PolicyModelGeneratorTest.javaAPI DocExample6299Tue May 29 16:57:40 BST

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import junit.framework.*;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

public class PolicyModelGeneratorTest extends TestCase {
    private static final String COMPACT_MODEL_SUFFIX = ".xml";
    private static final String NORMALIZED_MODEL_SUFFIX = "_normalized.xml";
    private static final Map<String, Integer> COMPLEX_POLICIES;
    static {
        Map<String, Integer> tempMap = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
        tempMap.put("complex_policy/nested_assertions_with_alternatives", 3);
        tempMap.put("complex_policy/single_choice1", 3);
        tempMap.put("complex_policy/single_choice2", 5);
        tempMap.put("complex_policy/nested_choice1", 3);
        tempMap.put("complex_policy/nested_choice2", 3);
        tempMap.put("complex_policy/assertion_parameters1", 1);
        tempMap.put("complex_policy/assertion_parameters2", 1);
        COMPLEX_POLICIES = Collections.unmodifiableMap(tempMap);
    private PolicyModelGenerator generator;
    private PolicyModelTranslator translator;
    public PolicyModelGeneratorTest(String testName) {
    protected void setUp() throws Exception {
        translator = PolicyModelTranslator.getTranslator();
        generator = PolicyModelGenerator.getGenerator();
    protected void tearDown() throws Exception {
    public void testGetTranslator() throws Exception {
        PolicyModelGenerator result = PolicyModelGenerator.getGenerator();
    public void testGenerate() throws Exception {
        for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> entry : COMPLEX_POLICIES.entrySet()) {
            String compactResourceName = entry.getKey() + COMPACT_MODEL_SUFFIX;
            String normalizedResouceName = entry.getKey() + NORMALIZED_MODEL_SUFFIX;
            int expectedNumberOfAlternatives = entry.getValue();
            PolicySourceModel compactModel = PolicyResourceLoader.unmarshallModel(compactResourceName);
            PolicySourceModel normalizedModel = PolicyResourceLoader.unmarshallModel(normalizedResouceName);
            Policy compactModelPolicy = translator.translate(compactModel);
            Policy normalizedModelPolicy = translator.translate(normalizedModel);
            PolicySourceModel generatedCompactModel = generator.translate(compactModelPolicy);
            PolicySourceModel generatedNormalizedModel = generator.translate(normalizedModelPolicy);

            Policy generatedCompactModelPolicy = translator.translate(generatedCompactModel);
            Policy generatedNormalizedModelPolicy = translator.translate(generatedNormalizedModel);
            assertEquals("Generated compact policy should contain '" + expectedNumberOfAlternatives + "' alternatives", expectedNumberOfAlternatives,generatedCompactModelPolicy.getNumberOfAssertionSets());
            assertEquals("Generated and translated compact model policy instances should contain equal number of alternatives", compactModelPolicy.getNumberOfAssertionSets(), generatedCompactModelPolicy.getNumberOfAssertionSets());
            assertEquals("Generated and translated compact policy expression should form equal Policy instances", compactModelPolicy, generatedCompactModelPolicy);

            assertEquals("Generated normalized policy should contain '" + expectedNumberOfAlternatives + "' alternatives", expectedNumberOfAlternatives, generatedNormalizedModelPolicy.getNumberOfAssertionSets());
            assertEquals("Generated and translated normalized model policy instances should contain equal number of alternatives", normalizedModelPolicy.getNumberOfAssertionSets(), generatedNormalizedModelPolicy.getNumberOfAssertionSets());
            assertEquals("Generated and translated normalized policy expression should form equal Policy instances", normalizedModelPolicy, generatedNormalizedModelPolicy);
            // TODO: somehow compare models, because now the test only checks if the translation does not end in some exception...