VirtualServer.javaAPI DocGlassfish v2 API59241Wed Jul 25 17:58:04 BST 2007com.sun.enterprise.web

 * Copyright 1997-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of either the GNU
 * General Public License Version 2 only ("GPL") or the Common Development
 * and Distribution License("CDDL") (collectively, the "License").  You
 * may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain
 * a copy of the License at
 * or glassfish/bootstrap/legal/LICENSE.txt.  See the License for the specific
 * language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
 * When distributing the software, include this License Header Notice in each
 * file and include the License file at glassfish/bootstrap/legal/LICENSE.txt.
 * Sun designates this particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception
 * as provided by Sun in the GPL Version 2 section of the License file that
 * accompanied this code.  If applicable, add the following below the License
 * Header, with the fields enclosed by brackets [] replaced by your own
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package com.sun.enterprise.web;

import com.sun.enterprise.web.stats.PWCRequestStatsImpl;
import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ResourceBundle;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.Vector;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;

import org.apache.catalina.Container;
import org.apache.catalina.ContainerListener;
import org.apache.catalina.Context;
import org.apache.catalina.InstanceListener;
import org.apache.catalina.Lifecycle;
import org.apache.catalina.LifecycleException;
import org.apache.catalina.LifecycleListener;
import org.apache.catalina.Pipeline;
import org.apache.catalina.Valve;
import org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHost;
import org.apache.catalina.deploy.ErrorPage;
import org.apache.catalina.valves.RemoteAddrValve;
import org.apache.catalina.valves.RemoteHostValve;

import com.sun.enterprise.config.ConfigBean;
import com.sun.enterprise.config.ConfigException;
import com.sun.enterprise.config.ConfigContext;
import com.sun.enterprise.config.serverbeans.Applications;
import com.sun.enterprise.config.serverbeans.Domain;
import com.sun.enterprise.config.serverbeans.J2eeApplication;
import com.sun.enterprise.config.serverbeans.HttpProtocol;
import com.sun.enterprise.config.serverbeans.HttpService;
import com.sun.enterprise.config.serverbeans.Server;
import com.sun.enterprise.config.serverbeans.ApplicationRef;
import com.sun.enterprise.config.serverbeans.ElementProperty;
//import com.sun.enterprise.config.serverbeans.VirtualServerClass;
import com.sun.enterprise.config.serverbeans.WebModule;
import com.sun.enterprise.config.serverbeans.SecurityService;
import com.sun.enterprise.config.serverbeans.ServerBeansFactory;
import com.sun.enterprise.instance.InstanceEnvironment;
import com.sun.enterprise.instance.WebModulesManager;
import com.sun.enterprise.server.ApplicationServer;
import com.sun.enterprise.server.ApplicationRegistry;
import com.sun.enterprise.server.pluggable.WebContainerFeatureFactory;
import com.sun.enterprise.util.StringUtils;

import com.sun.enterprise.Switch;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.Application;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.WebBundleDescriptor;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.util.DOLLoadingContextFactory;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.backend.DeploymentUtils;
import com.sun.logging.LogDomains;
import com.sun.enterprise.config.serverbeans.ElementProperty;

 * Standard implementation of a virtual server (aka virtual host) in
 * the iPlanet Application Server.

public class VirtualServer extends StandardHost {

    public static final String ADMIN_VS = "__asadmin";

    static final String STATE = "state";
    static final String SSO_MAX_IDLE="sso-max-inactive-seconds";
    static final String SSO_REAP_INTERVAL="sso-reap-interval-seconds";
    static final String DISABLED = "disabled";
    static final String OFF = "off";
    static final String ON = "on";

    // ------------------------------------------------------------ Constructor

     * Default constructor that simply gets a handle to the web container 
     * subsystem's logger.
    public VirtualServer() {


        origPipeline = pipeline;
        vsPipeline = new VirtualServerPipeline(this);
        accessLogValve = new PEAccessLogValve();

        _debug = _logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE);

    // ----------------------------------------------------- Instance Variables

     * The custom pipeline of this VirtualServer, which implements the 
     * following virtual server features:
     * - state (disabled/off)
     * - redirects
    private VirtualServerPipeline vsPipeline;

     * The original (standard) pipeline of this VirtualServer.
     * Only one (custom or original) pipeline may be active at any given time.
     * Any updates (such as adding or removing valves) to the currently
     * active pipeline are propagated to the other.
    private Pipeline origPipeline;

     * The id of this virtual server as specified in the configuration.
    private String _id = null;

     * The logger to use for logging ALL web container related messages.
    protected static final Logger _logger
        = LogDomains.getLogger(LogDomains.WEB_LOGGER);

     * The resource bundle containing the message strings for _logger.
    protected static final ResourceBundle _rb = _logger.getResourceBundle();

