KeyguardUpdateMonitorCallback.javaAPI DocAndroid 5.1 API5831Thu Mar 12 22:22:42 GMT


public class KeyguardUpdateMonitorCallback extends Object
Callback for general information relevant to lock screen.

Fields Summary
private static final long
private long
private boolean
Constructors Summary
Methods Summary
public voidonBootCompleted()
Called when boot completed. Note, this callback will only be received if boot complete occurs after registering with KeyguardUpdateMonitor.

public voidonClockVisibilityChanged()
Called when visibility of lockscreen clock changes, such as when obscured by a widget.

public voidonDevicePolicyManagerStateChanged()
Called when the device policy changes. See {@link DevicePolicyManager#ACTION_DEVICE_POLICY_MANAGER_STATE_CHANGED}

public voidonDeviceProvisioned()
Called when the device becomes provisioned

public voidonEmergencyCallAction()
Called when the emergency call button is pressed.

public voidonFaceUnlockStateChanged(boolean running, int userId)
Called when the state of face unlock changed.

public voidonFingerprintAcquired(int info)
Called when fingerprint is acquired but not yet recognized

public voidonFingerprintRecognized(int userId)
Called when a fingerprint is recognized.


public voidonKeyguardBouncerChanged(boolean bouncer)
Called when the keyguard enters or leaves bouncer mode.

bouncer if true, keyguard is now in bouncer mode.

public voidonKeyguardVisibilityChanged(boolean showing)
Called when the visibility of the keyguard changes.

showing Indicates if the keyguard is now visible.

public voidonKeyguardVisibilityChangedRaw(boolean showing)

        final long now = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();
        if (showing == mShowing
                && (now - mVisibilityChangedCalled) < VISIBILITY_CHANGED_COLLAPSE_MS) return;
        mVisibilityChangedCalled = now;
        mShowing = showing;
public voidonPhoneStateChanged(int phoneState)
Called when the phone state changes. String will be one of: {@link TelephonyManager#EXTRA_STATE_IDLE} {@link TelephonyManager@EXTRA_STATE_RINGING} {@link TelephonyManager#EXTRA_STATE_OFFHOOK

public voidonRefreshBatteryInfo(KeyguardUpdateMonitor.BatteryStatus status)
Called when the battery status changes, e.g. when plugged in or unplugged, charge level, etc. changes.

status current battery status

public voidonRefreshCarrierInfo()
Called when the carrier PLMN or SPN changes.

public voidonRingerModeChanged(int state)
Called when the ringer mode changes.

state the current ringer state, as defined in {@link AudioManager#RINGER_MODE_CHANGED_ACTION}

public voidonScreenTurnedOff(int why)
Called when the screen turns off

why either {@link WindowManagerPolicy#OFF_BECAUSE_OF_ADMIN}, {@link WindowManagerPolicy#OFF_BECAUSE_OF_USER}, or {@link WindowManagerPolicy#OFF_BECAUSE_OF_TIMEOUT}.

public voidonScreenTurnedOn()
Called when the screen turns on

public voidonSetBackground( bitmap)
Called when the transport background changes.


public voidonSimStateChanged(int subId, int slotId, IccCardConstants.State simState)
Called when the SIM state changes.


public voidonTimeChanged()
Called once per minute or when the time changes.

public voidonTrustChanged(int userId)
Called when trust changes for a user.

public voidonTrustInitiatedByUser(int userId)
Called when the user has proved to a trust agent that they want to use the device.

public voidonTrustManagedChanged(int userId)
Called when trust being managed changes for a user.

public voidonUserInfoChanged(int userId)
Called when the user's info changed.

public voidonUserRemoved(int userId)
Called when a user is removed.

public voidonUserSwitchComplete(int userId)
Called when the user change is complete.

public voidonUserSwitching(int userId)
Called when the user change begins.