KeepAliveStats.javaAPI DocGlassfish v2 API5940Fri May 04 22:37:04 BST 2007com.sun.enterprise.web.connector.grizzly

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package com.sun.enterprise.web.connector.grizzly;

 * Class collecting keep-alive statistics.
 * There is one instance of this class per HTTP listener (ie., SelectorThread).
 * Each instance exposes its stats as an MBean with an object name of the
 * form "<domain>:type=KeepAlive,name=http<port>", where <port> is replaced
 * with the port number of the associated HTTP listener.
 * @author Jan Luehe
public class KeepAliveStats {

    private int countConnections;
    private int maxConnections;
    private int countHits;
    private int countFlushes;
    private int countRefusals;
    private int countTimeouts;
    private int secondsTimeouts;

     * Gets the number of connections in keep-alive mode.
     * @return Number of connections in keep-alive mode
    public synchronized int getCountConnections() {
        return countConnections;

     * Increments the number of connections in keep-alive mode.
    public synchronized void incrementCountConnections() {

     * Sets the maximum number of concurrent connections in keep-alive mode.
     * @param maxConnections Maximum number of concurrent connections in
     * keep-alive mode.
    public void setMaxConnections(int maxConnections) {
        this.maxConnections = maxConnections;

     * Gets the maximum number of concurrent connections in keep-alive mode.
     * @return Maximum number of concurrent connections in keep-alive mode
    public int getMaxConnections() {
        return maxConnections;

     * Gets the number of requests received by connections in keep-alive mode.
     * @return Number of requests received by connections in keep-alive mode.
    public synchronized int getCountHits() {
        return countHits;

     * Increments the number of requests received by connections in
     * keep-alive mode.
    public synchronized void incrementCountHits() {

     * Gets the number of keep-alive connections that were closed
     * @return Number of keep-alive connections that were closed
    public synchronized int getCountFlushes() {
        return countFlushes;

     * Increments the number of keep-alive connections that were closed
    public synchronized void incrementCountFlushes() {

     * Gets the number of keep-alive connections that were rejected.
     * @return Number of keep-alive connections that were rejected.
    public synchronized int getCountRefusals() {
        return countRefusals;

     * Increments the number of keep-alive connections that were rejected.
    public synchronized void incrementCountRefusals() {

     * Gets the number of keep-alive connections that timed out.
     * @return Number of keep-alive connections that timed out.
    public synchronized int getCountTimeouts() {
        return countTimeouts;

     * Increments the number of keep-alive connections that timed out.
    public synchronized void incrementCountTimeouts() {

     * Sets the number of seconds before a keep-alive connection that has
     * been idle times out and is closed.
     * @param timeout Keep-alive timeout in number of seconds
    public void setSecondsTimeouts(int timeout) {
        secondsTimeouts = timeout;

     * Gets the number of seconds before a keep-alive connection that has
     * been idle times out and is closed.
     * @return Keep-alive timeout in number of seconds
    public int getSecondsTimeouts() {
        return secondsTimeouts;