     * Indicates whether the logger level is set to any one of 
     * This flag is used to avoid incurring a perf penalty by making
     * logging calls for debug messages when the logger level is
     * INFO or higher.
    protected boolean _debug = false;

     * The descriptive information about this implementation.
    private static final String _info =

     * The config bean associated with this VirtualServer
    private com.sun.enterprise.config.serverbeans.VirtualServer vsBean;

     * The mime mapping associated with this VirtualServer
    private MimeMap mimeMap;

     * Indicates whether symbolic links from this virtual server's docroot
     * are followed. This setting is inherited by all web modules deployed on
     * this virtual server, unless overridden by a web modules allowLinking
     * property in sun-web.xml.
    private boolean allowLinking = false;

     * default context.xml location
    private String defaultContextXmlLocation;

     * default-web.xml location 
    private String defaultWebXmlLocation;

    private String[] cacheControls;

    // Is this virtual server active?
    private boolean isActive;

     * The Stats holder used by this virtual-server.
    private PWCRequestStatsImpl pwcRequestStatsImpl;

    private String authRealmName;

     * The accesslog valve of this VirtualServer.
     * This valve is activated, that is, added to this virtual server's
     * pipeline, only when access logging has been enabled. When acess logging
     * has been disabled, this valve is removed from this virtual server's
     * pipeline.
    private PEAccessLogValve accessLogValve;

    // ------------------------------------------------------------- Properties

     * Return the virtual server identifier.
    public String getID() {
        return _id;

     * Set the virtual server identifier string.
     * @param id New identifier for this virtual server
    public void setID(String id) {
        _id = id;

     * @return true if this virtual server is active, false otherwise
    public boolean isActive() {
        return isActive;

     * Sets the state of this virtual server.
     * @param isActive true if this virtual server is active, false otherwise
    public void setIsActive(boolean isActive) {
        this.isActive = isActive;
        if (isActive) {
            if (pipeline == vsPipeline && !vsPipeline.hasRedirects()) {
                // Restore original pipeline

     * Gets the default-context.xml location of web modules deployed on this
     * virtual server.
     * @return default-context.xml location of web modules deployed on this
     * virtual server
    public String getDefaultContextXmlLocation() {
        return defaultContextXmlLocation;

     * Sets the default-context.xml location for web modules deployed on this
     * virtual server.
     * @param defaultWebXmlLocation default-context.xml location for web modules
     * deployed on this virtual server
    public void setDefaultContextXmlLocation(String defaultContextXmlLocation) {
        this.defaultContextXmlLocation = defaultContextXmlLocation;

     * Gets the default-web.xml location of web modules deployed on this
     * virtual server.
     * @return default-web.xml location of web modules deployed on this
     * virtual server
    public String getDefaultWebXmlLocation() {
        return defaultWebXmlLocation;

     * Sets the default-web.xml location for web modules deployed on this
     * virtual server.
     * @param defaultWebXmlLocation default-web.xml location for web modules
     * deployed on this virtual server
    public void setDefaultWebXmlLocation(String defaultWebXmlLocation) {
        this.defaultWebXmlLocation = defaultWebXmlLocation;

     * Gets the value of the allowLinking property of this virtual server.
     * @return true if symbolic links from this virtual server's docroot (as
     * well as symbolic links from archives of web modules deployed on this
     * virtual server) are followed, false otherwise
    public boolean getAllowLinking() {
        return allowLinking;

     * Sets the allowLinking property of this virtual server, which determines
     * whether symblic links from this virtual server's docroot are followed.
     * This property is inherited by all web modules deployed on this virtual
     * server, unless overridden by the allowLinking property in a web module's
     * sun-web.xml.
     * @param allowLinking Value of allowLinking property
    public void setAllowLinking(boolean allowLinking) {
        this.allowLinking = allowLinking;

     * Gets the config bean associated with this VirtualServer.
    public com.sun.enterprise.config.serverbeans.VirtualServer getBean(){
        return vsBean;

     * Sets the config bean for this VirtualServer
     public void setBean(com.sun.enterprise.config.serverbeans.VirtualServer vsBean){
        this.vsBean = vsBean;

     * Gets the mime map associated with this VirtualServer.
    public MimeMap getMimeMap(){
        return mimeMap;

     * Sets the mime map for this VirtualServer
    public void setMimeMap(MimeMap mimeMap){
        this.mimeMap = mimeMap;

     * Gets the Cache-Control configuration of this VirtualServer.
     * @return Cache-Control configuration of this VirtualServer, or null if
     * no such configuration exists for this VirtualServer
    public String[] getCacheControls() {
        return cacheControls;

     * Sets the Cache-Control configuration for this VirtualServer
     * @param cacheControls Cache-Control configuration settings for this
     * VirtualServer
    public void setCacheControls(String[] cacheControls) {
        this.cacheControls = cacheControls;

