Module.javaAPI DocJMF 2.1.1e6347Mon May 12 12:20:48 BST

 * @(#)	1.11 02/08/21
 * Copyright (c) 1996-2002 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.



 * A Module is a "black box" which does a part of the overall processing. <br>
 * It might have InputConnectors from which it receives data.
 * It might have OutputConnectors to which it transmits data.
 * its properties are exposed via Java Beans compliant accessing methods
 * (setXXX()/getXXX) <br>
 * <i> getLatency(.) removed since it was not used</i>
 * <center><h2>data transfer protocols</center></h2>
 * We define four protocols of data transfer between Modules:
 * <ul>
 * <li><b>Push - Output Data Driven</b> the upstream Module runs in its own thread. The Module loops on
 * its "process" method and when it finishes one frame it calls the writeReport() method it triggers a call in the
 * downstream Module to its "process" method which is executed in the current thread. When The downstream Module
 * finishes, it call its downstream Module, recursively. This is the natural protocol for capture.
 * <br>Here is a sample call graph for a push protocol (Source is pushing data to the Drain).<br>
 * <pre>
 * Source.process calls MediaOutputConnector.getEmptyBuffer()
 * Source.process puts  buffer in the empty buffer container
 * Source.process calls MediaOutputConnector.writeReport(true)
 *        MediaOutputConnector.writeReport calls Drain.connectorPushed.
 *               Drain.connectorPushed calls Drain.process
 *                     Drain.process calls MediaInputConnector.getValidBuffer
 *                     Drain.process proccesses the Buffer
 *                     Drain.process calls MediaInputConnector.readReport
 * </pre>
 * <li><b>Safe - Buffer Driven</b> both the downstream Module and the upstream Module run in separate threads.
 * Both the Modules loops on their "process" method and a call to either readReport() in the downstream Module
 * or writeReport() in the upstream Module wakes the other thread, if it is not running. When one of the threads
 * is blocked, it waits until it is wakened by the other thread. This is the natural protocol for multiple threads.
 * </li>
 * </ul>
 * @see Control
 * @see Connector
 * @see InputConnector
 * @see OutputConnector
public interface Module extends {

     * Return an array of strings containing this Module's
     * input connectors names (both connected and unconnected).
     * If this Module contains no inputs an array of length zero
     * is returned.
     * @return list of input connectors as strings.
    public String[] getInputConnectorNames();

     * Return an array of strings containing this Module's
     * output connectors names (both connected and unconnected).
     * If this Module contains no outputs an array of length zero
     * is returned.
     * @return list of output connectors as strings.
    public String[] getOutputConnectorNames();

     * Return the specified input connector. Connectors and their names
     * are typically constructed in the Module's constructor, but their construction
     * can be delayed until the Player <b>Realizing</b> state.
     * Returns null if the string doesn't match any of the Module's
     * InputConnectors.
     * @param connectorName the name of the connector.
     * @return InputConnector associated with this name.
    public InputConnector getInputConnector(String connectorName);

     * Return the specified output connector. Connectors and  their names
     * are typically constructed in the Module's constructor.
     * Returns null if the String doesn't match any of the Module's
     * OutputConnectors.
     * @param connectorName the name of the connector
     * @return OutputConnector associated with this name.
    public OutputConnector getOutputConnector(String connectorName);

     * Each of the inputConnectors of this Module has to be
     * registered with this function.
     * This method also sets the Module reference of the Connector
    void registerInputConnector(String name, InputConnector in);

     * Each of the outputConnectors of this Module has to be
     * registered with this function.
     * This method also sets the Module reference of the Connector
    void registerOutputConnector(String name, OutputConnector out);

     * Return the Module to its initial state. <br>
     * A Module should call its Connectors reset method, and then clear its
     * internal buffers typically by calling the StateTransistor's method dealloc().
    public void reset();

     * A callback function denoting data was written to one of this Module input Connectors.
     * This function is needed in case of <b>Push</b> protocol
     * Typical reaction of the module is to process one frame in the calling thread and return.
     * @param inputConnector the inputConnector of the connection which have received data.
    public void connectorPushed(InputConnector inputConnector) ;

     * returns the name of this Module in the Player 
    public String getName();

     * sets the name of this Module. Called by the owning Player registerModule() method 
    public void setName(String name);

     * Selects a format for the Connector (the default is null).
     * The <b>setFormat()</b> method is typically called by the Manager
     * as part of the Connector connection method call.
     * Typically the connector would delegate this call to its owning Module.
    public void setFormat(Connector connector,Format format);

     * Specify a <code>ModuleListener</code> to which this <code>Module</code>
     * will send events.
     * @param listener The listener to which the <code>Module</code> will
     * post events.
    public void setModuleListener(ModuleListener listener); 

     * Query to see if the module has just been interrupted.
     * @return true if the module has just been interrupted.
    public boolean isInterrupted();

     * Set the JMD debugger instance for the module to use.
    public void setJMD(JMD jmd);