Module.javaAPI DocJMF 2.1.1e6347Mon May 12 12:20:48 BST


public interface Module implements Controls
A Module is a "black box" which does a part of the overall processing.
It might have InputConnectors from which it receives data. It might have OutputConnectors to which it transmits data. its properties are exposed via Java Beans compliant accessing methods (setXXX()/getXXX)
getLatency(.) removed since it was not used

data transfer protocols

We define four protocols of data transfer between Modules:
  • Push - Output Data Driven the upstream Module runs in its own thread. The Module loops on its "process" method and when it finishes one frame it calls the writeReport() method it triggers a call in the downstream Module to its "process" method which is executed in the current thread. When The downstream Module finishes, it call its downstream Module, recursively. This is the natural protocol for capture.
    Here is a sample call graph for a push protocol (Source is pushing data to the Drain).
    Source.process calls MediaOutputConnector.getEmptyBuffer()
    Source.process puts buffer in the empty buffer container
    Source.process calls MediaOutputConnector.writeReport(true)
    MediaOutputConnector.writeReport calls Drain.connectorPushed.
    Drain.connectorPushed calls Drain.process
    Drain.process calls MediaInputConnector.getValidBuffer
    Drain.process proccesses the Buffer
    Drain.process calls MediaInputConnector.readReport
  • Safe - Buffer Driven both the downstream Module and the upstream Module run in separate threads. Both the Modules loops on their "process" method and a call to either readReport() in the downstream Module or writeReport() in the upstream Module wakes the other thread, if it is not running. When one of the threads is blocked, it waits until it is wakened by the other thread. This is the natural protocol for multiple threads.

Fields Summary
Constructors Summary
Methods Summary
public voidconnectorPushed( inputConnector)
A callback function denoting data was written to one of this Module input Connectors. This function is needed in case of Push protocol Typical reaction of the module is to process one frame in the calling thread and return.

inputConnector the inputConnector of the connection which have received data.

public connectorName)
Return the specified input connector. Connectors and their names are typically constructed in the Module's constructor, but their construction can be delayed until the Player Realizing state. Returns null if the string doesn't match any of the Module's InputConnectors.

connectorName the name of the connector.
InputConnector associated with this name.

public java.lang.String[]getInputConnectorNames()
Return an array of strings containing this Module's input connectors names (both connected and unconnected). If this Module contains no inputs an array of length zero is returned.

list of input connectors as strings.

public java.lang.StringgetName()
returns the name of this Module in the Player

public connectorName)
Return the specified output connector. Connectors and their names are typically constructed in the Module's constructor. Returns null if the String doesn't match any of the Module's OutputConnectors.

connectorName the name of the connector
OutputConnector associated with this name.

public java.lang.String[]getOutputConnectorNames()
Return an array of strings containing this Module's output connectors names (both connected and unconnected). If this Module contains no outputs an array of length zero is returned.

list of output connectors as strings.

public booleanisInterrupted()
Query to see if the module has just been interrupted.

true if the module has just been interrupted.

public voidregisterInputConnector(java.lang.String name, in)
Each of the inputConnectors of this Module has to be registered with this function. This method also sets the Module reference of the Connector

public voidregisterOutputConnector(java.lang.String name, out)
Each of the outputConnectors of this Module has to be registered with this function. This method also sets the Module reference of the Connector

public voidreset()
Return the Module to its initial state.
A Module should call its Connectors reset method, and then clear its internal buffers typically by calling the StateTransistor's method dealloc().

public voidsetFormat( connector, format)
Selects a format for the Connector (the default is null). The setFormat() method is typically called by the Manager as part of the Connector connection method call. Typically the connector would delegate this call to its owning Module.

public voidsetJMD( jmd)
Set the JMD debugger instance for the module to use.

public voidsetModuleListener( listener)
Specify a ModuleListener to which this Module will send events.

listener The listener to which the Module will post events.

public voidsetName(java.lang.String name)
sets the name of this Module. Called by the owning Player registerModule() method