    // --------------------------------------------------------- Public Methods

     * Return descriptive information about this Container implementation and
     * the corresponding version number, in the format
     * <code><description>/<version></code>.
    public String getInfo() {
        return _info;

    // ------------------------------------------------------ Lifecycle Methods

     * Gracefully shut down active use of the public methods of this Component.
     * @exception IllegalStateException if this component has not been started
     * @exception LifecycleException if this component detects a fatal error
     *  that needs to be reported
    public synchronized void stop() throws LifecycleException {


        // Remove the descriptor bindings for all the web applications
        // in this virtual server
        Switch sw = Switch.getSwitch();
        Container children[] = findChildren();
        if (children != null) {
            for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {

     * Adds the given valve to the currently active pipeline, keeping the
     * valve that is not currently active in sync.
    public synchronized void addValve(Valve valve) {
        if (pipeline == vsPipeline) {
        } else {

     * Removes the given valve from the currently active pipeline, keeping the
     * valve that is not currently active in sync.
    public synchronized void removeValve(Valve valve) {
        if (pipeline == vsPipeline) {
        } else {

    // ------------------------------------------------------ Protected Methods

     * Return the list of enabled web-modules configured for this
     * virtual server.
     * @return     The list of WebModuleConfig objects for all enabled
     *             web-modules hosted under the specified virtual server.
    protected List getWebModules(Server serverBean, String modulesRoot) {

        List modules = new Vector();
        //ROB: config changes
        //Applications appsBean = serverBean.getApplications();
        Applications appsBean = null;
        try {
            appsBean = ServerBeansFactory.getApplicationsBean(serverBean.getConfigContext());
        } catch (ConfigException e) {
            String msg = _rb.getString("vs.appsConfigError");
            Object[] params = { getID() };
            msg = MessageFormat.format(msg, params);
            _logger.log(Level.SEVERE, msg, e);

        if (appsBean != null) {
            WebModule[] wmBeans = appsBean.getWebModule();
            if (wmBeans != null && wmBeans.length > 0) {
                for (int i = 0; i < wmBeans.length; i++) {
                    WebModule wm = wmBeans[i];
                    if (isActive(wm)) {                      
                        // skips if the web module is not referenced by 
                        // this server
                        ApplicationRef ref = 
                        if (ref == null) {

                        String location = wm.getLocation();
                        // If module root is relative then prefix it with the 
                        // location of where all the standalone modules for 
                        // this server instance are deployed
                        File moduleBase = new File(location);
                        if (!moduleBase.isAbsolute()) {
                            location = modulesRoot+File.separator+location;
                        WebModuleConfig wmInfo = loadWebModuleConfig(wm);
                        if (wmInfo != null)
                    } else {
                        if (_debug) {
                            _logger.finer("Web Module [" + wm.getName() + 
                                          "] is not applicable for virtual " +
                                          " server [" + getID() + "]");
        return modules;

     * Gets the context root of the web module that the user/configuration
     * has designated as the default-web-module for this virtual server.
     * The default-web-module for a virtual server is specified via the
     * 'default-web-module' attribute of the 'virtual-server' element in
     * server.xml. This is an optional attribute and if the configuration
     * does not specify another web module (standalone or part of a 
     * j2ee-application) that is configured at a context-root="", then
     * a default web module will be created and loaded. The value for this
     * attribute is either "${standalone-web-module-name}" or 
     * "${j2ee-app-name}:${web-module-uri}".
     * @return null if the default-web-module has not been specified or
     *              if the web module specified either could not be found or
     *              is disabled or does not specify this virtual server (if
     *              it specifies a value for the virtual-servers attribute) or
     *              if there was an error loading its deployment descriptors.
    protected String getDefaultContextPath(Server serverBean) {

        String contextRoot = null;
        Applications appsBean = null;

            appsBean = ServerBeansFactory.getApplicationsBean(
        } catch (ConfigException e) {
            String msg = _rb.getString("vs.appsConfigError");
            Object[] params = { getID() };
            msg = MessageFormat.format(msg, params);
            _logger.log(Level.SEVERE, msg, e);

        String wmID = getDefaultWebModuleID();
        if (wmID != null) {
            // Check if the default-web-module is part of a
            // j2ee-application
            WebModuleConfig wmInfo = findWebModuleInJ2eeApp(appsBean, wmID);

