){
        return new TestRunner(new JUnitTest(clazz.getName()), true, true, true);

    // the test runner that wrap the dummy formatter that interests us
    private final static class TestRunner extends JUnitTestRunner {
        private ResultFormatter formatter = new ResultFormatter();
        TestRunner(JUnitTest test, boolean haltonerror, boolean filtertrace, boolean haltonfailure){
            super(test, haltonerror, filtertrace,  haltonfailure, TestRunner.class.getClassLoader());
            // use the classloader that loaded this class otherwise
            // it will not be able to run inner classes if this test
            // is ran in non-forked mode.
        ResultFormatter getFormatter(){
            return formatter;

    // dummy formatter just to catch the error
    private final static class ResultFormatter implements JUnitResultFormatter {
        private Throwable error;
        public void setSystemOutput(String output){}
        public void setSystemError(String output){}
        public void startTestSuite(JUnitTest suite) throws BuildException{}
        public void endTestSuite(JUnitTest suite) throws BuildException{}
        public void setOutput( out){}
        public void startTest(Test t) {}
        public void endTest(Test test) {}
        public void addFailure(Test test, Throwable t) { }
        public void addFailure(Test test, AssertionFailedError t) { }
        public void addError(Test test, Throwable t) {
            error = t;
        String getError(){
            if (error == null){
                return "";
            StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
            error.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(sw));
            return sw.toString();

    public static class NoTestCase {

    public static class InvalidTestCase extends TestCase {
        public InvalidTestCase(String name){
            throw new NullPointerException("thrown on purpose");

    public static class NoSuiteTestCase extends TestCase {
        public NoSuiteTestCase(String name){ super(name); }
        public void testA(){}

    public static class SuiteTestCase extends NoSuiteTestCase {
        public SuiteTestCase(String name){ super(name); }
        public static Test suite(){
            return new TestSuite(SuiteTestCase.class);

    public static class InvalidSuiteTestCase extends NoSuiteTestCase {
        public InvalidSuiteTestCase(String name){ super(name); }
        public static Test suite(){
            throw new NullPointerException("thrown on purpose");
    public static void main(String[] args){;