PeerItem.javaAPI DocAzureus Jun 14 10:17:12 BST 2007com.aelitis.azureus.core.peermanager.peerdb


public class PeerItem extends Object implements org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.peers.PeerDescriptor
Represents a peer item, unique by ip address + port combo. NOTE: Overrides equals().

Fields Summary
private final byte[]
private final short
private final short
private final byte
private final int
private final byte
private final byte
private final short
Constructors Summary
protected PeerItem(String _address, int _tcp_port, byte _source, byte _handshake, int _udp_port, byte _crypto_level, int _up_speed)

    byte[] raw;
      //see if we can resolve the address into a compact raw IPv4/6 byte array (4 or 16 bytes)
      InetAddress ip = InetAddress.getByName( _address );
      raw = ip.getAddress();
    catch( UnknownHostException e ) {
      //not a standard IPv4/6 address, so just use the full string bytes
      raw = _address.getBytes();

    address = raw;
    tcp_port = (short)_tcp_port;
    udp_port = (short)_udp_port;
    source = _source;
    hashcode = new String( address ).hashCode() + tcp_port;
    handshake = _handshake;
    crypto_level = _crypto_level;
    up_speed = (short)_up_speed;
protected PeerItem(byte[] _serialization, byte _source, byte _handshake, int _udp_port)

	if ( _serialization.length < 6 || _serialization.length > 32){
		throw( new Exception( "PeerItem: invalid serialisation length - " + _serialization.length ));
    //extract address and port
    address = new byte[ _serialization.length -2 ];
    System.arraycopy( _serialization, 0, address, 0, _serialization.length -2 );
    byte p0 = _serialization[ _serialization.length -2 ];
    byte p1 = _serialization[ _serialization.length -1 ];  
    tcp_port = (short)((p1 & 0xFF) + ((p0 & 0xFF) << 8));
    source = _source;
    hashcode = new String( address ).hashCode() + tcp_port;
    handshake = _handshake;
    udp_port = (short)_udp_port;
    crypto_level = PeerItemFactory.CRYPTO_LEVEL_1;	// TODO: serialise this...
    up_speed = 0; // TODO:...
Methods Summary
public static byteconvertSourceID(java.lang.String source)

    if( source.equals( PEPeerSource.PS_BT_TRACKER ) )  return PeerItemFactory.PEER_SOURCE_TRACKER;
    if( source.equals( PEPeerSource.PS_DHT ) )         return PeerItemFactory.PEER_SOURCE_DHT;
    if( source.equals( PEPeerSource.PS_OTHER_PEER ) )  return PeerItemFactory.PEER_SOURCE_PEER_EXCHANGE;
    if( source.equals( PEPeerSource.PS_PLUGIN ) )      return PeerItemFactory.PEER_SOURCE_PLUGIN;
    if( source.equals( PEPeerSource.PS_INCOMING ) )    return PeerItemFactory.PEER_SOURCE_INCOMING;
    return -1;
public static java.lang.StringconvertSourceString(byte source_id)

    //we use an int to store the source text string as this class is supposed to be lightweight
    switch( source_id ) {
      case PeerItemFactory.PEER_SOURCE_TRACKER:        return PEPeerSource.PS_BT_TRACKER;
      case PeerItemFactory.PEER_SOURCE_DHT:            return PEPeerSource.PS_DHT;
      case PeerItemFactory.PEER_SOURCE_PEER_EXCHANGE:  return PEPeerSource.PS_OTHER_PEER;
      case PeerItemFactory.PEER_SOURCE_PLUGIN:         return PEPeerSource.PS_PLUGIN;
      case PeerItemFactory.PEER_SOURCE_INCOMING:       return PEPeerSource.PS_INCOMING;
      default:                                         return "<unknown>";
public booleanequals(java.lang.Object obj)

    if( this == obj )  return true;
    if( obj != null && obj instanceof PeerItem ) {
      PeerItem other = (PeerItem)obj;
      if( 	this.tcp_port == other.tcp_port &&
    		this.udp_port == other.udp_port &&
    		this.handshake == other.handshake &&
    		Arrays.equals( this.address, other.address ) )  return true;
    return false;
public java.lang.StringgetAddressString()

      //see if it's an IPv4/6 address (4 or 16 bytes)
      return InetAddress.getByAddress( address ).getHostAddress();
    catch( UnknownHostException e ) {
      //not a standard IPv4/6 address, so just return as full string
      return new String( address );
public bytegetCryptoLevel()

 return crypto_level; 
public bytegetHandshakeType()

  return handshake;  
public java.lang.StringgetIP()

	  return( getAddressString());
public byte[]getSerialization()

    //combine address and port bytes into one
    byte[] full_address = new byte[ address.length +2 ];
    System.arraycopy( address, 0, full_address, 0, address.length );
    full_address[ address.length ] = (byte)(tcp_port >> 8);
    full_address[ address.length +1 ] = (byte)(tcp_port & 0xff);
    return full_address;
public bytegetSource()

  return source;  
public intgetTCPPort()

  return tcp_port&0xffff;  
public intgetUDPPort()

  return udp_port&0xffff;  
public inthashCode()

  return hashcode;