            // Look up the list of standalone web modules
            if (wmInfo == null) {
                WebModule wm = appsBean.getWebModuleByName(wmID);
                if (wm != null) {
                    if (isActive(wm, false)) {
                        // Create a copy as we need to change the name
                        // and context root to indicate that this web module
                        // is to be loaded as the 'default' web module for
                        // the virtual server
                        // WebModule wmCopy = (WebModule) wm.clone();
                        contextRoot = wm.getContextRoot();
                    } else {
                        Object[] params = { wmID, getID() };
                        _logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "vs.defaultWebModuleDisabled",
            } else {
                WebModule wm = wmInfo.getBean();
                contextRoot = wm.getContextRoot();

            if (contextRoot == null) {
                Object[] params = { wmID, getID() };
                _logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "vs.defaultWebModuleNotFound",

        return contextRoot;

     * If a default web module has not yet been configured and added to this
     * virtual server's list of web modules then return the configuration
     * information needed in order to create a default web module for this
     * virtual server.
     * This method should be invoked only after all the standalone modules
     * and the modules within j2ee-application elements have been added to
     * this virtual server's list of modules (only then will one know whether
     * the user has already configured a default web module or not).
    protected WebModuleConfig createSystemDefaultWebModuleIfNecessary() {

        WebModuleConfig wmInfo = null;
        // Add a default context only if one hasn't already been loaded
        // and then too only if docroot is not null
        String docroot = getAppBase();
        if (getDefaultWebModuleID() == null && (findChild("") == null)
                && (docroot != null)) {
            wmInfo = new WebModuleConfig();
            WebModule wm = new WebModule();
            WebBundleDescriptor wbd = wmInfo.getDescriptor();
            if ( wbd.getApplication() == null ) {
                Application application = new Application();

        return wmInfo;

     * Creates and returns an object that contains information about
     * the web module's configuration such as the information specified
     * in server.xml, the deployment descriptor objects etc.
     * @return null if an error occured while reading/parsing the 
     *              deployment descriptors.
    protected WebModuleConfig loadWebModuleConfig(WebModule wm) {

        WebModuleConfig wmInfo = new WebModuleConfig();
        String wmID = wm.getName();
        String location = wm.getLocation();
        try {
            WebModulesManager webModulesManager = new WebModulesManager(
	    Application app = webModulesManager.getDescriptor(wmID, location);	    
            WebBundleDescriptor wbd = (WebBundleDescriptor) app.getStandaloneBundleDescriptor();
        } catch (ConfigException ce) {
            wmInfo = null;
            String msg = _rb.getString("vs.moduleConfigError");
            Object[] params = { wmID, getID() };
            msg = MessageFormat.format(msg, params);
            _logger.log(Level.SEVERE, msg, ce);
        return wmInfo;

     * Determines whether the specified web module is "active" under this
     * virtual server.
    private boolean isActive(WebModule wm) {
        return isActive(wm, true);

     * Determines whether the specified web module is "active" under this
     * virtual server.
     * A web module is active if it meets ALL of the following conditions:
     *   - wm is not null
     *   - the enabled attribute of the web-module element is true
     * If matchVSID is true then the following additional condition must be
     * satisfied.
     *   - the virtual-servers attribute of the web-module element is either
     *     empty/not-specified or if specified then this virtual server's
     *     name/ID is one of the virtual servers specified in the list
     * @param wm        The bean containing the web module configuration
     *                  information as specified in server.xml
     * @param matchVSID This is set to false when testing to see if a
     *                  web module that has been configured to be the
     *                  default-web-module for a VS is active or not. In this
     *                  case the only test is to check if the web module
     *                  is enabled or not. When set to true, the virtual
     *                  server list is examined to ensure that the web
     *                  module has been configured to run on this virtual
     *                  server.
     * @return     <code>true</code> if all the criteria are satisfied and
     *             <code>false</code> otherwise.
    protected boolean isActive(WebModule wm, boolean matchVSID) {

        String vsID = getID();

        boolean active = ((vsID != null) && (vsID.length() > 0));
        active &= (wm != null);

        if (active) {
            // Check if the web module is enabled
            active &= wm.isEnabled();

            // Check if vsID is one of the virtual servers specified
            // in the list of virtual servers that the web module is to
            // be loaded on. If the virtual-servers attribute of the
            // <web-module> element is missing or empty then the implied
            // behaviour is that the web module is active on every virtual
            // server.
            String vsIDs = getVirtualServers(wm.getName());

            // fix for bug# 4913636
            // so that for PE if the vsList is null and the virtual server is
            // admin-vs then return false because we don't want to load user apps
            // on admin-vs
            if (getID().equals(ADMIN_VS) && matchVSID
                    && ((vsIDs == null) || (vsIDs.length() == 0 ))) {
                return false;

            if (matchVSID && (vsIDs != null) && (vsIDs.length() > 0)) {
                List vsList = StringUtils.parseStringList(vsIDs, " ,");
                if (vsList != null)
                    active &= vsList.contains(vsID.trim());
                    active &= true;
            } else
                active &= true;
        return active;

     * Returns the id of the default web module for this virtual server
     * as specified in the 'default-web-module' attribute of the 
     * 'virtual-server' element.
     * This is an optional attribute.
    protected String getDefaultWebModuleID() {
        String wmID = null;
        if (vsBean != null) {
            wmID = vsBean.getDefaultWebModule();
            if (wmID != null && _debug) {
                Object[] params = { wmID, _id };
                _logger.log(Level.FINE, "vs.defaultWebModule", params);
        } else {
            _logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "vs.configError", _id);

        return wmID;

     * Finds and returns information about a web module embedded within a
     * J2EE application, which is identified by a string of the form
     * <code>a:b</code> or <code>a#b</code>, where <code>a</code> is the name
     * of the J2EE application and <code>b</code> is the name of the embedded
     * web module.
     * @return null if <code>id</code> does not identify a web module embedded
     * within a J2EE application.
    protected WebModuleConfig findWebModuleInJ2eeApp(Applications appsBean,
                                                   String id) {
        WebModuleConfig wmInfo = null;

        int length = id.length();
        // Check for ':' separator
        int separatorIndex = id.indexOf(Constants.NAME_SEPARATOR);
        if (separatorIndex == -1) {
            // Check for '#' separator
            separatorIndex = id.indexOf('#');
        if (separatorIndex != -1) {
            String appID = id.substring(0, separatorIndex);
            String moduleID = id.substring(separatorIndex + 1);
            J2eeApplication j2eeApp = appsBean.getJ2eeApplicationByName(appID);
            if ((j2eeApp != null) && j2eeApp.isEnabled()) {
                String location = j2eeApp.getLocation();
                String moduleDir = 
                        location, moduleID);
                ApplicationRegistry registry =
                ClassLoader appLoader =
                if (appLoader != null) {
                    Application appDesc = registry.getApplication(appLoader);
                    if (appDesc != null) {
                        Set wbds = appDesc.getWebBundleDescriptors();
                        WebBundleDescriptor wbd = null;
                        for (Iterator itr = wbds.iterator(); itr.hasNext(); ) {
                            wbd = (WebBundleDescriptor);
                            String webUri = wbd.getModuleDescriptor().getArchiveUri();
                            if (moduleID.equals(webUri)) {
                                StringBuffer dir = new StringBuffer(location);
                                WebModule wm = new WebModule();
                                String vsList = getVirtualServers(j2eeApp.getName());
                                wmInfo = new WebModuleConfig();
            } else {
                Object[] params = { id, getID() };
                _logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "vs.defaultWebModuleDisabled",
        return wmInfo;
     * Virtual servers are maintained in the reference contained 
     * in Server element. First, we need to find the server
     * and then get the virtual server from the correct reference
     * @param appName Name of the app to get vs
     * @return virtual servers as a string (separated by space or comma)
    private String getVirtualServers(String appName) {
        String ret = null;
        try {
            ConfigContext ctx = 
            ret = ServerBeansFactory
                    .getVirtualServersByAppName(ctx, appName);
        } catch (ConfigException ce) {
            _logger.log(Level.FINE, "Cannot get virtual server for " + appName, ce);
        return ret;
     * Delete all aliases.
    public void clearAliases(){
        aliases = new String[0];

    private void setIsDisabled(boolean isDisabled) {
        if (isDisabled && pipeline != vsPipeline) {
            // Enable custom pipeline

    private void setIsOff(boolean isOff) {
        if (isOff && pipeline != vsPipeline) {
            // Enable custom pipeline

     * @return The properties of this virtual server, or null
    ElementProperty[] getProperties() {
        if (vsBean != null) {
            return vsBean.getElementProperty();
        } else {
            return null;

     * Set the Stat holder.
    public void setPWCRequestStatsImpl(PWCRequestStatsImpl pwcRequestStatsImpl){
        this.pwcRequestStatsImpl = pwcRequestStatsImpl;

     * Get the Stat holder.
    public PWCRequestStatsImpl getPWCRequestStatsImpl(){
        return pwcRequestStatsImpl;

     * Configures the valve_ and listener_ properties of this VirtualServer.
    protected void configureCatalinaProperties(){

        ElementProperty[] props = vsBean.getElementProperty();
        if (props == null) {

        for (int i=0; i<props.length; i++) {

            String propName = props[i].getName();
            String propValue = props[i].getValue();
            if (propName == null || propValue == null) {

            if (propName.startsWith("valve_")) {
            } else if (propName.startsWith("listener_")) {
            } else if (propName.equals("securePagesWithPragma")){

     * Configure virtual-server alias attribute.
    void configureAliases() {

        // Add each host name from the 'hosts' attribute as an alias
        List hosts = StringUtils.parseStringList(vsBean.getHosts(), ",");
        for (int i=0; i < hosts.size(); i++ ){
            String alias = hosts.get(i).toString();
            if ( !alias.equalsIgnoreCase("localhost.localdomain")){

     * Configures this virtual server with its authentication realm.
     * Checks if this virtual server specifies any authRealm property, and
     * if so, ensures that its value identifies a valid realm.
     * @param securityService The security-service element from domain.xml
    void configureAuthRealm(SecurityService securityService) {
        ElementProperty prop = vsBean.getElementPropertyByName("authRealm");
        if (prop != null && prop.getValue() != null) {
            if (securityService.getAuthRealmByName(prop.getValue()) != null) {
                authRealmName = prop.getValue();
            } else {
                _logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "vs.invalidAuthRealm",
                            new Object[] { getID(), prop.getValue() });

     * Gets the value of the authRealm property of this virtual server.
     * @return The value of the authRealm property of this virtual server,
     * or null of this virtual server does not have any such property
    String getAuthRealmName() {
        return authRealmName;

     * Adds the <code>Valve</code> with the given class name to this
     * VirtualServer.
     * @param valveName The valve's fully qualified class name
    protected void addValve(String valveName) {
        Valve valve = (Valve)loadInstance(valveName);  
        if (valve == null) return;
     * Adds the Catalina listener with the given class name to this
     * VirtualServer.
     * @param listenerName The fully qualified class name of the listener. 
    protected void addListener(String listenerName) {
        Object listener = loadInstance(listenerName);
        if ( listener == null ) return;

        if (listener instanceof ContainerListener) {
        } else if (listener instanceof LifecycleListener){
        } else {
                    + listenerName);
    private Object loadInstance(String className){
            Class clazz = Class.forName(className);
            return clazz.newInstance();
        } catch (Throwable ex){
        return null;

     * Configures this VirtualServer with its send-error properties.
    void configureErrorPage() {

        ErrorPage errorPage = null;

        if (vsBean == null) {

        ElementProperty[] props = vsBean.getElementProperty();
        if (props == null) {

        for (int i=0; i<props.length; i++) {

            String propName = props[i].getName();
            String propValue = props[i].getValue();
            if (propName == null || propValue == null) {

            if (!propName.startsWith("send-error_")) {

             * Validate the prop value
            String path = null;
            String reason = null;
            String status = null;

            String[] errorParams = propValue.split(" ");
            for (int j=0; j<errorParams.length; j++) {

                if (errorParams[j].startsWith("path=")) {
                    if (path != null) {
                                    new Object[] { propValue, "path" });
                    path = errorParams[j].substring("path=".length());

                if (errorParams[j].startsWith("reason=")) {
                    if (reason != null) {
                                    new Object[] { propValue, "reason" });
                    reason = errorParams[j].substring("reason=".length());

                if (errorParams[j].startsWith("code=")) {
                    if (status != null) {
                                    new Object[] { propValue, "code" });
                    status = errorParams[j].substring("code=".length());

            if (path == null || path.length() == 0) {

            errorPage = new ErrorPage();



     * Configures this VirtualServer with its redirect properties.
    void configureRedirect() {


        if (vsBean == null) {

        ElementProperty[] props = vsBean.getElementProperty();
        if (props == null) {

        for (int i=0; i<props.length; i++) {

            String propName = props[i].getName();
            String propValue = props[i].getValue();
            if (propName == null || propValue == null) {

            if (!propName.startsWith("redirect_")) {

             * Validate the prop value
            String from = null;
            String url = null;
            String urlPrefix = null;
            String escape = null;

            String[] redirectParams = propValue.split(" ");
            for (int j=0; j<redirectParams.length; j++) {

                if (redirectParams[j].startsWith("from=")) {
                    if (from != null) {
                                    new Object[] { propValue, "from" });
                    from = redirectParams[j].substring("from=".length());

                if (redirectParams[j].startsWith("url=")) {
                    if (url != null) {
                                    new Object[] { propValue, "url" });
                    url = redirectParams[j].substring("url=".length());

                if (redirectParams[j].startsWith("url-prefix=")) {
                    if (urlPrefix != null) {
                                    new Object[] { propValue, "url-prefix" });
                    urlPrefix = redirectParams[j].substring(

                if (redirectParams[j].startsWith("escape=")) {
                    if (escape != null) {
                                    new Object[] { propValue, "escape" });
                    escape = redirectParams[j].substring("escape=".length());

            if (from == null || from.length() == 0) {

            // Either url or url-prefix (but not both!) must be present
            if ((url == null || url.length() == 0)
                    && (urlPrefix == null || urlPrefix.length() == 0)) {
            if (url != null && url.length() > 0
                    && urlPrefix != null && urlPrefix.length() > 0) {

            boolean escapeURI = true;
            if (escape != null) {
                if ("yes".equalsIgnoreCase(escape)) {
                    escapeURI = true;
                } else if ("no".equalsIgnoreCase(escape)) {
                    escapeURI = false;
                } else {

            vsPipeline.addRedirect(from, url, urlPrefix, escapeURI);

        if (vsPipeline.hasRedirects()) {
            if (pipeline != vsPipeline) {
                // Enable custom pipeline
        } else if (isActive && pipeline != origPipeline) {

     * Configures the SSO valve of this VirtualServer.
    void configureSSOValve(
            boolean globalSSOEnabled,
            WebContainerFeatureFactory webContainerFeatureFactory) {

        if (vsBean == null) {

        if (!isSSOEnabled(globalSSOEnabled)) {
             * Disable SSO
            Object[] params = {  getID() };
            _logger.log(Level.INFO, "webcontainer.ssodisabled", params);

            // Remove existing SSO valve (if any)
            Valve[] valves = getValves();
            for (int i=0; valves!=null && i<valves.length; i++) {
                if (valves[i] instanceof SingleSignOn) {

        } else {
             * Enable SSO
            try {
                SSOFactory ssoFactory = webContainerFeatureFactory.getSSOFactory();
                //SingleSignOn sso = ssoFactory.createSingleSignOnValve();
                String vsName = this.getName();
                SingleSignOn sso = ssoFactory.createSingleSignOnValve(vsName);
                // set max idle time if given
                ElementProperty idle =
                if (idle != null && idle.getValue() != null) {
                    _logger.fine("SSO entry max idle time set to: " +
                    int i = Integer.parseInt(idle.getValue());

                // set expirer thread sleep time if given
                ElementProperty expireTime =
                if (expireTime !=null && expireTime.getValue() != null) {
                    _logger.fine("SSO expire thread interval set to : " +
                    int i = Integer.parseInt(expireTime.getValue());

                // Remove existing SSO valve (if any), in case of a reconfig
                Valve[] valves = getValves();
                for (int i=0; valves!=null && i<valves.length; i++) {
                    if (valves[i] instanceof SingleSignOn) {


            } catch (Exception e) {
                _logger.log(Level.WARNING, "webcontainer.ssobadconfig", e);
                _logger.log(Level.WARNING, "webcontainer.ssodisabled",

     * Configures this VirtualServer with its state (on | off | disabled).
    void configureVirtualServerState(){

        String stateValue = ON;
        if (vsBean != null){
            stateValue = vsBean.getState();

        if ( ( !stateValue.equalsIgnoreCase(ON) )
            && (getName().equalsIgnoreCase(ADMIN_VS) ) ){
            throw new java.lang.IllegalArgumentException(
                "virtual-server " 
                + ADMIN_VS + " state property cannot be modified");
        if ( stateValue.equalsIgnoreCase(DISABLED) ) {
            // state="disabled"
        } else if ( !ConfigBean.toBoolean( stateValue ) ) {
            // state="off"
        } else {

     * Configures the Remote Address Filter valve of this VirtualServer.
     * This valve enforces request accpetance/denial based on the string
     * representation of the remote client's IP address.
    void configureRemoteAddressFilterValve() {

        RemoteAddrValve remoteAddrValve = null;

        if (vsBean == null) {

        ElementProperty allow = vsBean.getElementPropertyByName(
        ElementProperty deny = vsBean.getElementPropertyByName(
        if ((allow != null && allow.getValue() != null)
                || (deny != null && deny.getValue() != null))  {
            remoteAddrValve = new RemoteAddrValve();

        if (allow != null && allow.getValue() != null) {
            _logger.fine("Allowing access to " + getID()+ " from " +

        if (deny != null && deny.getValue() != null) {
            _logger.fine("Denying access to " + getID()+ " from " +

        if (remoteAddrValve != null) {
            // Remove existing RemoteAddrValve (if any), in case of a reconfig
            Valve[] valves = getValves();
            for (int i=0; valves!=null && i<valves.length; i++) {
                if (valves[i] instanceof RemoteAddrValve) {

     * Configures the Remote Host Filter valve of this VirtualServer.
     * This valve enforces request acceptance/denial based on the name of the
     * remote host from where the request originated.
    void configureRemoteHostFilterValve(HttpProtocol httpProtocol) {

        RemoteHostValve remoteHostValve = null;

        if (vsBean == null) {

        ElementProperty allow = vsBean.getElementPropertyByName(
        ElementProperty deny = vsBean.getElementPropertyByName(
        if ((allow != null && allow.getValue() != null)
                || (deny != null && deny.getValue() != null))  {
            remoteHostValve = new RemoteHostValve();

        if (allow != null && allow.getValue() != null) {
            _logger.fine("Allowing access to " + getID()+ " from " +
            if (httpProtocol == null || !httpProtocol.isDnsLookupEnabled()) {

        if (deny != null && deny.getValue() != null) {
            _logger.fine("Denying access to " + getID()+ " from " +
            if (httpProtocol == null || !httpProtocol.isDnsLookupEnabled()) {

        if (remoteHostValve != null) {
            // Remove existing RemoteHostValve (if any), in case of a reconfig
            Valve[] valves = getValves();
            for (int i=0; valves!=null && i<valves.length; i++) {
                if (valves[i] instanceof RemoteHostValve) {

     * Reconfigures the access log of this VirtualServer with its
     * updated access log related properties.
    void reconfigureAccessLog(String globalAccessLogBufferSize,
                              String globalAccessLogWriteInterval,
                              InstanceEnvironment instance,
                              Domain domain,
                              boolean globalAccessLoggingEnabled) {
        try {
            if (accessLogValve.isStarted()) {
            boolean start = accessLogValve.updateVirtualServerProperties(
                vsBean.getId(), vsBean, domain, instance,
                globalAccessLogBufferSize, globalAccessLogWriteInterval);
            if (start && isAccessLoggingEnabled(globalAccessLoggingEnabled)) {
            } else {
        } catch (LifecycleException le) {

     * Reconfigures the access log of this VirtualServer with the
     * updated attributes of the access-log element from domain.xml.
    void reconfigureAccessLog(
            HttpService httpService,
            WebContainerFeatureFactory webcontainerFeatureFactory) {

        try {
            boolean restart = false;
            if (accessLogValve.isStarted()) {
                restart = true;
            if (restart) {
        } catch (LifecycleException le) {

     * @return the accesslog valve of this virtual server
    PEAccessLogValve getAccessLogValve() {
        return accessLogValve;

     * Enables access logging for this virtual server, by adding its
     * accesslog valve to its pipeline, or starting its accesslog valve
     * if it is already present in the pipeline.
    void enableAccessLogging() {
        if (!isAccessLogValveActivated()) {
        } else {
            try {
                if (accessLogValve.isStarted()) {
            } catch (LifecycleException le) {

     * Disables access logging for this virtual server, by removing its
     * accesslog valve from its pipeline.
    void disableAccessLogging() {

     * @return true if the accesslog valve of this virtual server has been
     * activated, that is, added to this virtual server's pipeline; false
     * otherwise
    private boolean isAccessLogValveActivated() {

        Pipeline p = getPipeline();
        if (p != null) {
            Valve[] valves = p.getValves();
            if (valves != null) {
                for (int i=0; i<valves.length; i++) {
                    if (valves[i] instanceof PEAccessLogValve) {
                        return true;

        return false;

     * Configures the cache control of this VirtualServer
    void configureCacheControl(String cacheControl){       
        if (cacheControl != null) {
            List values = StringUtils.parseStringList(cacheControl,
            if (values != null && !values.isEmpty()) {
                String[] cacheControls = new String[values.size()];
                setCacheControls((String[]) values.toArray(cacheControls));

     * Checks if SSO is enabled for this VirtualServer.
     * @return The value of the sso-enabled property for this VirtualServer
    private boolean isSSOEnabled(boolean globalSSOEnabled)
        ElementProperty ssoProperty  = 

        if (ssoProperty == null || ssoProperty.getValue() == null) {
            return globalSSOEnabled;
        } else {
            return ConfigBean.toBoolean(ssoProperty.getValue());

     * Determines whether access logging is enabled for this virtual server.
     * @param globalAccessLoggingEnabled The value of the 
     * accessLoggingEnabled property of the http-service element
     * @return true if access logging is enabled for this virtual server,
     * false otherwise.
    boolean isAccessLoggingEnabled(boolean globalAccessLoggingEnabled) {
        ElementProperty prop  = 

        if (prop == null || prop.getValue() == null) {
            return globalAccessLoggingEnabled;
        } else {
            return ConfigBean.toBoolean(prop.getValue());

     * Starts the children (web contexts) of this virtual server
     * concurrently.
    protected void startChildren() {

        ArrayList<LifecycleStarter> starters
            = new ArrayList<LifecycleStarter>();

        Container children[] = findChildren();
        for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
            if (children[i] instanceof Lifecycle) {
                LifecycleStarter starter =
                    new LifecycleStarter(((Lifecycle) children[i]));

        for (LifecycleStarter starter : starters) {
            Throwable t = starter.waitDone();
            if (t != null) {
                Lifecycle container = starter.getContainer();
                ((Context) container).setAvailable(false);
                String msg = _rb.getString("vs.startContextError");
                msg = MessageFormat.format(msg,
                                           new Object[] { container,
                                                          getID() });
                _logger.log(Level.SEVERE, msg, t);